950 resultados para HARD COLLOIDAL SPHERES
When non-adsorbing polymers are added to an isotropic suspension of rod-like colloids, the colloids effectively attract each other via depletion forces. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to study the phase diagram of such rod-polymer mixtures. The colloidal rods were modelled as hard spherocylinders; the polymers were described as spheres of the same diameter as the rods. The polymers may overlap with no energy cost, while overlap of polymers and rods is forbidden. In this thesis the emphasis was on the depletion effects caused by the addition of spheres on the isotropic phase of rod-like particles. Although most of the present experimental studies consider systems close to or beyond the isotropic-nematic transition, the isotropic phase with depletion interactions turns out to be a not less interesting topic. First, the percolation problem was studied in canonical simulations of a system of hard rods and soft spheres, where the amount of depletant was kept low to prevent phase separation of the mixture. The lowering of the percolation threshold seen in experiment is confirmed to be due to the depletion interactions. The local changes in the structure of the fluid of rods, which were measured in the simulations, indicated that the depletion forces enhance local alignment and aggregation of the rods. Then, the phase diagram of isotropic-isotropic demixing of short spherocylinders was calculated using grand canonical ensemble simulations with successive umbrella sampling. Finite size scaling analysis allowed to estimate the location of the critical point. Also, estimates for the interfacial tension between the coexisting isotropic phases and analyses of its power-law behaviour on approach of the critical point are presented. The obtained phase diagram was compared to the predictions of the free volume theory. After an analysis of the bulk, the phase behaviour in confinement was studied. The critical point of gas-liquid demixing is shifted to higher concentrations of rods and smaller concentrations of spheres due to the formation of an orientationally ordered surface film. If the separation between the walls becomes very small, the critical point is shifted back to smaller concentrations of rods because the surface film breaks up. A method to calculate the contact angle of the liquid-gas interface with the wall is introduced and the wetting behaviour on the approach to the critical point is analysed.
We find in complementary experiments and event-driven simulations of sheared inelastic hard spheres that the velocity autocorrelation function psi(t) decays much faster than t(-3/2) obtained for a fluid of elastic spheres at equilibrium. Particle displacements are measured in experiments inside a gravity-driven flow sheared by a rough wall. The average packing fraction obtained in the experiments is 0.59, and the packing fraction in the simulations is varied between 0.5 and 0.59. The motion is observed to be diffusive over long times except in experiments where there is layering of particles parallel to boundaries, and diffusion is inhibited between layers. Regardless, a rapid decay of psi(t) is observed, indicating that this is a feature of the sheared dissipative fluid, and is independent of the details of the relative particle arrangements. An important implication of our study is that the non-analytic contribution to the shear stress may not be present in a sheared inelastic fluid, leading to a wider range of applicability of kinetic theory approaches to dense granular matter.
Three new procedures - in the context of estimation of virial coefficients and summation of the partial virial series for hard discs and hard spheres - are proposed. They are based on the parametrised Euler transformation, a novel resummation, identity and the ε-convergence methods respectively. A comparison with other estimates (molecular dynamics, graph theory and empirical methods) reveals satisfactory agreement.
A binary aqueous suspension of large (L) and small (S) nearly-hard-sphere colloidal polystyrene spheres is shown to segregate spontaneously into L-rich and S-rich regions for suitable choices of volume fraction and size ratio. This is the first observation of such purely entropic phase separation of chemically identical species in which at least one component remains fluid. Simple theoretical arguments are presented to make this effect plausible.
In this study, the free energy barriers for homogeneous crystal nucleation in a system that exhibits a eutectic point are computed using Monte Carlo simulations. The system studied is a binary hard sphere mixture with a diameter ratio of 0.85 between the smaller and larger hard spheres. The simulations of crystal nucleation are performed for the entire range of fluid compositions. The free energy barrier is found to be the highest near the eutectic point and is nearly five times that for the pure fluid, which slows down the nucleation rate by a factor of 10(-31). These free energy barriers are some of highest ever computed using simulations. For most of the conditions studied, the composition of the critical nucleus corresponds to either one of the two thermodynamically stable solid phases. However, near the eutectic point, the nucleation barrier is lowest for the formation of the metastable random hexagonal closed packed (rhcp) solid phase with composition lying in the two-phase region of the phase diagram. The fluid to solid phase transition is hypothesized to proceed via formation of a metastable rhcp phase followed by a phase separation into respective stable fcc solid phases.
