68 resultados para Furans.


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Comunicação oral convidada - IL4


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[Excerpt] Bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials (LCM), also called second generation bioethanol, is considered a promising alternative to first generation bioethanol. An efficient production process of lignocellulosic bioethanol involves an effective pretreatment of LCM to improve the accessibility of cellulose and thus enhance the enzymatic saccharification. One interesting approach is to use the whole slurry from treatment, since allows economical and industrial benefits: washing steps are avoided, water consumption is lower and the sugars from liquid phase can be used, increasing ethanol concentration [1]. However, during the pretreatment step some compounds (such as furans, phenolic compounds and weak acids) are produced. These compounds have an inhibitory effect on the microorganisms used for hydrolysate fermentation [2]. To overcome this, the use of a robust industrial strain together with agro-industrial by-products as nutritional supplementation was proposed to increase the ethanol productivities and yields. (...)


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Potential risks of a secondary formation of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) were assessed for two cordierite-based, wall-through diesel particulate filters (DPFs) for which soot combustion was either catalyzed with an iron- or a copper-based fuel additive. A heavy duty diesel engine was used as test platform, applying the eight-stage ISO 8178/4 C1 cycle. DPF applications neither affected the engine performance, nor did they increase NO, NO2, CO, and CO2 emissions. The latter is a metric for fuel consumption. THC emissions decreased by about 40% when deploying DPFs. PCDD/F emissions, with a focus on tetra- to octachlorinated congeners, were compared under standard and worst case conditions (enhanced chlorine uptake). The iron-catalyzed DPF neither increased PCDD/F emissions, nor did it change the congener pattern, even when traces of chlorine became available. In case of copper, PCDD/F emissions increased by up to 3 orders of magnitude from 22 to 200 to 12 700 pg I-TEQ/L with fuels of < 2, 14, and 110 microg/g chlorine, respectively. Mainly lower chlorinated DD/Fs were formed. Based on these substantial effects on PCDD/F emissions, the copper-catalyzed DPF system was not approved for workplace applications, whereas the iron system fulfilled all the specifications of the Swiss procedures for DPF approval (VERT).


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Occurrence of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) was evaluated in sepiolite as a widely employed binder and anti-caking agent for animal feed. Also, naturally contaminated kaolinitic clay was used for comparative purposes. Since sepiolite shows remarkable adsorption properties, particular interest was paid to the extraction steps as they become critical for the final determination of these pollutants in such matrixes. Furthermore, classical Soxhlet extraction using different extracting strategies as well as acid treatment were carried out with simultaneous liquid-liquid extraction. Results obtained depended on the extraction procedure applied. Acid treatment or Soxhlet extraction using a mixture of toluene:ethanol as solvent allowed to reach the minimum requirements of recovery rates. However, Soxhlet extraction using a mixture cyclohexane:toluene as extracting solvent did not allow to comply with minimum specifications for recovery. Significant differences were obtained in TEQ units when acid treatment was applied in comparison to Soxhlet extraction. This fact can be explained because the use of drastic acid conditions allows removing strongly adsorbed analytes which can be uniquely extracted after a total destruction of the crystalline structure of sepiolite. On the contrary, Soxhlet extraction was not able to destroy the structure of sepiolite and as a consequence the PCDDs/Fs were strongly adsorbed in the internal structure of the mineral. From biological point of view the availability of these toxicants constitutes a critical aspect playing an important role in the final decision choosing particular analytical procedures. Then, acid conditions in the digestive tract should be taken into account. In this scenario, a bioaccumulation study was conducted to evaluate the transference of PCDDs/PCDFs from the sepiolite into the animal tissues when fed with feed containing sepiolite. To this end, chickens were used as a model to examine the bioavailability of PCDDs/PCDFs. Four groups of chickens were exposed through their diet to a control feed, feed with 3% w/w sepiolite as additive, feed contaminated with PCDDs/PCDFs at concentration around 2.8 pg WHO-TEQ/g and feed with 2% of a contaminated kaolinitic clay (460 pg TEQ/g mineral). Livers of the four studied groups were analyzed throughout the exposure period. Results of this trial showed that the performance of broilers was not affected by the presence of dioxins at levels tested, and chickens did not show any abnormal behaviour. Dioxins intentionally added to the diet were absorbed and accumulated in the liver in a significant manner, whereas the PCDDs/Fs from sepiolite were not available for chickens since livers from broilers fed 3% sepiolite presented similar WHO-TEQ values than those from broilers fed control diet.


