962 resultados para Fusion protein


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The Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (HRSV) fusion protein (F) was expressed in Escherichia call BL21A using the pET28a vector at 37 degrees C. The protein was purified from the soluble fraction using affinity resin. The structural quality of the recombinant fusion protein and the estimation of its secondary structure were obtained by circular dichroism. Structural models of the fusion protein presented 46% of the helices in agreement with the spectra by circular dichroism analysis. There are only few studies that succeeded in expressing the HRSV fusion protein in bacteria. This is a report on human fusion protein expression in E. call and structure analysis, representing a step forward in the development of fusion protein F inhibitors and the production of antibodies. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In a recent study, we demonstrated the immunogenic properties of a new malaria vaccine polypeptide based on a 19 kDa C-terminal fragment of the merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1(19)) from Plasmodium vivax and an innate immunity agonist, the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium flagellin (FliC). Herein, we tested whether the same strategy, based on the MSP1(19) component of the deadly malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, could also generate a fusion polypeptide with enhanced immunogenicity. The His(6)FliC-MSP1(19) fusion protein was expressed from a recombinant Escherichia coil and showed preserved in vitro TLR5-binding activity. In contrast to animals injected with His(6)MSP1(19), mice subcutaneously immunised with the recombinant His6FliC-MSP1(19) developed strong MSP1(19)-specific systemic antibody responses with a prevailing IgG1 subclass. Incorporation of other adjuvants, such as CpG ODN 1826, complete and incomplete Freund`s adjuvants or Quil-A, improved the IgG responses after the second, but not the third, immunising dose. It also resulted in a more balanced IgG subclass response, as evaluated by the IgG1/IgG2c ratio, and higher cell-mediated immune response, as determined by the detection of antigen-specific interferon-gamma secretion by immune spleen cells. MSP(19)-specific antibodies recognised not only the recombinant protein, but also the native protein expressed on the surface of P. falciparum parasites. Finally, sera from rabbits immunised with the fusion protein alone inhibited the in vitro growth of three different P. falciparum strains. In summary, these results extend our previous observations and further demonstrate that fusion of the innate immunity agonist FliC to Plasmodium antigens is a promising alternative to improve their immunogenicity. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The low efficiency of gene transfer is a recurrent problem in DNA vaccine development and gene therapy studies using non-viral vectors such as plasmid DNA (pDNA). This is mainly due to the fact that during their traffic to the target cell's nuclei, plasmid vectors must overcome a series of physical, enzymatic and diffusional barriers. The main objective of this work is the development of recombinant proteins specifically designed for pDNA delivery, which take advantage of molecular motors like dynein, for the transport of cargos from the periphery to the centrosome of mammalian cells. A DNA binding sequence was fused to the N-terminus of the recombinant human dynein light chain LC8. Expression studies indicated that the fusion protein was correctly expressed in soluble form using E. coli BL21(DE3) strain. As expected, gel permeation assays found the purified protein mainly present as dimers, the functional oligomeric state of LC8. Gel retardation assays and atomic force microscopy proved the ability of the fusion protein to interact and condense pDNA. Zeta potential measurements indicated that LC8 with DNA binding domain (LD4) has an enhanced capacity to interact