74 resultados para Gritsenko lifts


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This paper presents data on residents’ use of common stairways and lifts (vertical circulation spaces) in multi-storey apartment buildings (MSABs) in Brisbane, Australia. Vertical movement is a defining aspect of multi-storey living and the energy consumed by lifts contributes significantly to the energy budget of the typical MSAB. The purpose is to investigate whether a reappraisal of vertical circulation design, through the lens of residents’ requirements, might contribute to energy reductions in this building type. Data was gathered on a theoretical sample of MSAB ranging from five decades old to very recent schemes. 90 residents were surveyed about their day-to-day experiences of circulation and access systems. The results showed that residents mainly chose to use the stairs for convenience and exercise. Building management regimes that limited residents’ access to collective spaces were the main impediment to discretionary stair use. Only two buildings did not have fully enclosed stairwells and these had the highest stair usage, suggesting that stair design, and building governance are two areas that might be worthy of attention. The more that circulation design is focussed on limiting access, the less opportunities there are for personal choice, incidental social interaction and casual surveillance of collective spaces. The more that design of vertical circulation spaces in MSAB meets residents’ needs the less likely they are to be reliant on continuous energy supply for normal functioning.


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- Study Design Controlled laboratory study - Objective To investigate the effect of a 12–mm in–shoe orthotic heel lift on Achilles tendon loading during shod walking using transmission–mode ultrasonography. - Background Orthotic heel lifts are thought to lower tension in the Achilles tendon but evidence for this effect is equivocal. - Methods The propagation speed of ultrasound, which is governed by the elastic modulus and density of tendon and is proportional to the tensile load to which it is exposed, was measured in the right Achilles tendon of twelve recreationally–active males during shod treadmill walking at matched speeds (3.4±0.7 km/h), with and without addition of a heel lift. Vertical ground reaction force and spatiotemporal gait parameters were simultaneously recorded. Data were acquired at 100Hz during 10s of steady–state walking. Statistical comparisons were made using paired t–tests (α=.05). - Results Ultrasound transmission speed in the Achilles tendon was characterized by two maxima (P1, P2) and minima (M1, M2) during walking. Addition of a heel lift to footwear resulted in a 2% increase and 2% decrease in the first vertical ground reaction force peak and the local minimum, respectively (P<.05). Peak ultrasonic velocity in the Achilles tendon (P1, P2, M2) was significantly lower with addition of an orthotic heel lift (P<.05). - Conclusions Peak ultrasound transmission speed in the Achilles tendon was lower with the addition of a 12–mm orthotic heel lift, indicating the heel lift reduced tensile load in the Achilles tendon, thereby counteracting the effect of footwear. These findings support the addition of orthotic heel lifts to footwear in the rehabilitation of Achilles tendon disorders where management aims to lower tension within the tendon. - Level of Evidence Therapy, level 2a


