877 resultados para Food - Sensory evaluation


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An important component of this Ph.D. thesis was to determine the European consumers’ views on processed meats and bioactive compounds. Thus a survey gathered information form over 500 respondents and explored their perceptions on the healthiness and purchase-ability for both traditional and functional processed meats. This study found that the consumer was distrustful towards processed meat, especially high salt and fat content. Consumers were found to be very pro-bioactive compounds in yogurt style products but unsure of their feelings on the idea of them in meat based products, which is likely due to the lack of familiarity to these products. The work in this thesis also centred on the applied acceptable reduction of salt and fat in terms of consumer sensory analysis. The products chosen ranged in the degree of comminution, from a coarse beef patty to a more fine emulsion style breakfast sausage and frankfurter. A full factorial design was implemented which saw the production of twenty beef patties with varying concentrations of fat (30%, 40%, 50%, 60% w/w) and salt (0.5%, 0.75%, 1.0%, 1.25%, 1.5% w/w). Twenty eight sausage were also produced with varying concentrations of fat (22.5%, 27.5%, 32.5%, 37.5% w/w) and salt (0.8%, 1%, 1.2%, 1.4%, 1.6%, 2%, 2.4% w/w). Finally, twenty different frankfurters formulations were produced with varying concentrations of fat (10%, 15%, 20%, 25% w/w) and salt (1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3% w/w). From these products it was found that the most consumer acceptable beef patty was that containing 40% fat with a salt level of 1%. This is a 20% decrease in fat and a 50% decrease in salt levels when compared to commercial patty available in Ireland and the UK. For sausages, salt reduced products were rated by the consumers as paler in colour, more tender and with greater meat flavour than higher salt containing products. The sausages containing 1.4 % and 1.0 % salt were significantly (P<0.01) found to be more acceptable to consumers than other salt levels. Frankfurter salt levels below 1.5% were shown to have a negative effect on consumer acceptability, with 2.5% salt concentration being the most accepted (P<0.001) by consumers. Samples containing less fat and salt were found to be tougher, less juicy and had greater cooking losses. Thus salt perception is very important for consumer acceptability, but fat levels can be potentially reduced without significantly affecting overall acceptability. Overall it can be summarised that the consumer acceptability of salt and fat reduced processed meats depends very much on the product and generalisations cannot be assumed. The study of bio-actives in processed meat products found that the reduced salt/fat patties fortified with CoQ10 were rated as more acceptable than commercially available products for beef patties. The reduced fat and salt, as well as the CoQ10 fortified, sausages were found to compare quite well to their commercial counterparts for overall acceptability, whereas commercial frankfurters were found to be the more favoured in comparison to reduced fat and CoQ10 fortified Frankfurters.


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Gemstone Team IMMUNE (Innovative Medicines for Maladies Utilizing Nutraceutical Enhancements)


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The sum of wheat flour and corn starch was replaced by 10, 20, or 30% whole amaranth flour in both conventional (C) and reduced fat (RF) pound cakes. and the effects on physical and sensory properties of the cakes were investigated. RF presented 33% fat reduction. The increasing amaranth levels darkened crust and crumb of cakes, which decreased color acceptability. Fresh amaranth-containing cakes had similar texture characteristics to (he controls, evaluated both instrumentally and sensorially. Sensory evaluation revealed that replacement by 30% amaranth flour decreased C cakes overall acceptability scores, clue to its lower specific volume and darker color. Amaranth flour levels had no significant effect on overall acceptability of RF cakes. Hence, the sum of wheat flour and corn starch could be successfully replaced by up to 20% amaranth flour in C and up to 30% in RF pound cakes without negatively affecting sensory quality in fresh cakes. Moisture losses for all the cakes were similar, approximate to 1% per day during storage. After six days of storage, both C and RF amaranth-containing cakes had higher hardness and chewiness values than control cakes. Further experiments involving sensory evaluation during storage are necessary to determine the exact limit of amaranth flour replacement.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Plant extracts have b een used as an alternative to the use of synthetic antioxidants in order to preserve oils fromoxidative degradation. Additionally, these extracts add special flavors and aromas to the food. Thus, the objective of this studywas to evaluate the effect of hydroethanolic extracts of fresh and freeze-dried rosemar y in the oxidative stability of soybean oilunder accelerated storage in an oven. Results: The application of the extracts in the oil showed that that freeze-dried extract was better in reducing the formation ofoxidation products, showing 8.6 meq kg−1of peroxides after 20 days of storage. On the other hand, the mixture of the naturalextract with t-butylhydroquinone conferred better oxidative stability index until the 20th day, 9.7 h. Both extracts prevented theloss of tocopherol, not d iffering between each other (P > 0.05), and present approximately 505 mg kg−1of residual tocopherols.The sensory evaluation revealed that consumers accepted equally the oils added and not added of the rosemary extracts. Conclusion: The extracts are therefore potential sources of natural antioxidants and they would be well accepted by consumersif applied by the food industry to replace synthetic antioxidants.