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BACKGROUND:: Attenuated innate immune responses to the intestinal microbiota have been linked to the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease (CD). Recent genetic studies have revealed that hypofunctional mutations of NLRP3, a member of the NOD-like receptor (NLR) superfamily, are associated with an increased risk of developing CD. NLRP3 is a key component of the inflammasome, an intracellular danger sensor of the innate immune system. When activated, the inflammasome triggers caspase-1-dependent processing of inflammatory mediators, such as IL-1β and IL-18. METHODS:: In the current study we sought to assess the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis through its regulation of innate protective processes. To investigate this role, Nlrp3(-/-) and wildtype mice were assessed in the dextran sulfate sodium and 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid models of experimental colitis. RESULTS:: Nlrp3(-/-) mice were found to be more susceptible to experimental colitis, an observation that was associated with reduced IL-1β, reduced antiinflammatory cytokine IL-10, and reduced protective growth factor TGF-β. Macrophages isolated from Nlrp3(-/-) mice failed to respond to bacterial muramyl dipeptide. Furthermore, Nlrp3-deficient neutrophils exhibited reduced chemotaxis and enhanced spontaneous apoptosis, but no change in oxidative burst. Lastly, Nlrp3(-/-) mice displayed altered colonic β-defensin expression, reduced colonic antimicrobial secretions, and a unique intestinal microbiota. CONCLUSIONS:: Our data confirm an essential role for the NLRP3 inflammasome in the regulation of intestinal homeostasis and provide biological insight into disease mechanisms associated with increased risk of CD in individuals with NLRP3 mutations. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2010).


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Different compounds have been reported as biomarkers of a smoking habit, but, to date, there is no appropriate biomarker for tobacco-related exposure because the proposed chemicals seem to be nonspecific or they are only appropriate for short-term exposure. Moreover, conventional sampling methodologies require an invasive method because blood or urine samples are required. The use of a microtrap system coupled to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis has been found to be very effective for the noninvasive analysis of volatile organic compounds in breath samples. The levels of benzene, 2,5-dimethylfuran, toluene, o-xylene, and m- p-xylene have been analyzed in breath samples obtained from 204 volunteers (100 smokers, 104 nonsmokers; 147 females, 57 males; ages 16 to 53 years). 2,5-Dimethylfuran was always below the limit of detection (0.005 ppbv) in the nonsmoker population and always detected in smokers independently of the smoking habits. Benzene was only an effective biomarker for medium and heavy smokers, and its level was affected by smoking habits. Regarding the levels of xylenes and toluene, they were only different in heavy smokers and after short-term exposure. The results obtained suggest that 2,5-dimethylfuran is a specific breath biomarker of smoking status independently of the smoking habits (e.g., short- and long-term exposure, light and heavy consumption), and so this compound might be useful as a biomarker of smoking exposure