and condense pDNA, generating positively charged complexes. Transfection of cultured HeLa cells confirmed the ability of the LD4 to facilitate pDNA uptake and indicate the involvement of the retrograde transport in the intracellular trafficking of pDNA: LD4 complexes. Finally, cytotoxicity studies demonstrated a very low toxicity of the fusion protein vector, indicating the potential for in vivo applications. The study presented here is part of an effort to develop new modular shuttle proteins able to take advantage of strategies used by viruses to infect mammalian cells, aiming to provide new tools for gene therapy and DNA vaccination studies. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The t(8;21) (q22;q22) translocation fusing the ETO (also known as MTG8) gene on human chromosome 8 with the AML1 (also called Runx1 or CBFα) gene on chromosome 21 is one of the most common genetic aberrations found in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). This chromosomal translocation occurs in 12 % of de novo AML cases and in up to 40 % of the AML-M2 subtype of the French-American-British classification. To date, the in vivo function of aberrant AML1-ETO fusion protein expression has been investigated by several groups. However, in these studies, controversial results were reported and some key issues remain unknown. Importantly, the consequences of aberrant AML1-ETO expression for self-renewing hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), multipotent hematopoietic progenitors (MPPs) and lineage-restricted precursors are not known. rn The aim of this thesis was to develop a novel experimental AML1-ETO in vivo model that (i) overcomes the current lack of insight into the pre-leukemic condition of t(8;21)-associated AML, (ii) clarifies the in vivo consequences of AML1-ETO for HSCs, MPPs, progenitors and more mature blood cells and (iii) generates an improved mouse model suitable for mirroring the human condition. For this purpose, a conditional tet on/off mouse model expressing the AML1-ETO fusion protein from the ROSA26 (R26) locus was generated. rn Aberrant AML1-ETO activation in compound ROSA26/tetOAML1-ETO (R26/AE) mice caused high rates of mortality, an overall disruption of hematopoietic organs and a profound alteration of hematopoiesis. However, since the generalized activity of the R26 locus did not recapitulate the leukemic condition found in human patients, it was important to restrict AML1-ETO expression to blood cell lineages. Therefore, bone marrow cells from non-induced R26/AE mice were adoptively transplanted into sublethal irradiated RAG2-/- recipient mice. First signs of phenotypical differences between AML1-ETO-expressing and control mice were observed after eight to nine months of transgene induction. AML1-ETO-expressing mice showed profound changes in hematopoietic organs accompanied by manifest extramedullary hematopoiesis. In addition, a block in early erythropoiesis, B- and T-cell maturation was observed and granulopoiesis was significantly enhanced. Most interestingly, conditional activation of AML1-ETO in chimeric mice did not increase HSCs, MPPs, common lymphoid precursors (CLPs), common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) and megakaryocyte-erythrocyte progenitors (MEPs) but promoted the selective amplification of granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (GMPs). rn The results of this thesis provide clear experimental evidence how aberrant AML1-ETO modulates the developmental properties of normal hematopoiesis and establishes for the first time that AML1-ETO does not increase HSCs, MPPs and common lineage-restricted progenitor pools but specifically amplifies GMPs. The here presented mouse model not only clarifies the role of aberrant AML1-ETO for shaping hematopoietic development but in addition has strong implications for future therapeutic strategies and will be an excellent pre-clinical tool for developing and testing new approaches to treat and eventually cure AML.rn


