995 resultados para Fluorescence spectrum


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The time dependent response of a polar solvent to a changing charge distribution is studied in solvation dynamics. The change in the energy of the solute is measured by a time domain Stokes shift in the fluorescence spectrum of the solute. Alternatively, one can use sophisticated non-linear optical spectroscopic techniques to measure the energy fluctuation of the solute at equilibrium. In both methods, the measured dynamic response is expressed by the normalized solvation time correlation function, S(t). The latter is found to exhibit uniquefeatures reflecting both the static and dynamic characteristics of each solvent. For water, S(t) consists of a dominant sub-50 fs ultrafast component, followed by a multi-exponential decay. Acetonitrile exhibitsa sub-100 fs ultrafast component, followed by an exponential decay. Alcohols and amides show features unique to each solvent and solvent series. However, understanding and interpretation of these results have proven to be difficult, and often controversial. Theoretical studiesand computer simulations have greatly facilitated the understanding ofS(t) in simple systems. Recently solvation dynamics has been used extensively to explore dynamics of complex systems, like micelles and reverse micelles, protein and DNA hydration layers, sol-gel mixtures and polymers. In each case one observes rich dynamical features, characterized again by multi-exponential decays but the initial and final time constants are now widely separated. In this tutorial review, we discuss the difficulties in interpreting the origin of the observed behaviour in complex systems.


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Serine hydroxymethyltransferase from mammalian and bacterial sources is a pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-containing enzyme, but the requirement of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate for the activity of the enzyme from plant sources is not clear. The specific activity of serine hydroxymethyltransferase isolated from mung bean (Vigna radiata) seedlings in the presence and absence of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate was comparable at every step of the purification procedure. The mung bean enzyme did not show the characteristic visible absorbance spectrum of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate protein. Unlike the enzymes from sheep, monkey, and human liver, which were converted to the apoenzyme upon treatment with L-cysteine and dialysis, the mung bean enzyme similarly treated was fully active. Additional evidence in support of the suggestion that pyridoxal-5'-phosphate may not be required for the mung bean enzyme was the observation that pencillamine, a well-known inhibitor of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate enzymes, did not perturb the enzyme spectrum or inhibit the activity of mung bean serine hydroxymethyltransferase. The sheep liver enzyme upon interaction with O-amino-D-serine gave a fluorescence spectrum with an emission maximum at 455 nm when excited at 360 nm. A 100-fold higher concentration of mung bean enzyme-O-amino-D-serine complex did not yield a fluorescence spectrum. The following observations suggest that pyridoxal-5'-phosphate normally present as a coenzyme in serine hydroxymethyltransferase was probably replaced in mung bean serine hydroxymethyltransferase by a covalently bound carbonyl group: (a) inhibiton by phenylhydrazine and hydroxylamine, which could not be reversed by dialysis and or addition of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate; (b) irreversible inactivation by sodium borohydride; (c) a spectrum characteristic of a phenylhydrazone upon interaction with phenylhydrazine; and (d) the covalent labeling of the enzyme with substrate/product serine and glycine upon reduction with sodium borohydride. These results indicate that in mung bean serine hydroxymethyltransferase, a covalently bound carbonyl group has probably replaced the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate that is present in the mammalian and bacterial enzymes.


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The synthesis and direct observation of 1,1-di-tert-butyldiazene (16) at -127°C is described. The absorption spectrum of a red solution of 1,1-diazene 16 reveals a structured absorption band with λ max at 506 run (Me_2O, -125°C). The vibrational spacing in S_1 is about 1200 cm^(-1). The excited state of 16 emits weakly with a single maximum at 715 run observed in the fluorescence spectrum (Me_2O:CD_2Cl_2, -196°C). The proton NMR spectrum of 16 occurs as a singlet at 1.41 ppm. Monitoring this NMR absorption at -94^0 ± 2°C shows that 1,1-diazene 16 decomposes with a first-order rate of 1.8 x 10^(-3) sec(-1) to form isobutane, isobutylene and hexarnethylethane. This rate is 10^8 and 10^(34) times faster than the thermal decomposition of the corresponding cis and trans 1,2-di-tert-butyldiazene isomers. The free energy of activation for decomposition of 1,1-diazene 16 is found to be 12.5 ± 0.2 kcal/mol at -94°C which is much lower than the values of 19.1 and 19.4 kcal/lmole calculated at -94°C for N-(2,2,6,6- tetramethylpiperidyl)nitrene (3) and N-(2,2,5,5- tetrarnethylpyrrolidyl)nitrene (4), respectively. This difference between 16 and the cyclic-1,1-diazenes 3 and 4 can be attributed to a large steric interaction between the tert-butyl groups in 1,1-diazene 16.

