803 resultados para Femtosecond laser ablations


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We have investigated the damage for ZrO2/SiO2 800 nm 45 degrees high-reflection mirror with femtosecond pulses. The damage morphologies and the evolution of ablation crater depths with laser fluences are dramatically different from that with pulse longer than a few tens of picoseconds. The ablation in multilayers occurs layer by layer, and not continuously as in the case of bulk single crystalline or amorphous materials. The weak point in damage is the interface between two layers. We also report its single-short damage thresholds for pulse durations ranging from 50 to 900 fs, which departs from the diffusion-dominated tau(1/2)(p) scaling. A developed avalanche model, including the production of conduction band electrons (CBE) and laser energy deposition, is applied to study the damage mechanisms. The theoretical results agree well with our measurements. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By employing pump-probe back longitudinal diffractometry, the electron density and decay dynamics of a weak plasma channel created by a 1-KHz fs laser in air has been investigated. With ultrashort laser pulses of 50 fs and low energy of 0.6 mJ, we observe weak plasma channels with a length similar to 2 cm in air. An analytical reconstruction method of electron density has been analyzed, which is sensitive to the phase shift and channel size. The electron density in the weak plasma channel is extracted to be about 4x10(16) cm(-3). The diameters of the plasma channel and the filament are about 50 and 150 mu m, respectively, and the measurable electron density can be extended to less than 10(15) cm(-3). Moreover, a different time-frequency technique called linearly chirped longitudinal diffractometry is proposed to time-resolved investigate ultrafast ionization dynamics of laser-irradiated gas, laser interaction with cluster beam, etc.


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The nonlinear dynamics of 1.6-mu m fs laser pulses propagating in fused silica is investigated by employing a full-order dispersion model. Different from the x-wave generation in normally dispersive media, a few-cycle spatiotemporally compressed soliton wave is generated with the contrary contributions of anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD) and self-phase-modulation. However, at the tailing edge of the pulse forms a shock wave which generates separate and strong supercontinuum peaked at 670 nm. It is also the origin of conical emission formed both in time and frequency domain with the contribution of normal GVD at visible light.


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Using time-of-flight spectrometry, the interaction of intense femtosecond laser pulses with argon clusters has been studied by measuring the energy and yield of emitted ions. With two different supersonic nozzles, the dependence of average ion energy (E) over bar on cluster size (n) over bar in a large range of (n) over bar approximate to 3 x 10(3) similar to 3 x 10(6) has been measured. The experimental results indicate that when the cluster size (n) over bar <= 3 x 10(5), the average ion energy (E) over bar proportional to (n) over bar (0.5), Coulomb explosion is the dominant expansion mechanism. Beyond this size, the average ion energy gets saturated gradually, the clusters exhibit a mixed Coulomb-hydrodynamic expansion behavior. We also find that with the increasing gas backing pressure, there is a maximum ion yield, the ion yield decreases as the gas backing pressure is further increased.


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The ablation in zinc selenide (ZnSe) crystal is studied by using 150-fs, 800-nm laser system. The images of the ablation pit measured by scanning electronic microscope (SEM) show no thermal stress and melting dynamics. The threshold fluence is measured to be 0.7 J/cm2. The ultrafast ablation dynamics is studied by using pump and probe method. The result suggests that optical breakdown and ultrafast melting take place in ZnSe irradiated under femtosecond laser pulses.


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Particle-in-cell simulations are performed to study the acceleration of ions due to the interaction of a relativistic femtosecond laser pulse with a narrow thin target. The numerical results show that ions can be accelerated in a cascade by two electrostatic fields if the width of the target is smaller than the laser beam waist. The first field is formed in front of the target by the central part of the laser beam, which pushes the electron layer inward. The major part of the abaxial laser energy propagates along the edges to the rear side of the target and pulls out some hot electrons from the edges of the target, which form another electrostatic field at the rear side of the target. The ions from the front surface are accelerated stepwise by these two electrostatic fields to high energies at the rear side of the target. The simulations show that the largest ion energy gain for a narrow target is about four times higher than in the case of a wide target. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The lifetime of a plasma channel produced by self-guiding intense femtosecond laser pulses in air is largely prolonged by adding a high voltage electrical field in the plasma and by introducing a series of femtosecond laser pulses. An optimal lifetime value is realized through adjusting the delay among these laser pulses. The lifetime of a plasma channel is greatly enhanced to 350 ns by using four sequential intense 100fs( FWHM) laser pulses with an external electrical field of about 350kV/m, which proves the feasibility of prolonging the lifetime of plasma by adding an external electrical field and employing multiple laser pulses. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Nanoripples with periods of 150 and 80 nm are formed on the surface of 6H-SiC crystals irradiated by the p-polarized 800 nm and the s-polarized 400 nm femtosecond lasers, respectively. When both of the two collinear laser beams focus simultaneously on the sample surface, nanoparticles are formed on the whole ablation area, and they array in parallel lines. We propose and confirm that the second harmonics in the sample surface excited by the incident lasers plays an important role in the formation of nanostructures.


