43 resultados para Goiter
Tireóide ectópica é qualquer tecido tireoideano localizado fora de sua topografia habitual, podendo apresentar-se na linha mediana do pescoço ou, mais raramente, na região cervical lateral. Algumas teorias tentam explicar a origem do tecido tireoideano ectópico: 1. falha na descida da glândula; 2. seqüestro de nódulos tireoideanos; 3. presença de tecido tireoideano na cápsula de linfonodos cervicais; 4. formação teratomatosa; 5. Secundário a anomalias branquiais. Na abordagem diagnóstica, diversos exames têm sido utilizados, sendo o diagnóstico definitivo algumas vezes fornecido apenas pelo estudo histopatológico. Apesar das controvérsias em relação às abordagens terapêuticas apresentadas na literatura, é necessário um planejamento rigoroso para evitar iatrogenias. Conclui-se que a presença de tecido tireoideano ectópico deve ser lembrada no diagnóstico diferencial de massas cervicais laterais, e sua origem histológica considerada, sendo na maioria das vezes metástase de um carcinoma tireoideano oculto. Os autores relatam um caso de tecido tireoideano ectópico lateral no pescoço, em paciente do sexo feminino com bócio colóide mergulhante. Foram realizadas considerações importantes sobre dismorfogênese tireoideana, métodos diagnósticos e opções de tratamento, com revisão da literatura das últimas cinco décadas.
INTRODUÇÃO: O hipertireoidismo é caracterizado pelo aumento da síntese e liberação dos hormônios tireoidianos pela glândula tireoide. A tireotoxicose refere-se à síndrome clínica decorrente do excesso de hormônios tireoidianos circulantes, secundário ao hipertireoidismo ou não. Este artigo descreve diretrizes baseadas em evidências clínicas para o manejo da tireotoxicose. OBJETIVO: O presente consenso, elaborado por especialistas brasileiros e patrocinado pelo Departamento de Tireoide da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, visa abordar o manejo, diagnóstico e tratamento dos pacientes com tireotoxicose, de acordo com as evidências mais recentes da literatura e adequadas para a realidade clínica do país. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Após estruturação das questões clínicas, foi realizada busca das evidências disponíveis na literatura, inicialmente na base de dados do MedLine-PubMed e posteriormente nas bases Embase e SciELO - Lilacs. A força das evidências, avaliada pelo sistema de classificação de Oxford, foi estabelecida a partir do desenho de estudo utilizado, considerando-se a melhor evidência disponível para cada questão. RESULTADOS: Foram definidas 13 questões sobre a abordagem clínica inicial visando ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento que resultaram em 53 recomendações, incluindo investigação etiológica, tratamento com drogas antitireoidianas, iodo radioativo e cirurgia. Foram abordados ainda o hipertireoidismo em crianças, adolescentes ou pacientes grávidas e o manejo do hipertireoidismo em pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves e com outras causas diversas de tireotoxicose. CONCLUSÕES: O diagnóstico clínico do hipertireoidismo, geralmente, não oferece dificuldade e a confirmação diagnóstica deverá ser feita com as dosagens das concentrações séricas de TSH e hormônios tireoidianos. O tratamento pode ser realizado com drogas antitireoidianas, administração de radioiodoterapia ou cirurgia de acordo com a etiologia da tireotoxicose, as características clínicas, disponibilidade local de métodos e preferências do médico-assistente e paciente.
Ascher syndrome is defined by the association between double lip, blepharochalasis, and nontoxic goiter. Because it is a rare disease, it is most often misdiagnosed, despite its implications for quality of life. We report a variation of an incomplete type of Ascher syndrome affecting the upper lip, upper eyelids, and lateral canthi of a young male patient. The surgical management, follow-up, and a brief overview of the syndrome are described. The results presented show an aesthetic and functional improvement of the facial deformities.
