984 resultados para Hospital Evandro Chagas


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INTRODUCTION: Despite all efforts to restrict its transmission, Chagas' disease remains a severe public health problem in Latin America, affecting 8-12 million individuals. Chronic Chagas' heart disease, the chief factor in the high mortality rate associated with the illness, affects more than half a million Brazilians. Its evolution may result in severe heart failure associated with loss of functional capacity and quality of life, with important social and medical/labor consequences. Many studies have shown the beneficial effect of regular exercise on cardiac patients, but few of them have focused on chronic Chagas' heart disease. METHODS: This study evaluated the effects of an exercise program on the functional capacity of patients with chronic Chagas' disease who were treated in outpatient clinics at the Evandro Chagas Institute of Clinical Research and the National Institute of Cardiology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The exercises were performed 3 times a week for 1 h (30 min of aerobic activity and 30 min of resistance exercises and extension) over 6 months in 2010. Functional capacity was evaluated by comparing the direct measurement of the O2 uptake volume (VO2) obtained by a cardiopulmonary exercise test before and after the program (p < 0.05). RESULTS: Eighteen patients (13 females) were followed, with minimum and maximum ages of 30 and 72 years, respectively. We observed an average increase of VO2peak > 10% (p = 0.01949). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest a statistically significant improvement in functional capacity with regular exercise of the right intensity.


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Six patients of terciary yaws, were treated with Penicillin in small dosis at Evandro Chagas Hospital of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute. The lesions presented by the patients were: gummatous ulcerations, periostitis, osteitis, osteoporosis and gangoza (rhinopharyngitis mutilans). In all cases, clinic recovery were obtained, the time of treatment varying from 2 to 8 months. The total amount of oxford units 'per" subject varied from 48.000 to 586.800 Patients with bone lesions, ever after the treatment, has not showed complete recomposition of the bone structure, ever so aparently healing and with negative sorologics tests. Identical results has been observed in patient showing the same lesions and treated with neo-arsphenamine. The patients are still under observations at the Hospital.


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During the period from 1987 to 1998, 13 cases of human sporotrichosis were recorded at the Research Center Evandro Chagas Hospital (CPqHEC) in Rio de Janeiro. Two of these patients related scratch by a sick cat. During the subsequent period from July 1998 to July 2000, 66 human, 117 cats and 7 dogs with sporotrichosis were diagnosed at the CPqHEC. Fifty-two humans (78.8%) reported contact with cats with sporotrichosis, and 31 (47%) of them reporting a history of a scratch or bite. This epidemic, unprecedented in the literature, involving cats, dogs and human beings may have started insidiously before 1998.