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This study investigates the growth and metabolite production of microorganisms causing spoilage of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fillets packaged under air and modified atmosphere (60 % CO2, 40 % O2). Samples were provided by two different retailers (A and B). Storage of packaged fillets occurred at 4 °C and 8 °C. Microbiological quality and metabolite production of cod fillets stored in MAP 4 °C, MAP 8 °C and air were monitored during 13 days, 7 days and 3 days of storage, respectively. Volatile compounds concentration in the headspace were quantified by Selective ion flow tube mass spectrometry and a correlation with microbiological spoilage was studied. The onset of volatile compounds detection was observed to be mostly around 7 log cfu/g of total psychrotrophic count. Trimethylamine and dimethyl sulfide were found to be the dominant volatiles in all of the tested storage conditions, nevertheless there was no close correlation between concentrations of each main VOC and percentages of rejection based on sensory evaluation. According to results it was concluded that they cannot be considered as only indicators of the quality of cod fillets stored in modified atmosphere and air.  


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The objective of this study was to propose a multi-criteria optimization and decision-making technique to solve food engineering problems. This technique was demostrated using experimental data obtained on osmotic dehydratation of carrot cubes in a sodium chloride solution. The Aggregating Functions Approach, the Adaptive Random Search Algorithm, and the Penalty Functions Approach were used in this study to compute the initial set of non-dominated or Pareto-optimal solutions. Multiple non-linear regression analysis was performed on a set of experimental data in order to obtain particular multi-objective functions (responses), namely water loss, solute gain, rehydration ratio, three different colour criteria of rehydrated product, and sensory evaluation (organoleptic quality). Two multi-criteria decision-making approaches, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Tabular Method (TM), were used simultaneously to choose the best alternative among the set of non-dominated solutions. The multi-criteria optimization and decision-making technique proposed in this study can facilitate the assessment of criteria weights, giving rise to a fairer, more consistent, and adequate final compromised solution or food process. This technique can be useful to food scientists in research and education, as well as to engineers involved in the improvement of a variety of food engineering processes.


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Meat industry needs to reduce salt in their products due to health issues. The present study evaluated the effect of salt reduction from 6% to 3% in two Portuguese traditional blood dry-cured sausages. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters, biogenic amines, fatty acids and texture profiles and sensory panel evaluations were considered. Differences due to salt reduction were perceptible in a faint decline of water activity, which slightly favoured microbial growth. Total biogenic amines content ranged from 88.86 to 796.68 mg kg 1 fresh matter, with higher amounts, particularly of cadaverine, histamine and tyramine, in low-salt products. Still, histamine and other vasoactive amines remained at low levels, thus not affecting consumers’ health. Regarding fatty acids, no significant differences were observed due to salt. However, texture profile analysis revealed lower resilience and cohesiveness in low-salt products, although no textural changes were observed by the sensory panel. Nevertheless, low-salt sausages were clearly preferred by panellists.


