931 resultados para History-Brazil - XIXth century


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We report new archeointensity data obtained from the analyses of baked clay elements (architectural and kiln brick fragments) sampled in Southeast Brazil and historically and/or archeologically dated between the end of the XVIth century and the beginning of the XXth century AD. The results were determined using the classical Thellier and Thellier protocol as modified by Coe, including partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) and pTRM-tail checks, and the Triaxe protocol, which involves continuous high-temperature magnetization measurements. In both protocols, TRM anisotropy and cooling rate TRM dependence effects were taken into account for intensity determinations which were successfully performed for 150 specimens from 43 fragments, with a good agreement between intensity results obtained from the two procedures. Nine site-mean intensity values were derived from three to eight fragments and defined with standard deviations of less than 8%. The site-mean values vary from similar to 25 mu T to similar to 42 mu T and describe in Southeast Brazil a continuous decreasing trend by similar to 5 mu T per century between similar to 1600 AD and similar to 1900 AD. Their comparison with recent archeointensity results obtained from Northeast Brazil and reduced at a same latitude shows that: (1) the geocentric axial dipole approximation is not valid between these southeastern and northeastern regions of Brazil, whose latitudes differ by similar to 10 degrees, and (2) the available global geomagnetic field models (gufm1 models, their recalibrated versions and the CALSK3 models) are not sufficiently precise to reliably reproduce the non-dipole field effects which prevailed in Brazil for at least the 1600-1750 period. The large non-dipole contribution thus highlighted is most probably linked to the evolution of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) during that period. Furthermore, although our dataset is limited, the Brazilian archeointensity data appear to support the view of a rather oscillatory behavior of the axial dipole moment during the past three centuries that would have been marked in particular by a moderate increase between the end of the XVIIIth century and the middle of the XIXth century followed by the well-known decrease from 1840 AD attested by direct measurements. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study presents the first archeointensity results from Northeast Brazil obtained from 14 groups of architectural brick fragments sampled in the city of Salvador, Bahia State (13 degrees S, 38.5 degrees W) and dated between the middle of the XVIth century and the beginning of the XIXth century. The dating is ascertained by historical documents complemented by archeological constraints, yielding in all cases age uncertainties of less than 50 years. Analyses were carried out using two experimental protocols: 1 the ""zero field-in field"" version of the classical Thellier and Thellier method as proposed by Coe (TT-ZI), including partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) and pTRM-tail checks, and 2 the Triaxe procedure involving continuous high temperature magnetization measurements. Both TRM anisotropy and cooling rate effects were taken into account for the intensity determinations. The cooling rate effect was further explored for the TT-ZI protocol using three increasing slow cooling times (5 h, 10 h and 25 h) between 450 C and room temperature. Following archeological constraints, the slowest cooling time was retained in our study, yielding decreases of the raw intensity values by 4% to 14%. For each fragment, a mean intensity was computed and retained only when the data obtained from all specimens (between 2 and 6) satisfied a coherence test at similar to 5%. A total of 57 fragments (183 specimens) was considered for the computations of site-mean intensity values, with derived standard deviations of less than 8% of the corresponding means. When separately computed using the two experimental techniques, the site-mean intensity values always agree to within 5%. A good consistency is observed between intensity values of similar or close ages, which strengthen their reliability. Our data principally show a significant and continuous decrease in geomagnetic field intensity in Northeast Brazil between the first half of the XVIIth century and the XXth century. One result dated to the second half of the XVIth century further suggests that the geomagnetic field intensity reached a maximum around 1600 AD. This evolution is in good agreement with that expected in the city of Salvador from the available global geomagnetic field models. However, the accuracy of these models appears less well constrained between similar to 1550 AD and similar to 1650 AD. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The recent history of French and Brazilian medicine goes back to the first decades of the xixth century. As regards nephrology, the first links were established starting in the 1950s of the xxth century. Over the past 60 years, the scientific production of the Franco-Brazilian school of nephrology totalized more than a thousand scientific papers and created a new generation of more than two hundred disciples, formed in Brazil by nephrologists who had completed their studies in France. In this article, we would like to memorize the successive exchanges between French and Brazilian physicians, mainly in the field of nephrology. (C) 2012 Association Societe de nephrologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Dada la importancia de las misiones en los poblados bonaerenses para la evangelización y la implantación de la Iglesia en la campaña más alejada de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, el autor ofrece un estudio sobre la temática en relación con los obispos en los pueblos de campaña y la fundación de parroquias. La presentación forma parte de una investigación más amplia realizada en 2008 para la Licenciatura en Teología con especialización en Historia de la Iglesia, con el tema Entre Misas y Malones Los sacerdotes diocesanos en los pueblos de frontera con el indio en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. El artículo finaliza sintetizando algunas conclusiones generales.