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Diplomityössä päivitetään voimalaitoksen ympäristöntarkkailusuunnitelma vastaamaan uudistuneen ympäristöluvan ja lainsäädännön edellytyksiä. Työssä tutkitaan leijupetikatti-loiden tulipesän lämpötiloja, savukaasun viipymäaikoja tulipesässä, leijukerroskattiloiden päästöjä, päästöjen jatkuvatoimista mittaamista sekä päästöjen seurantaa ja raportointia. Tulipesän lämpötiloja mitattiin kupla- ja kiertoleijukattiloilla. Tuloksien perusteella havait-tiin kiertoleijukattilan tulipesän alaosan lämpötilojen olevan lähes riippumaton pedin lämpötilasta ja höyrykuormasta. Tulipesän yläosassa lämpötilat nousevat höyrykuorman kasvaessa, mutta pedin lämpötilalla ei havaittu vaikutusta tulipesän yläosassakaan. Molemmilla kattiloilla havaittiin voimakas vaakatasoinen lämpötilaprofiili. Kuplaleijukattilalla sekä höyrykuorma että pedin lämpötila vaikuttivat tulipesän lämpötilaan. Savukaasun teoreettiset viipymäajat laskettiin kiertoleijukattilalle. Laskelmien ja mittauksien perusteella havaittiin kattilalla mahdollisuus saavuttaa savukaasun kahden sekunnin viipymäaika 850 ºC lämpötilassa. Kattilan käyttäytymisen aukottomaksi selvittämiseksi kaikilla polttoaineseoksilla ja höyrykuormilla tarvitaan lisää toimenpiteitä kattilalla ja lisää tulipesän lämpötilamittauksia. Leijukerroskattiloiden päästöjen syntymistä ja hallintaa tutkittiin teoreettisesti kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Tutkittuihin päästöihin kuuluivat typen oksidit, rikkidioksidi, hiukkaset, hiilimonoksidi, orgaaninen kokonaishiili, suolahappo, fluorivety, raskasmetallit sekä dioksiinit ja furaanit. Jatkuvatoimisten päästömittausmittauslaitteiden toimintaperiaatteita selvitettiin kirjalli-suustutkimuksena. Samoin selvitettiin jatkuvatoimisten päästömittauslaitteiden virhelähtei-tä. Päästömittauslaitteille laadittiin pitkän ja lyhyen ajan laadunvarmistussuunnitelma. Ha-vaittiin, että nykyiset jatkuvatoimiset päästömittauslaitteet eivät täytä kaikkia uusia laatu-kriteereitä. Päästöjen jatkuvatoimiseen seuraamiseen työssä suunniteltiin uusi valvomonäyttö. Uuden näytön avulla tehostetaan päästöjen valvontaa. Päästöjen raportointiin työssä suunniteltiin vuorokausiraportti. Raporttiin kerätään jatkuva-toimisten päästömittauslaitteiden puolen tunnin keskiarvot. Raportin tarkastaa, allekirjoittaa ja arkistoi vuorossa oleva operaattori.


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Virtain kaupungissa sijaitseva vuodesta –79 toiminut lämpövoimala on pääasiassa kotimaisia polttoaineita käyttävä kaukolämpöä tuottava voimalaitos. Jätemurskeen (REF) osuus on tällä hetkellä noin 10 % laitoksen lämmöntuotosta. REF valmistetaan paikallisesti ja sen tuotantoa on tarkoitus lisätä lähivuosina voimakkaasti. EU:n uusi todennäköisesti loppuvuodesta-2000 hyväksyttävä jätteenpolttoa koskeva direktiivi asettaa jätteen rinnakkaispolttolaitoksille tiukat päästörajat ja mittausvelvoitteet. Tämä lisää tuntuvasti kustannuksia Virtain laitoksen kaltaisissa pienissä kierrätyspolttoainetta hyödyntävissä laitoksissa. Työssä selvitettiin jätteenpolttodirektiivistä aiheutuvat savukaasujen mittaamisen kokonaiskustannukset Virroilla. Taloudellisimman mittausjärjestelmän vuo-tuisiksi kokonaiskustannuksiksi saatiin 180 000 mk jakautuen seuraavasti: Jatkuvatoimiset mittauslaitteet käyttökuluineen 90 000 mk, jaksottaiset HF, HCl ja SO2 -mittaukset 20 000 mk, raskasmetallien, dioksiinien ja furaanien määräaikainen mittaaminen 40 000 mk ja vertailumittaukset 30 000 mk.