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Introdução: O precondicionamento isquêmico é o mais poderoso método experimental de proteção celular e pode ser aplicado em cirurgias que ocasionem isquemia tecidual como na correção de coarctação da aorta. Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados clínicos, inflamatórios e infecciosos de crianças submetidas à cirurgia de coarctação da aorta com ou sem uso de precondicionamento isquêmico por pinçamento da aorta torácica. Como desfechos primários foram avaliados os Eventos Adversos Principais (EAP) e o óbito em até 30 dias. Método: Foram analisados retrospectivamente os dados clínicos de 104 pacientes submetidos consecutivamente a cirurgia de coarctação da aorta entre dezembro de 2007 e dezembro de 2012 no Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia, Centro Pediátrico da Lagoa e Hospital Prontobaby na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Foram constituídos dois grupos, G PRE: 27 pacientes submetidos ao precondicionamento e G CONT: 77 pacientes de controle Resultados: Houve predomínio do sexo masculino, 62,5%, a média de peso foi de 4,04±3,07 kg e 11,53% tinham peso < 2,5kg. A média de idade foi de 3,82±2, com mediana de 1,04 meses. A cirurgia foi realizada em caráter de emergência em 81,48% no G PRE (p<0,001) e o Basic e o Comprehensive Aristotle Score foram maiores no G CONT (p<0,001). A bandagem da artéria pulmonar foi realizada em 37,9% do G PRE contra 9,09% do G CONT e 81,48% do G PRE tiveram anastomose estendida no arco aórtico (p<0,001). As complicações aconteceram em 66,23% no G CONT e em 22,22% no G PRE (p<0,001). Os tempos de entubação traqueal, internação no CTI e internação hospitalar do G CONT foram 3 vezes (p=0,281), 2,44 vezes (p=0,175) e 1,7 vezes (p=0,196) maior que do G PRE. Os EAP aconteceram somente no G CONT (p>0,05), sendo mais comuns os abdominais (8,65%). Ocorreram três óbitos cirúrgicos (2,88%) todos no Grupo CONT (3,90%) (p=0,401). Nove pacientes (8,65%) tiveram óbito na internação da cirurgia, um do G PRE (3,70%) e oito do G CONT (10,39%) (p=0,265). As curvas livres de desfecho em 30 dias (100%) e 60 meses (74,07%) foram favoráveis para o Grupo PRE (p=0,007 e p=0,017). A análise multivariada de COX demonstrou que as variáveis: cateterismo venoso prévio, interrupção de arco aórtico, ventrículo único, hipertensão arterial pulmonar e a dupla via de saída de VD estão associados ao aumento de risco para desfecho nos pacientes do G PRE (p<0,05). Conclusão: Os pacientes do G PRE apresentaram maior complexidade e risco operatório e menores índices de complicação. Os desfechos foram mais comuns no G CONT mesmo sem diferença estatística. A evolução livre de desfecho com 30 dias e até 60 meses foi favorável para o G PRE. A análise multivariada revelou grupo de variáveis em que o pré- condicionamento é desfavorável para aparecimento de desfecho em 30 dias


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O citomegalovírus é um vírus de DNA, pertencente à família Herpesviridae, subfamília Beta-herpesvirinae. Sua distribuição é universal e pode causar infecções congênitas e perinatais, assim como durante a infância e na idade adulta. É um dos principais patógenos responsáveis pela morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Foi estudada a incidência da infecção congênita pelo citomegalovírus, na maternidade da Fundação Santa Casa Misericórdia do Pará, no período de novembro de 1994 a maio de 1995. A amostra trabalhada constou de 663 recém-nascidos e suas respectivas mães. O peso dos recém-nascidos variou de 900 a 5450 g, com uma média de 3046g. Em 11,4% das crianças foi observado baixo peso ao nascer. A avaliação pelo isolamento do vírus da saliva dos 663 recém-nascidos, através da inoculação em células primárias de fibroblasto de prepúcio humano, mostrou 3,2% (21) de positividade. A pesquisa de anticorpos IgM específicos para o CMV, através do método ELISA, utilizando-se sangue do cordão umbilical do mesmo grupo de recém-nascidos foi positiva em 2,1% (14). Para o diagnóstico da infecção congênita pelo CMV, a análise estatística pelo Teste de McNemar dos Pares Discordantes (p)=0,0233 e Teste do Qui-Quadrado da Homogeneidade (p)<0,01 demonstrou que o isolamento do citomegalovírus da saliva foi mais sensível que a detecção de anticorpos IgM no sangue do cordão umbilical. Dos 21 recém-nascidos infectados, 28,5% (6) apresentaram nas primeiras 24 horas de vida, sintomatologia sugestiva de infecção congênita. Os sinais e sintomas encontrados foram microcefalia (4), prematuridade (3), hepatoesplenomegalia (2), pequeno para a idade gestacional (2) e icterícia precoce (1). A pesquisa de anticorpos IgG específicos para o CMV, pelo método ELISA, foi positiva em 90,2% das puérperas. Das 21 mulheres que transmitiram o vírus para o concepto, foram detectados anticorpos IgM em 4. A entrevista pessoal com as mães dos recém-nascidos revelou nível socioeconômico baixo e assistência pré-natal deficiente, com 26,4% das puérperas sem nenhuma consulta durante o período gestacional. Em nossa amostra, a idade materna variou de 12 a 42 anos, com idade média de 22,2 anos, sendo que a idade das mães dos recém-nascidos infectados foi inferior a 25 anos.


