917 resultados para High Commitment Work Practices


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Purpose: This paper sets out to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, particularly with regard to the processes of implementation and the role of managers engaged in such high commitment strategies and work practices. Design/methodology/approach: This study is part of a research project investigating the extent to which employee involvement predicts job performance (as well as job satisfaction, wellbeing and organisational commitment) in the NHS, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The main focus of this paper is to present evidence from four of the 20 case studies to show the barriers to implementing employee involvement as well as highlighting the techniques and practices that have proven to be most successful. Findings: Employee involvement is used successfully by management and has enabled frontline staff to contribute their knowledge to their work. Research limitations/implications: The ethical issues of confidentiality and anonymity permeated the research process throughout. Practical implications: The link between "high commitment" strategies and organisational performance is of great interest to academics and practitioners alike. One of these "high commitment" strategies, namely employee involvement, has been an important HR strategy for the NHS in the UK. Originality/value: Other organisations can learn from the findings by implementing the successful parts. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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This paper explores the performance effects of human resource management (HRM) practices in 74 Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Four high performance HRM practices are identified: performance-based pay, participatory decision-making, free market selection, and performance evaluation. Regression analysis results support the conventional idea that the adoption of HRM practices generates better HRM outcomes and, in turn, better HRM outcomes contribute positively to firm performance. However, not all HRM practices, and their effects, led to improved SME performance. Among the Chinese SMEs investigated, a high level of employee commitment was identified as being the key HRM outcome for enhancing performance.


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Research has looked at single rather than a configuration of human resource management (HRM) practices to influence creativity so it is not yet clear how these practices synergistically facilitate creativity and organisational performance. I address this significant but unanswered question in a three-part study. In Study 1, I develop a high performance work system (HPWS) for creativity scale. I use Study 2 sample to test the validity of the new scale. In Study 3, I test a multilevel model of the intervening processes through which branch HPWS for creativity influences creativity and branch performance. Specifically, at the branch level, I draw on social context theory and hypothesise that branch HPWS for creativity relates to climate for creativity which, in turn, leads to creativity, and ultimately, to profit. Furthermore, I hypothesise environmental dynamism as a boundary condition of the creativity-profit relationship. At the individual level, I hypothesise a cross-level effect of branch HPWS for creativity on employee-perceived HPWS. I draw on self-determination theory and argue that perceived HPWS for creativity relate to need satisfaction and the psychological pathways of intrinsic motivation and creative process engagement to predict creativity. I also hypothesise climate for creativity as a cross-level moderator of the intrinsic motivation-creativity and creative process engagement-creativity relationships. Results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) indicate that ten out of the fifteen hypotheses were supported. The findings of this study respond to calls for HPWS to be designed around a strategic focus by developing and providing initial validity evidence of an HPWS for creativity scale. The results reveal the underlying mechanisms through which HPWS for creativity simultaneously influences individual and branch creativity leading to profit. Lastly, results indicate environmental dynamism to be an important boundary condition of the creativity-profit relationship and climate for creativity as a cross-level moderator of the creative process engagement-creativity.