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Aggregation of the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) with the low-affinity IgG receptor (FcγRIIb) on basophils or mast cells has been shown to inhibit allergen-induced cell degranulation. Molecules cross-linking these two receptors might therefore be of interest for the treatment of allergic disorders. Here, we demonstrate the generation of a novel bispecific fusion protein efficiently aggregating FcεRI-bound IgE with FcγRIIb on the surface of basophils to prevent pro-inflammatory mediator release.


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Glycoprotein VI (GPVI) is a key platelet receptor which mediates plaque-induced platelet activation and consecutive atherothrombosis, but GPVI is also involved in platelet-mediated atheroprogression. Therefore, interference in GPVI-mediated platelet activation has the potential to combine short-term and long-term beneficial effects, specificity and safety especially regarding bleeding complications.


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Persistence in canine distemper virus (CDV) infection is correlated with very limited cell-cell fusion and lack of cytolysis induced by the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV compared to that of the cytolytic Onderstepoort vaccine strain. We have previously shown that this difference was at least in part due to the amino acid sequence of the fusion (F) protein (P. Plattet, J. P. Rivals, B. Zuber, J. M. Brunner, A. Zurbriggen, and R. Wittek, Virology 337:312-326, 2005). Here, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of the neurovirulent CDV F protein underlying limited membrane fusion activity. By exchanging the signal peptide between both F CDV strains or replacing it with an exogenous signal peptide, we demonstrated that this domain controlled intracellular and consequently cell surface protein expression, thus indirectly modulating fusogenicity. In addition, by serially passaging a poorly fusogenic virus and selecting a syncytium-forming variant, we identified the mutation L372W as being responsible for this change of phenotype. Intriguingly, residue L372 potentially is located in the helical bundle domain of the F(1) subunit. We showed that this mutation drastically increased fusion activity of F proteins of both CDV strains in a signal peptide-independent manner. Due to its unique structure even among morbilliviruses, our findings with respect to the signal peptide are likely to be specifically relevant to CDV, whereas the results related to the helical bundle add new insights to our growing understanding of this class of F proteins. We conclude that different mechanisms involving multiple domains of the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV F protein act in concert to limit fusion activity, preventing lysis of infected cells, which ultimately may favor viral persistence.


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Paramyxovirus cell entry is controlled by the concerted action of two viral envelope glycoproteins, the fusion (F) and the receptor-binding (H) proteins, which together with a cell surface receptor mediate plasma membrane fusion activity. The paramyxovirus F protein belongs to class I viral fusion proteins which typically contain two heptad repeat regions (HR). Particular to paramyxovirus F proteins is a long intervening sequence (IS) located between both HR domains. To investigate the role of the IS domain in regulating fusogenicity, we mutated in the canine distemper virus (CDV) F protein IS domain a highly conserved leucine residue (L372) previously reported to cause a hyperfusogenic phenotype. Beside one F mutant, which elicited significant defects in processing, transport competence, and fusogenicity, all remaining mutants were characterized by enhanced fusion activity despite normal or slightly impaired processing and cell surface targeting. Using anti-CDV-F monoclonal antibodies, modified conformational F states were detected in F mutants compared to the parental protein. Despite these structural differences, coimmunoprecipitation assays did not reveal any drastic modulation in F/H avidity of interaction. However, we found that F mutants had significantly enhanced fusogenicity at low temperature only, suggesting that they folded into conformations requiring less energy to activate fusion. Together, these data provide strong biochemical and functional evidence that the conserved leucine 372 at the base of the HRA coiled-coil of F(wt) controls the stabilization of the prefusogenic state, restraining the conformational switch and thereby preventing extensive cell-cell fusion activity.


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The wild-type A75/17 canine distemper virus (CDV) strain induces a persistent infection in the central nervous system but infects cell lines very inefficiently. In contrast, the genetically more distant Onderstepoort CDV vaccine strain (OP-CDV) induces extensive syncytia formation. Here, we investigated the roles of wild-type fusion (F(WT)) and attachment (H(WT)) proteins in Vero cells expressing, or not, the canine SLAM receptor by transfection experiments and by studying recombinants viruses expressing different combinations of wild-type and OP-CDV glycoproteins. We show that low fusogenicity is not due to a defect of the envelope proteins to reach the cell surface and that H(WT) determines persistent infection in a receptor-dependent manner, emphasizing the role of SLAM as a potent enhancer of fusogenicity. However, importantly, F(WT) reduced cell-to-cell fusion independently of the cell surface receptor, thus demonstrating that the fusion protein of the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV strain plays a key role in determining persistent infection.


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TVA, the cellular receptor for subgroup A avian leukosis viruses (ALV-A) can mediate viral entry when expressed as a transmembrane protein or as a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked protein on the surfaces of transfected mammalian cells. To determine whether mammalian cells can be rendered susceptible to ALV-A infection by attaching a soluble form of TVA to their plasma membranes, the TVA-epidermal growth factor (EGF) fusion protein was generated. TVA-EGF is comprised of the extracellular domain of TVA linked to the mature form of human EGF. Flow cytometric analysis confirmed that TVA-EGF is a bifunctional reagent capable of binding simultaneously to cell surface EGF receptors and to an ALV-A surface envelope-Ig fusion protein. TVA-EGF prebound to transfected mouse fibroblasts expressing either wild-type or kinase-deficient human EGF receptors, rendered these cells highly susceptible to infection by ALV-A vectors. Viral infection was blocked specifically in the presence of a recombinant human EGF protein, demonstrating that the binding of TVA-EGF to EGF receptors was essential for infectivity. These studies have demonstrated that a soluble TVA-ligand fusion protein can mediate viral infection when attached to specific cell surfaces, suggesting an approach for targeting retroviral infection to specific cell types.


