996 resultados para Gizza, Nega, 1977-.
Os autores apresentam dados de mortalidade por esquistossomose no país, macrorregiões e unidades federadas, no período de 1977-1986, e relacionam os coeficientes de mortalidade com o programa de controle. O impacto se demonstra evidente, especialmente em função da população para a qual o risco de reinfecção foi reduzido ou eliminado. São apresentados também dados relativos a mortalidade proporcional e distribuição por idade.
Este estudo discute a evolução da esquistossomose na área endêmica de Pernambuco utilizando dados secundários levantados pelos programas nacionais de saúde entre 1977 e 1996, período em que foram realizadas cinco campanhas de controle quimioterápico. A análise dos dados mostrou que: a) os municípios com prevalência acima de 25% foram proporcionalmente em maior número na zona Litoral-Mata do que no Agreste; b) a prevalência diminuiu em ambas as zonas mesmo quando o intervalo entre as campanhas era superior a cinco anos. Apesar de a última avaliação (1996) ter indicado uma predominância de municípios com prevalência abaixo de 25%, a maioria destes ainda possui localidades com prevalência acima de 50%. Uma proposta é apresentada para identificar as localidades problemáticas, onde medidas complementares à quimioterapia, tais como controle sistemático de moluscos vetores, saneamento ambiental, educação para a saúde e mobilização comunitária ainda são necessárias.
This paper analyses the Portuguese stock market since it reopened in 1977, with a special focus on the evolution of the statistic and stochastic characteristics of the market return throughout this 36 year period. The market return for the period of time between 1977 and 2012 (September 28th) is estimated and then compared with the return that would have been achieved with Government bonds and treasury bills, which allows us to confirm that the hierarchy of return / risk across the different financial instruments is verified. The market risk premium for this 36 year period is also estimated and a comparison with other markets is performed, suggesting that the Portuguese market’s risk has not been compensated by an adequate return. The study also examines the evolution of the Portuguese market’s volatility in the 1977-2012 period and compares it with other markets, showing the existence of extremely high peaks during the first 11 years, but indicating a downwards trend throughout the whole period under analysis. Finally, the correlation between market returns for Portugal and for other countries and the degree of integration are estimated and their evolution throughout time is assessed, leading to the conclusion that the performance of the Portuguese stock market has become increasingly correlated with major European markets – correlation with some markets close to 0.70 from 2000 onwards-, but that country-specific risk factors are still relevant.
თბ.: მეცნიერება, 1987. – 144 გვ.
მოგონება. თარგმანი სტატიისა – Bers, Lipman. Obituary // The Mathematical Intelligencer. – 1978. – Volume 1. Issue 2. (June). – p. 83. იხ. ლინკი: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF03023066
This study examines the evolution of labor productivity across Spanish regions during the period from 1977 to 2002. By applying the kernel technique, we estimate the effects of the Transition process on labor productivity and its main sources. We find that Spanish regions experienced a major convergence process in labor productivity and in human capital in the 1977-1993 period. We also pinpoint the existence of a transition co-movement between labor productivity and human capital. Conversely, the dynamics of investment in physical capital seem unrelated to the transition dynamics of labor productivity. The lack of co-evolution can be addressed as one of the causes of the current slowdown in productivity. Classification-JEL: J24, N34, N940, O18, O52, R10
Forty dogs from the periphery of the city of Rio de Janeiro were studied. All dogs where diagnosed as positive for leishmaniasis either parasitologically and/or serologically. Among them, 19 came from areas where only Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) occurs (Realengo, Bangu, Senador Camará). Clinical signs of the disease were seen in 36.8% of the cases, including emaciation - 100%, lymphadenopathy and depilation - 85.7%. The other 21 dogs came from an area (Campo Grande) where both diseases (VL, and American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis - ACL) occur. Clinical signs of the disease, mainly cutaneous or mucocutaneous ulcers were seen in 76.2% of the cases. Leishmania parasites were found in 39 cases: 22% in viscera, 42.5% in viscera and normal skin and 35% in cutaneous or mucocutaneous ulcers. All the Leishmania stocks isolated from dogs which came from Realengo, Bangu, Senador Camará (VL area), and from Campo Grande (VL + ACL area) were characterized as L. donovani (except in one case) according to their schizodeme, zymodeme and serodeme. The only stock characterized as L. b. braziliensis, was isolated from the lymph node of a dog from Campo Grande with visceral disease and without skin lesions. Antimony therapy attempted in eight Leishmania donovani positive dogs was unsuccessful.
The aim of this paper is to verify, for the Spanish case, whether between 1977 and 2008 has increased the internal democracy of the major political parties (PSOE, AP / PP, PCE / IU, PNV and CDC). To do this, we will focus on their leadership selection processes, one of the key elements associated with intra-party democracy. The paper is going to introduce data on four different dimensions of leadership selection: the certification process, the voting procedure, the inclusiveness of the selectorate and, finally, the degree of competitiveness. The results will show that have been few changes in the leadership selection processes of the Spanish political parties since 1977. However, the results of the Spanish case will also be used to suggest some preliminary links between the four dimensions.
Este trabajo se propone contribuir a la discusión conceptual entorno a los PANE para, elaborar una doble clasificación a partir del caso español, basada en los criterios de su presencia territorial y electoral. En conjunto, esta clasificación muestra la creciente relevancia que los PANE han jugado, desde sus inicios, en la gobernabilidad estatal y autonómica Española. Las precisiones conceptuales entorno a los PANE también han permitido mostrar un panorma de la gobernabilidad más complejo de los que hasta el momento tendían a subrayar los estudios electorales. En particular, se llama la atención sobre las peculiares características de la alianza entre PSOE y PSC, cuyas consecuencias tanto para la teoría sobre coaliciones como para la comprensión del funcionamiento del gobierno en España aún no han sido adecuadamente analizadas.
Lutzomyia umbratilis, a known vector of Leishmania guyanensis in the north of Amazon basin, has been exclusively found in the Amazonian region. Here we report for the first time the occurrence of this species in northeastern Brazil. The epidemiological importance of the occurrence of this species in the Atlantic Forest is commented.
A partir del buidatge exhaustiu dels fulls de subhasta del peix i de les fitxes tècniques de les embarcacions de la Confraria del Port de Llançà, es fa una anàlisi cronològica qualitativa i quantitativa dels darrers vint anys de pesca. La flota, inicialment constituïda per barques d'arrossegament i de pesca artesanal (palangre petit i tresmail), ha anat evolucionant, i ha quedat bàsicament constituïda actualment pel ròssec i el palangre de fons, que ha substituit progressivament la pesca artesanal. Les pesqueries, notablement multiespecífiques els primers anys, van donar pas, bàsicament amb la incorporació del radar, a una pesca molt més selectiva, dominada essencialment per la captura de lluç entre els anys 1980 i 1985. La progressiva incorporació del palangre de fons fa que a partir del 1986 es tendeixi novament cap a una captura més multiespecífica, perd amb canvis qualitatius importants en la composició d'espècies capturades en relació amb els primers anys