895 resultados para Folk dance. Esthetic conception. UFRN Parafolclórico Group
The purpose of this dissertation is to promote Polish violin music written in the 20th and 21st Century. My recitals included many lesser-known compositions and composers which I strongly believe deserve to be better known and more often performed. The search and preparation of those pieces, for which recordings and music scores are not easily found, was a very exciting and stimulating process. Much Polish music written in the 20th and 21st Century is interesting, expressive, beautiful, and deserves to be more often performed. Performing 20th and 21st Century music opens new perspectives in two directions: musically and technically. Performer and listener are, in many cases, unbound from tonality. Composers are looking for new sonorities and exploring such performing techniques as varieties of harmonics, quarter tones, extreme dynamics, complex rhythms, and usage of a wide range of registers. An important part of Polish music is Polish folklore. The little town of Zakopane is known for Polish traditional clothing, food, architecture, dance and music. Also, most prominent Polish luthiers including Wojciech Topa, whose instrument I am playing, have been making their instruments in Zakopane. This little town in the Tatras Mountain has been an inspiration for many Polish artists including Iwaszkiewicz, Witkacy, Karłowicz, and Szymanowski. Those composers used such folklore elements as folk scales, popular tunes, and imitations of the sound of the folk band with characteristic folk dance rhythms. Other musical genres where folk elements are strongly present are the compositions dedicated to young musicians, with a specifically educational purpose. Among composers who wrote educational music were Grażyna Bacewicz, Witold Lutosławski, and Henryk Mikołaj Górecki. This approach makes the works more easily understood by young performers and, at the same time, broadens their understanding of Polish culture and prepares them for the challenges of contemporary music. This has been an exciting project for me because, on the one hand, it allowed me the challenge of performing compositions that are lesser-known and often consist of musical language new to me while, on the other, it brought me back to my roots and the country of my mother tongue.
1.Este artículo es parte de la transferencia de conocimientos del proyecto de investigación. Vivir entre islas: paisajes insulares, conectividad y cultura material en las comunidades de las Islas Baleares durante la prehistoria reciente (2500-123 BC) (HAR2012-32620) financiado por el Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. 2. ArqueoUIB (Departament de Ciències Històriques i Teoria de les Arts, UIB).
Dança: forma, técnica e poesia do movimento : na perspectiva de construção de sentidos coreográficos
A presente dissertação se construiu sobre o pressuposto de que forma, técnica e poesia são premissas que embasam uma determinada visão de dança enquanto manifestação artística do corpo humano em movimento. Norteia também este estudo a perspectiva de que as relações que se estabelecem no momento de execução de uma dança instauram processos de significação. Desse modo, este trabalho teve como principais objetivos: - entender a dança enquanto uma atividade artística que se constrói no(s) corpo(s) em movimento; - refletir sobre a elaboração de possíveis significados quando da criação e execução de uma dança; - descrever a dança como uma ação criadora que se faz no corpo humano em movimento. Para atingir os objetivos propostos utilizou-se a fenomenologia como método de investigação, optando-se, assim, por realizar uma descrição da dança que já é, ao mesmo tempo, uma maneira de compreendê-la. Como conseqüência deste procedimento buscou-se demontrar que: - a dança dever ser entendida enquanto arte porque ela resulta de um processo de transformação de uma matéria-prima - o movimento humano - através do uso de procedimentos técnicos e formativos, que resultam em obras coreográficas que se dão a reconhecer através de seu intrínseco caráter de forma; - o movimento é o que toma visível os possíveis sentidos/significados de uma dança: a realização de sentidos coreográficos se dá no contexto de uma coreografia e só se efetua plenamente quando os sentidos são retomados e revividos pelos espectadores; - os processos de criação coreográfica baseados em ações formativas proporcionam o desenvolvimento de uma disponibilidade corporal para a dança. Tal disponibilidade corporal está alicerçada, principalmente, numa inteligência e numa memória corporais, que dispõem o dançarino a exercer suas potencialidades criadoras através da dança. A concepção da dança como forma, técnica e poesia do movimento aponta para uma possibilidade de recuperação, através da dança, de saberes relativos ao corpo, ao movimento e à sensibilidade.
