993 resultados para Hand-over


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Korruption, Gewalt, Machtmissbrauch – im medialen, aber auch im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs wird die afrikanische Polizei oft als dysfunktionale staatliche Institution dargestellt. Dabei erscheinen Polizisten und zivile Akteure als klar voneinander abgegrenzte Akteursgruppen, wobei die Polizisten einseitig das staatliche Gewaltmonopol durchsetzen. Ein Blick auf den Alltag polizeilichen Handelns in Nordghana eröffnet jedoch eine andere Perspektive: Wegen der niedrigen Legitimität, konkurrierenden alternativen Rechtsinstanzen und den Widersprüchen innerhalb ihrer Institution sind Polizisten mit massiven Unsicherheiten konfrontiert. Ihre Praktiken können als situative Anpassungen der Polizeiarbeit an dieses Umfeld verstanden werden. Dabei übertragen Polizisten oft Kernaufgaben ihrer Institution an zivile Akteure, die sogenannten „friends of the police“. Auch zivile Akteure verfügen jedoch durch physischen Widerstand, Beziehungen, Status und Geld über beträchtliche Beeinflussungsmöglichkeiten. Die öffentliche Ordnung ergibt sich erst aus den Verhandlungen zwischen den Polizisten und unterschiedlichen zivilen Akteuren unter Einbeziehung ihrer sozialen Ressourcen und moralischer Vorstellungen.


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En este Proyecto Fin de Grado se construirá una herramienta de gestión integral de centros hortícolas donde una serie de huertos cuidados por personas en situación de discapacidad son alquilados a terceros. Esta iniciativa se lleva a cabo gracias a la iniciativa “La Huerta de Montecarmelo” de la Fundación Carmen Pardo-Valcarce de Madrid. Este proyecto es el resultado de la colaboración entre la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos y la Fundación, a través de un programa de Prácticas Externas que duró doce meses. Por una parte, tras años de trabajo en esta Obra Social, se encontró que muchos de los clientes, pasado el verano, se desvinculaban de las tareas y del medio. A fin de solucionar esos problemas, se propuso construir una aplicación web, comunicada con otros dispositivos, como Smartphones, permitiendo un flujo de trabajo más ágil y notificando a los arrendatarios de cada cambio en sus huertos, por ejemplo: fotos recientes, notificaciones de recolecta o futuros cursos. El proyecto se llevó a cabo con éxito a lo largo de 2012 y 2013. Abstract In this Final Degree Project we build a complete horticulture center management tool where a set of gardens, which are kept by people with disabilities, are leased to third parties. This project is carried out within the La Huerta Montecarmelo initiative of the Carmen Pardo-Valcarce Foundation in Madrid. The project was the result of collaboration between the School of Computer Systems Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid and that Foundation through an External Practices program that lasted twelve months. By one hand, over the years of Social Work in this initiative, it was found that some clients after spring were easily disconnected from the tasks involved to the garden. By the other, all the management of more than two hundred of gardens becomes a very complex task due to lots of paperwork. To solve these problems and more, we proposed to build a web application, relying on other devices, such as Smartphones, allowing a more agile workflow and notifying customers of any change related to its garden, for example: recent photographs, notifications of harvest or future courses. The project was successfully carried out throughout 2012 and 2013.


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Kinesin is a processive motor protein: A single molecule can walk continuously along a microtubule for several micrometers, taking hundreds of 8-nm steps without dissociating. To elucidate the biochemical and structural basis for processivity, we have engineered a heterodimeric one-headed kinesin and compared its biochemical properties to those of the wild-type two-headed molecule. Our construct retains the functionally important neck and tail domains and supports motility in high-density microtubule gliding assays, though it fails to move at the single-molecule level. We find that the ATPase rate of one-headed kinesin is 3–6 s−1 and that detachment from the microtubule occurs at a similar rate (3 s−1). This establishes that one-headed kinesin usually detaches once per ATP hydrolysis cycle. Furthermore, we identify the rate-limiting step in the one-headed hydrolysis cycle as detachment from the microtubule in the ADP⋅Pi state. Because the ATPase and detachment rates are roughly an order of magnitude lower than the corresponding rates for two-headed kinesin, the detachment of one head in the homodimer (in the ADP⋅Pi state) must be accelerated by the other head. We hypothesize that this results from internal strain generated when the second head binds. This idea accords with a hand-over-hand model for processivity in which the release of the trailing head is contingent on the binding of the forward head. These new results, together with previously published ones, allow us to propose a pathway that defines the chemical and mechanical cycle for two-headed kinesin.


