727 resultados para Factorial validity
Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia da Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
Background: Self-based achievement goals use one’s own intrapersonal trajectory as a standard of evaluation, and this intrapersonal trajectory may be grounded in one’s past (past-based goals) or one’s future potential potential-based goals). Potential-based goals have been overlooked in the literature to date. Aims: The primary aim of the present research is to address this oversight within the context of the 3 x 2 achievement goal framework. Samples: The Study 1 sample was 381 U.S. undergraduates; the Study 2 sample was 310 U.S. undergraduates. Methods: In Study 1, we developed scales to assess otential-approach and potential-avoidance goals, and tested their factorial validity with exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. In Study 2, we used confirmatory factor analysis to test both the separability of past-based and potential-based goals and their higher order integration within the self-based category. Results: Study 1 supported the factorial validity of the potential-approach and potential-avoidance goal scales. Study 2 supported the separability of past-based and potential-based goals, as well as their higher order integration within the self-based category. Conclusions: This research documents the utility of the proposed distinction, and paves the way for subsequent work on antecedent and consequences of potential-approach and potential-avoidance goals. It highlights the importance
Realizou-se adaptação transcultural da Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social (ESSS) para a língua portuguesa. As qualidades psicométricas foram avaliadas numa amostra de 1.023 estudantes do ensino superior do Brasil e de Portugal. A partir dos resultados obtidos propõe-se uma versão modificada da ESSS com 12 itens que avaliam 4 dimensões. A versão modificada revelou adequada confiabilidade, validade fatorial, validade concorrente, divergente e discriminante com exceção dessa última para Satisfação com as Amizades e a Intimidade. A validade convergente esteve no limite do aceitável. Observou-se invariância dos pesos fatoriais entre Brasil e Portugal, permitindo sua utilização para a avaliação da Satisfação com o Suporte Social em estudantes do ensino superior de ambos os países.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The present dissertation focuses on burnout and work engagement among teachers, with especial focus on the Job-Demands Resources Model: Chapter 1 focuses on teacher burnout. It aims to investigate the role of efficacy beliefs using negatively worded inefficacy items instead of positive ones and to establish whether depersonalization and cynism can be considered two different dimensions of the teacher burnout syndrome. Chapter 2 investigates the factorial validity of the instruments used to measure work engagement (i.e. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES-17 and UWES-9). Moreover, because the current study is partly longitudinal in nature, also the stability across time of engagement can be investigated. Finally, based on cluster-analyses, two groups that differ in levels of engagement are compared as far as their job- and personal resources (i.e. possibilities for personal development, work-life balance, and self-efficacy), positive organizational attitudes and behaviours (i.e., job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour) and perceived health are concerned. Chapter 3 tests the JD-R model in a longitudinal way, by integrating also the role of personal resources (i.e. self-efficacy). This chapter seeks answers to questions on what are the most important job demands, job and personal resources contributing to discriminate burned-out teachers from non-burned-out teachers, as well as engaged teachers from non-engaged teachers. Chapter 4 uses a diary study to extend knowledge about the dynamic nature of the JD-R model by considering between- and within-person variations with regard to both motivational and health impairment processes.
