601 resultados para Histidine


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Key points The physiological metabolite, lactate and the two-pore domain leak potassium channel, TREK1 are known neuroprotectants against cerebral ischaemia. However, it is not known whether lactate interacts with TREK1 channel to provide neuroprotection. In this study we show that lactate increases TREK1 channel activity and hyperpolarizes CA1 stratum radiatum astrocytes in hippocampal slices. Lactate increases open probability and decreases longer close time of the human (h)TREK1 channel in a concentration dependent manner. Lactate interacts with histidine 328 (H328) in the carboxy terminal domain of hTREK1 channel to decrease its dwell time in the longer closed state. This interaction was dependent on the charge on H328. Lactate-insensitive mutant H328A hTREK1 showed pH sensitivity similar to wild-type hTREK1, indicating that the effect of lactate on hTREK1 is independent of pH change. AbstractA rise in lactate concentration and the leak potassium channel TREK1 have been independently associated with cerebral ischaemia. Recent literature suggests lactate to be neuroprotective and TREK1 knockout mice show an increased sensitivity to brain and spinal cord ischaemia; however, the connecting link between the two is missing. Therefore we hypothesized that lactate might interact with TREK1 channels. In the present study, we show that lactate at ischaemic concentrations (15-30mm) at pH7.4 increases TREK1 current in CA1 stratum radiatum astrocytes and causes membrane hyperpolarization. We confirm the intracellular action of lactate on TREK1 in hippocampal slices using monocarboxylate transporter blockers and at single channel level in cell-free inside-out membrane patches. The intracellular effect of lactate on TREK1 is specific since other monocarboxylates such as pyruvate and acetate at pH7.4 failed to increase TREK1 current. Deletion and point mutation experiments suggest that lactate decreases the longer close dwell time incrementally with increase in lactate concentration by interacting with the histidine residue at position 328 (H328) in the carboxy terminal domain of the TREK1 channel. The interaction of lactate with H328 is dependent on the charge on the histidine residue since isosteric mutation of H328 to glutamine did not show an increase in TREK1 channel activity with lactate. This is the first demonstration of a direct effect of lactate on ion channel activity. The action of lactate on the TREK1 channel signifies a separate neuroprotective mechanism in ischaemia since it was found to be independent of the effect of acidic pH on channel activity. Key points The physiological metabolite, lactate and the two-pore domain leak potassium channel, TREK1 are known neuroprotectants against cerebral ischaemia. However, it is not known whether lactate interacts with TREK1 channel to provide neuroprotection. In this study we show that lactate increases TREK1 channel activity and hyperpolarizes CA1 stratum radiatum astrocytes in hippocampal slices. Lactate increases open probability and decreases longer close time of the human (h)TREK1 channel in a concentration dependent manner. Lactate interacts with histidine 328 (H328) in the carboxy terminal domain of hTREK1 channel to decrease its dwell time in the longer closed state. This interaction was dependent on the charge on H328. Lactate-insensitive mutant H328A hTREK1 showed pH sensitivity similar to wild-type hTREK1, indicating that the effect of lactate on hTREK1 is independent of pH change.


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The hybrid quantum mechanics (QM) and molecular mechanics (MM) method is employed to simulate the His-tagged peptide adsorption to ionized region of nickel surface. Based on the previous experiments, the peptide interaction with one Ni ion is considered. In the QM/MM calculation, the imidazoles on the side chain of the peptide and the metal ion with several neighboring water molecules are treated as QM part calculated by “GAMESS”, and the rest atoms are treated as MM part calculated by “TINKER”. The integrated molecular orbital/molecular mechanics (IMOMM) method is used to deal with theQMpart with the transitional metal. By using the QM/MM method, we optimize the structure of the synthetic peptide chelating with a Ni ion. Different chelate structures are considered. The geometry parameters of the QM subsystem we obtained by QM/MM calculation are consistent with the available experimental results. We also perform a classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with the experimental parameters for the synthetic peptide adsorption on a neutral Ni(1 0 0) surface. We find that half of the His-tags are almost parallel with the substrate, which enhance the binding strength. Peeling of the peptide from the Ni substrate is simulated in the aqueous solvent and in vacuum, respectively. The critical peeling forces in the two environments are obtained. The results show that the imidazole rings are attached to the substrate more tightly than other bases in this peptide.


