921 resultados para Hospital medical materials
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Statement of the problem and public health significance. Hospitals were designed to be a safe haven and respite from disease and illness. However, a large body of evidence points to preventable errors in hospitals as the eighth leading cause of death among Americans. Twelve percent of Americans, or over 33.8 million people, are hospitalized each year. This population represents a significant portion of at risk citizens exposed to hospital medical errors. Since the number of annual deaths due to hospital medical errors is estimated to exceed 44,000, the magnitude of this tragedy makes it a significant public health problem. ^ Specific aims. The specific aims of this study were threefold. First, this study aimed to analyze the state of the states' mandatory hospital medical error reporting six years after the release of the influential IOM report, "To Err is Human." The second aim was to identify barriers to reporting of medical errors by hospital personnel. The third aim was to identify hospital safety measures implemented to reduce medical errors and enhance patient safety. ^ Methods. A descriptive, longitudinal, retrospective design was used to address the first stated objective. The study data came from the twenty-one states with mandatory hospital reporting programs which report aggregate hospital error data that is accessible to the public by way of states' websites. The data analysis included calculations of expected number of medical errors for each state according to IOM rates. Where possible, a comparison was made between state reported data and the calculated IOM expected number of errors. A literature review was performed to achieve the second study aim, identifying barriers to reporting medical errors. The final aim was accomplished by telephone interviews of principal patient safety/quality officers from five Texas hospitals with more than 700 beds. ^ Results. The state medical error data suggests vast underreporting of hospital medical errors to the states. The telephone interviews suggest that hospitals are working at reducing medical errors and creating safer environments for patients. The literature review suggests the underreporting of medical errors at the state level stems from underreporting of errors at the delivery level. ^
A comparison of medicines management documents in use by NHS organisations in the West Midlands confirms that there are important differences between the primary care and hospital sectors in respect to medicines management interface issues. Of these, two aspects important to paediatric patients have been studied. These are the transfer of information as a patient is admitted to hospital, and access to long-term medicines for home-patients. National guidance provided by NICE requires medication reconciliation to be undertaken on admission to hospital for adults. A study of paediatric admissions, reported in this thesis, demonstrates that the clinical importance of this process is at least as important for children as for adults, and challenges current UK guidance. The transfer of essential medication information on hospital admission is central to the medication reconciliation process. Two surveys of PCTs in 2007 and again in 2009 demonstrate that very few PCTs provide guidance to GPs to support this process. Provision of guidance is increasing slowly but remains the exception. The provision of long-term medicines for children at home is hindered by this patient population often needing unlicensed drugs. Further studies demonstrate that primary care processes regularly fail to maintain access to essential drugs and patients and their carers frequently turn to hospitals for help. Surveys of hospital medical staff (single site) and hospital nurses (six UK sites) demonstrates the activity these healthcare workers perform to help children get the medicines they need. A similar survey of why carers turn to a hospital pharmacy department for urgent supplies (usually termed rescue-medicines) adds to the understanding of these problems and supports identifying service changes. A large survey of community pharmacies demonstrates the difficulties they have when dispensing hospital prescriptions and identifies practical solutions. This programme concludes by recommending service changes to support medication management for children.
Background: Tracheostomy was first observed in Egyptian drawings in 3600 BC and performed frequently during the 1800’s diphtheria epidemic. Objectives: The aim of this study was to elucidate the indications, complications, mortality rate, and the effect of pediatric tracheostomy on length of PICU or hospital stay. Materials and Methods: Demographic characteristics, diagnosis at admission, duration of ventilation of 152 patients were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The most common tracheostomy indication was prolonged intubation. The mean duration of mechanical ventilation before tracheostomy was 23.8 days. Forty five percent of the tracheostomy procedures were performed at bedside. Neither the place nor the age had any effect on the development of complications (P = 0.701, P = 0.622). The procedure enabled 62% of the patients to be discharged from hospital. Conclusions: Tracheostomy facilitates discharge and weaning of mechanical ventilation. Although the timing of tracheostomy has to be determined for each individual patient, three weeks of ventilation seems to be a suitable period for tracheostomy. Tracheostomy can be performed at bedside safely but patient selection should be made carefully.
