54 resultados para Felling
Tropical forests are characterized by diverse assemblages of plant and animal species compared to temperate forests. Corollary to this general rule is that most tree species, whether valued for timber or not, occur at low densities (<1 adult tree ha(-1)) or may be locally rare. In the Brazilian Amazon, many of the most highly valued timber species occur at extremely low densities yet are intensively harvested with little regard for impacts on population structures and dynamics. These include big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), ipe (Tabebuia serratifolia and Tabebuia impetiginosa), jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril), and freijo cinza (Cordia goeldiana). Brazilian forest regulations prohibit harvests of species that meet the legal definition of rare - fewer than three trees per 100 ha - but treat all species populations exceeding this density threshold equally. In this paper we simulate logging impacts on a group of timber species occurring at low densities that are widely distributed across eastern and southern Amazonia, based on field data collected at four research sites since 1997, asking: under current Brazilian forest legislation, what are the prospects for second harvests on 30-year cutting cycles given observed population structures, growth, and mortality rates? Ecologically `rare` species constitute majorities in commercial species assemblages in all but one of the seven large-scale inventories we analyzed from sites spanning the Amazon (range 49-100% of total commercial species). Although densities of only six of 37 study species populations met the Brazilian legal definition of a rare species, timber stocks of five of the six timber species declined substantially at all sites between first and second harvests in simulations based on legally allowable harvest intensities. Reducing species-level harvest intensity by increasing minimum felling diameters or increasing seed tree retention levels improved prospects for second harvests of those populations with a relatively high proportion of submerchantable stems, but did not dramatically improve projections for populations with relatively flat diameter distributions. We argue that restrictions on logging very low-density timber tree populations, such as the current Brazilian standard, provide inadequate minimum protection for vulnerable species. Population declines, even if reduced-impact logging (RIL) is eventually adopted uniformly, can be anticipated for a large pool of high-value timber species unless harvest intensities are adapted to timber species population ecology, and silvicultural treatments are adopted to remedy poor natural stocking in logged stands. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cette thèse est construite en quatre parties : trois annexes qui présentent six études de cas (env. 800 pages), précédées par une analyse transversale, plus synthétique (env. 150 pages), dont traite ce résumé. Chaque annexe contient une synthèse détaillée des études de cas. Cette thèse aborde la « gestion des ressources naturelles » en affirmant d'emblée que l'appellation est inappropriée, car ce ne sont pas les ressources qui sont gérées, mais leurs usages. Il s'agit donc d'identifier et d'analyser ce qui influence les comportements humains en lien avec la ressource. Cette affirmation fonde la perspective des sciences sociales sur la gestion des ressources naturelles, dans laquelle s'inscrit cette thèse. L'approche néo-institutionnaliste considère que les usages sont influencés par des institutions, qui sont elles-mêmes influencées par les usagers. Ces institutions sont des constructions humaines qui composent le contexte institutionnel dans lequel les acteurs décident de leurs usages (abattre un arbre, prélever de l'eau, etc.). Les usages des ressources ne sont donc jamais libres et il s'agit de comprendre comment ces règles du jeu influencent les pratiques. Elles sont nombreuses, interdépendantes et forment la trame sur laquelle se décident les usages. Pour saisir cette complexité, l'auteur applique le cadre d'analyse des régimes institutionnels des ressources (RIR) qui se limite à l'analyse de deux types de droits d'usages : ceux issues des règles de la propriété (titres de propriété, servitudes, etc.) et ceux issus des politiques publiques (lois, ordonnances, etc.). Le RIR permet d'identifier un « régime institutionnel », spécifique à la ressource étudiée, dont les évolutions peuvent être comparées dans le temps ou entre plusieurs lieux. Dans cette recherche, ce cadre d'analyse a été appliqué au même objet - la gestion forestière dans les zones de captage d'eau souterraine destinée au réseau public - dans trois pays : en France, en Suisse et en Indonésie. Trois années de recherche de terrain ont permis à l'auteur de s'intéresser non seulement aux règles prédéterminées (la réglementation), mais aussi aux règles effectivement activées sur le terrain (la régulation) par les acteurs rencontrés. Les études de cas montrent que les règles prévues sont inégalement activées et que les acteurs privilégient parfois la négociation directe pour résoudre leurs rivalités d'usages, à la place d'invoquer leurs droits acquis. Ce constat conduit l'auteur à proposer un élargissement de la focale du RIR, qui constitue le coeur de sa