This dissertation focuses on “organizational efficacy”, in particular on employees’ beliefs of organizational capacity to be efficacious. Organizational efficacy is considered from two perspectives – competing values approach and collective efficacy, and evaluated in internationalized companies. The dissertation is composed of three studies. The data were collected in thirteen Italian companies on different stages of internationalization for a total number of respondents is 358. In the first study the factorial validity of the competing values instrument (Rohrbaugh, 1981) was investigated and confirmed. Two scales were used to measure collective efficacy: a general collective efficacy scale (Bohn, 2010), and a specific collective efficacy scale, developed following suggestions of Borgogni et al. (2001), it evaluates employees’ beliefs of efficacy of organizations in the international market. The findings suggest that competing values and collective organizational efficacy instruments may provide a multi-faceted measurement of employees’ beliefs of organizational efficacy. The second study examined the relationship between organizational efficacy and collective work engagement. To measure collective work engagement the UWES-9 (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003) was adapted at the group level; its factor structure and reliability were similar to the standard UWES-9. The findings suggest that organizational efficacy fully predicts collective work engagement. Also we investigated whether leadership moderates the relationship between organizational efficacy and collective work engagement. We operationalized leadership style with MLQ (Bass & Avolio, 1995); the results suggest that intellectual stimulation and idealized influence (transformational leadership) and contingent reward (transactional leadership) enhance the impact of organizational efficacy on collective work engagement. In the third study we investigated organizational efficacy and collective work engagement in internationalized companies. The findings show that beliefs of organizational efficacy vary across companies in different stages of internationalization, while no significant difference was found for collective work engagement. Limitations, practical implications and future studies are discussed in the conclusion.
Rumination und Suppression sind 2 maladaptive Emotionsregulationsstrategien, die im Zusammenhang mit pathologischem Verhalten wie übermäßigem Essen oder Trinken stehen. Ein Messinstrument, welches beide Strategien in Kurzform erfasst, fehlt bisher. Der RS-8 erfasst mit 8 Items die beiden Dimensionen Rumination und Suppression. Anhand von 2 klinischen (Patienten mit Alkoholabhängigkeit [n = 79], Patienten mit Adipositas [n = 53]) und einer nichtklinischen Stichprobe (n = 133) wurde die psychometrische Qualität der Skala überprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der RS-8 ein valides und reliables Messinstrument ist. Die interne Konsistenz kann als gut und die faktorielle Validität als sehr gut bewertet werden. Der RS-8 ist ein ökonomisches Screening-Instrument, welches bei klinischen und nicht-klinischen Stichproben eingesetzt werden kann.
The factorial validity of the SF-36 was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) methods, structural equation modeling (SEM), and multigroup structural equation modeling (MSEM). First, the measurement and structural model of the hypothesized SF-36 was explicated. Second, the model was tested for the validity of a second-order factorial structure, upon evidence of model misfit, determined the best-fitting model, and tested the validity of the best-fitting model on a second random sample from the same population. Third, the best-fitting model was tested for invariance of the factorial structure across race, age, and educational subgroups using MSEM.^ The findings support the second-order factorial structure of the SF-36 as proposed by Ware and Sherbourne (1992). However, the results suggest that: (a) Mental Health and Physical Health covary; (b) general mental health cross-loads onto Physical Health; (c) general health perception loads onto Mental Health instead of Physical Health; (d) many of the error terms are correlated; and (e) the physical function scale is not reliable across these two samples. This hierarchical factor pattern was replicated across both samples of health care workers, suggesting that the post hoc model fitting was not data specific. Subgroup analysis suggests that the physical function scale is not reliable across the "age" or "education" subgroups and that the general mental health scale path from Mental Health is not reliable across the "white/nonwhite" or "education" subgroups.^ The importance of this study is in the use of SEM and MSEM in evaluating sample data from the use of the SF-36. These methods are uniquely suited to the analysis of latent variable structures and are widely used in other fields. The use of latent variable models for self reported outcome measures has become widespread, and should now be applied to medical outcomes research. Invariance testing is superior to mean scores or summary scores when evaluating differences between groups. From a practical, as well as, psychometric perspective, it seems imperative that construct validity research related to the SF-36 establish whether this same hierarchical structure and invariance holds for other populations.^ This project is presented as three articles to be submitted for publication. ^
Die Studie überprüfte die deutsche Übersetzung des Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) von Briere [1], das die Komplexe PTB-Symptomatik erfassen soll. Das TSI war Teil einer Testbatterie, welche weiter den Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Short Screening Scale, Short Form Health Survey, Geriatrische Depressionsskala und das Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview enthielt. Untersucht wurde eine Stichprobe von N=116 älteren Personen (Altersbereich: 59-98 Jahre; 40,5% Frauen) mit einer Häufung potentiell traumatischer Erfahrungen in der Kindheit. Die deutsche Version des TSI zeigte eine adäquate interne Konsistenz, überwiegend gute Trennschärfen und Schwierigkeitsindizes sowie eine gute Kriteriums- und Konstruktvalidität. Hinsichtlich faktorieller Validität konnte ein Validierungsmodell [2] aus dem europäischen Raum tendenziell besser repliziert werden, als das amerikanische Originalmodell von Briere. Das TSI erwies sich als reliables, ökonomisches und teilweise valides Instrument zur Erfassung der Komplexen PTB-Symptomatik.