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PML/RARα is the abnormal protein product generated by the acute promyelocytic leukemia-specific t(15;17). Expression of PML/RARα in hematopoietic precursor cell lines induces block of differentiation and promotes survival. We report here that PML/RARα has a potent growth inhibitory effect on all nonhematopoietic cell lines and on the majority of the hematopoietic cell lines tested. Inducible expression of PML/RARα in fibroblasts demonstrated that the basis for the growth suppression is induction of cell death. Deletion of relevant promyelocytic leukemia (PML) and retinoic acid receptor (RARα) domains within the fusion protein revealed that its growth inhibitory effect depends on the integrity of the PML aminoterminal region (RING, B1, B2, and coiled coil regions) and the RARα DNA binding region. Analysis of the nuclear localization of the same PML/RARα deletion mutants by immunofluorescence and cell fractionation revealed that the biological activity of the fusion protein correlates with its microspeckled localization and its association to the nuclear matrix. The PML aminoterminal region, but not the RARα zinc fingers, is required for the proper nuclear localization of PML/RARα. We propose that the matrix-associated microspeckles are the active sites of PML/RARα and that targeting of RARα sequences to this specific nuclear subdomain through PML sequences is crucial to the activity of the fusion protein on survival regulation.


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A challenge for subunit vaccines whose goal is to elicit CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is to deliver the antigen to the cytosol of the living cell, where it can be processed for presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Several bacterial toxins have evolved to efficiently deliver catalytic protein moieties to the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Anthrax lethal toxin consists of two distinct proteins that combine to form the active toxin. Protective antigen (PA) binds to cells and is instrumental in delivering lethal factor (LF) to the cell cytosol. To test whether the lethal factor protein could be exploited for delivery of exogenous proteins to the MHC class I processing pathway, we constructed a genetic fusion between the amino-terminal 254 aa of LF and the gp120 portion of the HIV-1 envelope protein. Cells treated with this fusion protein (LF254-gp120) in the presence of PA effectively processed gp120 and presented an epitope recognized by HIV-1 gp120 V3-specific CTL. In contrast, when cells were treated with the LF254-gp120 fusion protein and a mutant PA protein defective for translocation, the cells were not able to present the epitope and were not lysed by the specific CTL. The entry into the cytosol and dependence on the classical cytosolic MHC class I pathway were confirmed by showing that antigen presentation by PA + LF254-gp120 was blocked by the proteasome inhibitor lactacystin. These data demonstrate the ability of the LF amino-terminal fragment to deliver antigens to the MHC class I pathway and provide the basis for the development of novel T cell vaccines.


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Early in ontogeny, the secondary lymphoid organs become populated with numerous cells of mesodermal origin which forms both the lymphoid and stromal elements. The critical receptor/ligand interactions necessary for lymphoid organogenesis to occur are for the most part unknown. Although lymphotoxin-α (LTα) has been shown to be required for normal lymph node, Peyer’s patch, and splenic development, it is unclear if soluble LTα3, and/or cell-bound lymphotoxin-αβ (LTαβ) mediate these developmental events. Here we report that blocking LTαβ/lymphotoxin-β receptor (LTβR) interaction in vivo by generating mice which express a soluble LTβR–Fc fusion protein driven by the human cytomegalovirus promoter results in an array of anatomic abnormalities affecting both the spleen and Peyer’s patches, but not the lymph nodes. These results demonstrate that surface LTαβ ligand plays a critical role in normal lymphoid organ development.