thèse. On ne s'intéresse plus seulement à ce qui « est » régulé, mais aussi à ce qui ne l'« est pas » et qui échappe à l'application classique du RIR. Ce renversement de perspective est crucial pour comprendre les usages concrets des ressources dans les régimes peu intégrés, où les pratiques s'expliquent davantage par la marge de manoeuvre laissée aux acteurs que par les règles prédéterminées. Cette relecture, testée avec succès dans cette thèse, permet d'intégrer la marge de manoeuvre à l'analyse au moyen du RIR. Elle se concrétise par l'identification des lacunes et incohérences dans les régimes institutionnels étudiés. Le champ d'application du RIR s'en trouve élargi et sa vulgarisation pour des non-spécialistes est facilitée, notamment pour les environnementalistes. La complémentarité entre les approches s'en trouve renforcée. Les résultats montrent deux choses : premièrement les acteurs disposent toujours d'une marge de manoeuvre pour négocier des régulations ponctuelles, qui sont autant d'alternatives à l'application des règles prévues. Deuxièmement, la conclusion d'accords issus de la négociation bi-/multilatérale dépend directement de la marge de manoeuvre laissée par le contexte institutionnel. Ceci explique pourquoi la négociation entre les propriétaires forestiers et les exploitants de captages s'imposent en Indonésie, est envisageable en France, mais n'aboutit pas en Suisse. Les nombreuses tentatives infructueuses de mise en oeuvre de solutions négociées, notamment sous forme de paiements pour services environnementaux (PSE), trouvent ici une explication. - This thesis (written in French) is built in four parts: three annexes that present six case studies (approx. 800 pages), preceded by a transverse, more conceptual analysis (approx. 150 pages), which this summary is about. Each annexe contains a detailed summary of the case studies. 'Natural resource management' is an inappropriate designation because it is not the resources that are managed but the uses made of them, therefore this thesis addresses the identification and analysis of the influences on human behaviour in relation to the resource. This statement roots the social sciences perspective on the management of natural resources, in which this thesis fits. A neoinstitutionalist approach considers that the uses are influenced by institutions, which are themselves influenced by users. These institutions are human constructions that form the institutional context in which the actors decide on the use of resources (felling a tree, collecting water, etc.). Thus, the uses of resources are never independent from institutional influences and it becomes necessary to understand how these rules of the game affect practices. They are numerous, interrelated and form the basis for the uses of resources. To understand this complexity, the author applies the institutional regime resource framework (IRR) which limits the analysis to two types of use rights: those resulting from the property rights (deeds, easements, etc.) and those from public policies (laws, ordinances, etc.). The IRR identifies an 'institutional regime', specific to the resource, from which developments can be compared over time or between several places. In this research, this analytical framework has been applied to the same topic - forest management in the recharging areas of groundwater piped for public supply - in three countries: France, Switzerland and Indonesia. Three years of field research allow the author to look not only at predetermined rules (rules), but also at regulations that are actually activated on the ground (rules-in-use). The case studies show that the predetermined rules are unevenly applied and that sometimes actors favour direct negotiation to resolve their rivalry of uses, instead of invoking their vested rights. From this observation the author proposes an enlargement of the IRR's scope, forming the core of his thesis. The interest covers not only what 'is' regulated, but what 'is not' and so is beyond the classical application of the IRR. This shift in perspective is crucial to understand the concrete uses of resources in poorly integrated regimes, where practices are explained by the margin of manoeuvre left to the actors rather than predetermined rules. This reinterpretation, tested successfully in this research, allows the margin of manoeuvre to be integrated in the analysis using the IRR and is made concrete by the identification of gaps and inconsistencies in the investigated institutional context. The new interpretation of the IRR in this thesis complements and enhances its classical application. In particular, its use and understanding by non-specialists, especially environmentalists, is facilitated. The results show two things: first the actors always have leeway to negotiate ad hoc regulations, which are alternatives to the application of the predefined rules. Second, the conclusion of bi/multilateral negotiated agreements depends directly on the leeway left by the institutional context. This explains why the negotiation between forest owners and operators of water catchments is needed in Indonesia, is possible in France, but does not succeed in Switzerland. This offers an explanation for many unsuccessful attempts to implement negotiated solutions, notably payments for environmental services (PES).