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Dioxins and furans, PCDD/Fs, are highly toxic substances formed in post combustion zones in furnaces. PCDD/F emissions are regulated by a waste incineration directive which relates also to co-incineration plants. Several observations of dioxin and furan enhancements in wet scrub- bers have been reported previously. This is thought to be due to the so-called "memory effect" which occurs when dioxins and furans absorb into plastic material in scrubbers and desorb when ambient circumstances alter significantly. At the co-incineration plant involved, dioxins and furans are controlled with a wet scrubber, the tower packing of which is made of plastic in which activated carbon particles are dispersed. This should avoid the memory effect and act as a dioxin and furan sink since dioxins and furans are absorbed irreversibly into the packing ma- terial. In this case, the tower packing in the scrubber is covered with a white layer that has been found to be mainly aluminium. The aim of this thesis was to determine the aluminium balance and the dioxin and furan behaviour in the scrubber and, thus, the impacts that the foul- ing has on dioxin and furan removal. The source of aluminium, reasons for fouling and further actions to minimize its impacts on dioxin and furan removal were also to be discovered. Measurements in various media around the scrubber and in fuels were made and a profile analysis of PCDD/F and mass balance calculations were carried out. PCDD/F content de- creased in the scrubber. The reduced PCDD/F was not discharged into scrubbing water. The removal mechanism seems to work in spite of the fouling, at least with low PCDD/F loads. Most of the PCDD/F in excess water originates from the Kymijoki River which is used as feeding water in the scrubber. Fouling turned out to consist mainly of aluminium hydroxides. Sludge combusted in the furnace was found to be a significant source of aluminium. Ways to minimize the fouling would be adjustment of pH to a proper lever, installation of a mechanical filter to catch the loose material from the scrubbing water and affecting the aluminium content of the sludge.


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A review of heterocyclic compounds in roasted coffee is presented. The contents, precursors and sensorial properties of furans, pyrroles, oxazoles, thiazoles, thiophenes, pyrazines and pyridines are discussed. The impact heterocyclic compounds of coffee aroma are described.


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Different compounds have been reported as biomarkers of a smoking habit, but, to date, there is no appropriate biomarker for tobacco-related exposure because the proposed chemicals seem to be nonspecific or they are only appropriate for short-term exposure. Moreover, conventional sampling methodologies require an invasive method because blood or urine samples are required. The use of a microtrap system coupled to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis has been found to be very effective for the noninvasive analysis of volatile organic compounds in breath samples. The levels of benzene, 2,5-dimethylfuran, toluene, o-xylene, and m- p-xylene have been analyzed in breath samples obtained from 204 volunteers (100 smokers, 104 nonsmokers; 147 females, 57 males; ages 16 to 53 years). 2,5-Dimethylfuran was always below the limit of detection (0.005 ppbv) in the nonsmoker population and always detected in smokers independently of the smoking habits. Benzene was only an effective biomarker for medium and heavy smokers, and its level was affected by smoking habits. Regarding the levels of xylenes and toluene, they were only different in heavy smokers and after short-term exposure. The results obtained suggest that 2,5-dimethylfuran is a specific breath biomarker of smoking status independently of the smoking habits (e.g., short- and long-term exposure, light and heavy consumption), and so this compound might be useful as a biomarker of smoking exposure


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Specific combustion programs (Gaseq, Chemical equilibria in perfect gases, Chris Morley) are used to model dioxin and formation in the incineration processes of urban solid wastes. Thanks to these programs, it is possible to establish correlations with the formation mechanisms postulated in literature on the subject. It was found that minimum oxygen quantities are required to obtain a significant formation of these compounds and that more furans than dioxins are formed. Likewise, dioxin and furan formation is related to the presence of carbon monoxide, and dioxin and furan distribution among its different compounds depends on the chlorine and hydrogen relative composition. This is due to the fact that an increased chlorine availability leads to the formation of compounds bearing a higher chlorine concentration (penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octachlorides), whereas an increased hydrogen availability leads to the formation of compounds bearing a lower chlorine number (mono, di-, tri-, and tetrachlorides).


