36 resultados para Hedonism


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A educação ambiental apresenta-se hoje como mais uma valência de formação e de responsabilidades atribuídas à escola, dada a importância da dimensão da sustentabilidade na relação do homem com a natureza. A supervisão e a liderança podem desempenhar nesta pro-blemática um papel importante na promoção de uma visão humana e ética da abordagem da temática ecológica – que parece não estar a ter o sucesso desejado e necessário. Nas culturas tradicionais, e em todas as sociedades em que uma visão religiosa do mundo domina sobre o livre arbítrio de cada um, a natureza era objeto de um respeito ou mesmo veneração como obra divina. Mas com a relevância dos direitos individuais, sobretudo a partir do século XVIII, e com a crise de valores comunitários, aumento do individualismo e uma visão hedonista da existência, a usufruição imediata dos recursos tornou-se hábito e até paradigma de organização social. Uma análise crítica sobre o passado docente e uma consciência de responsabilidade ambiental desperta pela experiência de infância juntaram-se a uma reflexão sobre a responsa-bilidade educativa no sentido de desenvolver nos alunos não só as aprendizagens cognitivas mas também uma dimensão formativa global em que as perspetivas de responsabilidade soli-dária por um futuro sustentável pudessem estar presentes. É para estes valores que este projeto aponta.


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This article presents the findings from research undertaken within a conceptual framework that included personal values, satisfaction and post-consumption behavioural intentions. The findings of a quantitative study (n = 354) conducted at a theatre-event indicate that attendees who were more inclined to place importance on their 'connectedness' with others were generally more satisfied with their attendance overall and with most of the attributes of the special event that were measured. Similar results were also found for attendees' post-con-sumption behavioural intentions; however, other personal value systems, such as that associated with hedonism, also emerged as important. These results can be used by managers and marketers of special events to enhance the special event experience and contribute to the industry's sustainability.


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The rising expectations of university students with regard to quality, service and value for money, and the growing diversity of student populations have challenged universities to become increasingly student focused. Marketing theory suggests that a clear understanding of customer needs and expectations is central to being customer focused and to facilitate targeting of products and services to appropriate segments. The process requires the marketer to have insights into the cultural backgrounds of customers where the study of personal values becomes a critical component in understanding consumer needs and preferences. The results of this study indicate that personal values are useful in explaining differences amongst the student cohorts with regard to age, gender and nationality. Recommendations are made with regard to developing the educational product for the international student, based on underlying value domains of Self-efficacy and Hedonism.


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Australian universities face a challenging task to service an increasingly diverse international student community in the globally competitive education market. The pressure on universities to successfully negotiate cultural diversity arising from nationality differences and to improve service quality will continue to increase with further expansions in the international student market. Such a scenario requires insights into the individual backgrounds of students. Personal values are one way in which insights can be gained of students, particularly with regard to their needs and preferences. Using Factor Analysis, ANOVA and MANOVA, this study analyses the national differences on the basis of underlying value domains of Selfefficacy, Power, Inner harmony, Aspiration and Hedonism. The results indicate significant differences in personal values amongst the student cohorts, which suggest that universities may need to adopt different approaches in servicing international students.


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This article synthesizes the main themes and research agendas that have been explored in studies of sports-associated drinking. It identifies four themes in which sport and alcohol come together: (a) the commercial economy; (b) social practices and cultural identities; (c) crime and violence; and (d) health behaviors. The article highlights the paradoxical and contradictory nature of the sport-alcohol nexus, especially in relation to health behaviors and crime and violence, where sport is both a context for and a “solution” to health damaging and criminal behavior. The article also argues for the contribution that studies of sports-based drinking can make to the sociology of sport and alcohol use more broadly, particularly with regard to applying new theoretical perspectives such as “calculated hedonism” and “casual leisure” to drinking in sporting contexts. It also extends our analysis of the beer-sport-gender “holy trinity” to considering drinking by women as well as among less traditional forms of masculine identities.


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Problem Statement: Universities are faced with the challenging task of educating an increasingly diverse and mobile student community. An understanding of the backgrounds of students and their expectations is central to ensure effective delivery of educational and support services to enhance student experience and satisfaction. The study of student personal values is able to provide better understanding of student demands and aspirations and to assist universities to target educational and support services to meet the differential needs of students.

Purpose of Study: To examine the differences in personal values among Asian international postgraduate students studying in Australian universities and to discuss the strategic implications of these differences in relation to enhancing student experience and satisfaction.

Research Methods: Data collected from a sample of 371 postgraduate students from China, India, Indonesia and Thailand studying in five universities in Victoria, Australia. Personal values were measured using Kahle’s (1983) List Of Values (LOV). Factor analysis was undertaken to determine the underlying personal value domains and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to analyse the relationship of the value constructs to student satisfaction. ANOVA and MANOVA tests employed to examine the differences of personal values between the nationalities, gender and age.