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The hybrid quantum mechanics (QM) and molecular mechanics (MM) method is employed to simulate the His-tagged peptide adsorption to ionized region of nickel surface. Based on the previous experiments, the peptide interaction with one Ni ion is considered. In the QM/MM calculation, the imidazoles on the side chain of the peptide and the metal ion with several neighboring water molecules are treated as QM part calculated by "GAMESS", and the rest atoms are treated as MM part calculated by "TINKER". The integrated molecular orbital/molecular mechanics (IMOMM) method is used to deal with the QM part with the transitional metal. By using the QM/MM method, we optimize the structure of the synthetic peptide chelating with a Ni ion. Different chelate structures are considered. The geometry parameters of the QM subsystem we obtained by QM/MM calculation are consistent with the available experimental results. We also perform a classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with the experimental parameters for the synthetic peptide adsorption on a neutral Ni(100) surface. We find that half of the His-tags are almost parallel with the substrate, which enhance the binding strength. Peeling of the peptide from the Ni substrate is simulated in the aqueous solvent and in vacuum, respectively. The critical peeling forces in the two environments are obtained. The results show that the in-tidazole rings are attached to the substrate more tightly than other bases in this peptide.


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Anabaena sp. PCC; 7120 was mutagenized by transposon Tn5-1087b, generating a mutant whose heterocysts lack the envelope polysaccharide layer. The transposon was located between nucleotides 342 and 343 of alr0117, a 918 bp gene encoding a histidine kinase for a two-component regulatory system. Complementation of the mutant with a DNA fragment containing alr0117 and targeted inactivation of the gene confirmed that alr0117 is involved in heterocyst development. RT-PCR showed that alr0117 was constitutively expressed in the presence or absence of a combined-nitrogen source. hepA and patB, the two genes turned on during wild-type heterocyst development, were no longer activated in an alr0117-null mutant. The two-component signal transduction system involving alr0117 may control the formation of the envelope polysaccharide layer and certain late events essential to the function of heterocysts.


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A simple and sensitive flow injection method is presented for the determination of histidine based on its enhancement of electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) of luminol. After optimization of the experimental parameters, the working range for histidine was in 1.0 x 10(-6) to 1.0 x 10(-3) mol/L with a detection limit (S/N = 3) of 0.56 mumol/L. The relative standard deviation was 1.6% for 11 measurements of 5 x 10(-5) mol/L histidine solution. The proposed method has been successfully applied to the determination of histidine in real pharmaceutical preparation.


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Rare earth(III)-histidine (His)- tryptophane (Trp). Ca(II)-His-Trp and Zn(II)-His-Trp systems were studied by potentiometric titration and computer simulation under physiological conditions. The species of the systems and their stability constants were determined. The distributions of species of rare earth(III), Ca(II) and Zn(II) were discussed.


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The suppression of diorganogermanium compounds on the Maillard reaction of histidine (His) and glycine (Gly) with glucose has been determined by fluorescence spectrum under physiological conditions. The title compounds show inhibition for the fluorescence intensity (FI) of glycosylated amino acids stronger than Ge-132.


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The pKa values of ionizable groups in proteins report the free energy of site-specific proton binding and provide a direct means of studying pH-dependent stability. We measured histidine pKa values (H3, H22, and H105) in the unfolded (U), intermediate (I), and sulfate-bound folded (F) states of RNase P protein, using an efficient and accurate nuclear magnetic resonance-monitored titration approach that utilizes internal reference compounds and a parametric fitting method. The three histidines in the sulfate-bound folded protein have pKa values depressed by 0.21 ± 0.01, 0.49 ± 0.01, and 1.00 ± 0.01 units, respectively, relative to that of the model compound N-acetyl-l-histidine methylamide. In the unliganded and unfolded protein, the pKa values are depressed relative to that of the model compound by 0.73 ± 0.02, 0.45 ± 0.02, and 0.68 ± 0.02 units, respectively. Above pH 5.5, H22 displays a separate resonance, which we have assigned to I, whose apparent pKa value is depressed by 1.03 ± 0.25 units, which is ∼0.5 units more than in either U or F. The depressed pKa values we observe are consistent with repulsive interactions between protonated histidine side chains and the net positive charge of the protein. However, the pKa differences between F and U are small for all three histidines, and they have little ionic strength dependence in F. Taken together, these observations suggest that unfavorable electrostatics alone do not account for the fact that RNase P protein is intrinsically unfolded in the absence of ligand. Multiple factors encoded in the P protein sequence account for its IUP property, which may play an important role in its function.