Diplomityö on osa Savonia-amk:n koneosaston TOVI-projektia, jossa metsä-konevalmistaja Ponsse Oyj on mukana. Työssä tutkittiin Ponsse Oyj:n metsäkoneen harvesteripäätä. Tavoitteena oli harvesteripään puun syöttöliikkeessä syntyvien mekaanisten häviöiden selvittäminen. Mekaanisilla häviöillä tarkoitamme karsintaterien kitkavoimia ja syöttörullien vierintävastusta.Edellisten lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia puun syöttöliikkeen simuloitavuutta monikappaledynamiikkaan perustuvalla simu-lointiohjelmistolla. Työ toteutettiin mittaamalla harvesteripään hydraulisten toimilaitteiden paineita, puun syötön aikana. Mittasimme myös puun ja harvesteripään välistä liikematkaa, nopeutta, kiihtyvyyttä, sekä puun paksuutta. Mittausten lisäksi harvesteripäästä rakennettiin simulointimalli. Mitattujen paineiden avulla laskettiin vastaavien toimilaitteiden synnyttämät voimat ja momentit. Simulointimallilla toistettiin mittaustapahtumat, käyttäen mittausten avulla laskettuja voimia ja momentteja. Mallin kitkakertoimien ja vierintävastusten avulla simuloidut ja mitatut liikematkat haettiin yhteneviksi. Toisin sanoen, simulointimalli verifioitiin todellisuutta vastaavaksi, jolloin simulointimallista voitiin lukea syntyneet häviöt.
Se pretende definir el tipo de clara mas conveniente en las masas de latizal de Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. laricio (Poir) del Pais Vasco, a partir de la caracterizacion obtenida a traves de ciertos atributos individuales de los arboles y de su estratificacion vertical. Se desprende que los individuos no ofrecen rasgos distintivos destacables y suficientes sobre los que sustentar los criterios de eleccion de los arboles a apear en las claras, asi como que tampoco muestran tendencia hacia la estratificacion vertical. Desde este analisis, se apunta como necesario primar aspectos de sencillez y operatividad practica en la fase de senalamiento de la intervencion selvicola, optandose, en consecuencia, por las claras por lo bajo y posponiendose para mas adelante las selectivas.
PIXE (Particle Induce X-ray Emission spectrometry) was used for analysing stem bark and stem wood of Scots pine, Norway spruce and Silver birch. Thick samples were irradiated, in laboratory atmosphere, with 3 MeV protons and the beam current was measured indirectly using a photo multiplicator (PM) tube. Both point scans and bulk analyses were performed with the 1 mm diameter proton beam. In bulk analyses, whole bark and sectors of discs of the stem wood were dry ashed at 550 ˚C. The ashes were homogenised by shaking and prepared to target pellets for PIXE analyses. This procedure generated representative samples to be analysed, but the enrichment also enabled quantification of some additional trace elements. The ash contents obtained as a product of the sample preparation procedure also showed to be of great importance in the evaluation of results in environmental studies. Spot scans from the pith of pine wood outwards, showed clearly highest concentrations of manganese, calcium and zinc in the first spot irradiated, or 2-3 times higher than in the surrounding wood. For stem wood from the crown part of a pine this higher concentration level was found in the first four spots/mms, including the pith and the two following growth rings. Zinc showed increasing concentrations outwards in sapwood of the pine stem, with the over-all lowest concentrations in the inner half of the sapwood. This could indicate emigration of this element from sapwood being under transformation to heartwood. Point scans across sapwood of pine and spruce showed more distinct variations in concentrations relative to hearth wood. Higher concentrations of e.g. zinc, calcium and manganese were found in earlywood than in denser latewood. Very high concentrations of iron and copper were also seen for some earlywood increments. The ash content of stem bark is up to and order higher than for the stem wood. However, when the elemental concentration in ashes of bark and wood of the same disc were compared, these are very similar – this when trees are growing at spots with no anthropogenic contamination from the atmosphere. The largest difference was obtained for calcium which appeared at two times high concentrations in ashes of bark than in ashes of the wood (ratio of 2). Pine bark is often used in monitoring of atmospheric pollution, where concentrations in bark samples are compared. Here an alternative approach is suggested: Bark and the underlying stem wood of a pine trees are dry ashed and analysed. The elemental concentration in the bark ash is then compared to the concentration of the same element in the wood ash. Comparing bark to wood includes a normalisation for the varying availability of an element from the soil at different sites. When this comparison is done for the ashes of the materials, a normalisation is also obtained for the general and locally different enrichment of inorganic elements from wood to bark. Already a ratio >2 between the concentration in the bark ash and the concentration in the wood ash could indicate atmospheric pollution. For monitoring where bark is used, this way of “inwards” comparison is suggested - instead of comparing to results from analyses of bark from other trees (read reference areas), growing at sites with different soil and, locally, different climate conditions. This approach also enables evaluation of atmospheric pollution from sampling of only relative few individual trees –preferable during forest felling.