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The object of study in this thesis is Finnish skiing culture and Alpine skiing in particular from the point of view of ethnology. The objective is to clarify how, when, why and by what routes Alpine skiing found its way to Finland. What other phenomena did it bring forth? The objective is essentially linked to the diffusion of modern sports culture to Finland. The introduction of Alpine skiing to Finland took place at a time when skiing culture was changing: flat terrain skiing was abandoned in favour of cross-country skiing in the early decades of the 20th century, and new techniques and equipment made skiing a much more versatile sport. The time span of the study starts from the late 19th century and ends in the mid-20th century. The spatial focus is in Finland. People and communities formed through their actions are core elements in the study of sports and physical activity. Organizations tend to raise themselves into influential actors in the field of physical culture even if active individuals work in their background. Original archive documents and publications of sports organizations are central source material for this thesis, complemented by newspapers and sports magazines as well as photographs and films on early Alpine skiing in Finland. Ever since their beginning in the late 19th century skiing races in Finland had mostly taken place on flat terrain or sea ice. Skiing in broken cross-country terrain made its breakthrough in the 1920 s, at a time when modern skiing techniques were introduced in instruction manuals. In the late 1920 s the Finnish Women s Physical Education Association (SNLL) developed unconventional forms of pedagogical skiing instruction. They abandoned traditional Finnish flat terrain skiing and boldly looked for influences abroad, which caused friction between the leaders of the women s sports movement and the (male) leaders of the central skiing organization. SNLL was instrumental in launching winter tourism in Finnish Lapland in 1933. The Finnish Tourism Society, the State Railways and sports organizations worked in close co-operation to instigate a boom in tourism, which culminated in the inauguration of a tourist hotel at Pallastunturi hill in the winter of 1938. Following a Swedish model, fell-skiing was developed as a domestic counterpart to Alpine skiing as practiced in Central Europe. The first Finnish skiing resorts were built at sites of major cross-country skiing races. Inspired by the slope at Bad Grankulla health spa, the first slalom skiing races and fell-skiing, slalom enthusiasts began to look for purpose-built sites to practice turn technique. At first they would train in natural slopes but in the late 1930 s new slopes were cleared for slalom races and recreational skiing. The building of slopes and ski lifts and the emergence of organized slalom racing competitions gradually separated Alpine skiing from the old fell-skiing. After the Second World War fell-skiing was transformed into ski trekking on marked courses. At the same time Alpine skiing also parted ways with cross-country skiing to become a sport of its own. In the 1940 s and 1950 s Finnish Alpine skiing was almost exclusively a competitive sport. The specificity of Alpine skiing was enhanced by rapid development of equipment: the new skis, bindings and shoes could only be used going downhill.


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We prove a nonvanishing result for Koecher-Maass series attached to Siegel cusp forms of weight k and degree n in certain strips on the complex plane. When n = 2, we prove such a result for forms orthogonal to the space of the Saito-Kurokawa lifts `up to finitely many exceptions', in bounded regions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Suction-cup-attached VHF radio transmittes were deployed on belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet, Alaska, in 1994 and 1995 to characterize the whales' surfacing behavior. Data from video recordings were also used to characterize behavior of undisturbed whales and whales actively pursued for tagging. Statistics for dive intervals (time between the midpoints of contiguous surfacings) and surfacing intevals (time at the surface per surfacing) were estimated. Operations took place on the tidal delta of the Susitna and Little Susitna Rivers. During the 2-yr study, eight whales were successfully tagged, five tags remained attached for >60 min, and data from these were used in the analyses. Mean dive interval was 24.1 sec (interwhale SD=6.4 sec, n=5). The mean surfacing interval, as determined from the duration of signals received from the radio transmitters, was 1.8 sec (SD=0.3 sec, n=125) for one of the whales. Videotaped behaviors were categorized as "head-lifts" or "slow-rolls." Belugas were more likely to head-lift than to slow-roll during vessel approaches and tagging attempts when compared to undisturbed whales. In undisturbed groups, surfacing intervals determined from video records were significantly different between head-lifting (average = 1.02 sect, SD=0.38 sed, n=28) and slow-rolling whales (average = 2.45 sec, SD=0.37 sec, n=106). Undisturbed juveniles exhibited shorter slow-roll surfacing intervals (average = 2.25 sec, SD=0.32 sec, n=36) than adults (average = 2.55 sec, SD=0.36 sec, n=70). We did not observe strong reactions by the belugas to the suction-cup tags. This tagging method shows promise for obtaining surfacing data for durations of several days.