The recently introduced nested sampling algorithm allows the direct and efficient calculation of the partition function of atomistic systems. We demonstrate its applicability to condensed phase systems with periodic boundary conditions by studying the three dimensional hard sphere model. Having obtained the partition function, we show how easy it is to calculate the compressibility and the free energy as functions of the packing fraction and local order, verifying that the transition to crystallinity has a very small barrier, and that the entropic contribution of jammed states to the free energy is negligible for packing fractions above the phase transition. We quantify the previously proposed schematic phase diagram and estimate the extent of the region of jammed states. We find that within our samples, the maximally random jammed configuration is surprisingly disordered.
When cooled or compressed sufficiently rapidly, a liquid vitrifies into a glassy amorphous state. Vitrification in a dense liquid is associated with jamming of the particles. For hard spheres, the density and degree of order in the final structure depend on the compression rate: simple intuition suggests, and previous computer simulation demonstrates, that slower compression results in states that are both denser and more ordered. In this work, we use the Lubachevsky-Stillinger algorithm to generate a sequence of structurally arrested hard-sphere states by varying the compression rate.
Films obtained via drying a polymeric latex dispersion are normally colloidal crystalline where latex particles are packed into a face centered cubic (fcc) structure. Different from conventional atomic crystallites or hard sphere colloidal crystallites, the crystalline structure of these films is normally deformable due to the low glass transition temperature of the latex particles. Upon tensile deformation, depending on the drawing direction with respect to the normal of specific crystallographic plane, one observes different crystalline structural changes. Three typical situations where crystallographic c-axis, body diagonal or face diagonal of the fcc structure of the colloidal crystallites being parallel to the stretching direction were investigated.
In this paper we investigate the solubility of a hard-sphere gas in a solvent modeled as an associating lattice gas. The solution phase diagram for solute at 5% is compared with the phase diagram of the original solute free model. Model properties are investigated both through Monte Carlo simulations and a cluster approximation. The model solubility is computed via simulations and is shown to exhibit a minimum as a function of temperature. The line of minimum solubility (TmS) coincides with the line of maximum density (TMD) for different solvent chemical potentials, in accordance with the literature on continuous realistic models and on the "cavity" picture. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4743635]
Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit steht das Verhalten von geladenen kolloidalen Suspensionen in eingeschränkten Geometrien. Es wurden verschiedene keilförmige Zellen verwendet, die eine kontinuierliche Variation der Abstände zwischen den Platten ermöglichen. In Zellen mit fluid geordneten Suspensionen bei niedrigen Salzkonzentrationen akkumulieren die kolloidalen Partikel in der Keilspitze und bilden kristallin geordnete Strukturen. Systematische Experimente zu diesem Akkumulationseffekt führen zu dem Schluss, dass es um eine elektrostatischer Fallensituation handeln muss, was durch ein einfaches theoretisches, von Löwen et al vorgeschlagenes Modell bestätigt wird. In Abhängig von der Zellhöhe lässt sich in den auftretenden kristallinen Strukturen eine charakteristische Abfolge erkennen. Diese Struktursequenz wurde schon zuvor in eingeschränkten Keilgeometrien beobachtet, jedoch ermöglichen die in unseren Experimenten realisierbaren kleinen Keilwinkel die Beobachtung neuer Strukturen. Einige dieser neuen Strukturen zeigen eine exotische Anordnung die keine atomare Entsprechung besitzen. Basierend auf experimentellen Beobachtungen schlagen wir Modelle für unterschiedliche Übergangsmechanismen zwischen den verschiedenen Strukturen vor, unter der physikalisch motivierten Vorraussetzung, dass sich die Partikel wie einem hohen Druck unterworfene harte Kugeln verhalten. Des Weiteren wurde eine Zelle mit variabler Höhe konstruiert, die zur Untersuchung des vollständigen Phasenverhaltens geladener, zwischen parallelen Platten eingeschlossener Kugeln dient. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse werden mit theoretischen Prognosen verglichen.