965 resultados para Flower Senescence
Production of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], an important cereal crop in semiarid regions of the world, is often limited by drought. When water is limiting during the grain-filling period, hybrids possessing the stay-green trait maintain more photosynthetically active leaves than hybrids not possessing this trait. To improve yield under drought, knowledge of the extent of genetic variation in green leaf area retention is required. Field studies were undertaken in north-eastern Australia on a cracking and self-mulching gray clay to determine the effects of water regime and hybrid on the components of green leaf area at maturity (GLAM). Nine hybrids varying in stay-green were grown under a fully irrigated control, postflowering water deficit, and terminal (pre- and postflowering) water deficit. Water deficit reduced GLAM by 67% in the terminal drought treatment compared with the fully irrigated control. Under terminal water deficit, hybrids possessing the B35 and KS19 sources of stay-green retained more GLAM (1260 cm(2) plant(-1)) compared with intermediate (780 cm(2) plant(-1)) and senescent (670 cm(2) plant(-1)) hybrids. RQL12 hybrids (KS19 source of stay-green) displayed delayed onset and reduced rate of senescence; A35 hybrids displayed only delayed onset. Visual rating of green leaf retention was highly correlated with measured GLAM, although this procedure is constrained by an inability to distinguish among the functional mechanisms determining the phenotype. Linking functional rather than phenotypic differences to molecular markers may improve the efficiency of selecting for traits such as stay-green.
Perianth development is specifically disrupted in mutants of the PETAL LOSS (PTL) gene, particularly petal initiation and orientation. We have cloned PTL and show that it encodes a plant-specific trihelix transcription factor, one of a family previously known only as regulators of light-controlled genes. PTL transcripts were detected in the early-developing flower, in four zones between the initiating sepals and in their developing margins. Strong misexpression of PTL in a range of tissues universally results in inhibition of growth, indicating that its normal role is to suppress growth between initiating sepals, ensuring that they remain separate. Consistent with this, sepals are sometimes fused in ptl single mutants, but much more frequently in double mutants with either of the organ boundary genes cup-shaped cotyledon1 or 2. Expression of PTL within the newly arising sepals is apparently prevented by the PINOID auxin-response gene. Surprisingly, PTL expression could not be detected in petals during the early stages of their development, so petal defects associated with PTL loss of function may be indirect, perhaps involving disruption to signalling processes caused by overgrowth in the region. PTL-driven reporter gene expression was also detected at later stages in the margins of expanding sepals, petals and stamens, and in the leaf margins; thus, PTL may redundantly dampen lateral outgrowth of these organs, helping define their final shape.
beta-Galactosidase (beta-Gal) activity is a widely accepted biomarker to detect senescence both in situ and in vitro. A cytochemical assay based on production of a blue-dyed precipitate that results from the cleavage of the chromogenic substrate X-Gal is commonly used. Blue and nonblue cells are counted under the microscope and a semiquantitative percentage of senescent cells can be obtained. Here, we present a quantitative, fast, and easy to use chemiluminescent assay to detect senescence. The Galacton chemiluminescent method used to detect the prokaryotic beta-Gal reporter enzyme in transfection studies was adapted to assay mammalian beta-Gal. The assay showed linear production of luminescence in a time- and cell-number-dependent manner. The chemiluminescent assay showed significant correlation with the cytochemical assay in detecting replicative senescence (Pearson r = 0.8486, p < 0.005). Moreover, the chemiluminescent method (Galacton) also detected stress-induced senescence in cells treated with H2O2 similar to the cytochemical assay (X-Gal) (Galacton: control 25.207.3 +/- 6548.6. H2O, 52,487.4 +/- 16,284.9, p < 0.05; X-Gal: control 41.31 +/- 7.0%, H2O2 92.97 +/- 2.8%, p < 0.01). Thus, our method is well suited to the detection of replicative and stress-induced senescence in cell culture. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Glioma is the most frequent and malignant primary human brain tumor with dismal prognosis despite multimodal therapy. Resveratrol and quercetin, two structurally related and naturally occurring polyphenols, are proposed to have anticancer effects. We report here that resveratrol and quercetin decreased the cell number in four glioma cell lines but not in rat astrocytes. Low doses of resveratrol (10 mu M) or quercetin (25 mu M) separately had no effect on apoptosis induction, but had a strong effect on caspase 3/7 activation when administered together. Western blot analyses showed that resveratrol (10 mu M) and quercetin (25 mu M) caused a reduction in phosphorylation of Akt, but this reduction was not sufficient by itself to mediate the effects of these polyphenols. Most important, resveratrol and quercetin chronically administered presented a strong synergism in inducing senescence-like growth arrest. These results suggest that the combination of polyphenols can potentialize their antitumoral activity, thereby reducing the therapeutic concentration needed for glioma treatment. (Cancer Sci 2009; 100: 1655-1662).
