961 resultados para GELATIN-BASED FILMS
In this work, we demonstrated the fabrication of two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystals layers (2D-PCLs) by combining holographic recording and the evaporation of antimony-based glasses. Such materials present high refractive indices that can be tuned from 1.8 to 2.4, depending on the film composition; thus, they are interesting dielectric materials for fabrication of 2D-PCLs. The good quality of the obtained samples allowed the measurement of their PC properties through the well-defined Fano resonances that appear in the transmittance spectrum measurements at different incidence angles. The experimental results are in good agreement with the calculated band diagram for the hexagonal asymmetric structure. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
In this work we studied the changes of the optical constants of films in the binary system Sb2O3-Sb2S3 induced by light in the VIS-UV. The measurements were performed before and after homogeneous irradiation of the films to a Hg lamp and in real time during the holographic exposure of the samples (at 458nm). Changes of the absorption coefficient (amplitude grating) and refractive index (phase grating) were measured simultaneously using the self-diffraction using the holographic setup. Besides the films presented a strong photodarkening effect under homogeneous irradiation, the samples holographically exposed presented only refractive index modulations. None amplitude modulation was measured in real time for spatial frequencies of about 1000 l/mm. © 2009 SPIE.
The present thesis is focused on the study of innovative Si-based materials for third generation photovoltaics. In particular, silicon oxi-nitride (SiOxNy) thin films and multilayer of Silicon Rich Carbide (SRC)/Si have been characterized in view of their application in photovoltaics. SiOxNy is a promising material for applications in thin-film solar cells as well as for wafer based silicon solar cells, like silicon heterojunction solar cells. However, many issues relevant to the material properties have not been studied yet, such as the role of the deposition condition and precursor gas concentrations on the optical and electronic properties of the films, the composition and structure of the nanocrystals. The results presented in the thesis aim to clarify the effects of annealing and oxygen incorporation within nc-SiOxNy films on its properties in view of the photovoltaic applications. Silicon nano-crystals (Si NCs) embedded in a dielectric matrix were proposed as absorbers in all-Si multi-junction solar cells due to the quantum confinement capability of Si NCs, that allows a better match to the solar spectrum thanks to the size induced tunability of the band gap. Despite the efficient solar radiation absorption capability of this structure, its charge collection and transport properties has still to be fully demonstrated. The results presented in the thesis aim to the understanding of the transport mechanisms at macroscopic and microscopic scale. Experimental results on SiOxNy thin films and SRC/Si multilayers have been obtained at macroscopical and microscopical level using different characterizations techniques, such as Atomic Force Microscopy, Reflection and Transmission measurements, High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. The deep knowledge and improved understanding of the basic physical properties of these quite complex, multi-phase and multi-component systems, made by nanocrystals and amorphous phases, will contribute to improve the efficiency of Si based solar cells.
InN layers: MBE growth issues Growth of InN-based thin films: InN/InGaN QWS on GaN Growth of InN-based nanorods ● Self Self-assembled assembled InN InN nanorods nanorods onon different different substrates substrates ● Self-assembled InGaN nanorods ● Broad- Broad-emission emission nanostructures ● Self Self--assembled assembled InGaN InGaN--based based Qdisks Qdisks ● Selective area growth (SAG) of InGaN Qdisks
The definitive goal of this research is to develop protein-based scaffolds for use in soft tissue regeneration, particularly in the field of dermal healing. The premise of this investigation was to characterize the mechanical properties of gelatin cross-linked with microbial transglutaminase (mTGase) and to investigate the cytocompatibility of mTGase cross-linked gelatin. Dynamic rheological analysis revealed a significant increase in the storage modulus and thermal stability of gelatin after cross-linking with mTGase. Static, unconfined compression tests showed an increase in Young's modulus of gelatin gels after mTGase cross-linking. A comparable increase in gel strength was observed with 0.03% mTGase and 0.25% glutaraldehyde cross-linked gelatin gels. In vitro studies using 3T3 fibroblasts indicated cytotoxicity at a concentration of 0.05% mTGase after 72 h. However, no significant inhibition of cell proliferation was seen with cells grown on lower concentrations of mTGase cross-linked gelatin substrates. The mechanical improvement and cytocompatibility of mTGase cross-linked gelatin suggests mTGase has potential for use in stabilizing gelatin gels for tissue-engineering applications.