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The effect of some precursors on the formation of meat flavour during heating has been investigated. A comparison of the influence of three different precursors, inosine-5'-monophosphate (5'-IMP), cysteine and thiamine, added to the meat systems, showed that formation of certain heterocyclic compounds, like sulfur-containing furans, dithiolanones and thiophenes, was significantly affected by changes in the concentration of precursors. However, aliphatic compounds, such as hydrocarbons, alcohols and ketones were not changed by these additions. Inosine-5'-monophosphate was established to be more effective than cysteine or thiamine in the formation of some "meaty" volatiles, i.e. the furanthiols, when its concentration was increased 10 times in raw meat.


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The oil obtained from Brazilian roasted coffee by supercritical CO2 extraction shows considerable aromatic properties, mainly composed by five aromatic compounds, 2-methylpyrazine; 2-furfurylalcohol, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine; γ-butyrolactone and 2-furfurylacetate. Sensory analyses were used to verify the influence of a mixture of these important classes of aromatic coffee compounds (pyrazines, furans and lactones) and of the roasted coffee aromatic oil on the coffee aroma and flavour of black instant freeze and spray-dried coffee beverages. In the acceptance evaluation of the aroma, the samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee without the mixture of volatile compounds (sample 4) were not significantly different from the freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (sample 5) and from the sample prepared with freeze-dried coffee in which the mixture of the five volatile was added (sample 3), coincidentally from the same drying process. Therefore, sample (3) did not differ from samples prepared with spray dried instant coffee without (sample 1) and to which (sample 2) the mixture of volatile was added. Therefore, with respect to this attribute, the addition of this mixture did not interfere in this drink acceptance. Taking into consideration the flavor, samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (5) and the samples with (3) and without (4) the mixture of the five volatile was added did not differ significantly, however sample (4) did not differ from samples (1) and (2). Regarding this attribute, the addition of the aromatic oil of roasted coffee or a mixture of volatile in samples of freeze-dried instant coffee had a better acceptance than those dried by spray dryer (1) and (2). Thus, the enrichment of drinks with the aromatic oil of roasted coffee, or even with the mixture of the five components did not influence the consumer acceptance with respect to the aroma, but exerts influence with respect to flavour.


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Les matériaux conjugués ont fait l’objet de beaucoup de recherches durant les dernières années. Les nouveaux matériaux présentent des propriétés intéressantes que ce soit au niveau optique, électrique, mécanique ou même les trois en même temps. La synthèse reste la difficulté principale dans la fabrication de dispositifs électroniques. Les méthodes utilisées pour y parvenir sont l’électropolymérisation, le couplage de Suzuki ou de Wittig. Ces techniques comportent encore de nombreuses contraintes et s’avèrent difficilement réalisables à grande échelle. Les thiophènes, les pyrroles et les furanes ont démontré une bonne conductibilité et une bande de conduction basse due à une conjugaison accrue. L’objectif ici est de synthétiser des oligomères principalement composés de thiophènes dans le but d’en caractériser les propriétés spectroscopiques, électrochimiques et de conduction. La synthèse est souvent l’étape délicate de la fabrication de matériaux conjugués. Nous présentons ici une méthode de synthèse simple par modules avec des unités hétérocycliques. Les modules complémentaires sont attachés par condensation entre un aldéhyde et une amine menant à la formation d’un lien robuste, l’azomethine. Les résultats des propriétés photophysiques et électrochimiques de ces matériaux conjugués seront présentés. En ayant recours à différents groupes électrodonneurs et électroaccepteurs, en variant le degré de conjugaison ou en utilisant différents hétérocycles, les propriétés spectroscopiques, électrochimiques et de bande de conduction peuvent être adaptées à volonté, ce qui en fait des matériaux aux propriétés modelables. Ces nouvelles molécules seront analysées pour en déceler les propriétés recherchées dans la fabrication d’OLED. Nous explorerons les domaines de l’oxidation electrochimique réversible et de la polymérisation menant à la fabrication de quelques prototypes simples.