Findings: Factor Analysis resulted in a two factor solution and labelled as Self-efficacy and Hedonism which explained 73.5 percent of the variance. MANOVA and ANOVA results indicated significant differences (.001) across the values constructs of Self-efficacy and Hedonism and the individual variables between nationalities, gender and age.

SEM results indicated a link between student satisfaction and the value domains of Self-efficacy and Hedonism.

Conclusions: The study highlighed the opportunities for universities to recognise that Asia is a differentiated market place and the development of segmented approach in designing educational programs as part of the strategy to enhance student experience and satisfaction. The inclusion of cultural aspects in educational programs, promotional material that fits in with different cultural backgrounds of students, self-paced learning approaches, promotion of cross cultural understanding among university staff are among the recommended strategies.


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A classe média brasileira apresentou um grande crescimento nos últimos anos representando 52% da população do país. Justamente devido a este fenômeno, surgiu o interesse nesta pesquisa que está focada em mulheres residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Podem ser observadas pesquisas recentes na área de marketing acerca dos hábitos de consumo desta classe, principalmente devido ao aumento do seu poder aquisitivo, porém pouco foram exploradas as particularidades dos diversos grupos dentro desta grande massa e de como se comportam em universos antes originários e característico das elites sociais, como o dos bens de luxo. A presente pesquisa tem o objetivo de contribuir para uma exploração mais detalhada acerca desta população. A fim de se observar a produção de conhecimento e o processo de construção de identidade das mulheres pesquisadas, o tema abordado foi o consumo de objetos de luxo. Três categorias se apresentam relevantes: Luxo, Luxo no Dia a Dia e Sonho de Consumo, que trazem informações distintas e complementares para melhor compreensão do grupo analisado. Apesar das teorias tradicionais de luxo apresentarem o status social, a diferenciação e o hedonismo como principais motivos do consumo destes objetos, outros aspectos relevantes foram observados quanto a este tipo de consumo, sendo a família a grande arena onde a maior parte das relações sociais e econômicas acontecem. A pesquisa também mostra o desenvolvimento de um olhar peculiar para a moda por parte do grupo estudado sendo a chave para o entendimento do que é luxo. Os resultados deste estudo mostram a riqueza das práticas e significados de consumo dentro de um mesmo grupo e a importância de um olhar qualitativo para que acadêmicos e gestores da área de marketing possam realmente entender os fenômenos de consumo das sociedades modernas, especialmente sociedades em pleno desenvolvimento social e econômico como o Brasil.


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A presente pesquisa apresentou como seu objetivo principal verificar as relações entre valores, atitude em relação ao empreendedorismo (AE) e intenção empreendedora (IE) em um estudo comparativo com universitários de graduação em Administração das Cinco Regiões Brasileiras e Cabo Verde. O instrumento de pesquisa foi composto por um questionário sócio demográfico, a escala de Valores Humanos – Questionário de Perfis de Valores de Schwartz(2001) e o Questionário de Intenção Empreendedora de Liñán & Chen (2009). Após o consentimento livre e informado, os alunos responderam o instrumento de pesquisa, perfazendo um total de 1561 respostas válidas. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados nos Softwares: SPSS 21 e AMOS 21 para a produção de Estatísticas Descritivas, Análises de Confiabilidade, Análises de Correlação, Análise de Variância (ANOVA), Gráficos, Análise Fatorial Confirmatória e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (SEM). Os modelos utilizaram a Teoria de Ação Racional (FISHBEIN & AJZEN,1971) e Teoria do Comportamento Planejado(AJZEN,1991), testando o impacto dos valores nas atitudes e intenções. Os resultados indicaram que os valores de Estimulação, Poder e Hedonismo foram tiveram os maiores efeitos na IE e na AE. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre os gêneros, com os homens apresentando maior IE e AE. Diferenças regionais foram encontradas. Limitações, implicações práticas e teóricas, além de sugestões para pesquisas futuras são apresentadas.


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Currently, we attend a reverence of concepts ahead as health, life, youth and body. In we widen amount the ideals concerned to the healthful life, to the quality of life, the longevity and joviality and the extremities of the body represented by the illness, for the virus infection, the physical deficiency and the aging. Of the historical shades of the plague, of the hunger and the war that gagged the defenseless individual and its body, in the current days we increase the search for a full and powerful life, independent of a religious imaginary to predict the epidemic curse, the threat represented for the sick people and the incarnate divine anger in the death; or of medical science presented in the spaces of the technology and the physiology, being left fragile the social and psychological dimensions of the human confined to the patient issue and, finally, the commanded urban health politics in quantitative goals of hygienic cleaning, of the medical techniques and the education citizen. For beyond these instances, emerges in our days a plural, close and biographical agreement well of the body and welfare. On the other hand, an understanding of the healthful life and well-being that more certifies the presence of something the one that clear landmarks amongst normality and the irregularity, the esteem and the destructive vice: it has a projection of healthful life measures without conceptual models of body and health under the doctor-scientific standard occidental. This thematic one will confide in way to the enclosure for spaces to the muscles and fitness exercises and the bars from the city of Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, while comprehensive interchange concerning as the individual comes dealing with the notion the body and health and, mainly, if perceiving inside of its body and its health. Amongst these two spaces of typical leisure of the modern urban phenomenon, the hedonism bodily with its muscles and salience and one another form of hedonism in the fruition of allowed drugs will be across itself in a dialogue about which social s relationships are really in game in an imaginary construction amongst an doctor-aesthetic ideal of health and the social and subjective experience in the option for a healthful life