A novel method for tablet coating was studied where a thin polymer film was cast (pre-formed film), dried and applied as a coating hence eliminating the need for using any solvent during the actual coating process. A pre-formed film is initially heating to a temperature where it becomes flexible, a vacuum is applied and the film is then pulled around the tablet. The proposed films (gelatine or cellulose-based) were characterised in terms of their dissolution, swelling, mechanical and thermal properties prior to using them in the novel coating process; selected films were then coated onto tablets containing paracetamol or ibuprofen and the effect of the film on the subsequent dissolution was evaluated. It was found that the pre-formed films could be designed to be fast dissolving and mechanically strong to withstand the stress from the coating process. Also metoclopramide was incorporated in a gelatine film-coating formulation which was then successfully coated on paracetamol-containing core. Gelatin-based films were found to be successful in the novel coating process therefore to be suitable as finished coatings for immediate release dosage forms. Orally disintegrating dosage forms have been identified as a favourable dosage form due to the following reasons: fast onset of drug release, easy to use, not painful and possible increase of amount absorbed to systemic circulation. Selected films formulated for coating studies were also successfully formulated to contain active ingredient suitable for orally disintegrating dosage form; cellulose-based naratriptan-films were studied as orally disintegrating dosage forms of where the effect of formulation on the film properties was studied. It was found that strength of the film can affect the dissolution of the film but it may be the inclusion of specific excipients in the formulation which affect the penetration of the drug through mucosa.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar as propriedades superficiais de filmes à base de gelatina. Para o qual foram elaborados filmes de: (i) Gelatina plastificado com glicerol (G) (gelatina: 5 g/100 g SFF; glicerol: 30 g/100 g de gelatina), (ii) Gelatina reforçado com montmorilhonita (G/MMT) (gelatina: 5 g/100 g SFF; glicerol: 30 g/100 g de gelatina; MMT: 5 g/100 g de gelatina) e Gelatina plastificado com citrato de acetiltributila (G/ATB) (gelatina: 5 g/100 g SFF; ATB: 50 g/100 de gelatina; lecitina de soja: 60 g/100 g de ATB; etanol: 20 g/100 g SFF). Os filmes foram produzidos mediante o uso de um aplicador automático de filmes \"Spreading\". Logo, os filmes foram submetidos a testes para determinação da espessura, umidade e propriedades óticas (brilho, cor e opacidade). Também foi caracterizada a microestrutura por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e microscopia de força atômica (AFM); às imagens obtidas por MEV foi aplicado um analise de imagem mediante o programa Image J, para obter o valor da dimensão fractal (DF). Depois foram caracterizadas as propriedades superficiais de ângulo de contato (AC), molhabilidade ou coeficiente de espalhamento (Se), e energia livre superficial (ELS) mediante a medida do ângulo de contato pelo método da gota séssil (água: 5 µL e 1-Bromonaftaleno: 3 µL). Para o cálculo da ELS também foi aplicado o método de Owens-Wendt. Estas caracterizações foram feitas em ambos os lados do filme, lado ar e lado placa. A natureza do filme de G/ATB influenciou na umidade e as propriedades óticas, enquanto que os filmes de G e G/MMT apresentaram características similares. Em relação à microestrutura e rugosidade, o filme de G apresentou a superfície mais homogênea e lisa, contrario ao observado no filme de G/MMT, que apresentou a maior rugosidade seguida do filme de G/ATB. Foi observado que houve uma relação entre os valores de rugosidade e DF. De acordo com o valor do AC, os filmes apresentaram um caráter hidrofóbico, pois seus valores foram superiores a 65° (em ambos os lados dos filmes), na seguinte ordem: G/MMT > G > G/ATB; sendo que o Se seguiu a mesma tendência. Cabe mencionar também que não foi encontrada uma correlação significativa entre os valores de AC e rugosidade. Em função dos valores de AC, Se e ELS (especificamente a componente polar), o filme de G/ATB apresentou o menor caráter hidrofóbico, pois apresentou menores valores de AC e maiores valores de Se em comparação com os outros dois filmes. Os valores da componente polar da G/ATB foram os maiores, explicando de melhor maneira o caráter menos hidrofóbico deste filme. Pode-se concluir que os filmes à base de gelatina elaborados no presente trabalho têm propriedades hidrofóbicas (AC>65°), sendo a G/MMT o filme com melhores características hidrofóbicas.