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A resistência crescente do P. falciparum aos antimaláricos habitualmente empregados, torna urgente a avaliação de novas drogas. O Ro 42-1611 é um antimalárico derivado da planta chinesa Arlabotrys uncinatus. Usado apenas na África em três trabalhos no tratamento da malária por P. falciparum, tem sua ação desconhecida em sul-americanos com esta doença. Apesar do efeito antimalárico ter sido comprovado, ainda não se encontrou a dose adequada para o tratamento supressivo do P. falciparum. Avaliar a tolerância, a toxicidade e a eficácia de três diferentes doses do Ro 42-1611 no tratamento da malária por P. falciparum é o que objetiva este trabalho. O estudo foi realizado em Marabá-Pará, caracterizando-se por ser aberto, prospectivo e randomizado; incluiu pacientes voluntário s, adultos, masculinos, de peso corporal até 80 kg; febris ou com outros sintomas constitucionais de malária e com gota espessa positiva para P. falciparum ( ≥ 200 e ≤ 50.000 parasitas/mm³ de sangue). Grupos de estudo: I -1.500 mg de 12/12 horas por 1 dia; II -1.500 mg de 12/12 horas por2 dias e III -1.500 mg de 12/12 horas por 3 dias. Todos os pacientes foram tratados em regime hospitalar, sendo avaliados no pré-tratamento através de: dados pessoais e biométricos, sinais e sintomas, uso de medicação concomitante, temperatura axilar, freqüência respiratória, pressão arterial, eletrocardiograma, parasitemia, exames hematológicos e bioquímicos. A partir do início da terapêutica, a avaliação destes parâmetros foi feita seguindo protocolo próprio, incluindo a anotação de efeitos colaterais. A análise de variância de Friedman foi usada para avaliar os valores obtidos nos exames hematológicos e bioquímicos. Foram selecionados 16 pacientes, sendo 5 alocados no grupo I, 6 no II e 5 no III. Idade variou de 17 a 41 anos (média: 26,6), peso corporal de 44 a 72 kg (média: 54,9), parasitemia assexuada inicial de 200 a 40.000 formas/mm³ de sangue, sendo os grupos homogêneos quanto a estas variáveis. A febre desapareceu no mínimo com 9 e no máximo com 48 horas a partir do início da terapêutica. A avaliação do traçado eletrocardiográfico e da pressão arterial não mostrou alterações significativas. O desaparecimento da parasitemia assexuada ocorreu em média com 53,6 horas, não se evidenciando diferenças estatísticas i significantes entre os grupos (p=0,7264). Houve uma diminuição significativa entre o pré-tratamento (D0) e o terceiro (D2) e oitavo (D7) dias de acompanhamento quanto os níveis de hematócrito (p=0,0046), um aumento no número de leucócitos entre D2 e D7 (p=0,0171) e plaquetas entre D0 e D7, assim como entre D2 e D7 (p< 0,0001). Entre D0 e D7 detectou-se diminuição nos níveis de bilirrubina total (p=0,0024), fosfatase alcalina (p=0,0195) e uréia (p=0,0168). Efeitos colaterais foram em geral leves ou moderados e de curta duração. Do total de pacientes, 87,5% obtiveram desaparecimento da parasitemia assexuada, porém apenas 2 (12,5%) curaram, ambos incluídos no grupo III. Nenhum dos esquemas posológicos usados foi adequado para a cura desta doença. Talvez em estudos posteriores usando a droga em maior dose ou por maior número de dias ou ainda associando-a a outros antimaláricos, possa obter-se eficácia adequada.