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Octopuses are commonly taken as bycatch in many trap fisheries for spiny lobsters (Decapoda: Palinuridae) and can cause significant levels of within-trap lobster mortality. This article describes spatiotemporal patterns for Maori octopus (Octopus maorum) catch rates and rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) mortality rates and examines factors that are associated with within-trap lobster mortality in the South Australian rock lobster fishery (SARLF). Since 1983, between 38,000 and 119,000 octopuses per annum have been taken in SARLF traps. Catch rates have fluctuated between 2.2 and 6.2 octopus/100 trap-lifts each day. There is no evidence to suggest that catch rates have declined or that this level of bycatch is unsustainable. Over the last five years, approximately 240,000 lobsters per annum have been killed in traps, representing ~4% of the total catch. Field studies show that over 98% of within-trap lobster mortality is attributable to octopus predation. Lobster mortality rates are positively correlated with the catch rates of octopus. The highest octopus catch rates and lobster mortality rates are recorded during summer and in the more productive southern zone of the fishery. In the southern zone, within-trap lobster mortality rates have increased in recent years, apparently in response to the increase in the number of lobsters in traps and the resultant increase in the probability of octopus encountering traps containing one or more lobsters. Lobster mortality rates are also positively correlated with soak-times in the southern zone fishery and with lobster size. Minimizing trap soak-times is one method currently available for reducing lobster mortality rates. More significant reductions in the rates of within-trap lobster mortality may require a change in the design of lobster traps.


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A TiNi/diamond-like-carbon (DLC) microcage for biological application has been designed, fabricated and characterized. A compressively stressed DLC film with TiNi pattern on top lifts the fingers upwards once they are released from the substrate, and the microcage can be closed through shape memory effect of top TiNi film with temperature below 80°C. Further heating above 100°C, the gradual opening of the microcage can be obtained due to thermal bimorph effect. The biocompatibility of both the TiNi and DLC films has been proved using a cell-culture method.


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An illustrated description is given of the courtship and mating behaviour of P. monodon . Courtship and mating follow three distinct phases: (1) parallel swimming of male and female from the bottom to a height of 20-40 cm over distances of 50 to 80 cm; (2) male turns ventral side up to female; and (3) male turns perpendicular to female, arches body around the female and lifts head and tail. Mating is believed to take place generally at night, following moulting of the female. On the basis of thelycum structure and mating pattern, Penaeus may be divided into two groups: (1) those with a close thelycum in which mating follows moulting, such as P. merguiensis and P. monodon ; and (2) those with open thelycum where mating takes place immediately preceding spawning, as in P. stylirostris and P. vannamei .


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Field emissions (FE) from La-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) films are both experimentally and theoretically investigated. Owing to the La-doped effect, the FE characteristic of ZnO films is remarkably enhanced compared with an undoped sample, and a startling low turn-on electric field of about 0.4 V/mu m (about 2.5 V/mu m for the undoped ZnO films) is obtained at an emission current density of 1 mu A/cm(2) and the stable current density reaches 1 mA/cm(2) at an applied field of about 2.1 V/mu m. A self-consistent theoretical analysis shows that the novel FE enhancement of the La-doped sample may be originated from its smaller work function. Due to the effect of doping with La, the Fermi energy level lifts, electrons which tunnelling from surface barrier are consumedly enhancing, and then leads to a huge change of field emission current. Interestingly, it suggests a new effective method to improve the FE properties of film materials.


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Motivated by recent experimental observation of spin-orbit coupling in carbon nanotube quantum dots [F. Kuemmeth , Nature (London) 452, 448 (2008)], we investigate in detail its influence on the Kondo effect. The spin-orbit coupling intrinsically lifts out the fourfold degeneracy of a single electron in the dot, thereby breaking the SU(4) symmetry and splitting the Kondo resonance even at zero magnetic field. When the field is applied, the Kondo resonance further splits and exhibits fine multipeak structures resulting from the interplay of spin-orbit coupling and the Zeeman effect. A microscopic cotunneling process for each peak can be uniquely identified. Finally, a purely orbital Kondo effect in the two-electron regime is also predicted.