Filmes à base de biopolímeros podem ser utilizados para produção de embalagens ativas, que além de proteger os alimentos, podem interagir com o produto. No caso de embalagens ativas com atividade antioxidante, tem-se privilegiado o uso de agentes antioxidantes naturais, considerando-se que o uso de antioxidantes sintéticos tem sido questionado, sobretudo em relação à sua inocuidade. Existem muitos extratos de plantas já conhecidos por sua atividade antioxidante, que têm sido utilizados com frequência em estudos de filmes à base de biopolímeros, não somente por serem ricos em polifenóis, mas principalmente por sua boa interação com a matriz polimérica. O extrato de boldo-do-Chile (Peumus boldus) possui atividade antioxidante comprovada, entretanto, não existem relatos sobre sua adição em filmes. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral desta tese foi o desenvolvimento de filmes à base de colágeno ou gelatina adicionados de extrato de boldo-do-Chile, com propriedades físicas e funcionais para seu emprego como embalagens bioativas. Foram realizadas as caracterizações (fenólicos totais, ABTS, DPPH, cor, °Brix e pH) do extrato aquoso de boldo-do-Chile, preparado em quatro diferentes temperaturas. Além disso, foram avaliadas as propriedades reológicas e térmicas da solução de gelatina, e também foram elaborados filmes com as soluções de gelatina e colágeno a partir de soluções filmogênicas com diferentes concentrações de macromoléculas e extrato de boldo. Esses filmes foram caracterizados para conhecimento de suas propriedades mecânicas (tração e perfuração), propriedades óticas (cor e opacidade), espessura, umidade e solubilidade em água. Uma concentração de macromoléculas foi escolhida para a realização de análises complementares, a saber: análises térmicas (DSC), cristalinidade por difração de raio X (DRX), permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), brilho, espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), ângulo de contato, propriedades de barreira UV/Visível e atividade antioxidante. A adição do extrato de boldo-do-Chile nos filmes de gelatina e colágeno produziu filmes com atividade antioxidante, sem prejuízo às demais propriedades estudadas. Observou-se que o extrato aquoso de boldo-do-Chile apresentou propriedades antioxidantes, mas que foram dependentes da temperatura de extração. O extrato de boldo-do-Chile foi capaz de modificar as propriedades térmicas das soluções filmogênicas de gelatina, não sendo observado efeito nas análises reológicas. Por outro lado, o extrato aquoso de boldo-do-Chile não influenciou as propriedades mecânicas, solubilidade, umidade, cristalinidade e a permeabilidade ao vapor de água dos filmes de gelatina ou colágeno. Algumas propriedades térmicas sofreram efeito dos extratos, mas as análises de FTIR não mostraram a formação de novas interações. As propriedades óticas e de barreira UV/Visível foram influenciadas pelo extrato de boldo-do-Chile, sendo que os filmes se apresentaram mais amarelados com o aumento da concentração do extrato de boldo-do-Chile. As micrografias mostraram filmes de gelatina bastante homogêneos e filmes de colágeno com superfícies mais rugosas. Os resultados de brilho e ângulo de contato corroboraram com estas respostas. Em conclusão, os filmes de ambas macromoléculas apresentaram atividade antioxidante, podendo dessa forma, serem considerados como filmes ativos.
Mimic biological structures such as the cell wall of plant tissues may be an alternative to obtain biodegradable films with improved mechanical and water vapor barrier properties. This study aims to evaluate the mechanical properties and water vapor permeability (WVP) of films produced by using the solvent-casting technique from blended methylcellulose, glucomannan, pectin and gelatin. First, films from polysaccharides at pH 4 were produced. The film with the best mechanical performance (tensile strength = 72.63 MPa; elongation = 9.85%) was obtained from methylcellulose-glucomannan-pectin at ratio 1:4:1, respectively. Then, gelatin was added to this polysaccharide blend and the pH was adjusted to 4, 5 and 6. Results showed significant improvement in WVP when films were made at pH 5 and at polysaccharides/gelatin ratio of 90/10 and 10/90, reaching 0.094 and 0.118 g.mm/h.m².kPa as values, respectively. Films with the best mechanical properties were obtained from the blend of polysaccharides, whereas WVP was improved from the blend of polysaccharides and gelatin at pH 5.