This work dealt with formative actions that were developed by Educational Practice in Movement (GEPEM) at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This group aims to transform the way education is carried out. This is done either through intervention or in research considering that school has an explicit objective, to change action, and this presupposes an educator formation process. The methodology used is a reflection on educational practice, aiming to built knowledge that can be generalized to other realities. The analysis of the group s prior work was done considering what has been used as a parameter for decision making, the regularity in the process itself, all of which allowed the identification of their principles, once these were always mentioned in the documents that were analyzed. Some principles for formative actions of the GEPEM were identified: the subject as a social historical being is part of a given community; knowledge is built through social relations and local reality is a content generator; dialogically, collective construction and awareness process. The research also pointed out four characterized organizers, parameters and action criteria that make articulation with practice possible. Thus, these are used in order to analyze two initial formation proposals (secondary and higher education) of rural settlement educators
This article summarizes the findings obtained in ethnographic research conducted in 2009, which led to the dissertation entitled The weaving of movement: dance, tribalism and imaginary in everyday life of a group of students at a public school in Araraquara city defended the Universidade Estadual Paulista - Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Araraquara, São Paulo. The objective of the survey was to collect clues to a method of movement analysis with reference to the Anthropology of the Imaginary Gilbert Durand and studies of efforts (effort shape) in Rudolf Laban. For this, we identified the main break dance moves practiced by a group of teens who attend school on weekends. The inventory movements in this dance led to a rhythmic and gestural thinking beyond the rationalization of bodily education.
Cover title.
For 2 violins, viola, violoncello.
Der Tanz mit dem Stabe -- Brâul -- Der Stampfer -- Tanz der Butschumer -- Rumänische Polka -- Schnell-Tanz.
For piano solo.
Mode of access: Internet.
INTRODUCCIÓN En los últimos tiempos, se percibe en la sociedad una preocupación hacia lo diferente que se manifiesta en procesos discriminatorios y de exclusión. La población y las instituciones manifiestan rechazo al otro-inmigrante con una legislación limitadora de derechos, unos medios de comunicación que alimentan una dinámica discriminadora y excluyente muy peligrosa y, un discurso de la clase política muy negativo para con los inmigrantes. El uso de frases y lemas que generalizan aspectos negativos y conectan la inmigración con el delito, con la amenaza al estado del bienestar y con el desempleo ha de calificarse como peligroso. El primer objetivo de este trabajo es entender a la persona en su paradoja. La paradoja de que somos seres sociales y rechazamos al otro. El segundo objetivo es por un lado, analizar la falsedad de afirmaciones como que “los inmigrantes cometen más delitos que los nacionales o que son más propensos al delito que los nacionales” y, por otro, comprobar que dichas afirmaciones son inevitables. DESARROLLO TEÓRICO En cuanto a la paradoja de que somos seres sociales y rechazamos al otro, se analiza el origen del rechazo al inmigrante desde la naturaleza y la condición humanas, lo que nos lleva a concluir que la percepción de una persona en sociedad se desarrolla en un proceso interrelacional e intersubjetivo que es eminentemente paradójico. La formación de la persona se desarrolla sobre la base del proceso de imitación, la identificación y reidentificación de la persona se exponen en teorías diversas, la teoría de la identidad de la comunidad cuyo máximo representante es Tajfel (1969), la teoría de las creencias de grupo de Bar-Tal (1990), la teoría de la amenaza comprehensiva de Stephan et al. (2005) y la teoría de los valores centrales de Bauman (2001). El segundo objetivo de esta tesis es por un lado, analizar la falsedad de afirmaciones como que “los inmigrantes cometen más delitos que los nacionales o que son más propensos al delito que los nacionales” para