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A tanulmány a lean termelés munkaszervezését három termelésmenedzsment koncepció segítségével vizsgálja. Az egyes koncepciók a szervezet eltérő metszeteit érintik: (1) a termék-folyamat mátrix (Hayes és Wheelwright, 1979) a termék és a folyamat jellemzőit helyezi középpontba. A lean hatására a szervezet a mátrixban a nagyobb választék és a folyamat alapú működés (nagyobb függőség) irányába mozdul el. Az elmozdulást üzemi szinten a magas elkötelezettségű munkavégzési rendszer gyakorlatainak bevezetése kíséri, mivel azok támogatják a rugalmas működést, a gyors kommunikációt és problémamegoldást. Az elmozdulás „minősége” és így a munkaszervezési gyakorlatok használata (mélyég, száma, munkavállalók bevonása) nagyban függ a termelési stratégiától és a lean érettségtől. (2) A termelési stratégia szakaszai (Wheelwright és Hayes, 1985) a termelés üzleti stratégiában játszott szerepét elemzik. A lean termelés összeegyeztethető a termelési stratégia harmadik szakaszának „command és control” szemléletmódjával. Az ilyen lean termelők költégfókuszúak, a hagyományos munkaerőképben gondolkodnak és körükben kevésbé jellemző az új emberi erőforrás gyakorlatok használata. A lean termelés adaptálása ösztönözheti a vállalatokat a termelési stratégia negyedik szintje felé. A negyedik szint a bevonásra, problémamegoldásra és tanulásra épít, amely megfelel a lean „emberek tisztelete” pillérének. (3) A lean érettségi modell (Hines és társai, 2004) a lean szervezeten belüli elmélyülését és terjedését mutatja be. A lean utazás során a vállalatok az eszköz alapú megközelítéstől a komplex értékrendszerben gondolkodó lean szervezet felé haladnak. A technikai tudásanyag egyre szélesebb körűvé válik, ami rávilágít a tudásátadás (személyek közöttire, de akár struktúrákba, folyamatokba építése is) képességének jelentőségére. Az emberi erőforrás gyakorlatok folyamatosan jelennek meg. De csak a legfejlettebb szakasz, a lean tanuló szervezet megjelenése teszi valóban szükségessé a munkavállalói kép újragondolását is. = This paper examines work organization in lean production with the help of three production concepts. These concepts embrace different dimensions of the organization: (1) the product-process matrix (Hayes and Wheelwright, 1979) is about product and process characteristics. Due to the lean the organization shifts within the matrix – towards higher variability and flow (higher level of interdependencies). On the shop floor the shift is accompanied by the introduction of high commitment work system’s practices, since those support flexible operations, fast communication and problem-solving. The „quality” of the shift and hence the application of these work practices (number of practices, their embeddeness, employee involvement) highly depends on manufacturing strategy and lean maturity. (2) The concept of stages of manufacturing strategy (Wheelwright and Hayes, 1985) analyzes the role of the manufacturing function in the business strategy. Lean production is compatible with the „command and control” approach of the third stage of manufacturing strategy. These lean producers are cost-driven, they have the traditional approach of employees and apply new work organization practices to a less extent. However, the implementation of lean production may drive these companies to the fourth stage. The fourth stage of manufacturing strategy is based on employee involvement, problem-solving and learning. This stage is in full accordance with the „respect for people” pillar of lean production. (3) Lean maturity (Hines et al., 2004) shows the path how lean management deepens and expands within an organization. During the lean journey, companies progress from the tool-based approach to the complex lean value system. The technical knowledge of lean becomes more and more comprehensive and it points out the crucial importance of knowledge conversion capabilities (intrapersonal or even how to build knowledge into structures, processes). Work organization practices constantly appear with the progress, but the review of the traditional approach of employees is only essential at the most advanced stage, when an organization becomes lean learning organization.


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This paper describes the changes occurring in manufacturing industries and their effect on knowledge and skills necessary to perform effectively in the new environments. The changes in knowledge and skills are presented as a summary to illustrate the extent of the change. The concept of multiskilling is used to conceptualise the emerging new knowledge and skills and finally some guidelines for designing training programs to acquire multiskilling are presented.


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This chapter provides an analysis of feedback from key stakeholders, collected as part of a research project, on the problems and tensions evident in the collective work practices of learning advisers employed in learning assistance services at an Australian metropolitan university (Peach, 2003). The term 'learning assistance' is used in the Australian higher education sector generally to refer to student support services that include assistance with academic writing and other study skills. The aim of the study was to help learning advisers and other key stakeholders develop a better understanding of the work activity with a view to using this understanding to generate improvements in service provision. Over twenty problems and associated tensions were identified through stakeholder feedback however the focus of this chapter is the analysis of tensions related to a cluster of problems referred to as cost-efficiency versus quality service. Theoretical modelling derived from the tools made available through cultural historical activity theory and expansive visibilsation (Engestrom and Miettinen, 1999) and excerpts from data are used to illustrate how different understandings of the purpose of learning assistance services impacts on the work practices of learning advisers and creates problems and tensions in relation to the type of service available (including use of technology),level of service available, and learning adviser workload.