The veg1 (vegetative) mutant in pea (Pisum sativum L.) does not flower under any circumstances and gi (gigas) mutants remain vegetative under certain conditions. gi plants are deficient in production of floral stimulus, whereas veg1 plants lack a response to floral stimulus. During long days in particular, these non-flowering mutant plants eventually enter a stable compact phase characterised by a large reduction in internode length, small leaves and growth of lateral shoots from the upper-stem (aerial) nodes. The first-order laterals in turn produce second-order laterals and so on in a reiterative pattern. The apical bud is reduced in size but continues active growth. Endogenous hormone measurements and gibberellin application studies with gi-1, gi-2 and veg1 plants indicate that a reduction in gibberellin and perhaps indole-3-acetic acid level may account, at least partially, for the compact aerial shoot phenotype. In the gi-1 mutant, the compact phenotype is rescued by transfer from a 24- to an 8-h photoperiod. We propose that in plants where flowering is prevented by a lack of floral stimulus or an inability to respond, the large reduction in photoperiod gene activity during long days may lead to a reduction in apical sink strength that is manifest in an altered hormone profile and weak apical dominance.
We tested the constancy of floral choice by Trigona carbonaria Smith in a garden by examining, using a scanning electron microscope, the composition of the pollen loads of individual foragers over time. Constancy was tested on three levels. Within a single trip, 88% of the samples examined comprised pure pollen loads (97% or more of one pollen type). Within a single day, 88% of bees visited the same species across trips sampled. Across 2 and 3 days, 82% and 73%, respectively, of individual bees foraged on a single pollen type. The majority of the remaining bees collected only two species of pollen. This pattern is consistent with that of other highly social bees. It enhances the pollinator efficacy of these insects by increasing the chances of pollen being transferred to stigmas of the same plant species. This increases the ecological importance of these bees and their value in crop pollination.
Relationships were examined between environmental conditions mediated by packaging and handling and the deterioration of harvested Geraldton waxflower cv. 'Fortune Cookie'. Disease severity plus flower and leaf drop caused by inoculation with Botrytis cinerea were reduced by lowering handling temperatures to 0, 5 or 5/20 degreesC alternated daily, versus 20 degreesC. They were also reduced by inhibition of ethylene action with a silver thiosulfate pulse pretreatment. Additionally, treatments that enhanced water loss, such as packing dry, keeping forced air-cooling holes open and strategic placement of extra ventilation holes may also reduce disease severity and flower plus leaf fall. Inclusion of KMnO4-based Bloomfresh ethylene scrubbing sachets in packages did not reduce disease severity or lessen flower plus leaf fall. Thus, deterioration of waxflower packaged in commercial cartons can be minimised by keeping temperatures low, packing plant material dry, use of cartons with strategically placed ventilation holes and/or pretreatment with silver thiosulfate.
Aggregations of Frankliniella schultzei males were observed on the corollas of Hibiscus rosasinensis and Gossypium hirsutum flowers in southeast Queensland. Aggregations were seen only on the upper surfaces of corollas but may have occurred on other flower parts, which were hidden from view. Conspecific females entered aggregations and a small proportion of them mated [18% (n = 163), H. rosasinensis; 30% (n = 181), G. hirsutum]. Most females (87 and 72%, respectively) that did not mate in aggregations walked to other flower parts. Behavior was difficult to observe on these parts, but mating was sometimes observed there. The number of females that landed within aggregations on the upper surfaces of both H. rosasinensis and G. hirsutum corollas was highly correlated with the number of males (r = 0.88, r = 0.93, respectively; P < 0.001). Significantly more mating pairs were observed in high-density aggregations (mean +/- SE, 1.10 +/- 0.22 and 4.44 +/- 0.48, respectively) than in low-density aggregations (0.37 +/- 0.11 and 1.67 +/- 0.29, respectively) (P < 0.05) on flowers of both species. More F. schultzei females were attracted to sticky traps baited with live conspecific males set among flowering Ipomoea indica (mean +/- SE, 8.83 +/- 0.32) and G. hirsutum (10.90 +/- 0.79) plants than to control traps (0.10 +/- 0.05 and 0.70 +/- 0.25, respectively)( P < 0.05), presumably in response to male-produced pheromones. Significantly more females were attracted to traps with high male densities than to traps with low densities. We found no statistical evidence that aggregation size influenced mating success (proportion males that mated). Mating success, however, should be evaluated with respect to mating on all flower parts and not just the upper surfaces of corollas. The results of this study constitute the first behavioral evidence for an attractant sex pheromone in thrips.
Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer) is Australia's most economically important cut-flower export. Its small, attractive flowers make it particularly suitable as a filler in floral arrangements. However, postharvest bud and flower abscission is a major problem during transport, handling and marketing. Abscission may be caused by wound-induced endogenous ethylene production brought about by flower tissue infection with fungal pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea. Botany and postharvest characteristics are discussed in relation to flower abscission and how resultant postharvest losses may be minimised.
Postharvest flower abscission from cut Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum) is mostly caused by fungal invasion. Elevated plant tissue calcium concentrations through postharvest application reduces fungal disease severity in various crops. Such results may be explained by strengthening of plant cell walls by calcium. Strengthening provides a structural barrier to fungal hyphae, thereby restricting invasion of plant cells. Postharvest pulsing with calcium solution substantially increased calcium concentrations in waxflower tissues. Ca-45 tracer revealed calcium distribution throughout flowering sprigs, including infection sites such as stylar tissue. However, pulsing waxflower sprigs with calcium did not suppress either disease or flower abscission, nor did it enhance vase life.
Essential oils of rice flower, Ozothamnus diosmifolius, were analyzed by capillary gas chromatograplay-mass spectrometry. Flower oil contained beta-pinene (28.4%) and 1,8-cineole (28.2%), while the leaf oil contained a-pinene (26.0%), beta-pinene (11.6%) and 1,8-cineole (22.2%). Both oils had small amounts of spathulenol (4.1% and 5.2%, respectively).
Bees visiting flowers of Bertholletia excelsa. (Brazil Nut tree) and Couratari tenuicarpa were collected, their behavior described and the pollen found clinging to their dorsal thorax and stored on their legs was identified. Female bees of Xylocopa frontalis(Olivier) and males of Eulaema mocsaryi (Friese) are apparently effective pollinators of Couratari in igapó near Manaus. Female bees of Euplusia seabrai Moure in litt., Epicharis umbraculata (Fabricius), Epicharis rustica (Olivier) and Eulaema nigrita(Lepeletier), as well as male bees of Eulaema cingulata(Fabricius) and Eulaema nigrita are apparently effective pollinators of adult Brazil Nut trees in the Aleixo plantation near Manaus. Only large bees capable of uncurling the floral androecium can effectively pollinate Couratari or Bertholletia.Pollen analysis indicated that all bees captured carried pollen of the host tree in question and had been foraging on flowers of plant species common in secondary growth. Secondary growth near the Aleixo plantation supports a bee guild which appeared to effectively pollinate almost every flower on the Brazil Nut tree studied. Proximity to primary forest (and to those Euglossine bee species which occur only in primary forest) therefore does not appear to be necessary for pollination of Brazil Nut trees.In the Aleixo plantation chronic low fruit set is probably due to some factor other than pollination. Since natural occurrences of Brazil Nut trees to the north and south of Manaus are associated with a higher soil fertility, low production at the Aleixo plantation may be due to deficiencies of the soil.
Flower scent analysis of Encyclia Vespa (vell.) Dressler & G. E. Pollard and E. Fragrans (Sw.) Lemée
The volatile constituents obtained from the pentane extract, using simultaneous distillation-extraction of the flowers of Encyclia vespa and E. fragrans were analysed by GC/ MS. The main volatile components identified in the flowers of E. vespa were terpinen-4-ol (20.3%), verbenone (14.8%), trans-verbenol (13.6%) and x-pinene (11.8%). The major volatiles of the flowers of E. fragrans were terpinen-4-ol (18.3%), (2Z,6E)-farnesol (15.4%) and trans-verbenol (10.2%).
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia de Plantas.
v.1-2=no.1-71 (1787-1790) [Lacks:no.27]