lo que se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica que concluye que los inmigrantes no cometen más delitos que los nacionales y que no son más propensos al delito que los nacionales; y, por otro, comprobar que dichas afirmaciones son inevitables, para lo que se ha aplicado el método estadístico cualitativo teniendo como base la pregunta 18 de la Encuesta del CIS número 2967 del año 2012 relativa a la percepción de la inmigración. Para la comprobación de que dichas afirmaciones son inevitables, se ha aplicado la metodología estadística cualitativa a la pregunta 18 de la Encuesta número 2967 del CIS del año 2012 cuya redacción es la siguiente “La inmigración, como todo, tiene aspectos positivos y negativos. ¿Y qué aspecto negativo destacaría más?” Con la aplicación del método Kendall-Stoyanov se obtuvieron coeficientes de concordancia en el orden de importancia de los items y coeficientes de ponderación que dan mejor información sobre cuán importante es un determinado aspecto negativo sobre los demás. La metodología expuesta se aplicó en dos Análisis fundamentales: un análisis descriptivo y un análisis multivariable. Con el análisis descriptivo se comparan las opiniones de las categorías sociodemográficas propuestas por el CIS. Dado que el análisis descriptivo puede considerarse excesivamente homogéneo y limitado, por cuanto se comparan categorías socio-demográficas que son univariable, se ha procedido a realizar un análisis multivariable comparando dos perfiles. El perfil del cosmopolita responde a las siguientes variables, Hombre o mujer, de 18-40 años, con estudios universitarios e ideología de izquierdas. El perfil provinciano o local responde a estas otras variables, Hombre o mujer, de más de 65 años, con educación básica o secundaria e ideología de derechas. Para numerosos autores (Diez Nicolás, 1999, Cea D´Ancona, 2004, Haubert y Fussel, 2006 y Ford, 2012), los perfiles sociodemográficos muestran que las personas de más de 65 años, de derechas, bajo estatus socioeconómico y baja educación son xenófobos. Por el contrario, la gente joven con alta educación, status socioeconómico alto, de izquierdas y los que han viajado al extranjero muestran menor grado de xenofobia. Sin embargo, tras la aplicación del método Kendall-Stoyanov a la pregunta 18 del CIS, ambos perfiles muestran una absoluta concordancia en cuanto al orden de los aspectos negativos y en cuanto a la importancia atribuida a dichos aspectos. CONCLUSIONES Como primera conclusión, se ha podido constatar lo paradójico de la condición humana. La revisión bibliográfica especializada concluye que los inmigrantes no cometen más delitos que los nacionales y que no son más propensos al delito que los nacionales. Por su parte, con los análisis descriptivo y multivariable, se demuestra la inevitabilidad del rechazo sobre la base de una opinión concordante u homogénea en la sociedad española en el año 2012. Esta homogeneidad se debe, entre otros, al proceso de securitización producido en la sociedad española en 2012. BIBLIOGRAFÍA BAR-TAL, D. (1990). Group Belief: A conception for Analyzing Group Structure, Processes and Behaviour. Springer Science+Business Media. Nueva York. BAUMAN, Z, (2001). “Identity in a Globalizing World”. Social Anthropology, vol. 1, issue 2, pp. 121-129. CEA D ́ANCONA, M.A. (2004). La activación de la xenofobia en España. ¿Qué miden las encuestas? Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Madrid. DÍEZ NICOLÁS, J. (1999). “Los Españoles y la Inmigración”. Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Secretaría General de Asuntos Sociales, Instituto de Migraciones y Servicios Sociales. Observatorio Permanente de la Inmigración. FORD, R. (2012). “Parochial and Cosmopolitan Britain. Examining the Social Divide in Reactions to Immigration”. Transatlantic Trends Immigration Focus Papers. HAUBERT, J. and FUSSELL, E. (2006). “Explaining pro-immigrant sentiment in the U.S.: Social class, cosmpolitism, and perceptions of immigrants.” International Migration Review, vol. 40, n. 3. The Center for Migration Studes of Nueva Yor, Inc. pp. 489-507. STEPHAN, W. G., RENFRO, C. L., ESSES, V. M, STEPHAN. C.W. and MATINE, T. (2005). “The effects of feeling threatened on attitudes toward immigrants”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 1–19. BAR-TAL, D. TAJFEL, H. (1969). “Cognitive Aspects of Prejudice”, 25 J. SOC. ISSUES 79-97.