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Waves generated by vertical seafloor movements are simulated by use of a fully nonlinear two-dimensional numerical wave tank. In the source region, the seafloor lifts to a designated height by a generation function. The numerical tests show that file linear theory is only valid for estimating the wave behaviors induced by the seafloor movements with a small amplitude, and the fully nonlinear numerical model should be adopted in the simulation of the wave generation by the large amplitude seafloor movements. Without the background surface waves, many numerical tests on the stable maximum elevations eta(max)(0) are carried out by both the linear theory and the fully nonlinear model. The results of two models are compared and analyzed. For the fully nonlinear model, the influences of the amplitudes and the horizontal lengths on eta(max)(0) are stronger than that of the characteristic duration times. Furthermore, results reveal that there are significant differences between the linear theory and the fully nonlinear model. When the influences of the background surface waves are considered, the corresponding numerical analyses reveal that with the fully nonlinear model the eta(max)(0) near-linearly varies with the wave amplitudes of the surface waves, and the eta(max)(0) has significant dependences on the wave lengths and the wave phases of the surface waves. In addition, the differences between the linear theory and the fully nonlinear model are still obvious, aid these differences are significantly affected by The wave parameters of the background surface waves, such as the wave amplitude, the wave length and the wave phase.


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Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych: Zakład Centrum Turystyki i Rekreacji


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This paper describes the flow characteristics in the near throat region of a poppet valve under steady flow conditions. An experimental and theoretical procedure was undertaken to determine the total pressure at the assumed throat region of the valve, and also at a downstream location. Experiments of this type can be used to accurately determine the flow performance of a particular induction system. The static pressure recovery was calculated from the near throat region of the valve to the downstream location and was shown to be dependant on valve lift. Total pressure profiles suggest that for this particular induction system, the majority of pressure loss occurs downstream of the valve for lift/diameter ratios up to 0.1, and upstream of the valve for lift/diameter ratios greater than 0.1. Negligible pressure recovery was shown to exist from the cylindrical periphery of the valve head to the downstream location for all valve lifts, indicating that the flow had probably separated completely from the trailing edge of the valve seating face. The calculated discharge coefficients, based on the geometric throat static pressure measurements on the seating face, were in general less than those determined using the downstream static pressure, by as much as 12% in some instances towards the valves lower mass flow rate range.


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The primary purpose of this experiment was to determine if left hand reaction time advantages in manual aiming result from a right hemisphere attentional advantage or an early right hemisphere role in movement preparation. Right-handed participants were required to either make rapid goal-directed movements to small targets or simply lift their hand upon target illumination. The amount of advance information about the target for a particular trial was manipulated by precuing a subset of potential targets prior to the reaction time interval. When participants were required to make aiming movements to targets in left space, the left hand enjoyed a reaction advantage that was not present for aiming in right space: or simple finger lifts. This advantage was independent of the amount or type of advance information provided by the precue. This finding supports the movement planning hypothesis. With respect to movement execution, participants completed their aiming movements more quickly when aiming with their right hand, particularly in right space. This right hand advantage in right space was due to the time required to decelerate the movement and to make feedback-based adjustments late in the movement trajectory. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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The underwater casting of relatively thin lifts of concrete in water requires the proportioning of highly flowable concrete that can resist water dilution and segregation and spread readily into place. An investigation was carried out to determine the effects of antiwashout admixture concentration, water-cementitious materials ratio, and binder composition on the washout resistance of highly flowable concrete. Two main types of antiwashout admixtures were used: 1) a powdered welan gum at concentrations of 0.07 and 0.15% (by mass of binder); and 2) a liquid-based cellulosic admixture with dosages up to 1.65 L/100 kg of binder. The water-cementitious materials ratios were set at 0.41 and 0.47, corresponding to high-quality underwater concrete. Four binder compositions were used: a standard Canadian Type 10 cement, the same cement with 10% silica fume replacement, the cement with 50% granulated blast-furnace slag replacement, and a ternary cement containing 6% silica fume and 20% Class F fly ash. The concentrations of anti-washout admixture have direct impact on washout resistance. For a given washout loss, greater slump flow consistency can be achieved with the increases in anti-washout admixture concentration and decreases in water-binder ratio. The washout mass loss can be reduced, for a given consistency