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Chinese elites do not treat Europe as an equal partner and are convinced that China holds the upper hand over Europe. They see a growing asymmetry in bilateral relations. China’s sense of its own potential is boosted by internal divisions within the European Union. At the same time, Europe is China’s key economic partner and an ‘economic pillar’ supporting China’s growth on the international stage. Beijing strives to maintain Europe’s open attitude towards the Chinese economy, in particular its exports, technology transfer to China, location of investments and diversification of China’s currency reserves. Cooperation with Europe and support from Europe are necessary to enable China to improve its position in the international economic and financial system, mainly in order to legitimise China’s actions in the area of multilateralism and global governance. Similarly, Beijing attaches great importance to maintaining Europe’s non-involvement in two issues: China’s core interests and Chinese-American relations.


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Cellular mobile radio systems will be of increasing importance in the future. This thesis describes research work concerned with the teletraffic capacity and the canputer control requirements of such systems. The work involves theoretical analysis and experimental investigations using digital computer simulation. New formulas are derived for the congestion in single-cell systems in which there are both land-to-mobile and mobile-to-mobile calls and in which mobile-to-mobile calls go via the base station. Two approaches are used, the first yields modified forms of the familiar Erlang and Engset formulas, while the second gives more complicated but more accurate formulas. The results of computer simulations to establish the accuracy of the formulas are described. New teletraffic formulas are also derived for the congestion in multi -cell systems. Fixed, dynamic and hybrid channel assignments are considered. The formulas agree with previously published simulation results. Simulation programs are described for the evaluation of the speech traffic of mobiles and for the investigation of a possible computer network for the control of the speech traffic. The programs were developed according to the structured progranming approach leading to programs of modular construction. Two simulation methods are used for the speech traffic: the roulette method and the time-true method. The first is economical but has some restriction, while the second is expensive but gives comprehensive answers. The proposed control network operates at three hierarchical levels performing various control functions which include: the setting-up and clearing-down of calls, the hand-over of calls between cells and the address-changing of mobiles travelling between cities. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the control netwvork and indicate that small mini -computers inter-connected via voice grade data channels would be capable of providing satisfactory control


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Background: Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) management often worsens as children become adolescents. This can be a difficult time for parents as they hand over responsibility of diabetes management to their adolescent. Objectives: To look at the experiences of parents with a child with T1D as they move to adolescence and take more responsibility for their diabetes management. To find out about parents’ experience of support during this transition. Subjects: Three parents of adolescents with T1D. Participants were recruited from the NHS Highland Paediatric Diabetes Service. Methods: Participants took part in a one-to-one semi-structured interview with a researcher. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to analyse the interviews and find common themes across the interviews. Results: Participants experienced worry throughout their child’s transition to adolescence. They found it difficult to let their child take responsibility for their diabetes but acknowledged that their involvement caused tensions with their adolescent. Participants’ experience was that there were a number of practical adjustments to be made with a diagnosis of T1D and educating the network around their child was important. The participants reported that the diagnosis of T1D had an impact on the whole family and not just the child with the diagnosis. The parents felt well supported medically but said that the amount of time before their first clinic appointment felt too long. All participants had concerns about their adolescent moving to the adult diabetic service. Conclusions: Participants experienced worry relating to aspects of their adolescents T1D that they could not control, but were aware of the tensions caused by trying to keep elements of control. Areas of future research were identified.


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This article is an analysis of the story of the killing of Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī at Karbalāʾ in 61/680, as it is presented by Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad b. Jarīr al-Ṭabarī (d. 310/923). The main argument is that the notion of the divine covenant, which permeates the Qur’an, constitutes a framework through which al-Ṭabarī views this event. The Qur’anic idea of the covenant is read in structural/thematic continuity with the Hebrew Bible account of the covenant between Yahweh and the Hebrew people, which has, in turn, been traced back in its basic form to Late Bronze Era treaties between rulers and their vassals.   The present study focusses on four speeches ascribed to Ḥusayn during the encounter he and his group had with the vanguard of the Kūfan army led by al-Ḥurr. These are analysed in accordance with their use of Qur’anic covenant vocabulary. They are also categorised within the broader framework of the eight standard characteristics of Ancient West Asian and Biblical covenants, as presented by George Mendenhall and Gary Herion, which have recently been developed in a Qur’anic context by Rosalind Ward Gwynne. This article argues that al-Ṭabarī’s Karbalāʾ narrative presents the pact of loyalty to Ḥusayn as a clear extension of the divine covenant.