In this issue...Library-Museum Fall-out Shelter, Hawaii Program, Fellowship, Folk Dance, Sigma Rho, Acoma Lounge, National Science Foundation, M Day
The aim of my thesis, which consists of five original articles and a summarizing chapter, is to study the identity, lifestyle and cultural taste of the Finnish Swedes, i.e. the Swedish-speaking language minority in Finland, from a qualitative point of view. The Finnish Swedes are a somewhat special minority, first of all because of their wide-ranging language rights guaranteed by the constitution, and secondly because of the common image that Finnish Swedes represent a more legitimate or better lifestyle and taste than the Finnish-Speaking Finns. This conception is corroborated by the fact that, in comparison to the language majority, the Swedish-speakers have better health, employment, income and so on according to a number of quantitative studies. My research data is composed of twenty-six focus group interviews conducted among a geographically and socio-economically wide range of Swedish-speaking Finns. Group sizes ranged from 3 to 11 people. In the interviews, culture was approached through a framework of seven topics: music, cinema, television, arts, reading, eating and clothing. In each focus group interview, two subfields of culture were discussed along with a short section about cultural events and participation and definitions on good and bad taste. After discussing culture and taste, there was a final discussion on the Finnish Swede identity. The main theoretical framework of my thesis comes from Pierre Bourdieu (1979) and his followers: I am asking whether the status of being a Swedish-speaker can be used as a means of distinction. The main research questions are the following: (1) How does the Swedish-speaking minority look studied in the light of extensive qualitative data and in a framework of lifestyle and taste? (2) What kind of differences in lifestyle, taste and linguistic identity are there between different Finnish Swedes and how do those connect with socio-economical position, place of residence or age? I also ask how belonging to the language minority might work as a tool for cultural distinction and how different Swedish-speaking groups take use of it. My main research question is (3) whether mother tongue is a remarkable factor of lifestyle or cultural taste in contemporary Finland.
The purpose of this work is to approach and understand the Social Representations (SR) (MOSCOVICI, 2003) about Physics and Chemistry from people who are major in these courses, as well as their Social Representations about teaching . We took as principle that approaching these representations it would be possible to relate their symbolic contents, in order to show how people who are following the first segments of bachelor degree courses in Physics and Chemistry become teachers, taking into account a psychosocial view. Two source of data was used during this research: Free-association Technique FA (ABRIC, 1994); and Multiple Classification Procedure (MCP) (ROAZZI, 1995). The analytical treatment of the collected data from FA was done according to the proposition of Grize, Vergés and Silem (1987 apud ABRIC, 1994, p. 66). MCP data were analyzed through MSA (Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis) and SSA (Singular Spectrum Analysis) methods associated with the Facet Theory (BILSKY, 2003). The discourses of MCP discussing groups at the moment of explanations were studied by Content Analysis as it was proposed by Bardin (1977) and Franco (2005). Indicative of an approach to the relations with knowledge (CHARLOT, 2000), the connections which aroused from the analyses showed that the group of future majors in Physics thought that this scientific field was based on a rationalist conception, influencing the idealization sense of the phenomena to be explained by Physics. Thus, Physics as school content started to require the student of the fundamental and high school to think abstractly as a cognitive skill of learning. The identifying elements observed in the relations between SR about Physics and Teaching aroused from the antagonism between future majors and their teacher, as well as from the speculation between their fundamental and high school students and themselves, mainly when they had to face the act of teaching due to the obstacles imposed by the own educational system, and by the weakness of the initial preparation. The group of future majors in Chemistry, through its discourses, showed these relations when they conceived empiricist Chemistry and said that teaching was the way of transmission of this knowledge, and didactics of Chemistry teaching was the direction to learning through pedagogic