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Computersimulationen von Keimbildungs- und Kris\-tallisationsprozessen in rnkolloidalen Systemen durchgef\"uhrt. rnEine Kombination von Monte-Carlo-Simulationsmethoden und der Forward-Flux-Sampling-Technik wurde rnimplementiert, um die homogene und heterogene Nukleation von Kristallen monodisperser Hart\-kugeln zu untersuchen. rnIm m\"a\ss{ig} unterk\"uhlten Bulk-Hartkugelsystem sagen wir die homogenen Nukleationsraten voraus und rnvergleichen die Resultate mit anderen theoretischen Ergebnissen und experimentellen Daten. rnWeiterhin analysieren wir die kristallinen Cluster in den Keimbildungs- und Wachstumszonen, rnwobei sich herausstellt, dass kristalline Cluster sich in unterschiedlichen Formen im System bilden. rnKleine Cluster sind eher l\"anglich in eine beliebige Richtung ausgedehnt, w\"ahrend gr\"o\ss{ere} rnCluster kompakter und von ellipsoidaler Gestalt sind. rn rnIm n\"achsten Teil untersuchen wir die heterogene Keimbildung an strukturierten bcc (100)-W\"anden. rnDie 2d-Analyse der kristallinen Schichten an der Wand zeigt, dass die Struktur der rnWand eine entscheidende Rolle in der Kristallisation von Hartkugelkolloiden spielt. rnWir sagen zudem die heterogenen Kristallbildungsraten bei verschiedenen \"Ubers\"attigungsgraden voraus. rnDurch Analyse der gr\"o\ss{ten} Cluster an der Wand sch\"atzen wir zus\"atzlich den Kontaktwinkel rnzwischen Kristallcluster und Wand ab. rnEs stellt sich heraus, dass wir in solchen Systemen weit von der Benetzungsregion rnentfernt sind und der Kristallisationsprozess durch heterogene Nukleation stattfindet. rn rnIm letzten Teil der Arbeit betrachten wir die Kristallisation von Lennard-Jones-Kolloidsystemen rnzwischen zwei ebenen W\"anden. rnUm die Erstarrungsprozesse f\"ur ein solches System zu untersuchen, haben wir eine Analyse des rnOrdnungsparameters f\"ur die Bindung-Ausrichtung in den Schichten durchgef\"urt. rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen, dass innerhalb einer Schicht keine hexatische Ordnung besteht, rnwelche auf einen Kosterlitz-Thouless-Schmelzvorgang hinweisen w\"urde. rnDie Hysterese in den Erhitzungs-Gefrier\-kurven zeigt dar\"uber hinaus, dass der Kristallisationsprozess rneinen aktivierten Prozess darstellt.
We present a tethered Monte Carlo simulation of the crystallization of hard spheres. Our method boosts the traditional umbrella sampling to the point of making practical the study of constrained Gibbs’ free energies depending on several crystalline order parameters. We obtain high-accuracy estimates of the fluid-crystal coexistence pressure for up to 2916 particles (enough to accommodate fluid-solid interfaces). We are able to extrapolate to infinite volume the coexistence pressure [p_(co) = 11.5727(10)k_(B)T/σ^(3)] and the interfacial free energy [γ_({100}) = 0.636(11)k_(B)T/σ^(2)].
The compaction behaviour of powders with soft and hard components is of particular interest to the paint processing industry. Unfortunately, at the present time, very little is known about the internal mechanisms within such systems and therefore suitable tests are required to help in the interpretative process. The TRUBAL, Distinct Element Method (D.E.M.) program was the method of investigation used in this study. Steel (hard) and rubber (soft) particles were used in the randomly-generated, binary assemblies because they provided a sharp contrast in physical properties. For reasons of simplicity, isotropic compression of two-dimensional assemblies was also initially considered. The assemblies were first subject to quasi-static compaction, in order to define their behaviour under equilibrium conditions. The stress-strain behaviour of the assemblies under such conditions was found to be adequately described by a second-order polynomial expansion. The structural evolution of the simulation assemblies was also similar to that observed for real powder systems. Further simulation tests were carried out to investigate the effects of particle size on the compaction behaviour of the two-dimensional, binary assemblies. Later work focused on the quasi-static compaction behaviour of three-dimensional assemblies, because they represented more realistic particle systems. The compaction behaviour of the assemblies during the simulation experiments was considered in terms of percolation theory concepts, as well as more familiar macroscopic and microstructural parameters. Percolation theory, which is based on ideas from statistical physics, has been found to be useful in the interpretation of the mechanical behaviour of simple, elastic lattices. However, from the evidence of this study, percolation theory is also able to offer a useful insight into the compaction behaviour of more realistic particle assemblies.