In order to investigate the nature of the singlet-triplet gap in 1,1-diazenes, 2,5-di-tert-butyl-N-pyrrolynitrene (22) was generated but was found to be too reactive towards dimerization to be persistent. In the presence of dimethylsulfoxide, however, N-pyrrolynitrene (22) can be trapped as N-(2,5-di-tert-butyl- N'-pyrrolyl)dimethylsulfoxirnine (38). N-(2,5-di-tert-butyl-N'-pyrrolyl)dimethylsulfoximine (38-d^6) exchanges with free dimethylsulfoxide at 50°C in solution, presumably by generation and retrapping of pyrrolynitrene 22.


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We investigate the fluorescence spectrum in a nearly degenerate atomic system of a F-e = 0 -> F-g = 1 transition by analytically solving Schrodinger equations. An ultranarrow fluorescence spectral line in between the two coherent population trapping windows has been found. Our analytic solutions clearly show the origin of the ultranarrow spectral line. Due to quantum interference effects between two coherent population trapping states, the width and intensity of the central spectral line can be controlled by an external magnetic field. Such an effect may be used to detect a magnetic field.


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The energy spectrum of heavily-doped molecular crystals was treated in the Green’s function formulation. The mixed crystal Green’s function was obtained by averaging over all possible impurity distributions. The resulting Green’s function, which takes the form of an infinite perturbation expansion, was further approximated by a closed form suitable for numerical calculations. The density-of-states functions and optical spectra for binary mixtures of normal naphthalene and deuterated naphthalene were calculated using the pure crystal density-of-state functions. The results showed that when the trap depth is large, two separate energy bands persist, but when the trap depth is small only a single band exists. Furthermore, in the former case it was found that the intensities of the outer Davydov bands are enhanced whereas the inner bands are weakened. Comparisons with previous theoretical calculations and experimental results are also made.


The energy states and optical spectra of heavily-doped mixed crystals are investigated. Studies are made for the following binary systems: (1) naphthalene-h8 and d8, (2) naphthalene--h8 and αd4, and (3) naphthalene--h8 and βd1, corresponding to strong, medium and weak perturbations. In addition to ordinary absorption spectra at 4˚K, band-to-band transitions at both 4˚K and 77˚K are also analyzed with emphasis on their relations to cooperative excitation and overall density-of-states functions for mixed crystals. It is found that the theoretical calculations presented in a previous paper agree generally with experiments except for cluster states observed in system (1) at lower guest concentrations. These features are discussed semi-quantitatively. As to the intermolecular interaction parameters, it is found that experimental results compare favorably with calculations based on experimental density-of-states functions but not with those based on octopole interactions or charge-transfer interactions. Previous experimental results of Sheka and the theoretical model of Broude and Rashba are also compared with present investigations.


The phosphorescence, fluorescence and absorption spectra of pyrazine-h4 and d4 have been obtained at 4˚K in a benzene matrix. For comparison, those of the isotopically mixed crystal pyrazine-h4 in d4 were also taken. All these spectra show extremely sharp and well-resolved lines and reveal detailed vibronic structure.

The analysis of the weak fluorescence spectrum resolves the long-disputed question of whether one or two transitions are involved in the near-ultraviolet absorption of pyrazine. The “mirror-image relationship” between absorption and emission shows that the lowest singlet state is an allowed transition, properly designated as 1B3u1A1g. The forbidden component 1B2g, predicted by both “exciton” and MO theories to be below the allowed component, must lie higher. Its exact location still remains uncertain.

The phosphorescence spectrum when compared with the excitation phosphorescence spectra, indicates that the lowest triplet state is also symmetry allowed, showing a strong 0-0 band and a “mirror-image relationship” between absorption and emission. In accordance with previous work, the triplet state is designated as 3B3u.