TITULO DEL TRABAJO: Evaluación de las causas de los eventos adversos o incidentes que afectan la seguridad del paciente, en el hospital central de la policía de enero 2012 a diciembre 2013. OBJETIVO: Determinar y analizar la causa raíz de los principales factores de riesgo que afectan la seguridad del paciente que puedan ocasionar eventos adversos en la atención de los pacientes, con el uso de la teoría de restricciones TOC en el Hospital Central de la Policía HOCEN. MATERIALES Y METODO: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva de naturaleza mixta – cuantitativa de tipo correlacional, la población es la totalidad de pacientes atendidos en el hospital de la policía entre enero de 2012 a diciembre de 2013, en el cual se presentaron un total de 189 eventos adversos los cuales sirvieron de objeto a esta investigación, la recolección de datos se realizó por medio de tablas de Excel 2010, posterior a esto se exporto la información al software de IBM SPSS Statistics 19 donde se analiza la información arrojando datos descriptivos y tablas de frecuencia. Finalmente haciendo uso de la Teoría de restricciones TOC se identificó la causa raíz para la ocurrencia de eventos adversos y plantear una intervención estratégica que promueva un sistema efectivo de seguridad del paciente en pro de la búsqueda de la mejora continua. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 189 eventos adversos, de los cuales 89 fueron reportados en el turno de la noche, seguido por el turno de la mañana con 57, el turno tarde con 27, 28 eventos que no registraron horario, el servicio con mayor ocurrencia es el de medicina interna con 25 eventos, y finalmente la caída de pacientes, lo relacionado con medicamentos, nutriciones y accesos vasculares son los eventos con mayor incidencia. CONCLUSIONES: Se pudo concluir que es necesario que los procesos de seguridad del paciente deben tener un lineamiento directo desde la dirección de la organización permitiendo que las mejoras sean de inmediata aplicación, también es importante generar en el personal una actitud de compromiso frente al proceso de mejora, hay que redefinir las políticas institucionales ya que se concluyó por medio de la teoría de restricciones TOC que el principal factor para la ocurrencia de eventos adversos son las multitareas que el personal tiene que realizar en el proceso de atención.
Objective: To develop a model to predict the bleeding source and identify the cohort amongst patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) who require urgent intervention, including endoscopy. Patients with acute GIB, an unpredictable event, are most commonly evaluated and managed by non-gastroenterologists. Rapid and consistently reliable risk stratification of patients with acute GIB for urgent endoscopy may potentially improve outcomes amongst such patients by targeting scarce health-care resources to those who need it the most. Design and methods: Using ICD-9 codes for acute GIB, 189 patients with acute GIB and all. available data variables required to develop and test models were identified from a hospital medical records database. Data on 122 patients was utilized for development of the model and on 67 patients utilized to perform comparative analysis of the models. Clinical data such as presenting signs and symptoms, demographic data, presence of co-morbidities, laboratory data and corresponding endoscopic diagnosis and outcomes were collected. Clinical data and endoscopic diagnosis collected for each patient was utilized to retrospectively ascertain optimal management for each patient. Clinical presentations and corresponding treatment was utilized as training examples. Eight mathematical models including artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor, linear discriminant analysis (LDA), shrunken centroid (SC), random forest (RF), logistic regression, and boosting were trained and tested. The performance of these models was compared using standard statistical analysis and ROC curves. Results: Overall the random forest model best predicted the source, need for resuscitation, and disposition with accuracies of approximately 80% or higher (accuracy for endoscopy was greater than 75%). The area under ROC curve for RF was greater than 0.85, indicating excellent performance by the random forest model Conclusion: While most mathematical models are effective as a decision support system for evaluation and management of patients with acute GIB, in our testing, the RF model consistently demonstrated the best performance. Amongst patients presenting with acute GIB, mathematical models may facilitate the identification of the source of GIB, need for intervention and allow optimization of care and healthcare resource allocation; these however require further validation. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose To determine the relationship between ocular hypertension and glaucoma in patients with Graves` orbitopathy. Methods A total of 107 patients with a diagnosis of Graves` orbitopathy, followed at the Oculoplasty sector of the University Hospital, Medical School of Ribeirao Preto, were evaluated by applanation tonometry, computed visual campimetry (Humphrey 30-2, Full Threshold) and analysis and photographic documentation of the optic nerve. The patients considered to have the suspicion of glaucoma were re-evaluated 1 year later for diagnostic confirmation or exclusion. Results A 3.74% prevalence of ocular hypertension (four patients) and a 2.8% prevalence of glaucoma (three patients) was observed. When considering only patients older than 40 years, the prevalence of ocular hypertension was 5.4% (four patients) and the prevalence of glaucoma was 4.76% (three patients). Conclusion The present study did not reveal a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of ocular hypertension or glaucoma between patients with Graves` orbitopathy and the general population.