Humoral and cell-mediated immunity was investigated in fourteen patients with non-toxic multinodular goitre and ten healthy controls by in vitro methods. These included determination of sheep erythrocyte and complement rosette-forming cells in the peripheral blood, immunoglobulin levels, titres of thyroglobulin and microsomal antibodies and migration inhibition test using thyroid extract and phytohemagglutinin. When compared with controls the patients showed high IgA levels and positive response to thyroid antigen in the leucocyte migration inhibition test. There was no correlation between the leucocyte migration results and the presence of auto-antibodies. These findings indicate a possible role of cell-mediated immunity in non-toxic multinodular goitre.
Cell-mediated and humoral immunity were studied in seventeen patients with toxic multinodular goitre, ten with active Graves' disease and fourteen healthy controls. The study included determination of sheep erythrocyte and complement rosette-forming cells in peripheral blood, immunoglobulin levels, titres of microsomal antibodies and migration inhibition test using thyroid extract and phytohaemagglutinin. When compared with controls the patients showed a positive response to thyroid antigen in the leucocyte migration inhibition test. Microsomal antibodies were detected in seven out of ten active Graves' disease patients against two out of seventeen of those with toxic multinodular goitre. Significantly increased IgG and IgA and decreased IgM levels were found only in the toxic multinodular group. These data provide further evidence for immunological disturbances in toxic multinodular goitre.
Double lip is a developmental abnormality which may occur either isolated or as a component of Ascher's syndrome. A case of congenital double lip associated to hemangiomas and enlargement of the thyroid is reported. The oral and facial hemangiomas were excised under local anesthesia. Surgical reconstruction of the upper lip was done in order to reduce the interference with speech and mastication. The recognition and treatment of the abnormalities are discussed.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Primary malignant epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (MEH) of the thyroid is a rare neoplasia with only a few cases reported in the literature. We report a 75 year old man, who presented with a substernal goiter and compressive symptoms. Ultrasonographic evaluation revealed a hypoechogenic nodule in the left lobe, measuring 4.1 cm in maximum diameter, and associated gross calcifications. Fine needle aspiration yielded hemorrhagic material. A left thyroid lobectomy and isthmusectomy was performed. The surgical specimen contained a malignant epithelioid hemangioendothelioma measuring 6 x 4 x 3 cm that had infiltrated about 50% of the thyroidal parenchyma, and surrounded a necrotic nodule. Immunohistochemistry results corroborated the histopathological findings; staining was positive for AE1/AE3, CD31, CD34, factor VIII-related antigen, and Ki-67 expression. Because of the patient’s comorbidities, surgical complementation was not undertaken and he has been undergoing conservative treatment.
The main causes of simple diffuse goiter (SDG) and multinodular goiter (MNG) are iodine deficiency, increase in serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level, natural goitrogens, smoking, chronic malnutrition, and lack of selenium, iron, and zinc. Increasing evidence suggests that heredity is equally important. Treatment of SDG and MNG still focuses on L-thyroxine-suppressive therapy surgery. Radioiodine alone or preceded by recombinant human TSH stimulation is widely used in Europe and other countries. Each of these therapeutic options has advantages and disadvantages, with acute and long-term side effects.