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Finland has moved from growing vegetables by natural light to year-round greenhouse production using artificial lighting. Determination of sensory effects on greenhouse-grown vegetables is important as sensory evaluation provides information which chemical methods can not. It can tell us about the quality of samples which affects the consumers' behaviour. There are different opinions on how the quality of vegetables should be determined. The consumers are dissatisfied with the quality of vegetables and fruits, although the variety of products is larger than ever. The aim of this study was to find out how artificial lighting contributes to the sensory quality of greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers compared to traditional natural lighting, and how storage affects the sensory attributes of the samples. In this study there were two sets of tomatoes and two sets of cucumbers, representing two different harvest seasons. Sensory evaluation involved two steps. The first step was to sort the samples and the second step was to generate a profile using descriptive analysis. Sorting was found to give some approximate information on differences between tomato and cucumber samples. MDS-maps dimensions were presented by age and lighting technique. The reliability of sorting results was quite good. The quality of the natural products was inconsistent. Production technology had more of an effect on cucumber samples than tomato samples. Natural light cucumbers were, for example sweeter and softer than artificial light cucumbers. Age had an especially large effect on cucumber appearance characteristics. There were less differences between tomato samples than cucumber samples. Production technology had less of an effect on tomato samples than age, e.g. hardness decreased during storage. In this study, it was found that artificial lighting has little effect on the sensory quality of Finnish greenhouse tomatoes compared with tomatoes grown under natural light.


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Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsiteltiin viiliä hapanmaitotuotteena, viilin arviointimenetelmiä sekä viilihapatteissa käytettyjen hapatekantojen vaikutuksia maidossa ja niiden vuorovaikutuksia toisiinsa. Lisäksi pohdittiin viilihapatteiden bakteriofaageja, niiden ehkäisyä sekä solunsisäisiä että -ulkoisia faagiresistenssimekanismeja. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin, onko nykyisten tuotantohapatteiden koostaminen yksittäiskannoista mahdollista, sekä koostettiin uusista Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris -kannoista varahapate. Hapatteiden käyttökelpoisuutta tutkittiin rakennemittauksin ja aistinvaraisin menetelmin. Varahapatteen faagikestävyyttä testattiin valmistamalla viiliä ja infektoimalla viilit faaginäytteillä. Hapatekannat viljeltiin fermentorissa, konsentroitiin sentrifugoimalla ja pakastettiin –75 °C:ssa. Hapatteet koostettiin noin 1 päivä ennen viilin valmistusta. Viilit arvioitiin aistinvaraisesti 3–6 hengen ryhmässä ja viileille tehtiin rakennemittaukset (kiinteys, sakeus ja koossapysyvyys) sekä kemialliset analyysit. Aistinvaraisen arvioinnin tulokset käsiteltiin tilastollisesti ja tulosten perusteella tehtiin uudet kantakombinaatiot ja viilit. Tuotantohapatekannoilla valmistetut viilit arvioitiin kolmitestillä (n = 10–11) ja uusilla kannoilla valmistetut viilit arvioitiin profiilitestillä (n = 8). Lisäksi viileille tehtiin rakennemittaukset ja kemialliset analyysit. Varahapatekoosteilla valmistettujen viilien pH laski 4,5:een faagin läsnäollessa 0–10 tunnin viiveellä verrattuna faagivapaisiin viileihin, kun taas tuotantohapatteet eivät hapantuneet faagin läsnäollessa. Aromintuottajat eivät kasvaneet viileissä kunnolla, kun hapate koostettiin yksittäiskannoista. Kolmitestissä ei erotettu nykyisillä tuotantohapatteilla valmistettua viiliä yksittäin koostetusta hapatteesta, eli hapatteita on mahdollista koostaa yksittäiskannoista. Varahapatteilla koostetut viilit poikkesivat profiilitestissä tuotantohapatteella koostetusta viilistä ulkonäkö- ja rakenneominaisuuksiltaan. Makuominaisuuksien suhteen ei viilien välille saatu eroa.