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Past approaches adopted by scholars in comparing international news have tended to concentrate on political and economic perspectives, while the role that culture plays in determining news has been somewhat neglected until recently. This article examines the role of culture in the development of journalistic practices and how a value systems approach can be applied to understanding journalism practices across cultures. Specifically, the article compares German and Anglo-American journalism practices with a view to locating differences between these traditions. The study demonstrates that using value systems as developed by Dutch anthropologist Geert Hofstede can be immensely useful in comparing the differences between the two traditions, as well as in understanding how journalists in these traditions report about the world.


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In today's high-pressure work environment, project managers are often forced to “do more with less.” We argue that this imperative can lead project managers to engage in either high-performance or abusive supervision behaviors. To understand this process, we develop a model and associated propositions linking a project manager's cognitive appraisal of project-related demands to high-performance work practices versus abusive supervision behaviors—both of which impact three project outcomes: stakeholder relationships, people-related project success factors, and employee well-being. We propose that the choice between high-performance work practices and abusive supervision behaviors is moderated by a project manager's personal resources (psychological capital, emotional intelligence, and dark triad personality).


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When people work from home, the domains of home and work are co-located, often under one roof. Home-workers have to cope with the meeting of two practices that have traditionally been physically separated. In light of this, we need to understand: how do people who work from home negotiate the boundaries between their home and work practices? What kinds of boundaries do people construct? How do boundaries affect the relationship between home and work as domains? What kinds of boundaries are available to home-workers? Are home-workers in charge of their boundaries or do they co-create them with others? How does this position home-workers in their domains? In order to address these questions, I analysed a variety of data, including newspaper columns, online forum discussions, interviews, and personal diary entries, using a discourse analytic approach that lends itself to issues of positioning. Current literature clashes over whether home-workers are in control of their boundaries, and over the relationship between home and work that arises out of boundary negotiations, i.e. whether home and work are dichotomous or layered. I seek to contribute to boundary theory by adopting a practice theory stance (Wenger, 1998) to guide my analysis. By viewing home and work as practices, I show that boundary negotiations depend on how home-workers are positioned, e.g. if they are positioned as peripheral in a domain, they lack influence over boundaries. I demonstrate that home and work constitute a number of different practices, rather than a rigid dichotomy, and that the way home and work are related are not the same for all home-workers. The application of practice concepts further shows how relationships between practices are created. The contribution of this work is a reconceptualisation of current boundary theory away from individual and cognitive notions (Nippert-Eng, 1996) into the realm of positioning.


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This article examines recent research on risk assessment and probation practice in Ireland and relates the findings to the ongoing debate regarding risk management practices in probation. The piece discusses current theoretical arguments on the influence of risk in criminal justice and outlines the impact of risk discourse on probation practice in Ireland and England and Wales. Using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, Irish probation officers’ attitudes are examined in order to highlight key issues facing probation officers when making risk decisions. These findings are compared and contrasted to other research results from England and Wales. All the conclusions identify both positive and negative consequences of adopting risk tools and point to the continued salience of clinical judgment over actuarial methods of risk assessment. It is argued that the research highlights the role of ‘resistance’ by criminal justice professionals in mediating the effects of the ‘new penology’ at the level of implementation. The idea of resistance holds particular relevance for probation practice in Ireland where professional discretion is maintained within the National Standards framework. Despite this, to date there has been an uncritical approach taken to risk assessment which may ignore the dangers of risk inflation/deflation and the need to take into account local factors in assessing risk of reoffending