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O vírus de Epstein Barr (EBV) é o agente causador da mononucleose infecciosa e está associado com várias desordens proliferativas malignas tais como: linfoma de Burkitt, linfoma de Hodgkin e linfomas não Hodgkin. Um total de 118 casos de linfomas diagnosticados no Hospital Ofir Loyola no período de 1996 e 2005 foram analisados no Instituto Evandro Chagas, Ananindeua, Brasil; com o objetivo de detectar o genoma do EBV mediante a identificação dos genes EBER 1 e EBNA1 em casos de doença de Hodgkin. Os espécimes parafinizados foram analisados por hibridização in situ (gene EBER 1) e PCR em tempo real (EBNA 1). Do total, 61% (72/118) dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 39% (46/118) do sexo feminino com faixa etária variando entre 3- 98 anos. Sessenta e cinco (55%) foram diagnosticados como doença de Hodgkin e cinqüenta e três (45%) como linfomas não-Hodgkin. O EBV foi identificado nas células Reed Sternberg e variantes em 76,9% (50/65) dos casos de linfoma de Hodgkin com idade média de 28,3 anos (variação, 2-84 anos). Os subtipos histológicos de casos EBV-positivos foram o seguinte: esclerose nodular em 50% (25/50), celularidade mista em 28% (14/50), depleção linfocitária em 14% (7/50) e predominância linfocitária em 8% (4/50). O DNA do EBV foi detectado em 53% (26/49) com um coeficiente de regressão para a curva padrão de 0,99. Este estudo foi a primeira descrição do vírus de Epstein Barr em casos de doença de Hodgkin na região Norte do Brasil; reforçando a hipótese de que o EBV seja um co-fator no processo de transformação neoplásica em conjunto com a predisposição genética e imunidade do paciente, justificando a condução de estudos posteriores a nível molecular.


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This was a cross-sectional study which analyzed the prevalence and the clinical and immunological spectrum of canine Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi infection in a cohort of 320 mongrel dogs living in an endemic area of American visceral leishmaniasis in the Amazonian Brazil by using, mainly, the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT-IgG) and the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), and the parasite research by the popliteal lymph node aspiration. The IFAT and DTH reactivity recognized three different immune response profiles: (1) IFAT((+))/DTH(-) (107 dogs), (2) IFAT((-))/DTH(+) (18 dogs), and (3) IFAT((+))/DTH(+) (13 dogs), providing an overall prevalence of infection of 43 % (138/320). Thus, the specific prevalence of IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) 33.4 % (107/320) was higher than those of IFAT ((-)) /DTH ((+)) 5.6 % (18/320) and IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((+)) 4.0 % (13/320). Moreover, the frequency of these profiles among 138 infected dogs showed that the IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) rate of 77.5 % (107/138) was also higher than those of 13.0 % (18/138) of IFAT ((-)) /DTH ((+)) and 9.5 % (13/138) of IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((+)) rates. The frequency of asymptomatic dogs (76 %-105) was higher than those of symptomatic (16.6 %-23) and oligosymptomatic ones (7.4 %-10). A total of 16 (11.6 %) L. (L.) i. chagasi isolates were obtained from infected dogs, all from the IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) profile: 41 % (9/22) from symptomatic, 33.3 % (3/9) from oligosymptomatic, and 5.2 % (4/76) from asymptomatic dogs. These findings strongly suggested that despite the higher frequency of asymptomatic dogs (76 %-105), the majority (72.4 %-76) was characterized by the IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) profile with a doubtful immunogenetic resistance against infection.