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Kalateollisuus ja kalakauppa tarvitsisivat menetelmän, jolla kalan säilyvyyttä voitaisiin arvioida reaaliaikaisesti ja luotettavasti. Laatuindeksimenetelmä QIM® (engl. Quality Index Method) on käytössä jo useassa Euroopan maassa useille eri kalalajeille. QIM® pyrkii lajikohtaisesti ennustamaan aistinvaraisten ominaisuuksien muutoksien perusteella jäljellä olevaa säilyvyysaikaa. Työn tavoitteena oli luoda QIM® meressä kasvatetulle siialle. Tämä on ensimmäinen suomalaiselle kalalle tehtävä QIM®, ja tavoitteena on saada meressä kasvatetun siian QIM® myös viralliseen QIM®-käsikirjaan. Tutkimus tehtiin Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto Eviralle. Tutkittavat kalat Evira osti Kalatukku E. Eriksson Oy:ltä. QIM®-tuloksen tueksi tutkittiin yhden erän pH ja indikoitiin pilaantuminen myös mikrobiologisesti. Luotiin myös kasvatetun siian profiili (arvioijia 13). Itse tutkimusosassa kaksi profiiliraatia (n = 9) ja QIM®-raati (n = 5) arvioivat raa’an ja kypsän kalan. Tulos varmistettiin myös aistinvaraisella kalan laadunarviointimenetelmällä (Evira 8001). QIM®-raati loi QIM®-luonnoksen ja luonnoksen toimivuutta testattiin. Kiinteänä osana työn toteutusta oli myös eri vaiheiden muutosten valokuvaus. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan luotu QIM®-luonnos on toimiva pohja validoitaessaa QIM®-menetelmää siialle. Voidaan myös todeta, että QIM® soveltuu meressä kasvatetulle siialle. Kypsän kalan aistinvaraisella laadunarviointimenetelmällä (Evira 8001) analysoitiin säilytysajankohta, jolloin kypsästä kalasta voitiin todeta kalan kauppakelvottomuus – tätä pidettiin ajanhetkenä, jolloin raa’an kalan tutkiminen voitiin lopettaa. Tutkimuksessa käytetty mikrobiologinen menetelmä ”Mikrobien lukumäärän määrittäminen” (Evira 3420/1) korreloi QIM®-tuloksen kanssa; kalanäyte oli tässä tutkimuksessa niin mikrobiologisesti arvioituna kuin laatuindeksinkin mukaan käyttökelvotonta viidentenätoista päivänä. Tutkittujen kalojen pH-arvoja ei voitu verrata laatuindeksiin, sillä tässä tutkimuksessa mitattujen pH-arvojen tuloksista ei voitu päätellä pilaantumisen etenemistä. Kun QIM® meressä kasvatetulle siialle on validoitu (Evira), valmista meressä kasvatetun siian QI-menetelmää voidaan hyödyntää jatkossa Suomen kalateollisuudessa ja -markkinoilla. Olisi hyvä, jos QIM® luotaisiin myös muille Suomen yleisimmille kauppakaloille, jotta pakkauksiin merkityt viimeiset käyttöpäivät perustuisivat yhteen yhteiseen menetelmään ja näin viimeisellä käyttöpäivällä olisi tieteellinen pohja.


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Shark livers are considered as an important raw material providing a quality fish oil. It has been reported to aid white — blood-cell production and act as an active ingredient in hemorrhoid treatments. It is also reported that liver oil as a good supplement of vitamin A and poly-unsaturated fatty acids which are important to the development of brain cells in human. Freshness of livers is very important to extract better quality oil. In Sri Lanka, the annual shark production amounts to 8000t, however the quality of livers collected from landing sites has not being measured yet. Present study was conducted to evaluate the quality of silky (Charcarninus fakiformis) shark livers available in Negombo and Beruwala landing sites in the West Coast of Sri Lanka and also to study the relationship between organoleptic and bio-chemical correlation on freshness of shark livers. Liver samples which were collected from landing sites in the West coast of Sri Lanka, were evaluated for external and internal colour, texture and odour. Total volatile nitrogen (TVN), pH value, free fatty acid (FFA%) and peroxide (PV) values of livers were also determined to assess quality. According to the organoleptic scoring system 4.3% of liver samples were categorized as best in quality while 30.4%, 56.5% and 8.7% rated as good, medium and poor in quality respectively at the Negombo and Beruwala landing sites. Bio-chemical analysis showed that the better quality livers had the highest score for sensory evaluation and low values for TVN, FFA and peroxide value while low quality livers gave low score for sensory evaluation and high TVN, FFA, peroxide values. Correlation coefficient of organoleptic scores against total volatile nitrogen value, pH value, free fatty acid % and peroxide value of shark livers were determined by statistical analysis. Organoleptic score of shark livers was found to be highly.