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Engravings signed by Scattergood, Pilliner, Devereux, Brightly, Louderback, R. Telfer, Scattergood & Telfer, Hoffmann, Lawrie, J.W. Orr, Kramer, and Baker.


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Background. Interventions that prevent healthcare-associated infection should lead to fewer deaths and shorter hospital stays. Cleaning hands (with soap or alcohol) is an effective way to prevent the transmission of organisms, but rates of compliance with hand hygiene are sometimes disappointingly low. The National Hand Hygiene Initiative in Australia aimed to improve hand hygiene compliance among healthcare workers, with the goal of reducing rates of healthcare-associated infection. Methods. We examined whether the introduction of the National Hand Hygiene Initiative was associated with a change in infection rates. Monthly infection rates for healthcare-associated Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections were examined in 38 Australian hospitals across 6 states. We used Poisson regression and examined 12 possible patterns of change, with the best fitting pattern chosen using the Akaike information criterion. Monthly bed-days were included to control for increased hospital use over time. Results. The National Hand Hygiene Initiative was associated with a reduction in infection rates in 4 of the 6 states studied. Two states showed an immediate reduction in rates of 17% and 28%, 2 states showed a linear decrease in rates of 8% and 11% per year, and 2 showed no change in infection rates. Conclusions. The intervention was associated with reduced infection rates in most states. The failure in 2 states may have been because those states already had effective initiatives before the national initiative’s introduction or because infection rates were already low and could not be further reduced.


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Aim: To systematically review the literature investigating the incidence of fatal and or nonfatal low-speed vehicle run-over (LSVRO) incidents in children aged 0–15 years. Methods: The following databases were searched using specific search terms, from their date of conception up to June 2011: Cochrane Library, Medline, CINAHL, Embase, AMI, Sociological Abstracts, ERIC, PsycArticles, PsycInfo, Urban Studies and Planning; Australian Criminology Database; Dissertations and Thesis; Academic Research Library; Social Services Abstracts; Family and Society; Scopus; and Web of Science. A total of 128 articles were identified in the databases (33 found by hand searching). The title and abstract of these were read, and 102 were removed because they were not primary research articles relating to LSVRO-type injuries. Twenty-six articles were assessed against the inclusion (reporting population level incidence rates) and exclusion criteria, 19 of which were excluded, leaving a total of five articles for inclusion in the review. Findings: Five studies were identified that met the inclusion criteria. The incidence rate in nonfatal LSVRO events varied in the range of 7.09 to 14.79 per 100,000 and from 0.63 to 3.2 per 100,000 in fatal events. Discussion: Using International Classification of Diseases codes for classifying fatal or nonfatal LSVRO incidents is problematic as there is no specific code for LSVRO. The current body of research is void of a comprehensive secular population data analysis. Only with an improved spectrum of incidence rates will appropriate evaluation of this problem be possible, and this will inform nursing prevention interventions. The effect of LSVRO incidents is clearly understudied. More research is required to address incidence rates in relation to culture, environment, risk factors, car design, and injury characteristics. Conclusions: Thevlack of nursing research or policy around this area of injury, most often to children, indicates a field of inquiry and policy development that needs attention.


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The effect of the magnetic field on the unsteady flow over a stretching surface in a rotating fluid has been studied. The unsteadiness in the flow field is due to the time-dependent variation of the velocity of the stretching surface and the angular velocity of the rotating fluid. The Navier-Stokes equations and the energy equation governing the flow and the heat transfer admit a self-similar solution if the velocity of the stretching surface and the angular velocity of the rotating fluid vary inversely as a linear function of time. The resulting system of ordinary differential equations is solved numerically using a shooting method. The rotation parameter causes flow reversal in the component of the velocity parallel to the strerching surface and the magnetic field tends to prevent or delay the flow reversal. The surface shear stresses dong the stretching surface and in the rotating direction increase with the rotation parameter, but the surface heat transfer decreases. On the other hand, the magnetic field increases the surface shear stress along the stretching surface, but reduces the surface shear stress in the rotating direction and the surface heat transfer. The effect of the unsteady parameter is more pronounced on the velocity profiles in the rotating direction and temperature profiles.