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Background: Cryptic species complexes are common among anophelines. Previous phylogenetic analysis based on the complete mtDNA COI gene sequences detected paraphyly in the Neotropical malaria vector Anopheles marajoara. The ""Folmer region"" detects a single taxon using a 3% divergence threshold. Methods: To test the paraphyletic hypothesis and examine the utility of the Folmer region, genealogical trees based on a concatenated (white + 3' COI sequences) dataset and pairwise differentiation of COI fragments were examined. The population structure and demographic history were based on partial COI sequences for 294 individuals from 14 localities in Amazonian Brazil. 109 individuals from 12 localities were sequenced for the nDNA white gene, and 57 individuals from 11 localities were sequenced for the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2). Results: Distinct A. marajoara lineages were detected by combined genealogical analysis and were also supported among COI haplotypes using a median joining network and AMOVA, with time since divergence during the Pleistocene (< 100,000 ya). COI sequences at the 3' end were more variable, demonstrating significant pairwise differentiation (3.82%) compared to the more moderate 2.92% detected by the Folmer region. Lineage 1 was present in all localities, whereas lineage 2 was restricted mainly to the west. Mismatch distributions for both lineages were bimodal, likely due to multiple colonization events and spatial expansion (similar to 798 - 81,045 ya). There appears to be gene flow within, not between lineages, and a partial barrier was detected near Rio Jari in Amapa state, separating western and eastern populations. In contrast, both nDNA data sets (white gene sequences with or without the retention of the 4th intron, and ITS2 sequences and length) detected a single A. marajoara lineage. Conclusions: Strong support for combined data with significant differentiation detected in the COI and absent in the nDNA suggest that the divergence is recent, and detectable only by the faster evolving mtDNA. A within subgenus threshold of >2% may be more appropriate among sister taxa in cryptic anopheline complexes than the standard 3%. Differences in demographic history and climatic changes may have contributed to mtDNA lineage divergence in A. marajoara.


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The genotypes of hepatitis B (HBV) and delta (HDV) viruses circulating among fulminant hepatitis cases from the western Amazon Basin of Brazil were characterized in this study. HBV and HDV isolates were obtained from liver samples from 14 patients who developed fulminant hepatitis and died during 1978-1989. HBV DNA and HDV RNA were detected in all samples. Phylogenetic analyses of HDV sequences showed that they all clustered with previously characterized sequences of HDV genotype 3 (HDV-3). HBV genotypes F, A and D were found in 50.0, 28.6 and 21.4% of cases, respectively. These results confirm the predominance of HDV-3 in South America and its association with the severe form of hepatitis, and the finding of the co-infection of HDV-3 with different genotypes of HBV suggests that the association between HDV-3 and HBV-F is not necessarily causally related to a more severe clinical course of infection.


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This was a longitudinal study carried out during a period over 2 years with a cohort of 946 individuals of both sexes, aged 1 year and older, from an endemic area of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) in Para State, Brazil. The object was to analyze the transmission dynamics of human Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi infection based principally on the prevalence and incidence. For diagnosis of the infection, the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and leishmanin skin test (LST) were performed with amastigote and promastigote antigens of the parasite, respectively. The prevalence by LST (11.2%) was higher (p < 0.0001) than that (3.4%) by IFAT, and the combined prevalence by both tests was 12.6%. The incidences by LST were also higher (p < 0.05) than those by IFAT at 6 (4.7% A- 0.6%), 12 (4.7% A- 2.7%), and 24 months (2.9% A- 0.3%). Moreover, there were no differences (p > 0.05) between the combined incidences by both tests on the same point surveys, 5.2%, 6.3%, and 3.6%. During the study, 12 infected persons showed high IFAT IgG titers with no LST reactions: five children and two adults developed AVL (2,560-10,120), and two children and three adults developed subclinical oligosymptomatic infection (1,280-2,560). The combined tests diagnosed a total of 231 cases of infection leading to an accumulated prevalence of 24.4%.