Resumo: O estudo das vias de acesso à consulta de Psiquiatria permite identificar os parceiros mais importantes no acesso dos utentes aos serviços psiquiátricos. O modelo de Goldberg-Huxley considera que o acesso às consultas de Psiquiatria se faz principalmente através dos cuidados de saúde primários. Material e Métodos: Para estudar as vias de acesso aos cuidados psiquiátricos utilizamos a Encounter Form, questionário desenvolvido por Gater. Foi também avaliada a classe social dos utentes utilizando a Escala de Graffar. Este inquérito foi passado na Consulta de Psiquiatria de Sintra a utentes de primeira consulta. A amostra estudada foi de 93 utentes. O objectivo do estudo foi conhecer a trajectória do utente desde que teve necessidade de ser consultado até chegar à consulta de Psiquiatria, os sintomas que determinaram a decisão de procurar ajuda e a influência da classe social no tempo de percurso. Resultados: Observa-se que os utentes passam pela Medicina Geral e Familiar em 71 % dos casos, pela Urgência Psiquiátrica em 16,1 % dos casos, pela Medicina Especializada Hospitalar em 10,7 % dos casos e pela Urgência Geral em 1,1 % dos casos. Na escala de Graffar a classe social prevalente é a média (Classe III). O tempo de percurso foi maior que em estudo similar realizado em 1991. A classe Social III foi a que teve tempo de percurso maior. Conclusões: O estudo conclui que o acesso a esta consulta de Psiquiatria se faz principalmente através da Medicina Geral e Familiar. O tempo de percurso é maior que o desejável por falta de recursos humanos.------- ABSTRACT: Introduction: The study of the Pathways to Psychiatric Care identifies the most important partners in accessing psychiatric services. The Goldberg- Huxley model believes that access to Psychiatric consultation is done preferably through the primary health care. Material and Methods: This survey included 93 first-time users of the Psychiatric Consultation of Sintra. The aim was to study the trajectory of the user since he had felt a need to be consulted until the consultation of Psychiatry, the symptoms that led to the decision to seek help and influence of social class in time spent in pathways. This study used the Encounter Form, a questionnaire developed by Gater. Social class of users was also assessed using the Scale of Graffar. Results: We observed that users have contact with General Practitionaires in 71% of cases, the Psychiatric Urgency in 16.1% of cases, the Hospital Medical Specialist in 10.7% of cases and the General Urgency in 1,1% of cases. On the Graffar scale middle class (Class III) was the most prevalent. The travel time spend in pathways was reater than that obtained in a similar study carried out in 1991. Social Class III group had a greater time spent on pathways. Conclusions: The study concludes that access to this Psychiatric consultation is principally through general practice. The time spent in pathways is greater than desirable due to lack of resources.