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Histidine is a naturally occurring amino acid with antioxidant properties, which is present in low amounts in tissues throughout the body. We recently synthesized and characterized histidine analogues related to the natural dipeptide carnosine, which selectively scavenge the toxic lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE). We now report that the histidine analogue histidyl hydrazide is effective in reducing brain damage and improving functional outcome in a mouse model of focal ischemic stroke when administered intravenously at a dose of 20 mg/kg, either 30 min before or 60 min and 3 h after the onset of middle cerebral artery occlusion. The histidine analogue also protected cultured rat primary neurons against death induced by HNE, chemical hypoxia, glucose deprivation, and combined oxygen and glucose deprivation. The histidine analogue prevented neuronal apoptosis as indicated by decreased production of cleaved caspase-3 protein. These findings suggest a therapeutic potential for HNE-scavenging histidine analogues in the treatment of stroke and related neurodegenerative conditions.


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Background: The histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 1, HINT1, hydrolyzes adenosine 5'monophosphoramidate substrates such as AMP-morpholidate. The human HINT1 gene is located on chromosome 5q31.2, a region implicated in linkage studies of schizophrenia. HINT1 had been shown to have different expression in postmortem brains between schizophrenia patients and unaffected controls. It was also found to be associated with the dysregulation of postsynaptic dopamine transmission, thus suggesting a potential role in several neuropsychiatric diseases.


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A significant number of proteins in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes are known to be post-translationally modified by the addition of phosphate, serving as a means of rapidly regulating protein function. Phosphorylation of the amino acids serine, threonine and tyrosine are the focus of the vast majority of studies aimed at elucidating the extent and roles of such modification, yet other amino acids, including histidine and aspartate, are also phosphorylated. Although histidine phosphorylation is known to play extensive roles in signalling in eukaryotes, plants and fungi, roles for phosphohistidine are poorly defined in higher eukaryotes. Characterization of histidine phosphorylation aimed at elucidating such information is problematic due to the acid-labile nature of the phosphoramidate bond, essential for many of its biological functions. Although MSbased strategies have proven extremely useful in the analysis of other types of phosphorylated peptides, the chromatographic procedures essential for such approaches promote rapid hydrolysis of phosphohistidinecontaining peptides. Phosphate transfer to non-biologically relevant aspartate residues during MS analysis further complicates the scenario. © 2013 Biochemical Society.


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Manganese (Mn) is an essential nutrient required for plant growth, in particular in the process of photosynthesis. Plant performance is influenced by various environmental stresses including contrasting temperatures, light or nutrient deficiencies. The molecular responses of plants exposed to such stress factors in combination are largely unknown. 

Screening of 108 Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) accessions for reduced photosynthetic performance at chilling temperatures was performed and one accession (Hog) was isolated. Using genetic and molecular approaches, the molecular basis of this particular response to temperature (GxE interaction) was identified. 

Hog showed an induction of a severe leaf chlorosis and impaired growth after transfer to lower temperatures. We demonstrated that this response was dependent on the nutrient content of the soil. Genetic mapping and complementation identified NRAMP1 as the causal gene. Chlorotic phenotype was associated with a histidine to tyrosine (H239Y) substitution in the allele of Hog NRAMP1. This led to lethality when Hog seedlings were directly grown at 4 degrees C. 

Chemical complementation and hydroponic culture experiments showed that Mn deficiency was the major cause of this GxE interaction. For the first time, the NRAMP-specific highly conserved histidine was shown to be crucial for plant performance.