methods in order to lead the students to discoveries. The psychosocial contents which were built and showed from the symbolic relations in the studied SR achieved the relation of identity. This relation revealed identifying elements for these people, resulting from the traffic between their condition as students of Chemistry, and as teachers regarding their work, what placed the current relational contents in the teaching space, named as Knowledge changing and Adaptability . In order to study emerging questions in the discussing environment about formation and teaching professionalization, we focused the psychosocial view on this traffic and managed to observe epistemological practical and pedagogic obstacles that limited a configuration of the teaching work as a professional activity, especially from the particular conditions which led the relations of senses to Physics , Chemistry and Teaching ; and Chemistry and Physics as it was seen in this research. Generally speaking, we noted that these obstacles can denounce such obstacles concerning to the pedagogic doings which mainly impair the learning process of fundamental and high school students
Theatrical phenomenon borned in the Italy the Comedy dell Art concerned to it climax in the XVI century and spreading itself by the word than can be sight like the theatre base modern. Lasting parallel the conventional theatre since the three hundred years, this gender influenced significativly the making theatrical in the Europe graces the popular character of its simulation turned for the improvise. In spite of treat a theatric manifestation no more existing in the present time, we understand that the Comedy dell Art was constituted in one artistic language whose esthetics centralized in the popular fanciful and in the improvise permitted a rich possibility of verbal and not-verbal communication that today can to be taken again in contemporary productions theatricals. Departing of an approach of esthetics, this work has with purpose concentrate the references esthetics that configure that one artistic manifestation such that one references can contribute for the Arts teaches in the present times. We appeal the text and image of Comedy dell Art, such this historical reference that in context, with fountain investigated that mean and if complementary in one esthetic reflection for the creation of meaning diverse and news interpretations for the purpose investigated if having with base some analysis categories such as: the actor s body, the actuations spaces and the esthetics categories such the ugly, the comic and the absurd. To investigate the Comedy dell Art esthetic in the ambit of the teach of Arts Scenics is a manner of be understand the artistic universe of three century behind that can be meant, revived, in the marking possibilities of an art teach able to incentive the critical, the appreciation, the discussion and the transgression of instituted true. Having investigated the exhibition Comedy dell Art esthetic we rebound four stich that we judge significative for we think the Arts Scenics teach, they are: the articulation between actor s body, the text and the space actuation in the play; statement what it is given between actor s body and the on-looker and the every gesture that did share of scene in a popular scenic space; a conception actor s body that transgress with the true duty socially that is capable the to admit its dimension Dionysian, creative and ambiguous in the to do theatrical; the text conception that get beyond the ambit the word writing by the dramatist and talked by actors, if spreading the other elements significance in the scene like gesture, the parody, the recent news, the gags and the word used in the day-to-day; the scenic space like a statement symbolic between actors and on-looker that make a quality of amusement pact supported by the scenic true of artist that actuate in not usual spaces bid at an auctioning degrees of participation in the building the scenic phenomenon; and the importance of esthetics categories such as the ugly, the comic and the absurd, those categories that foundation like a do scenic transgressor make a possible exchange mutual between actor and appreciator. The statement of esthetics categories in joint continuous between the body, the text and the scenic space evident themselves in doing theatrical and in the its appreciation. We believe that the reflection esthetic about the Comedy dell Art in the arts class, consider the stich detached, can favor possibilities of to share discovery, ideas, feelings and attitudes, and can permit the observation of different stich of view, establishing the statement of individual with the group in a participative and democratic form