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[ES] Las traducciones de los clásicos antiguos empiezan a asomar en la literatura vasca a principios del siglo XIX: su objeto no es, en modo alguno, hacerlos accesibles a un público que de otro modo no podría leerlos, sino servir de ejercicio primero a los traductores y después a los lectores y, a un tiempo y sobre todo, dignificar la literatura vasca con obras de validez universal que, además, no implican la sumisión a ninguna cultura nacional. El que Virgilio haya sido siempre —con excepción del paréntesis romántico— el clásico por excelencia ha hecho que sus traducciones ocupen un lugar sobresaliente también en la historia de las letras vascas: el anónimo autor del manuscrito Melibeo del fondo Bonaparte, Iturriaga, Miangolarra, Arregi, Ibiñagabeitia y Orixe son los autores de esta porción —sin duda la más importante con mucho— del Fortleben vasco de Virgilio. Las traducciones de las Églogas y Geórgicas se analizan aquí desde la perspectiva que imponen la filología y la historia literaria: por un lado, se establecen las bases para, primero, interpretar correctamente dichas traducciones en su calidad de tales y, segundo, situarlas debidamente en el conjunto de la obras de sus autores y, en general, en la historia de la literatura vasca; por otro lado, se presta especial atención a las peculiaridades —notables— que la pervivencia de Virgilio presenta en el País Vasco.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar, tendo como objeto a Comissão de Melhoramentos da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a construção do discurso da higiene e urbanização que se delineou no Rio de Janeiro a partir da epidemia de 1849 e construiu ao longo do século XIX um discurso de cidade civilizada e moderna a partir de planos de melhoramentos urbanos e sanitários, em um movimento liderado por engenheiros e sanitaristas, em sua maioria, ligados ao poder público, discurso este que irá se materializar, efetivamente, no início do século XX com o Prefeito Francisco Pereira Passos.


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A independência do Brasil, bem como de parte significativa da América Latina, ocorreu concomitantemente ao reestabelecimento da realidade política europeia após a Revolução Francesa. A Constituição brasileira de 1824, apesar de aparentar similaridades com o liberalismo francês, foi feita de forma a transformar o Brasil no modelo mais bem acabado de realidade política do Antigo Regime europeu. O engessamento da estrutura política decorria da existência de uma elite coesa, situação que punha à prova um modelo que teoricamente oferecia ao monarca o poder máximo, dada sua atribuição de alternar o grupo que estava no comando do país. Esse processo resultou quase que na transformação do imperador em um chanceler das decisões tomadas pelos membros da elite homogênea. Essa dinâmica política ocorre pari passu às tensões de modernização que permeiam a realidade europeia do século XIX e que refletem o aprofundamento do capitalismo da Segunda Revolução Industrial. O Brasil, pensado a partir do modelo do Antigo Regime europeu, encontrou no segundo reinado o ponto de inflexão a partir de iniciativas de modernização defendidas por D. Pedro II. Esse conflito intraelite é a tônica da análise feita a partir da hipótese de que o Brasil era um membro efetivo da Sociedade de Estados europeia, percepção decorrente do compartilhamento de valores havido com os países da Europa. Nesse espectro, constrói-se uma narrativa histórica na qual a História da Política Externa Brasileira e a História das Relações Internacionais são desenvolvidas conjuntamente. Essa narrativa visa superar as limitações impostas por uma noção de História restrita às questões de poder e disputas fronteiriças. Para a consecução desse objetivo recorreu-se a uma análise mais detalhada das atribuições do Conselho de Estado órgão representativo da elite imperial e das atas das reuniões havidas na seção de Justiça e Negócios Estrangeiros. A essa análise contrapôs-se aquela feita dos diários de D. Pedro II escritos durante suas três viagens ao Exterior (1871-1873 / 1876-1877 / 1887-1888). É pela contraposição dessas duas fontes primárias que se conclui que havia projetos diferentes para o país decorrentes de percepções diferentes sobre a realidade da Europa: se de um lado a Europa vista pela elite brasileira era aquela do Antigo Regime, D. Pedro II reconhecia os impulsos modernizantes das duas últimas décadas do século. Alguns dos quais ele tentou implementar no país.


