989 resultados para Fernández Molina, Francisco


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BACKGROUND A catheter-based approach after fibrinolysis is recommended if fibrinolysis is likely to be successful in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction. We designed a 2x2 randomized, open-label, multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the paclitaxel-eluting stent and tirofiban administered after fibrinolysis but before catheterization to optimize the results of this reperfusion strategy. METHODS AND RESULTS We randomly assigned 436 patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction to (1) bare-metal stent without tirofiban, (2) bare-metal stent with tirofiban, (3) paclitaxel-eluting stent without tirofiban, and (4) paclitaxel-eluting stent with tirofiban. All patients were initially treated with tenecteplase and enoxaparin. Tirofiban was started 120 minutes after tenecteplase in those patients randomly assigned to tirofiban. Cardiac catheterization was performed within the first 3 to 12 hours after inclusion, and stenting (randomized paclitaxel or bare stent) was applied to the culprit artery. The primary objectives were the rate of in-segment binary restenosis of paclitaxel-eluting stent compared with that of bare-metal stent and the effect of tirofiban on epicardial and myocardial flow before and after mechanical revascularization. At 12 months, in-segment binary restenosis was similar between paclitaxel-eluting stent and bare-metal stent (10.1% versus 11.3%; relative risk, 1.06; 95% confidence interval, 0.74 to 1.52; P=0.89). However, late lumen loss (0.04+/-0.055 mm versus 0.27+/-0.057 mm, P=0.003) was reduced in the paclitaxel-eluting stent group. No evidence was found of any association between the use of tirofiban and any improvement in the epicardial and myocardial perfusion. Major bleeding was observed in 6.1% of patients receiving tirofiban and in 2.7% of patients not receiving it (relative risk, 2.22; 95% confidence interval, 0.86 to 5.73; P=0.14). CONCLUSIONS This trial does not provide evidence to support the use of tirofiban after fibrinolysis to improve epicardial and myocardial perfusion. Compared with bare-metal stent, paclitaxel-eluting stent significantly reduced late loss but appeared not to reduce in-segment binary restenosis. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT00306228.


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El presente trabajo constituye el Proyecto Final de Máster correspondiente a los estudios del Máster Oficial en Software Libre de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Consiste básicamente en la elaboración y discusión de una ontología para definir puntos de interés turístico (POI). Después de una introducción y una breve exposición del alcance y metodología del trabajo, se expone la actual situación de la Web Semántica y su relación con el ámbito turístico. A continuación se describe la ontología creada, discutiendo las diferentes alternativas para cada uno de sus elementos y comparando las soluciones propuestas con otras ontologías de uso en el sector. Finalmente, se evalúan algunos ejemplos de puntos de interés turístico reales formalizados mediante esta ontología y se discuten algunas conclusiones.


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HypatiaSalud will be the freely accessible institutional repository for the Public Health System in Andalucía, Spain. Open access and new technologies have changed dramatically the environment in which research is being conducted and disseminated. Traditionally University has been the universal research provider, but at present time there are Government Organizations, as Public Health Systems, which are large-producers of research. Meanwhile most universities are running institutional repositories or have plans of setting up institutional repositories in the short-term, there are not many Government Organizations working on that direction. In this sense, HypatiaSalud represents an innovative initiative. Objectives: - Enhancing institutional efficiency, effectiveness and opportunities for knowledge exchange. -Expanding access and greater use of research findings to a much wider range of users increasing the visibility and reputation of Andalusian Public Health System. - Providing the foundation for effective gathering and long-term preservation of research output. Methodology. Phase I: Researching and learning from other institutional repositories. Phase II: Designing and planning the financial, organizational, legal and technical underlying issues. Phase III: Launching the service. Phase IV: Running the service. Outcomes. Bibliometrics: catalog of the research output of the Institution, in order to determine the conditions to include this scientific output in the Institutional Repository: direct deposit, deposit after a period of embargo, or closed access when publisher will not grant permission. Promote a mandate for the deposit of all peer-reviewed final drafts (postprints) for institutional record-keeping purposes. Access to that immediate postprint deposit in HypatiaSalud may be set immediately as ‘Open Access’ if copyright conditions allows; otherwise access can be set as ‘Closed Access’. International Standards application: HypatiaSalud will support OAI-PMH and DRIVER, to allow that central repositories could harvest its content or metadata. Development of human resources strategies in order to foster self-archiving through merit acknowledge and accreditation. Conclusions. It seems likely that setting up an Institutional Repository for the Public Health System in Andalucía would have substantial net benefits in the longer term for the Institution, despite the lag between the costs and realisation of benefits.


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Comunicación presentada en el IX Workshop Rebiun sobre Proyectos Digitales, organizado por la Universidad de Salamanca.