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The flow and heat transfer problem in the boundary layer induced by a continuous moving surface is important in many manufacturing processes in industry such as the boundary layer along material handling conveyers, the aerodynamic extrusion of plastic sheet, the cooling of an infinite metalic plate in a cooling bath (which may also be electrolyte). Glass blowing, continuous casting and spinning of fibres also involve the flow due to a stretching surface. Sakiadis [1] was the first to study the flow induced by a semi-infinite moving wall in an ambient fluid. On the other hand, Crane [2] first studied the flow over a linearly stretching sheet in an ambient fluid. Subsequently, Crane [3] also investigated the corresponding heat transfer problem. Since then several authors [4-8] have studied various aspects of this problem such as the effects of mass transfer, variable wall temperature, constant heat flux, magnetic field etc. Recently, Andersson [9] has obtained an exact solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for the MHD flow over a linearly stretching sheet in an ambient fluid. Also Chiam [10] has studied the heat transfer with variable thermal conductivity on a stretching sheet when the velocities of the sheet and the free stream are equal.


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Both the semi-similar and self-similar flows due to a viscous fluid rotating with time dependent angular velocity over a porous disk of large radius at rest with or without a magnetic field are investigated. For the self-similar case the resulting equations for the suction and no mass transfer cases are solved numerically by quasilinearization method whereas for the semi-similar case and injection in the self-similar case an implicit finite difference method with Newton's linearization is employed. For rapid deceleration of fluid and for moderate suction in the case of self-similar flow there exists a layer of fluid, close to the disk surface where the sense of rotation is opposite to that of the fluid rotating far away. The velocity profiles in the absence of magnetic field are found to be oscillatory except for suction. For the accelerating freestream, (semi-similar flow) the effect of time is to reduce the amplitude of the oscillations of the velocity components. On the other hand the effect of time for the oscillating case is just the opposite.


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Previous work on rigid splitter plates in the wake of a bluff body has shown that the primary vortex shedding can be suppressed for sufficiently long splitter plates. In the present work, we study the problem of a hinged-splitter plate in the wake of a circular cylinder. The splitter plate can rotate about the hinge at the base of the cylinder due to the unsteady fluid forces acting on it, and hence the communication between the two sides of the wake is not totally disrupted as in the rigid splitter plate case. In our study, we investigate this problem in the limit where the stiffness and internal damping associated with the hinge are negligible, and the mass ratio of the splitter plate is small. The experiments show that the splitter plate oscillations increase with Reynolds numbers at low values of Re, and are found to reach a saturation amplitude level at higher Re, Re>4000. This type of saturation amplitude level that appears to continue indefinitely with Re, appears to be related to the fact that there is no structural restoring force, and has been observed previously for transversely oscillating cylinders with no restorin force. In the present case, the saturation tip amplitude level can be tip to 0.45D, where D is the cylinder diameter. For this hinged-rigid splitter plate case, it is found that the splitter plate length to cylinder diameter ratio (L/D) is crucial in determining the character and magnitude of the oscillations. For small splitter plate length (L/D <= 3.0), the oscillations appear to be nearly periodic with tip amplitudes of about 0.45D nearly independent of L/D. The nondiinensional oscillation frequencies (fD/U) on the other hand are found to continuously vary with L/D from fD/U approximate to 0.2 at L/D = 1 to fD/U approximate to 0.1 at L/D = 3. As the splitter plate length is further increased beyond L/D >= 4.0, the character of the splitter plate oscillations suddenly changes. The oscillations become aperiodic with much smaller amplitudes. In this long splitter plate regime, the spectra of the oscillations become broadband, and are reminiscent of the change in character of the wake oscillations seen in the earlier fixed-rigid splitter plate case for L/D >= 5.0. In the present case of the hinged-splitter plate, the sudden transition seen as the splitter plate length (L/D) is increased from 3 to 4 may be attributed to the fact that the wake vortices are no longer able to synchronize with the plate motions for larger splitter plate lengths. Hence, as observed in other vortex-induced vibration problems, the oscillations becomeaperiodic and the amplitude reduces dramatically.