This study investigated the regeneration variation of five commercially valuable tree species in relation to different intensities of felling in fourteen 4-ha plots in an area under experimental forest management. This experiment was carried out in a typical Amazonian tropical forest sample on "terra-firme," in Manaus (AM). Plots were logged 7 and 8 years (1987 and 1988), or 3 years (1993) before the study. All trees with height greater than 2 m, and diameter at breast height (DBH) smaller than 10 cm were measured. Only Aniba hostmanniana, Ocotea aciphylla, Licaria pachycarpa, Eschweilera coriacea and Goupia glabra were sufficiently common for individual analyses. These species have high timber values in the local market. Eight years after logging, the species responded differently to logging intensities. The numbers of individuals of Goupia glabra and Aniba hostmanniana were positively related to the intensity of logging, while Ocotea aciphylla, Licaria pachycarpa, and Eschweilera coriacea showed no statistically significant response. In the most recently (1993) logged areas, Goupia glabra and Aniba hostmanniana had higher numbers of individuals than the control plots.
Arrestation et placement en détention avant jugement : points de vue et expériences des justiciables
Ce mémoire a comme objectif d’analyser le vécu des justiciables placés en détention avant jugement. Plus précisément, cette étude se veut préciser ce vécu sur les volets judiciaire et carcéral impliqués dans une mise en détention provisoire. Nous voulons de plus dégager les sentiments issus d’un tel placement. Enfin, nous souhaitions réfléchir sur le recours à la détention avant jugement à travers la perspective d’un modèle de justice basé sur la gestion des risques et sur une logique d’efficience, d’efficacité et de responsabilisation. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé l’approche qualitative pour mener vingt-trois entrevues auprès d’hommes et de femmes incarcérés en attente de leur jugement dans quatre établissements de détention du Québec. De ces entretiens, deux thèmes centraux sont ressortis, soit le Vécus carcéral et judiciaire du prévenu, marqué par l’incertitude, l’incompréhension, l’impuissance, la dépendance, les conditions difficiles de détention, les pertes ainsi que l’attente et les Sentiments issus d’une mise en détention provisoire, marqué par la souffrance, l’injustice et l’urgence de sortir de cette situation provisoire. Il ressort de nos analyses que la façon dont est administré le système de justice, l’opinion du public ainsi que les politiques en vigueur ont un impact sur la façon de gérer le recours à la détention provisoire en favorisant tout le contraire de sa mission initiale. Ainsi, la mesure s’en trouve conduite au détriment de l’acteur principal : le prévenu.