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Para investigar o comportamento de motoristas, possivelmente correlacionado a valores e variáveis demográficas, foram aplicados a 505 motoristas, de Belém e Curitiba, a Escala de Violações e Erros de Motoristas (EVEM) e o Questionário de Valores Pessoais (PVQ). Metade da amostra foi constituída de motoristas de ambos os sexos que tiveram suas Carteiras de Habilitação (CNH) suspensas e a outra metade de não suspensas. Os resultados da EVEM e do PVQ foram confrontados com a cidade dos participantes, a situação da CNH, e outras questões relativas ao ato de dirigir veículos, tendo sido encontradas algumas correlações entre os fatores. Na EVEM: 1) Erros: Cidade; 2) Violações: Idade, Idade que Aprendeu Dirigir e Situação da CNH; 3) Violações Agressivas: Idade que Aprendeu Dirigir, Situação da CNH, Idade e Sexo; 4) Agressão Interpessoal: Idade, Situação da CNH e Sexo. No PVQ: 5) Autodireção: Cidade e Escolaridade; 6) Poder: Cidade e Situação da CNH; 7) Universalismo: Cidade, Situação da CNH e Idade; 8) Hedonismo: Idade; 9) Segurança: Cidade, Idade e Situação da CNH; 10) Estimulação: Idade; 11) Conformidade: Situação da CNH, Idade e Cidade; 12) Benevolência: Cidade, Situação da CNH, Sexo e Idade; 13) Realização: Idade; 14) Tradição: Idade. Alguns resultados mostraram diferenças entre motoristas suspensos e não suspensos e também entre motoristas das cidades pesquisadas, como por exemplo, um maior percentual de suspensos aprendeu a dirigir com a família e os fatores Benevolência e Conformidade foram mais valorizados pelos motoristas de Belém.


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The legendary Don Juan character inhabits the popular imaginary with such a vibrancy of a myth, despite its slight recognition as such by the scientific literature. The purpose of this article is to verify if Don Juan’s play can be understood, scientifically, as a modern myth, as well as understand its mythical nature and its relation to the modern man. A structural and historical analysis of the two first plays on Don Juan has guided us: the one written by Tirso de Molina in 1630, and the one by Molière, written in 1665. The studies allow us to say that Don Juan is a typical modern myth, once it is constituted by narratives that expose a world looming under the signs of individualism, hedonism, arrogance and audacity forged under the appeals of sexual desire.


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This study examined the moderating effect of social and coping motives on distress among young cannabis-using adults. A random sample of 2031 young Swiss adults was interviewed by means of a computer-assisted telephone interview. Cannabis users showed more distress, less positive health behaviour and higher hedonism compared to non-users. Taking motive for use as a moderator variable into consideration, it became evident that only cannabis users with coping motives showed lower mental health, more symptoms of psychopathology, more psychosocial distress and more life events than non-users. Young adults with social motives for use on the other hand did not differ from non-users in terms of distress. These differences between cannabis users with social and those with coping motives remained stable over two years. In both subgroups, participants with regular cannabis use at baseline did not increase distress nor did participants with higher distress at baseline increase the frequency of their cannabis use. Our results suggest that secondary prevention for cannabis users should target especially young adults with coping motives for use.


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To study the association between cannabis use and frequent sexual risk behavior, we tested the hypothesis of a situational influence of cannabis use in sexual encounters using a combination of global association study and event-level analysis and examined possible mediator variables, including the personality trait of hedonism/risk preference, psychosocial stress, and HIV-related beliefs, using mediation models. The results of a computer-assisted telephone interview of a random sample of 2790 heterosexual men and women aged 16-24 years showed that risky sexual behavior was more frequent in cannabis-using men and women than in non-using persons. The results did not support a situational effect of cannabis intoxication on sexual risk behavior. The more frequent sexual risk behavior among cannabis users was mediated by decreased intentions to use HIV protection, by lower HIV-self-efficacy, and higher risk preference/hedonism. Only among women psychosocial stress was a partial mediator. The findings show that HIV prevention programs for cannabis-using young adults should emphasize the role of person variables instead of situation variables.