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The objectives of this study were to identify individuals with symptomatic and/or asymptomatic infection due to Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi; to study the two types of infection, both clinically and immunologically, and to determine the prevalence rate of infection at the beginning of the study. This was a cross-sectional study with a cohort of 946 individuals, of both genders, from the age of 1 year, living in the municipality of Barcarena, PA, Brazil, an area endemic for American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). The leishmanin skin test (LST) and the indirect fluorescent test (IFAT), were used for the diagnosis of infection. One hundred and twenty cases of infection were diagnosed, with a prevalence rate of 12.6%; eight cases showed high seroreactivity (1280-10240, IgG) in IFAT and no LST reaction; four of these cases were typical AVL and four had subclinical oligosymptomatic infection. Using two immunological methods with a clinical examination of the infected individuals enabled the identification of five clinical-immunological profiles which may promote a better understanding of the interaction between L. (L.) i. chagasi and the human immune response: asymptomatic infection (AI) 73.4%; subclinical resistant infection (SRI) 15%; subclinicat oligosymptomatic infection (SOI) 3%; symptomatic infection (AVL) 3% and indeterminate initial infection (III) 5%. (C) 2009 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Eighty-one cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples mainly from cases of aseptic meningitis and motor deficiency syndrome were sent to the Virology Section of Evandro Chagas Institute, Belém Pará, in the period of January 1995 to January 1996 in order to isolate viruses. All samples were inoculated onto HEp-2 cell culture and newborn mice, with negative results. The probability of isolating viruses by these methods is reduced because of the low concentration of viral particles in these specimens. In order to obtain more information about the etiology of these cases, a group of 23 samples were selected to be tested by a more sensitive technique than the virus isolation - the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Specific primers directed to conserved regions in the enterovirus genome were used, considering that this group of viruses is frequently associated with these neurological disorder. The age of the patients ranged from 1 to 55 years and nearly all of them lived in Belém, State of Pará, North of Brazil. Of 15 samples analyzed by RT PCR nine (60%) were positive; of these, 6 (66.6%) had motor deficiency and 3 (33.3%) developed aseptic meningitis. These results show that it is important to investigate enterovirus as cause of these syndromes.


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A total of 24 patients with syphilis and HIV infection were treated from January 1997 to March 2003 at the Infectious Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of the Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The caseload consisted of 20 males (83.3%) and four females (16.7%), with a mean age of 38.04 years and mean T CD4+ count of 389.5 cells/mL. Syphilis was diagnosed as secondary in 16 (62.5%) patients, late latent in eight (33.3%), and tertiary in one (4.2%). Manifestations of secondary syphilis were palmar and plantar erythematopapulous cutaneous lesions in nine (37.5%), papulous exanthema in four (16.7%), patchy alopecia in 3 (12.5%) and osteochondritis in one patient (4.2%). Tertiary syphilis was characterized by verrucous lesions. Neurosyphilis was diagnosed in four patients (16.7%), with headache as the only manifestation in two patients. Drugs used in treatment included benzathine penicillin, ceftriaxone, erythromycin, and crystalline penicillin. Cure was achieved in 18 patients (75%). Five patients (20.8%) were retreated, three of whom presented a history of re-exposure. This study confirms the importance of establishing the diagnosis of neurosyphilis in patients with HIV infection, in addition to performing follow-up on treatment for syphilis.


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A case-control study was conducted to examine the association among the Montenegro skin test (MST), age of skin lesion and therapeutic response in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) treated at Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For each treatment failure (case), two controls showing skin lesion healing following treatment, paired by sex and age, were randomly selected. All patients were treated with 5 mg Sb5+/kg/day of intramuscular meglumine antimoniate (Sb5+) for 30 successive days. Patients with CL were approximately five times more likely to fail when lesions were less than two months old at the first appointment. Patients with treatment failure showed less intense MST reactions than patients progressing to clinical cure. For each 10 mm of increase in MST response, there was a 26% reduction in the chance of treatment failure. An early treatment - defined as a treatment applied for skin lesions, which starts when they are less than two months old at the first appointment -, as well as a poor cellular immune response, reflected by lower reactivity in MST, were associated with treatment failure in cutaneous leishmaniasis.