The vibronic structure of the phosphorescence spectrum is very complicated. Previous work on the analysis of this spectrum all concluded that a long progression of v6a exists. Under the high resolution attainable in our work, the supposed v6a progression proves to have a composite triplet structure, starting from the second member of the progression. Not only is the v9a hydrogen-bending mode present as shown by the appearance of the C-D bending mode in the d4 spectrum, but a band of 1207 cm-1 in the pyrazine in benzene system and 1231 cm-1 in the mixed crystal system is also observed. This band is assigned as 2v6b and of a1g symmetry. Its anonymously strong intensity in the phosphorescence spectrum is interpreted as due to the Fermi resonance with the 2v6a and v9a band.

To help resolve the present controversy over the crystal phosphorescence spectrum of pyrazine, detailed vibrational analyses of the emission spectra were made. The fluorescence spectrum has essentially the same vibronic structure as the phosphorescence spectrum.


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A produção de porfirinas por Corynebacterium diphtheriae é um objeto de estudo antigo, porém pouco explorado em Química e Ciências Médicas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos comparar a influência de diferentes meios de cultura na produção de porfirinas por Corynebacterium diphtheriae, determinar a influencia da concentração do ferro na produção de porfirina, comparar quantitativamente a produção de porfirinas por diferentes amostras de bacilo diftérico e caracterizar químicamente os tipos de porfirinas produzidas. As técnicas utilizadas para isso foram a espectroscopia de absorção UV-visível e de fluorescência. O meio de cultura descrito por Mueller (1939), para a produção de toxina, se mostrou mais eficiente que o meio B de king, utilizado no diagnóstico laboratorial da difteria. A concentração de ferro no cultivo de Corynebacterium diphtheriae influencia a produção de porfirina. Altas concentrações de ferro inibem a produção de porfirina. A concentração de ferro onde a produção de porfirinas é máxima é de 0,20g/mL. Dentre as 11 amostras de bacilo diftérico estudadas, a amostra HC03, fermentadora de sacarose e toxinogênica, isolada de um caso de endocardite, foi a maior produtora de porfirina. A amostra ATCC de Corynebacterium ulcerans, não fermentadora de sacarose e toxinogênica, foi a amostra que produziu menos porfirina. Todas as 11 amostras apresentaram o mesmo perfil de espectro de fluorescência, sugerindo que a porfirina produzida seja a mesma nas amostras pesquisadas. As análises feitas para a caracterização do tipo de porfirina produzida levam a crer que esta seja uma coproporfirina. Os espectros de absorção e fluorescência não permitem porém determinar o(s) isômero(s) presente(s).


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Fluorophosphate glass with 4 mol.% ErF3 content was prepared. The different scanning calorimetry was conducted. Raman spectrum, infrared transmission spectrum, absorption spectrum were measured. Fluorescence spectrum and lifetime of emission around 1.53 mu m were measured under 970 nm laser diode excitation. The metaphosphate content in the composition is limited, but the maximum phonon energy of glass amounts to 1290 cm- 1, and is comparatively high. The full width at half maximum is about 56 nm, and is wider than for most of the materials investigated. The measured lifetime of I-4(13/2) -> I-4(15/2) transition, contributed by the high phonon energy, inefficient interaction of Er3+ ions, and low water content, amounts to no less than 7.36 ms though the Er3+ concentration is high. This work might provide useful information for the development of compact optical devices.


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Fluorophosphate glasses with different contents of ErF3 were prepared. Due to the radiation trapping of Er, concentration dependence of the fluorescence lifetime is subject to distortion, and the stimulated-emission cross section calculated by the Fuchtbauer-Ladenburg equation is underestimated. The influence of radiation trapping on the measured fluorescence lifetime and width are investigated quantitatively. By comparing the intensity ratio of the 1556-1532 nm peak in the fluorescence spectrum with that in the stimulated-emission cross-section spectrum obtained according to the McCumber theory, the distortion ratio of fluorescence spectrum due to radiation trapping is obtained. An empirical way to quantitatively evaluate the influences of radiation trapping on fluorescence lifetime and width is proposed. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Series of tellurite glasses were prepared by traditional melting method, the glass composition were changed and the different effects of glass modifier oxides(alkali metals and alkaline earth metal oxides) and glass intermediate (Y2O3, GeO2, Nb2O5, WO3) on the optical and spectroscopic properties of Er3+ doped tellurite glass were researched and compared. The infrared transmitting spectra, absorption spectra and fluorescence spectra were tested, the results showed that Nb2O5 and WO3 in the glass act as part of the body's role in the formation of the network, caused the reduction of transmitting range in infrared wavelength, which decrease the transmitting properties of tellurite glass. The introduction of high valence cationic ions, WO3 especially, can increase the FWHM of Er3+ for the increased polarization effect. With the decreasing of cationic field of glass modifier ions, the ion filed of the environment around Er3+ increased, subsequently, the role of ligand field polarization effect reduced, which makes the luminescence lifetime increase, and on the contrary the FWHM decrease monotonously.