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Los problemas que el gran desarrollo de la información digital e Internet están provocando al derecho de autor se están intentando solucionar a través de tres vías: legislativa, tecnológica y contractual. La protección proporcionada a las obras con derecho de autor mediante medidas tecnológicas complementa a las condiciones de uso establecidas en las licencias y, además, ambos tipos de protección están respaldados por las nuevas leyes surgidas para adaptarse al nuevo contexto tecnológico. Como resultado de esta triple protección se están poniendo en grave peligro las excepciones y limitaciones a los derechos de autor reconocidas por las leyes de derecho de autor para beneficiar a las bibliotecas, sus usuarios y los ciudadanos en general, dando lugar a una fuerte y peligrosa privatización del acceso a la información.


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Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352


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La construcción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) tiene como objetivo disponer de un espacio abierto en el que no existan obstáculos a la movilidad de estudiantes, titulados, profesores y personal de administración. El sistema se articula en torno al reconocimiento de titulaciones y otras calificaciones de educación superior, la transparencia (un sistema de titulaciones comprensibles y comparables organizado en tres ciclos) y la cooperación europea en la garantía de la calidad Ante este gran reto, la enseñanza universitaria ha tenido que reorganizarse y los planes de estudio de cada facultad han tenido que adaptarse a las nuevas exigencias del EEES. Además las metodologías docentes centran su interés en un seguimiento más tutorizado del alumno, para garantizar su aprendizaje, no sólo en la adquisición de conocimientos sino también de competencias.


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Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352


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La construcción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) tiene como objetivo disponer de un espacio abierto en el que no existan obstáculos a la movilidad de estudiantes, titulados, profesores y personal de administración. El sistema se articula en torno al reconocimiento de titulaciones y otras calificaciones de educación superior, la transparencia (un sistema de titulaciones comprensibles y comparables organizado en tres ciclos) y la cooperación europea en la garantía de la calidad Ante este gran reto, la enseñanza universitaria ha tenido que reorganizarse y los planes de estudio de cada facultad han tenido que adaptarse a las nuevas exigencias del EEES. Además las metodologías docentes centran su interés en un seguimiento más tutorizado del alumno, para garantizar su aprendizaje, no sólo en la adquisición de conocimientos sino también de competencias.


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El present treball pretén realitzar una proposta d’ordenació d’ús públic a la Vall de Santa Magdalena que es troba entre les comarques del Pallars Sobirà i Alt Urgell, dins del Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu (PNAP). Aquest projecte sorgeix de la intenció del PNAP de regular l'ús públic en aquesta vall degut a l'afluència considerable de visitants en vehicles motoritzats i a l’elevada densitat de pistes que coexisteixen amb àrees sensibles de fauna i flora. En base a tot això, es determina la capacitat d’acollida del medi i es realitzen propostes de regulació d’activitats motoritzades, entre d’altres.


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Background: Bacterial populations are highly successful at colonizing new habitats and adapting to changing environmental conditions, partly due to their capacity to evolve novel virulence and metabolic pathways in response to stress conditions and to shuffle them by horizontal gene transfer (HGT). A common theme in the evolution of new functions consists of gene duplication followed by functional divergence. UlaG, a unique manganese-dependent metallo-b-lactamase (MBL) enzyme involved in L-ascorbate metabolism by commensal and symbiotic enterobacteria, provides a model for the study of the emergence of new catalytic activities from the modification of an ancient fold. Furthermore, UlaG is the founding member of the so-called UlaG-like (UlaGL) protein family, a recently established and poorly characterized family comprising divalent (and perhaps trivalent)metal-binding MBLs that catalyze transformations on phosphorylated sugars and nucleotides. Results: Here we combined protein structure-guided and sequence-only molecular phylogenetic analyses to dissect the molecular evolution of UlaG and to study its phylogenomic distribution, its relatedness with present-day UlaGL protein sequences and functional conservation. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that UlaGL sequences are present in Bacteria and Archaea, with bona fide orthologs found mainly in mammalian and plant-associated Gramnegative and Gram-positive bacteria. The incongruence between the UlaGL tree and known species trees indicates exchange by HGT and suggests that the UlaGL-encoding genes provided a growth advantage under changing conditions. Our search for more distantly related protein sequences aided by structural homology has uncovered that UlaGL sequences have a common evolutionary origin with present-day RNA processing and metabolizing MBL enzymes widespread in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. This observation suggests an ancient origin for the UlaGL family within the broader trunk of the MBL superfamily by duplication, neofunctionalization and fixation. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the forerunner of UlaG was present as an RNA metabolizing enzyme in the last common ancestor, and that the modern descendants of that ancestral gene have a wide phylogenetic distribution and functional roles. We propose that the UlaGL family evolved new metabolic roles among bacterial and possibly archeal phyla in the setting of a close association with metazoans, such as in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract or in animal and plant pathogens, as well as in environmental settings. Accordingly, the major evolutionary forces shaping the UlaGL family include vertical inheritance and lineage-specific duplication and acquisition of novel metabolic functions, followed by HGT and numerous lineage-specific gene loss events.