Iodine is an essential microelement for human health because it is a constituent of the thyroid hormones that regulate growth and development of the organism. Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDDs) are believed to be one of the commonest preventable human health problems in the world today, according to the World Health Organization: that diseases include endemic goiter, cretinism and fetal abnormalities, among others, and they are caused by lack of iodine in the diet, that is the main source of iodine. Since iodine intake from food is not enough respect to human needs, this can be remedied through dietary diversification, mineral supplementation, food fortification, or increasing the concentration and/or bioavailability of mineral elements in the edible portions of crops through agricultural intervention or genetic selection (biofortification). The introduction of iodized salt is a strategy widely used and accepted to eradicate iodine deficiency, because it is an inexpensive source of stable iodine. Since the intake of salt, though iodized, must still be limited according to the risk of cardiovascular disease, so the increase of iodine content in plants for the production of functional foods is representing a field of study of particular interest and a potential market. In Italy potatoes enriched with iodine are produced by a patented procedure of agronomic biofortification for the fresh market since several years, furthermore they are recently accepted and recommended by Italian Thyroid Association, as an alternative source of iodine. Researches performed during the PhD course intended to characterize this innovative vegetables products, focusing the attention on different aspects, such as chemistry, agriculture, and quality of fresh and fried potatoes. For this purpose, lipid fraction of raw material was firstly investigated, in order to assess whether the presence of iodine in plant metabolism can affect fatty acid or sterol biosynthesis, according to the hypothesis that iodine can be bounded to polyunsaturated fatty acids of cell membranes, protecting them from peroxydation; phytosterols of plant sterol are also studied because their importance in reducing serum cholesterol, especially in potato plant sterols are also involved in synthesis of glycoalkaloid, a family of steroidal toxic secondary metabolites present in plants of the Solanaceae family. To achieve this goal chromatographic analytical techniques were employed to identify and quantify fatty acids and sterols profile of common and iodine enriched row potatoes. Another aim of the project was to evaluate the effects of frying on the quality of iodine-enriched and common potatoes. Since iodine-enriched potatoes are nowadays produced only for the fresh market, preliminary trials of cultivation under controlled environment were carried out to verify if potato varieties suitable for processing were able to absorb and accumulate iodine in the tuber. In a successive phase, these varieties were grown in the field, to evaluate their potential productivity and quality at harvest and after storage. The best potato variety to be destined for processing purposes, was finally subjected to repeated frying cycles; the effects of lipid oxidation on the composition and quality of both potatoes and frying oil bath were evaluated by chromatographic and spectrophotometric analytical techniques. Special attention were paid on volatile compounds of fried potatoes.
Im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit zur Durchsetzung des »Menschenrecht Gesundheit« wurde ein geomedizinisches Informationssystem erstellt, das auf die nordexponierten Bergdörfer zwischen 350 m ü. NN und 450 m ü. NN des Kabupaten Sikka auf der Insel Flores in Indonesien anwendbar ist. Es wurde eine Analyse der Zeit-Raum-Dimension der Gesundheitssituation in Wololuma und Napun Lawan - exemplarisch für die nordexponierten Bergdörfer - durchgeführt. Im Untersuchungsraum wurden Gesundheitsgefahren und Gesundheitsrisiken analysiert, Zonen der Gefahren herausgearbeitet und Risikoräume bewertet. Trotz eines El Niño-Jahres waren prinzipielle Bezüge der Krankheiten zum jahreszeitlichen Rhythmus der wechselfeuchten Tropen zu erkennen. Ausgehend von der Vermutung, dass Krankheiten mit spezifischen Klimaelementen korrelieren, wurden Zusammenhänge gesucht. Für jede Krankheit wurden Makro-, Meso- und Mikrorisikoräume ermittelt. Somit wurden Krankheitsherde lokalisiert. Die Generalisierung des geomedizinischen Informationssystems lässt sich auf der Makroebene auf die nordexponierten Bergdörfer zwischen 350 m ü. NN und 450 m ü. NN des Kabupaten Sikka übertragen. Aus einer Vielzahl von angetroffenen Krankheiten wurden sechs Krankheiten selektiert. Aufgrund der Häufigkeitszahlen ergibt sich für das Gesundheitsrisiko der Bevölkerung eine Prioritätenliste:rn- Dermatomykosen (ganzjährig)rn- Typhus (ganzjährig)rn- Infektionen der unteren Atemwege (Übergangszeit)rn- Infektionen der oberen Atemwege (Übergangszeit)rn- Malaria (Regenzeit)rn- Struma (ganzjährig)rnDie Hauptrisikogruppe der Makroebene ist die feminine Bevölkerung. Betroffen sind weibliche Kleinkinder von null bis sechs Jahren und Frauen ab 41 Jahren. Die erstellten Karten des zeitlichen und räumlichen Verbreitungsmusters der Krankheiten und des Zugangs zu Gesundheitsdienstleistungen dienen Entscheidungsträgern als Entscheidungshilfe für den Einsatz der Mittel zur Primärprävention. Die Geographie als Wissenschaft mit ihren Methoden und dem Zeit-Raum-Modell hat gezeigt, dass sie die Basis für die interdisziplinäre Forschung darstellt. Die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zur Gesundheitsforschung im Untersuchungszeitraum 2009 hat sich bewährt und muss weiter ausgebaut werden. Die vorgeschlagenen Lösungsmöglichkeiten dienen der Minimierung des Gesundheitsrisikos und der Gesundheitsvorsorge. Da die Systemzusammenhänge der Ätiologie der einzelnen Krankheiten sehr komplex sind, besteht noch immer sehr großer Forschungsbedarf. rnDas Ergebnis der vorliegenden Untersuchung zeigt, dass Wasser in jeder Form die primäre Ursache für das Gesundheitsrisiko der Bergdörfer im Kabupaten Sikka auf der Insel Flores in Indonesien ist.rnDer Zugang zu Wasser ist unerlässlich für die Verwirklichung des »Menschenrecht Gesundheit«. Das Recht auf Wasser besagt, dass jeder Mensch Zugang zu nicht gesundheitsgefährdendem, ausreichendem und bezahlbarem Wasser haben soll. Alle Staaten dieser Erde sollten sich dieser Forderung verpflichtet fühlen.rn
Context and Objective: Most cases of goitrous congenital hypothyroidism (CH) from thyroid dyshormonogenesis 1) follow a recessive mode of inheritance and 2) are due to mutations in the thyroid peroxidase gene (TPO). We report the genetic mechanism underlying the apparently dominant inheritance of goitrous CH in a nonconsanguineous family of French Canadian origin. Design, Setting, and Participants: Two brothers identified by newborn TSH screening had severe hypothyroidism and a goiter with increased (99m)Tc uptake. The mother was euthyroid, but the father and two paternal uncles had also been diagnosed with goitrous CH. After having excluded PAX8 gene mutations, we hypothesized that the underlying defect could be TPO mutations. Results: Both compound heterozygous siblings had inherited a mutant TPO allele carried by their mother (c.1496delC; p.Pro499Argfs2X), and from their father, one brother had inherited a missense mutation (c.1978C-->G; p.Gln660Glu) and the other an insertion (c.1955insT; p.Phe653Valfs15X). The thyroid gland of one uncle who is a compound heterozygote for TPO mutations (p.Phe653Valfs15X/p.Gln660Glu) was removed because of concurrent multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A. Immunohistochemistry revealed normal TPO staining, implying that Gln660Glu TPO is expressed properly. Modeling of this mutant in silico suggests that its three-dimensional structure is conserved, whereas the electrostatic binding energy between the Gln660Glu TPO and its heme group becomes repulsive. Conclusion: We report a pedigree presenting with pseudodominant goitrous CH due to segregation of three different TPO mutations. Although goitrous CH generally follows a recessive mode of inheritance, the high frequency of TPO mutations carriers may lead to pseudodominant inheritance.
BACKGROUND: Theodor Kocher, surgeon and Nobel laureate, has influenced thyroid surgery all over the world: his treatment for multinodular goiter-subtotal thyroidectomy-has been the "Gold Standard" for more than a century. However, based on a new understanding of molecular growth mechanisms in goitrogenesis, we set out to evaluate if a more extended resection yields better results. METHODS: Four thousand three hundred and ninety-four thyroid gland operations with 5,785 "nerves at risk" were prospectively analyzed between 1972 and 2002. From 1972 to 1990, the limited Kocher resections were performed, and from 1991 to 2002 a more radical resection involving at least a hemithyroidectomy was performed. RESULTS: The incidence of postoperative nerve palsy was 3.6%; in the first study period and 0.9%; in the second (P < 0.001, Fisher's exact). Postoperative hypoparathyroidism decreased from 3.2%; in the first period to 0.64%; in the second (P < 0.01). The rate of reoperation for recurrent disease was 11.1%; from 1972 to 1990 and 8.5%; from 1991 to 2002 (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Extended resection for multinodular goiter not only significantly reduced morbidity, but also decreased the incidence of operations for recurrent disease. Our findings in a large cohort corroborate the suggestions that Kocher's approach should be replaced by a more radical resection, which actually was his original intention more than 130 years ago.