La fonction paternelle d’ouverture sur le monde (FPOM) est un concept récent dans le domaine de la recherche sur l’engagement paternel. Les liens entre les pratiques parentales et les représentations mentales qui sont associées à cette forme d’engagement paternel, les comportements et le développement des enfants sont peu connus. Cette étude transversale avait pour objet l’atteinte de deux objectifs, d’abord vérifier les liens prédictifs entre les dimensions de la FPOM, le sentiment de compétence parentale (SCP) des pères et la qualité de la relation d’attachement père-enfant. Ensuite, examiner le rôle potentiellement modérateur du SCP des pères sur les liens significatifs entre les dimensions de la FPOM et la qualité de la relation d’attachement père-enfant. Les données proviennent d’un échantillon de 200 pères québécois francophones ayant répondu à un questionnaire autorévélé. Leur enfant était âgé entre 5 et 13 ans (1ere à 6e année du primaire). Des modèles de régression linéaire hiérarchique ont été utilisés pour vérifier l’influence de l’effet modérateur. Les résultats montrent des corrélations positives significatives entre les dimensions « stimulation à la persévérance » et « discipline et enseignement des responsabilités » de la FPOM et la qualité de la relation d’attachement père-enfant. Les dimensions de la stimulation à la prise de risque et à la compétition de la FPOM ne sont pas corrélées à la qualité de la relation d’attachement père-enfant. Contrairement aux résultats attendus, le SCP des pères n’a pas d’effet modérateur sur les liens significatifs obtenus, mais plutôt un effet additif se traduisant par la présence de relations transactionnelles entre les variables. Des analyses complémentaires révèlent un effet modérateur marginalement significatif du SCP des pères sur le lien entre la stimulation à la persévérance de la FPOM et l’échelle « plaisir et sécurité » du questionnaire sur la qualité de la relation d’attachement père-enfant (QQRAPE). La propension des pères à stimuler leur enfant à persévérer émerge plus particulièrement lors d’activités ludiques et elle contribue au développement du sentiment de confiance et de sécurité personnelle de leur enfant. Ces résultats sont discutés en regard de la littérature actuelle afin de mieux comprendre les liens entre les variables.
Les médias renforcent l’image négative de l’émergence de zones criminelles dans certaines banlieues, mettant en avant l’impuissance des interventions policières et de la stratégie étatique. Les citoyens vivant au quotidien dans ces quartiers expriment un sentiment d’insécurité. L’impression d’un cercle vicieux entre insécurité réelle et sentiment d’insécurité persiste alors au travers de tels discours et perdure au travers des époques et des lieux, que ce soit en France, aux États-Unis ou même au Canada. Bon nombre d’études ont déjà posé la question à savoir si ces discours se fondent sur une réelle situation d’insécurité ou sur le sentiment d’insécurité des citoyens mais peu ont pris l’axe d’approfondir la réflexion et l’étude sur ces nouveaux phénomènes de désordres urbains et d’incivilités émergents dans les banlieues du Québec. Cette recherche a pour but d’approfondir cette réflexion en prenant un exemple d’un quartier de Laval au Québec. Il s’agit d’établir s’il y a réelle problématique d’incivilités et de désordres urbains ou s’il s’agit davantage d’un sentiment d’insécurité, le but étant ainsi de pouvoir établir un guide de résolutions de problèmes dans les banlieues et d’apporter une réflexion sur les interventions potentielles dans des zones sensibles. Se basant sur une méthodologique mixte, reliant une comparaison des statistiques de criminalité par quartiers à la perception d’acteurs clés de terrain de Laval, cette recherche apporte un nouveau regard sur ces résolutions de problèmes. Les résultats apportent une analyse intéressante sur cette interaction en soulignant l’importance du quartier et des caractéristiques sociodémographiques, du contrôle social informel, du tissu social mais aussi de la nécessité du cadre de l’autorité institutionnelle telle que la police, l’école ou encore le tissu associatif. Ces premiers éléments permettent d’ouvrir la discussion sur un plan partenarial d’interventions établissant une stratégie de lutte contre l’insécurité et le sentiment d’insécurité, cassant ainsi ce cercle vicieux par la mise en place d’une nouvelle gouvernance locale de sécurité et de bien-vivre ensemble.
