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Strongyloides stercoralis is an endemic nematode to tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. The parasite is capable of autoinfection, which is limited by an intact immune response. In immunocompromised hosts, hyperinfection and dissemination can occur and have a high index of mortality. A hyperinfection syndrome with dissemination is frequently associated with corticosteroid administration and other conditions (malignancies and organ transplantation). Interestingly, although strongyloidiasis is common among AIDS patients in endemic areas, the hyperinfection syndrome is rarely noted. We report here on a rare manifestation of fulminant gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to hyperinfection of strongyloidiasis in a female drug-abusing, alcoholic HIV/AIDS patient.
Introdução: O pneumomediastino espontâneo (PE) define-se pela presença de ar livre no mediastino, sem causa traumática. É raro em idade pediátrica e exige elevada suspeição diagnóstica. Caso Clínico: Adolescente de 17 anos, longilíneo, fumador ocasional, sem história traumática nem patologia pulmonar, observado na Urgência por dor retrosternal intensa acompanhada por dispneia ligeira. Referência a acessos de tosse seca violenta horas antes. O diagnóstico de PE suspeitou-se pela palpação de enfisema subcutâneo supraclavicular e confirmou-se por telerradiografia do tórax mostrando ar livre mediastínico. A investigação revelou infeção por Mycoplasma pneumoniae pelo que foi medicado com macrólido para além do repouso e analgesia propostos para o PE, evoluindo favoravelmente. Discussão/Conclusôes: O PE é um diagnóstico a não esquecer perante dor torácica aguda no adolescente. A presença de sintomas, por vezes, frustres e a evolução habitualmente benigna contribuem para um provável subdiagnóstico. O tabagismo é um fator predisponente. A associação a infeção por Mycoplasma pneumoniae só raramente foi descrita.
OBJECTIVE: To assess, in a prospective way, the experience with video-assisted pericardioscopy obtained in patients with pericardial effusion of unclear etiology in the preoperative period. METHODS: From January 1998 to June 2000, 20 patients were operated upon with the aid of video-assisted pericardioscopy. On echocardiography, 17 of these patients had significant pericardial effusion, and 3 had moderate pericardial effusion. Video-assisted pericardioscopy was performed through a small incision of the Marfan type. RESULTS: The diagnosis of pericardial effusion was established as follows: idiopathic in 9 (45%) patients, neoplastic in 4 (20%), resulting from hypothyroidism in 3 (15%), tuberculous in 2 (10%), due to cholesterol in 1 (5%), and chylopericardial in 1 (5%). The biopsy was positive in 30% of the patients, and the etiology could not be defined in 45% of the patients. CONCLUSION: Video-assisted pericardioscopy proved to be a method with low morbidity and a high index of diagnostic positivity. A high percentage of pericardial effusions are caused by viral infections, which are not diagnosed through current methods, being, therefore, classified as idiopathic.
Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (anti-NMDA) receptor encephalitis likely has a wider clinical spectrum than previously recognized. This article reports a previously healthy 16-year-old girl who was diagnosed with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis 3 months after onset of severe depression with psychotic features. She had no neurological manifestations, and cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was normal. Slow background on electroencephalogram and an oligoclonal band in the cerebrospinal fluid prompted the search for anti-NMDA receptor antibodies. She markedly improved over time but remained with mild neuropsychological sequelae after a trial of late immunotherapy. Only a high index of suspicion enables recognition of the milder forms of the disease masquerading as primary psychiatric disorders.
Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition characterised by nutrient malabsorption and excessive bacteria in the small intestine. It typically presents with diarrhea, flatulence and a syndrome of malabsorption (steatorrhea, macrocytic anemia). However, it may be asymptomatic in the eldery. A high index of suspicion is necessary in order to differentiate SIBO from other similar presenting disorders such as coeliac disease, lactose intolerance or the irritable bowel syndrome. A search for predisposing factor is thus necessary. These factors may be anatomical (stenosis, blind loop), or functional (intestinal hypomotility, achlorydria). The hydrogen breath test is the most frequently used diagnostic test although it lacks standardisation. The treatment of SIBO consists of eliminating predisposing factors and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.
Brucellosis has become a rare entity in many industrialised countries, because of animal vaccination programs. We report a first case in the literature of Brucella abscess in the hip region observed in Switzerland in a subject without any clear risk factor, leading us to conclude that abscess formation can be a rare manifestation of brucellosis. Because it can present in many different forms and locations without having characteristic clinics, a high index of suspicion is needed for the diagnosis even if the patient is a healthy athlete with no clear way of obvious route for contamination, and this even more if all the common causes of athletic hip pain have been ruled out.