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Single-shot laser damage threshold of MgO for 40-986 fs, 800 nm laser pulses is reported. The pump-probe measurements with femtosecond pulses were carried out to investigate the time-resolved electronic excitation processes. A theoretical model including conduction band electrons (CBE) production and laser energy deposition was applied to discuss the roles of multiphoton ionization (MPI) and avalanche ionization in femtosecond laser-induced dielectric breakdown. The results indicate that avalanche ionization plays the dominant role in the femtosecond laser-induced breakdown in MgO near the damage threshold. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We propose a plasma channel scheme to obtain an improved table-top laser driven fusion neutron yield as a result of explosions of large deuterium clusters irradiated by an intense laser pulse. A cylindrical plasma channel is created by two moderate intensity laser prepulses at the edge of a deuterium cluster jet along which an intense main laser pulse propagates several nanoseconds later. With the aid of this plasma channel, the main laser pulse will be allowed to deposit its energy into the central region of the deuterium gas jet where the cluster sizes are larger and the atomic density is higher. The plasma channel formation and its impact on the deuterium ion energy spectrum and the consequent fusion neutron yield have been investigated. The calculated results show that a remarkable increase of the table-top laser driven fusion neutron yield would be expected.


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We present a novel technique to fabricate deeply embedded microelectrodes in LiNbO3 using femtosecond pulsed laser ablation and selective electroless plating. The fabrication process mainly consists of four steps, which are (1) micromachining of microgrooves on the surface of LiNbO3 by femtosecond laser ablation; (2) formation of AgNO3 films on substrates; (3) scanning the femtosecond laser beam in the fabricated microgrooves for modi. cation of the inner surfaces; and (4) electroless copper plating. The void-free electroless copper plating is obtained with appropriate cross section of microgrooves and uniform initiation of the autocatalytic deposition on the inner surface of grooves. The dimension and shape of the microelectrodes could be accurately controlled by changing the conditions of femtosecond laser ablation, which in turn can control the distribution of electric field inside LiNbO3 crystal for various applications, opening up a new approach to fabricate three-dimensional integrated electro-optic devices. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Three different ZnO nanostructures include nanoparticles, ripples and regular nanogratings were successfully prepared by femtosecond laser irradiation under different experimental conditions. The in-situ observation of the second harmonic generation (SHG) excited in ZnO crystals before, during, and after the formation of the nanostructures was investigated. The obtained results show that the formed nanostructures contribute to the enhancement of the SHG. We propose that the second harmonics in the sample surface plays an important role in the formation of nanostructures. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper, we briefly summarize two typical morphology characteristics of the self-organized void array induced in bulk of fused silica glass by a tightly focused femtosecond laser beam, such as the key role of high numerical aperture in the void array formation and the concentric-circle-like structure indicated by the top view of the void array. By adopting a physical model which combines the nonlinear propagation of femtosecond laser pulses with the spherical aberration effect (SA) at the interface of two mediums of different refractive indices, reasonable agreements between the simulation results and the experimental results are obtained. By comparing the fluence distributions of the case with both SA and nonlinear effects included and the case with only consideration of SA, we suggest that spherical aberration, which results from the refractive index mismatch between air and fused silica glass, is the main reason for the formation of the self-organized void array. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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A novel scheme to eliminate the artificial background phase jitter is proposed for measuring the carrier-envelope phase drift of tunable infrared femtosecond pulses from an OPA laser. Different from previous methods, a reference spectral interference measurement is performed, which reveals the artificial phase jitter in the measurement process, in addition to the normal f-to-2f interference measurement between the incident laser pulses and it second harmonic. By analyzing the interference fringes, the accurate CEP fluctuation of the incident pulses is obtained. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America


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We investigate the mechanism of selective metallization on glass surfaces with the assistance of femtosecond laser irradiation followed by electroless plating. Irradiation of femtosecond laser makes it possible to selectively deposit copper microstructures in the irradiated area on glass surfaces coated with silver nitrate films. The energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses reveal that silver atoms are produced on the surface of grooves formed by laser ablation, which serve as catalysis seeds for subsequent electroless copper plating. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.