S. album L. is the source of highly priced and fragrant heartwood which on steam distillation yields on an average 57 per cent oil of high perfumery value. Global demand for sandalwood is about 5000-6000 tons/year and that of oil is 100 tons/year. Heartwood of sandal is estimated to fetch up to Rs. 3.7 million/ton and wood oil Rs.70,000-100,000/ kg in the international market. Sandal heartwood prices have increased from Rs. 365/ton in 1900 to Rs. 6.5 lakhs/ton in 1999-2000 and to Rs. 37 lakhs/ton in 2007. Substantial decline in sandalwood production has occurred from 3176 tons/year during 1960-‘ 65 to 1500 tons/year in 1997-98, and to 500 tons/year in 2007.Depletion of sandal resources is attributed to several factors, both natural and anthropogenic. Low seed setting, poor seed germination, seedling mortality, lack of haustorial connection with host plant roots, recurrent annual fires in natural sandal forests, lopping of trees for fodder, excessive grazing, hacking, encroachments, seedling diseases and spread of sandal spike disease are the major problems facing sandal. While these factors hinder sandal regeneration in forest areas, the situation is accelerated by human activities of chronic overexploitation and illicit felling.Deterioration of natural sandal populations due to illicit felling, encroachments and diseases has an adverse effect on genetic diversity of the species. The loss of genetic diversity has aggravated during recent years due to extensive logging, changing landuse patterns and poor natural regeneration. The consequent genetic erosion is of serious concern affecting tree improvement programme in sandal. Conservation as well as mass propagation are the two strategies to be given due importance. To initiate any conservation programme, precise knowledge of the factors influencing regeneration and survival of the species is essential. Hence, the present study was undertaken with the objective of investigating the autotrophic and parasitic phase of sandal seedlings growth, the effects of shade on morphology, chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence of sandal seedlings, genetic diversity in sandal seed stands using ISSR markers, and the diversity of fungal isolates causing sandal seedling wilt using RAPD markers. All these factors directly influence regeneration and survival of sandal seedlings in natural forests and plantations.
Loss of natural sandal populations due to illicit felling, forest encroachment and spike disease have an adverse effect on genetic diversity of the species. To initiate any genetic improvement programme in sandal, a precise understanding of the population genetic diversity structure is essential. The concern over the loss of genetic variability in sandal is particularly critical, as there is hardly any information regarding the diversity status of the natural populations. Identifying fast growing, disease resistant, oil rich sandal trees through breeding and their mass multiplication for afforestation are the best method for ensuring sustainable supply of superior sandalwood. The healthy sandal trees existing in heavily spike diseased area can be used as a promising starting point for any such breeding programme (Venkatesh, 1978). So far, no genetic information is available regarding the resistant nature of spike disease evaded trees left in heavily infected patches. The high rate of depletion of the superior trees in South Indian sandal reserves due to illegal felling and spike disease has necessitated an urgent need for conservation of the surviving trees.Widespread occurrence of spike disease in Marayoor forest reserve was reported in 1981 (Ghosh and Balasundaran, 1995). Because of the high density of trees and varying intensity of spike disease, Marayoor sandal population was found to be ideal for experimental studies in sandal (Ghosh et al., 1985). Fifteen trees of reserve 51 of Marayoor range had been selected as candidate plus trees for growth and spike disease evasion . These trees have been selected for mass multiplication through tissue culture technique.
Hunting foxes with hounds has been a countryside pursuit in Britain since the 17th Century, but its effect nationally on habitat management is little understood by the general public. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 163 mounted fox hunts of England and Wales to quantify their management practices in woodland and other habitat. Ninety-two hunts (56%), covering 75,514 km(2), returned details on woodland management motivated by the improvement of their sport. The management details were verified via on-site visits for a sample of 200 woodlands. Following verification, the area of woodlands containing the management was conservatively estimated at 24,053 (+/- 2241) ha, comprising 5.9% of woodland area within the whole of the area hunted by the 92 hunts. Management techniques included: tree planting, coppicing, felling, ride and perimeter management. A case study in five hunt countries in southern England examined, through the use of botanical survey and butterfly counts, the consequences of the hunt management on woodland ground flora and butterflies. Managed areas had, within the last 5 years, been coppiced and rides had been cleared. Vegetation cover in managed and unmanaged sites averaged 86% and 64%, respectively, and managed areas held on average 4 more plant species and a higher plant diversity than unmanaged areas (Shannon index of diversity: 2.25 vs. 1.95). Both the average number of butterfly species (2.2 vs. 0.3) and individuals counted (4.6 vs. 0.3) were higher in the managed than unmanaged sites.