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Nisin is a widely used naturally occurring antimicrobial effective against many pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. It has been proposed that reduced efficacy of nisin in foods can be improved by technologies such as encapsulation to protect it from interferences by food matrix components. The aim of this study was using of spray dried encapsulated nisin with zein in concentration of (0.15 and 0.25 g/kg) and sodium citrate (1.5 and 2.5%) and treatments with both of them to extent the shelf life of filleted trouts packaged by Modified Atmosphere Packaging (45% CO2, 50% N2 ,5% O2) and stored at 4±1 °C for 20 days. Furthermore, to evaluate the antimicrobial efficiency of encapsulated nisin and soudium citrate the trouts fillets was inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus as an index pathogenic bacteria. Assessment of chemical spoilage indexes such as (Proxide value, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile base nitrogen and pH) , microbial parameters (Total Plate Count, Psychrotrophic count, Lactic acid bacteria count), Staphylococcus aureus cont in treatments which were inoculated with 5 logcfu/g of this bacteria and sensory evaluation of fillets including (smell, color, texture and total acceptability) was carried out in days of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20. The results revealed that treatment with both exposure of nisin and sodium citrate showed significantly lower chemical spoilage indexes in comparison with controls (vaccum packed and MAP) (P<0.05). Furthermore, (nisin 0.25 g/kg sodium citrate 2.5%) treatment which was exposed to the maximal level used of both materials was significantly the lowest treatment with (Proxide value, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile base nitrogen and pH) of 9.95 (meq O2/kg) , 1.55 (mgMA/kg), 29.65 (mgN/100g) and 6.65 , respectively and according to the maximal recommended level of this indices , shelf life of fillets in this treatment was esstimated 20 days.The control (vaccum packed) treatment was significantly the highest treatment with (Proxide value, Thiobarbituric acid, total volatile base nitrogen and pH) of 15.17 (meq O2/kg), 3.03 (mgMA/kg), 38.4 (mgN/100g) and 6.95 , respectively and according to the maximal recommended level of this indices , shelf life of fillets in this treatment was estimated 11 days. Also, in microbial point of view (nisin 0.25 g/kg- sodium citrate 2.5%) treatment was the lowest treatment with Total Plate Count, Psychrotrophic count, Lactic acid bacteria count and Staphylococcus aureus count of 6.7, 6.83, 5.25 and 6.04 logcfu/g respectively, and conrol (vaccum packed) treatment was the highest treatment with 9.15, 9.41, 7.7 and 9.01 logcfu/g respectively. According to the lower results of chemical and microbial indices and higher sensory evaluated scores assessed in this research for encapsulated nisin in comparison with free nisin , it was concluded that encapsulation of nisin with zein capsules may improve the efficiency of nisin. The measuremented values of Mass yield, Total solids content of capsules, Encapsulation efficiency, In vitro release kinetics in 200 hour for encapsulated nisin in this study was 49.89, 62, 98.31 and 69% respectively and Encapsulated particle size was lower than 674.21 μm for 90% of particles. As a consequence, nisin , in particular encapsulated nisin, and sodium citrate alone or together with and Modified Atmosphere packaging might be considered as effective tools in preventing the quality degradation of the fillets, resulting in an extension of their shelf life.