Introduction: Development of a squamous cell carcinoma (Marjolin's ulcer) is a rare but well-known complication of chronic discharging osteomyelitis. A high index of suspicion and highquality of histopathological examination are paramount in order to make the correct diagnosis. Methods: During a 15-year period (1993 and 2008), patients with long-standing chronic osteomyelitis with clinical symptoms of >1 year of duration, were retrospectively reviewed. Included were patients with histologically confirmed squamous-cell carcinoma associated with chronic wound overlying the site of chronic osteomyelitis. Clinical features and treatment approaches of these patients were analyzed. Results: During the study period, 6 patients were identified (2 women and 4 men) aged 52 to 67 years (mean 59 years). All patients had a long history of chronic discharging osteomyelitis (12, 19, 21, 30, 39 and 40 years), localized in the lower (5 patients) or upper extremitiy (1 patient). All tumors were histologically highly-differentiated squamous-cell carcinomas involving the deep soft tissues and the bone. 5 of 6 patients were initially misdiagnosed as chronic bone infection since bacteria were isolated in wound swabs, including Staphylococcus aureus (n = 3), Escherichia coli (n = 1) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (n = 1). Treatment consisted of major amputation in 4 patients and radical surgical excision in 2 patients refusing amputation. 4 patients were lost to follow-up due to return to their country of origin, the remaining 2 patients were without signs of tumor recurrence (both after major amputation). Conclusion: Malignant transformation of is a rare, but serious complication of long-standing discharging chronic osteomyelitis. All 6 patients were diagnosed after >10 years of persistent or recurrent wounds. It should be particularly suspected in case of a pathological fracture, development of exophytic mass and changes in local pattern of the ulcers itself. Multiple biopsies, including deep soft tissues and bone, are recommended to distinguish between chronic osteomyelitis, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and highly-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Early diagnosis and a team approach (orthopaedic and plastic surgeon) are crucial for optimal management of the patient
The aim of this work is to present aspects related to the ecology of Rhodnius nasutus Stål, 1859 in palms from Chapada do Araripe in Ceará, Brazil. The following five species of palms were investigated: babaçu (Attalea speciosa), buriti (Mauritia flexuosa), carnaúba (Copernicia prunifera), catolé (Syagrus oleracea) and macaúba-barriguda (Acrocomia intumescens). Fifth palms were dissected (10 specimens for each species). The overall infestation index was 86%, with a total of 521 triatomines collected. The Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, 1909 Index was 16.8% and two insects presented mixed infection with Trypanosoma rangeli Tejera, 1920. A precipitin test showed that R. nasutus from palms of Chapada do Araripe are associated with opossum and bird although other possible bloodmeals were observed. Our results showing a high index of infestation of the palms as well as T. cruzi infection, the association of R. nasutus with the most diverse species of palms and proximity of these palms to houses demonstrate the importance of this area for sylvatic T. cruzi transmission and suggest the need for epidemiological surveillance in the region of the Chapada do Araripe.
Background and aim: Wilson disease (WD) is an inherited disorder ofhepatic copper excretion leading to toxic accumulation of copper in theliver as well as the brain, cornea, and other organs. The defect is due tomutations of the copper-transporting ATPase ATP7B. Here, we describethe adult cases of hepatic WD diagnosed at the CHUV between 2005and 2010.Methods: Clinical manifestions, results of diagnostic tests, and follow-upof adult patients with hepatic WD were recorded systematically.Results: Seven new adult cases of hepatic WD were diagnosed in ourcenter between 2005 and 2010. Three were women and 4 men, with amedian a ge at d iagnosis o f 24 (range, 1 8-56) years. Three patientspresented with acute liver failure (ALF), three with persistently elevatedliver function tests, and one with a dvanced cirrhosis. None hadneurological manifestations. Only one patient, presenting with ALF, had aKayser-Fleischer corneal ring. Median ceruloplasmin levels at diagnosiswere 0.13 (range, <0.03-0.30) g/l, median 24 h urinary copper excretion6.3 (range, 0.4-62.0) μmol/24 h, and median hepatic copperconcentration 591 (range, 284-1049) μg/g. At least one mutation in theATP7B g ene was i dentified in a ll patients. Allelic frequency of t hecommon H1069Q mutation was 14%. Two patients presenting with ALFand the one with advanced cirrhosis underwent successful l ivertransplantation. One patient with ALF recovered under chelator therapy.D-penicillamine was used as first-line chelator treatment, with a switch totrientine due to adverse effects in 2 out of 4 patients u nder l ong-termtreatment.Conclusions: The clinical presentation of WD and the performance ofdiagnostic tests are variable. A high index of suspicion i n clinicallycompatible situations i s key, with a combination of tests allowing thediagnosis of WD.