SammanfattningHögskolan Dalarna har i samarbete med Skogsägarna Mellanskog, Naturbränsle i Mellan¬sverige AB och GDE-Net genomfört studier på en ny metod för uttag av skogsbränsle från slutavverkningar. Metoden går ut på att timmer tas ut som enda rundvirkessortiment. Resten av trädet, samt klenare träd som inte håller timmerdimension, tas ut som ett bränslesortiment. Metoden har jämförts med en konventionell slutavverkning med uttag av timmer, massaved och GROT-flis.Enligt genomförda försök skulle en avverkning enligt den nya metoden (långa toppar) ge ett högre drivningsnetto och drygt dubbelt så mycket bränsleflis som en konventionell avverk¬ning. En anledning till det högre drivningsnettot är att kostnaden för flisning blir lägre än vid flisning av GROT och att flisen betalas bättre än GROT-flis. Resultaten är beroende av de faktiska beståndsförutsättningarna och gällande prisrelationer mellan massaved och bränsle¬flis.Faktorer som har en positiv inverkan på drivningsnettot vid uttag av ”långa toppar” är t.ex. stora uttagsvolymer och korta terrängtransportavstånd samt bestånd med en hög andel virke av låg kvalitet eller udda sortiment som betalas dåligt på rundvirkesmarknaden.SummaryIn Sweden forest energy from final felling is traditionally harvested as logging residues after harvesting of timber (saw logs) and pulpwood, but depending on the market situation other methods with higher yield of forest energy might be of interest. Dalarna University has study a new method called “Undelimbed long tops” where only saw timber was taken out as an industrial assortment. The rest of the trees and smaller trees that don’t hold timber dimensions was left intact on the clear-felled area and been chipped later on. The study was done in different stands with some different conditions. The results have been compared with the traditional method for final felling. The surplus (forest owners net income) was higher in almost all stands when the method with “undelimbed long tops” was used, compared to the traditional method for taking out forest energy, and the volume of chips was more than doubled. A reason for the higher income from long tops is that the costs for chipping is lower and the prize of chips is higher compared to chips from logging residues. Other reason is that forest owners will not be paid for wasted pulpwood, but will be fully paid for the chips from such pulpwood. Factors that will have a positive influence on the ULT-method are for example large logging volumes and short distance between the logging area and the landing, different kinds of price reductions on pulpwood and large volumes of rotten wood or low paid industrial assortments.
Este trabalho pretende descrever como o Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, na perspectiva de uma organização que representa o povo, controlando as finanças públicas, e prestando atenção às crescentes demandas da sociedade poderá enfrentar os novos desafios institucionais em conseqüência de novas atribuições, cada vez mais sujeita as incertezas decorrentes da natureza íntima da Avaliação das Políticas Públicas, em desenvolvimento, em face da auditoria tradicional, que o caracteriza em geral
Monoculture of mind This idea, presented by Vandana Shiva, reflects the phase that we have experienced in the world: a notion of civilization that, since many decades, characterized by a technocratic big trend, has been shown as dominant and hegemonic. Based on a thinking and acting, felling and whishing standardization, this wave ends implying in what can be called of humanity‟s crisis at civilizational process. Destruction of simpler and more harmonious lifestyles with nature, human relations increasingly distant, values embrittlement, as respect, goodness and love, are some consequences of that behavioral homogenization. In the other hand, appears an archipelago of cultural and cognitive resistance against this devastating wave. Edgar Morin and Ceiça Almeida refer to this archipelago as a South Thought , what is not just a geographic question. Report, therefore, to some places, peoples, island that keep ancient costumes and knowledge, orally transmitted, for instance, from elders to younger, or vice versa, in an almost constant flow. Particular ways of experiencing the world around themselves, the men, animals, plants, rocks, or even not alive beings, masters or enchanted, spiritual guides. Next to a logic of sensitive, as Claude Levi-Strauss proposes, this reading, which is a more attentive, observer and wiser posture of surroundings, is based on touching, smelling, eating, seeing, and, I would add, felling. In light of this, I try to expatiate about certain experiences that I had the pleasure of living in some of these islands of resistance. Talks, perceptions, observations, sensations Stories, prose, poetries, music, photos, graphics Whatever could serve to portray even a bit of the reflections and forms to understand (ourselves) and produce knowledge, such as from a formation/Education to life, was well used at this ethnographic work. Space to the subjectivity and emotions I had, have, and will have a lot Everything for the dear reader may fell traveling around the world of tradition, resistance