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During the sixteenth century hundreds of treatises, position papers and memoranda were composed on the political state of Ireland and how best to ‘reform’, ‘conquer’ or otherwise incorporate that island into the wider Tudor kingdom. These ‘reform’ treatises attempted to identify and analyse the prevailing political, social, cultural and economic problems found in the Irish polity before positing how government policy could be altered to ameliorate these same problems. Written by a broad array of New English, Old English and Gaelic Irish authors, often serving within Irish officialdom, the military, or the Church of Ireland, these papers were generally circulated amongst senior ministers and political figures throughout the Tudor dominions. As such they were written with the express purpose of influencing the direction of government policy for Ireland. Collectively these documents are one of the most significant body of sources, not just for the study of government activity in the second Tudor kingdom, but indeed for the broader history of sixteenth century Ireland. This thesis offers the first systematic study of these texts. It does so by exploring the content of the hundreds of such works and the ‘reform’ treatise as a type of text, while the interrelationship of these documents with government policy in Tudor Ireland, and their effect thereon, is also explored. In so doing it charts the developments from origin to implementation of the principal strategies employed by Tudor Englishmen to enforce English control over the whole of Ireland. Finally, it clearly demonstrates that the ‘reform’ treatises were both central to government activity in sixteenth century Ireland and to the historical developments which occurred in that time and place.


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This research is concerned with assessing from a national perspective the role, work and historical impact of the Irish Red Cross Society (IRCS) between 1939 and 1971. During this period the IRCS discharged three primary functions: it provided first aid services both in war-time and peace-time; it pioneered public health and social care services; and acted as the State’s main agency for international humanitarian relief measures. Although primarily a national organisational history of the Society, it is not a history in isolation. A broader perspective demonstrates that the work undertaken by the IRCS has relevance to the medical, social, religious, cultural, political and diplomatic history of twentieth century Ireland. This study assesses the impact of a number of significant public health and social care initiatives which the IRCS implemented and developed since its inception and how most of these were subsequently developed independently by the State. During the early 1940s, the Society’s formation of a national blood transfusion service ultimately laid the foundations for the establishment of a national blood transfusion service. The Society’s steering of a national anti-tuberculosis campaign in the 1940s brought the issue of the eradication of TB to the fore and helped to change public attitudes towards the disease. The concept of caring for the needs of the elderly in Ireland was largely unknown until the IRCS began addressing the issue in the 1950s and, for more than two decades, was effectively the only organisation in the State that campaigned and introduced innovative services for the aged. The IRCS made a significant impact in terms of its commitment to the needs of refugees and the provision of international humanitarian relief from Ireland. The Society’s donation in 1945 of a fully equipped hospital to the population of Saint-Lo in France, its war-time overseas relief efforts and its post-war work for child refugees earned Ireland significant international recognition and prestige and, more importantly, justified Ireland’s war-time policy of neutrality. With Ireland’s admission to the UN, the government became more dependent on the IRCS to consolidate that position.


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Tese de doutoramento, História (História dos Descobrimentos e da Expansão), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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Facile de discourir sur la paix ; complexe, par contre, d’évaluer si paroles et gestes y contribuent vraiment. De manière critique, ce mémoire cherche à contextualiser l’émergence de la nation israélienne de 1881 à 1948, de même qu’un certain nombre de forces pacifistes juives, religieuses comme séculières, sionistes comme anti-sionistes, que cette société a engendrées ou provoquées de la fin du XIXe siècle à aujourd’hui. Dans un premier temps, quatre stratégies utilisées pour construire l’État juif sont explorées : la voie pratique (l’établissement de mochavot, kibboutzim et mochavim), la voie diplomatique (le lobbying de Herzl et Weizmann), la voie sociopolitique (la formation de syndicats, de l’Agence juive et du Va’ad Leoumi) et enfin la voie militaire (la mise sur pied d’organisations paramilitaires telles la Hagana, l’Irgoun, le Lehi et le Palmah). Cette exploration permet de mieux camper le problème de la légalité et de la légitimité des nations palestinienne et israélienne. Dans un deuxième temps, une approche conceptuelle et une approche empirique sont combinées pour mieux comprendre ce qu’est un camp de la paix. L’exploration conceptuelle remet en question les critères qu’utilisent certains chercheurs afin d’identifier si une organisation contribue, ou non, à la construction de la paix. L’exploration empirique trace les contours de deux camps de la paix israéliens : les militants de la gauche séculière achkenazi (un pacifisme qui a émergé dans les années 1970) et les religieux haredim (un pacifisme opposé à l’idéologie sioniste dès ses débuts). Ce survol permet de saisir que tout système de croyances peut provoquer la guerre autant que la paix. La conclusion discute des défis du dialogue intercivilisationnel, des défis tant intranationaux (l’harmonie sociale israélienne entre les juifs achkenazim, mizrahim, russes, éthiopiens, etc.) qu’internationaux (la paix entre les Palestiniens et les Israéliens).