From an interdisciplinary perspective, the present investigation undertaken by the GREILI-UPF research group has expanded a previous study aiming at explaining how young secondary school students of Latin American and Chinese origin in Catalonia construct their linguistic and cultural identity. Here we analyze the relationship between these youngsters and their social environment in order to determine how these relationships and the socialization process that derives from them influence language attitudes and practices. We focus on two spaces of socialization: (1) the school, where youngsters from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds coexist and interact, and (2) the neighborhood, a geographic and symbolic space where social identity is constructed and, consequently, where young newcomers construct their perceptions regarding the host society, including its linguistic reality. We have collected several sets of data in three public secondary schools and three neighborhoods from Barcelona’s metropolitan area with a high index of immigrant population: (1) interviews with secondary school students, (2) interviews with teachers, (3) social discourses in newspapers that consolidate the social image of the neighborhood, (4) narratives from immigrant families in relation to their neighborhood, (5) participant observation in schools, and (5) observation in the neighborhood. The results of the thematic and, when appropriate, discursive analysis of the data allow us to reach conclusions regarding: (a) the social image of the neighborhoods, (b) the socialization of young newcomers in the schools and the neighborhoods, (c) the identity games, and (d) the language and cultural practices and attitudes of young people, in relation to their countries and languages of origin as well as the school and the neighborhood investigated.
Wilson disease (WD) is an inherited disorder of hepatic copper excretion leading to toxic accumulation of copper in the liver as well as the brain, cornea, and other organs. The defect is due to mutations of the copper-transporting ATPase ATP7B. Clinical manifestations are highly variable and comprise acute liver failure, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis as well as neurological or psychiatric symptoms. The Kayser-Fleischer corneal ring is pathognomonic but absent in about 50% of patients with hepatic manifestations alone. A high index of suspicion in clinically compatible situations is key, with a combination of laboratory tests allowing the diagnosis of WD. Treatment is based on the use of chelating agents, D-penicillamine or trientine. Liver transplantation should be considered for patients with acute liver failure or advanced cirrhosis.
We present the case of a young man with compression of both renal arteries by the crura of the diaphragm. Correct diagnosis of renal artery entrapment is difficult but crucial. The investigations rely on an high index of suspicion and include Doppler ultrasound and spiral computed tomography angiography, which permits visualization of the diaphragm and its relationships with the aorta. This pathology, unlike common renal artery stenoses, requires surgical decompression and sometimes aortorenal bypass graft.
Cefepime is a broad-spectrum cephalosporin indicated for in-hospital treatment of severe infections. Acute neurotoxicity, an increasingly recognized adverse effect of this drug in an overdose, predominantly affects patients with reduced renal function. Although dialytic approaches have been advocated to treat this condition, their role in this indication remains unclear. We report the case of an 88-year-old female patient with impaired renal function who developed life-threatening neurologic symptoms during cefepime therapy. She was treated with two intermittent 3-hour high-flux, high-efficiency hemodialysis sessions. Serial pre-, post-, and peridialytic (pre- and postfilter) serum cefepime concentrations were measured. Pharmacokinetic modeling showed that this dialytic strategy allowed for serum cefepime concentrations to return to the estimated nontoxic range 15 hours earlier than would have been the case without an intervention. The patient made a full clinical recovery over the next 48 hours. We conclude that at least 1 session of intermittent hemodialysis may shorten the time to return to the nontoxic range in severe clinically patent intoxication. It should be considered early in its clinical course pending chemical confirmation, even in frail elderly patients. Careful dosage adjustment and a high index of suspicion are essential in this population.
A method for characterizing the microroughness of samples in optical coating technology is developed. Measurements over different spatial-frequency ranges are composed into a single power spectral density (PSD) covering a large bandwidth. This is followed by the extraction of characteristic parameters through fitting of the PSD to a suitable combination of theoretical models. The method allows us to combine microroughness measurements performed with different techniques, and the fitting procedure can be adapted to any behavior of a combined PSD. The method has been applied to a set of ion-beam-sputtered fluoride vacuum-UV coatings with increasing number of alternative low- and high-index layers. Conclusions about roughness development and microstructural growth are drawn.
Small bowel intussusception is a rare long-term complication after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the etiology of which remains unclear. Except for one series reporting on 23 patients, case reports represent the vast majority of all cases reported so far. With this complete review of the world literature, based on a total of 63 patients including 2 of our own cases, we provide an extensive overview of the subject. The origin of intussusception after gastric bypass is different from that of intussusception of other causes, in that there is usually no lead point. It is likely related to motility disorders in the divided small bowel, especially in the Roux limb. This rare condition may cause obstruction and lead to bowel necrosis if not recognized and treated promptly. Clinical presentation is not specific. Computerized tomography scan represents the diagnostic test of choice, but surgery is sometimes the only way to establish the diagnosis. Treatment may be limited to reduction if the small bowel is viable, but resection of the affected segment is recommended on the basis of this review, since it seems to result in fewer recurrences. Knowledge of this entity and a high index of suspicion are required to make the correct diagnosis and offer appropriate treatment in a timely fashion.