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The thermal stability, 2 μm fluorescence properties and energy transfer mechanism in Ho3+ doped fluorophosphate glass sensitized by Yb3+ and Tm3+ were investigated. The characteristic temperatures, absorption spectrum and fluorescence spectrum of the glass sample were measured. ΔT calculated from the characteristic temperatures shows that the thermal stability of fluorophosphate glass is better than fluoride glass. According to the absorption spectrum, several spectroscopic parameters of the glass sample, such as Judd-Ofelt parameters and spontaneous transition probability were calculated and compared with other glass hosts. The largest spontaneous transition probability for Ho3+:5 I7&rarr5I8 transition in fluorophosphate glass which is 78.48 s-1 indicates that fluorophosphate glass is an appropriate base glass to achieve 2 m fluorescence. From the fluorescence spectrum of the glass sample, the extremely strong 2.0 μm fluorescence intensity is observed, which is higher than the intensity of 1.8 μm fluorescence, showing that Ho3+ ions sensitized by Yb3+ and Tm3+ is efficient. Meanwhile, the absorption sections and emission sections of Yb3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+ were calculated and the pumping scheme and energy transfer mechanism among Yb3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+ are discussed. The study indicates that Yb-Tm-Ho tri-doped fluorophosphate glass is a significant sensitization glass system under 980 nm excitation for 2 μm applications.


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Er3+-doped TeO2-WO3 glass was fabricated and characterized by absorption spectrum, fluorescence spectrum, Raman spectrum and stability. The Judd-Ofelt parameter ohm(t)(t = 2, 4, 6) were calculated from the absorption spectrum by the Judd-Ofelt theory. The fluorescence spectrum indicates that the fluorescence width at half-maximum (FWHM) is 66nm. The stimulated emission cross-section of Er3+ in TeO2-WO3 glass at 1532 nm was calculated to be 0.80 x 10(-20) cm(2) by McCumber theory. The phonon energy of TeO2-WO3 glass is found to be 931 cm(-1). The difference between crystallization onset temperature and glass transition temperature Delta T is 112 degrees C. These results show that Er3+-doped TeO2-WO3 glass has higher stability and good spectral properties, which were useful for broadband amplifier. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Broadband infrared luminescence is observed in various Bi-doped oxide glasses prepared by conventional melting-quenching technique. The absorption spectrum of the Bi-doped germanium oxide glass consists of five broad peaks at below 370, 500, 700, 800 and 1000 nm. The fluorescence spectrum exhibits a broad peak at about 1300 nm with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of more than 300 nm when excited by an 808 nm laser diode. The fluorescence lifetime at room temperature decreases with increasing Bi2O3 concentration. Influence of the glass composition and melting atmosphere on the fluorescence lifetime and luminescent intensity is investigated. The mechanism of the broadband infrared luminescence is suggested. The product of stimulated emission cross-section and lifetime of the Bi-doped aluminophosphate glass is about 5.0 X 10(-24) cm(2) s. The glasses might be promising for applications in broadband optical fiber amplifiers and tunable lasers. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We prepare bismuth-doped borosilicate glasses and the luminescence properties in infrared wavelength region are investigated. Transmission spectrum, fluorescence spectrum and fluorescence decay curve are measured. The glasses exhibit a broad infrared luminescence peaking at 1340nm with the full width at half maximum of about 205nm, and lifetime of 273 mu s when excited by an 808-nm laser diode. The glasses are promising materials for broadband optical amplifiers and tunable lasers.