This study described the demographic and medical characteristics of a population of patients with HIV/AIDS attending the department of Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) at a major Dublin hospital. The study population's utilisation of statutory and voluntary medical and social services at primary care level, satisfaction with services received and perceived need for services examined. The information obtained was used to make recommendations concerning the provision of care to patients with HIV/AIDS. The study was carried out between February and November 1994. Data was collected from a consecutive sample of eighty inpatients using n interviewer-administered questionnaire which contained both closed and open questions. The first forty patients interviewed were reviewed six months following the initial interview to document changes in physical condition and uptake of medical services over that time period. Data for the second part of the study was obtained by review of the patients' medical case notes and interview with the individual hospital medical social worker assigned to each patient. Over ninety percent of respondents were from the Greater Dublin Area. Almost three quarters were intravenous drug users (IVDUs), and the majority of these patients came from south inner city Dublin. The methodology was biased towards sampling patients with advanced disease and 73% had CDC Stage 4 disease. Twenty percent required some assistance with the activities of daily living when first interviewed. Most were reliant on informal carers. Social and physical dependency increased substantially over the six month period of the follow-up study of forty patients. Financial difficulties were identified as a particular area of need. Only ten percent of those interviewed were in current employment and over 80% were dependent on statutory payments. There is a need for greater co-ordination between the providers of services to patients HIV/AIDS and an improved system of data collection regarding patients' uptake of services and unmet needs is required to assist in future service planning.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to examine health conditions and injuries among young children across the island of Ireland.This short report is a supplement to a previous IPH report that examines health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland. It provides estimates of the prevalence of injuries that required hospital admission or treatment among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland in 2011. The analysis identifies risk factors associated with child injuries and provides estimates of the prevalence of these conditions for each of the 34 administrative cities and counties.
The development of new medical devices, such as aortic valves, requires numerous preliminary studies on animals and training of personnel on cadavers before the devices can be used in patients. Postmortem circulation, a technique used for postmortem angiography, allows the vascular system to be reperfused in a way similar to that in living persons. This technique is used for postmortem investigations to visualize the human vascular system and to make vascular diagnoses. Specific material for reperfusing a human body was developed recently. Our aim was to investigate whether postmortem circulation that imitates in vivo conditions allows for the testing of medical materials on cadavers. We did this by delivering an aortic valve using minimally invasive methods. Postmortem circulation was established in eight corpses to recreate an environment as close as possible to in vivo conditions. Mobile fluoroscopy and a percutaneous catheterization technique were used to deliver the material to the correct place. Once the valve was implanted, the heart and primary vessels were extracted to confirm its position. Postmortem circulation proved to be essential in several of the cadavers because it helped the clinicians to deliver the material and improve their implantation techniques. Due to the intravascular circulation, sites with substantial arteriosclerotic stenosis could be bypassed, which would have been impossible without perfusion. Although originally developed for postmortem investigations, this reperfusion technique could be useful for testing new medical devices intended for living patients.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Prevalence of hyponutrition in hospitalized patients is very high and it has been shown to be an important prognostic factor. Most of admitted patients depend on hospital food to cover their nutritional demands being important to assess the factors influencing their intake, which may be modified in order to improve it and prevent the consequences of inadequate feeding. In previous works, it has been shown that one of the worst scored characteristics of dishes was the temperature. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of temperature on patient's satisfaction and amount eaten depending on whether the food was served in isothermal trolleys keeping proper food temperature or not. MATERIAL AND METHODS We carried out satisfaction surveys to hospitalized patients having regular diets, served with or without isothermal trolleys. The following data were gathered: age, gender, weight, number of visits, mobility, autonomy, amount of orally taken medication, intake of out-of-hospital foods, qualification of food temperature, presentation and smokiness, amount of food eaten, and reasons for not eating all the content of the tray. RESULTS Of the 363 surveys, 134 (37.96%) were done to patients with isothermal trays and 229 (62.04%) to patients without them. Sixty percent of the patients referred having eaten less than the normal amount within the last week, the most frequent reason being decreased appetite. During lunch and dinner, 69.3% and 67.7%, respectively, ate half or less of the tray content, the main reasons being as follows: lack of appetite (42% at lunch time and 40% at dinner), do not like the food (24.3 and 26.2%) or taste (15.3 and 16.8%). Other less common reasons were the odor, the amount of food, having nausea or vomiting, fatigue, and lack of autonomy. There were no significant differences in the amount eaten by gender, weight, number of visits, amount of medication, and level of physical activity. The food temperature was classified as adequate by 62% of the patients, the presentation by 95%, and smokiness by 85%. When comparing the patients served with or without isothermal trays, there were no differences with regards to baseline characteristics analyzed that might have had an influence on amount eaten. Ninety percent of the patients with isothermal trolley rated the food temperature as good, as compared with 57.2% of the patients with conventional trolley, the difference being statistically significant (P = 0.000). Besides, there were differences in the amount of food eaten between patients with and without isothermal trolley, so that 41% and 27.7% ate all the tray content, respectively, difference being statistically significant (P = 0.007). There were no differences in smokiness or presentation rating. CONCLUSIONS Most of the patients (60%) had decreased appetite during hospital admission. The percentage of hospitalized patients rating the food temperature as being good is higher among patients served with isothermal trolleys. The amount of food eaten by the patients served with isothermal trolleys is significantly higher that in those without them.
INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Satisfaction of inpatients with served food within a hospital care system still constitutes one of the main attempts to modernize food services. The impact of type of menu, food category, hospital centre and timetable on the meals wastage produced in different Spanish healthcare settings, was evaluated. METHODS: Meal wastage was measured through a semiquantitative 5-point scale ("nothing on plate"; "¼ on plate"; "half on plate"; "¾ on plate" and "all on plate"). The study was carried out in two periods of three months each in 2010 and 2011. A trained person took charge of measuring plate waste classified into 726 servings belonging to 11 menus. In total 31,392 plates were served to 7,868 inpatients. A Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test (p < 0.05) was applied to evaluate significant differences among the variables studied. RESULTS: The menus were satisfactorily consumed because more than 50% of the plates were classified as "nothing on plate". Regarding food categories, 26.78% of the plates corresponded to soups and purées, while pasta and rice, and prepared foods were only distributed in 4-5% of the servings. Desserts were mostly consumed, while cooked vegetables were less accepted by the inpatients evaluated. Other factors such as hospital centre influenced plate waste (p < 0.05) but timetable did not (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Visual inspections of plate waste might be useful to optimize type and quality of menus served. The type of menu served and the food category could have a great influence on food acceptability by the inpatientsstudied.
BACKGROUND Satisfaction of physicians is a concern in the healthcare sector, and it requires a multi-dimensional questionnaire in Spanish which studies their high-order needs. The objectives of this study are to adapt the 4CornerSAT Questionnaire to measure career satisfaction of physicians and to evaluate its validity in our context. METHOD The 4CornerSAT Questionnaire was adapted into Spanish, validating it among physicians of hospitals in Andalusia, Spain. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to corroborate the a priori model, and it was evaluated the internal consistency and the construct validity through the Cronbach's alpha and the correlation between the scale and the global item, respectively. RESULTS The adapted questionnaire was administrated to 121 specialist physicians. The CFA corroborated the four dimensions of the questionnaire (χ2=114.64, df=94, p<0.07; χ2/df=1.22; RMSEA=0.04). The internal consistency obtained an α=0.92 and the correlation between the summed scale and the global item verified the construct validity (r=0.77; p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS The 4CornerSAT questionnaire was adapted to Spanish, identifying an adequate construct validity and internal consistency.
BACKGROUND The demographic structure has a significant influence on the use of healthcare services, as does the size of the population denominators. Very few studies have been published on methods for estimating the real population such as tourist resorts. The lack of information about these problems means there is a corresponding lack of information about the behaviour of populational denominators (the floating population or tourist load) and the effect of this on the use of healthcare services. The objectives of the study were: a) To determine the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) ratio, per person per day, among populations of known size; b) to estimate, by means of this ratio, the real population in an area where tourist numbers are very significant; and c) to determine the impact on the utilisation of hospital emergency healthcare services of the registered population, in comparison to the non-resident population, in two areas where tourist numbers are very significant. METHODS An ecological study design was employed. We analysed the Healthcare Districts of the Costa del Sol and the island of Menorca. Both are Spanish territories in the Mediterranean region. RESULTS In the two areas analysed, the correlation coefficient between the MSW ratio and admissions to hospital emergency departments exceeded 0.9, with p < 0.001. On the basis of MSW generation ratios, obtained for a control zone and also measured in neighbouring countries, we estimated the real population. For the summer months, when tourist activity is greatest and demand for emergency healthcare at hospitals is highest, this value was found to be double that of the registered population. CONCLUSION The MSW indicator, which is both ecological and indirect, can be used to estimate the real population in areas where population levels vary significantly during the year. This parameter is of interest in planning and dimensioning the provision of healthcare services.