The gelatin prepared from the skins of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) was investigated for the development of edible films plasticized with 30g sorbitol/100g gelatin. Two types of dry gelatin preparations were obtained depending on whether an intermediate evaporation step at 60 degrees C in the drying procedure is included or not. The amino acid composition, molecular weight distribution (determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and glass transition temperature (determined by differential scanning calorimetry) of the gelatins were determined and related to some physical properties of the resulting films. The gelatin extracted from the halibut skins showed a suitable filmogenic capacity, leading to transparent, weakly colored, water-soluble and highly extensible films. The intermediate evaporation step at 60 degrees C induced thermal protein degradation, causing the resulting films to be significantly less resistant and more extensible. No differences in water vapor permeability, viscoelasticity, glass transition or color properties were evidenced between the two gelatins tested. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gelatin is a cheap and abundant natural product with very good biodegradation properties and can be used to obtain acetic acid or LiClO(4)-based gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) with high ionic conductivity and good stability. This article presents results of GPEs obtained by the plasticization of gelatin and addition of LiBF(4), where the optimization of the system was achieved by using a factorial design type 22 with two variables: glycerol and LiBF(4). From this analysis it was stated that the effect of glycerol as a plasticizer on the ionic conductivity results is much more important than the effect obtained by varying the lithium salt content or the effect of the interaction of both variables. Also all the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction measurements, UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and impedance spectroscopy. The ionic conductivity results of all analyzed samples as a function of temperature obey predominantly an Arrhenius relationship and the samples are stable up to 160 degrees C. Good conductivity results combined with transparency and good adhesion to the electrodes have shown that gelatin-based GPEs are very promising materials to be used as solid electrolytes in electrochromic devices. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Increasing legislation has steadily been introduced throughout the world to restrict the use of heavy metals, particularly cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in high temperature pigments, ceramics, and optoelectronic material applications. Removal of cadmium from thin-film optical and semiconductor device applications has been hampered by the absence of viable alternatives that exhibit similar properties with stability and durability. We describe a range of tin-based compounds that have been deposited and characterized in terms of their optical and mechanical properties and compare them with existing cadmium-based films that currently find widespread use in the optoelectronic and semiconductor industries. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Bio-based films formed by poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) plasticized with an oligomer of the lactic acid (OLA) were used as supporting matrices for an antibacterial agent (carvacrol). This paper reports the main features of the processing and physico-chemical characterization of these innovative biodegradable material based films, which were extruded and further submitted to filmature process. The effect of the addition of carvacrol and OLA on their microstructure, chemical, thermal and mechanical properties was assessed. The presence of these additives did not affect the thermal stability of PLA_PHB films, but resulted in a decrease in their crystallinity and in the elastic modulus for the active formulations. The obtained results showed the effective presence of additives in the PLA or the PLA_PHB matrix after processing at high temperatures, making them able to be used in active and bio-based formulations with antioxidant/antimicrobial performance.
Tin oxide is considered to be one of the most promising semiconductor oxide materials for use as a gas sensor. However, a simple route for the controllable build-up of nanostructured, sufficiently pure and hierarchical SnO2 structures for gas sensor applications is still a challenge. In the current work, an aqueous SnO2 nanoparticulate precursor sol, which is free of organic contaminants and sorbed ions and is fully stable over time, was prepared in a highly reproducible manner from an alkoxide Sn(OR)4 just by mixing it with a large excess of pure neutral water. The precursor is formed as a separate liquid phase. The structure and purity of the precursor is revealed using XRD, SAXS, EXAFS, HRTEM imaging, FTIR, and XRF analysis. An unconventional approach for the estimation of the particle size based on the quantification of the Sn-Sn contacts in the structure was developed using EXAFS spectroscopy and verified using HRTEM. To construct sensors with a hierarchical 3D structure, we employed an unusual emulsification technique not involving any additives or surfactants, using simply the extraction of the liquid phase, water, with the help of dry butanol under ambient conditions. The originally generated crystalline but yet highly reactive nanoparticles form relatively uniform spheres through self-assembly and solidify instantly. The spheres floating in butanol were left to deposit on the surface of quartz plates bearing sputtered gold electrodes, producing ready-for-use gas sensors in the form of ca. 50 μm thick sphere-based-films. The films were dried for 24 h and calcined at 300°C in air before use. The gas sensitivity of the structures was tested in the temperature range of 150-400°C. The materials showed a very quickly emerging and reversible (20-30 times) increase in electrical conductivity as a response to exposure to air containing 100 ppm of H2 or CO and short (10 s) recovery times when the gas flow was stopped.