Background. Because it is important to minimize children's sun exposure to reduce skin cancer risk, much of the extensive skin cancer prevention literature consists of studies of children's sun protection, sun avoidance and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure. Little attention has been focused on the measurement of psychosocial constructs in these studies. Identification of the psychosocial correlates or determinants of children's skin cancer risk or risk-reduction behavior is critical to more fully understand and predict behavior. Furthermore, psychosocial variables may be influenced by interventions to reduce risk. Thus, it is important to examine the psychosocial measures used in studies of children's skin cancer prevention. Information on the validity and reliability of psychosocial measures may increase confidence in study findings based on these measures. In particular, self-efficacy and barriers are key constructs in several major theoretical frameworks and parental measures have been associated with children's sun protection. However, there is conceptual overlap of self-efficacy and barriers measures and little is known about the psychometric properties of these measures.^ Study Aims and Methods. The overall goal of this dissertation was to examine the measurement of psychosocial constructs relevant to children's skin cancer prevention. Because children depend primarily on their parents for skin cancer prevention, measures of parents' psychosocial constructs are the focus. Study 1 was a systematic review of parental psychosocial measures used in studies of children's sun protection, sun avoidance and UVR exposure. The specific aims of Study 1 were to (1) describe psychosocial measures reported by parents, including available information on the psychometric properties of these measures and their use in analyses and (2) provide recommendations for the development, refinement and standardized reporting of measures. ^ Study 2 examined the psychometric properties of measures of parental self-efficacy and barriers regarding children's sun protection. Melanoma patients (N=205) who were parents of children ≤ 12 years of age completed a telephone interview that included self-efficacy and barriers measures specific to sunscreen, clothing, shade and limiting time outdoors. The specific aims of Study 2 were to (1) use a confirmatory factor analytic approach to examine the factorial validity of parental self-efficacy and barriers measures, (2) examine the convergent and discriminant validity of behavior-specific measures of self-efficacy and barriers and (3) assess the reliability of item and scale measures.^ Results. In Study 1, a search of standard databases yielded 48 eligible studies. Most studies assessed only one or two psychosocial constructs. Knowledge was measured most frequently. There was little discussion of measure source, development, theoretical background or psychometric properties, besides internal consistency reliability. There was conceptual overlap of some measures. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analytic findings supported the factorial validity of the self-efficacy and barriers measures. When all eight self-efficacy and barriers measures were included in the same model, a modified eight-factor model adequately fit the data, providing preliminary evidence that the measures are distinct. Measure associations supported the convergent validity of all measures and the discriminant validity of most measures. The self-efficacy and barriers measures were reliable.^ Conclusions. Recommendations based on the literature review include developing and refining psychosocial measures based on theory. Describing a measure's theoretical basis and psychometric properties would facilitate critical evaluation. Standardized reporting of source, development, theory, construct, items and analytic role would facilitate comparison of findings, continual refinement and future applications of measures. In the validation study, self-efficacy and barriers measures were examined in a sample of parents with a personal history of melanoma. Findings suggested that these measures are valid and reliable for use in studies of children's sun protection. There was preliminary evidence that these measures are distinct but additional study is needed. ^
Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a validade fatorial e a validade interna da versão brasileira do Exercise Motivation Inventory-2 (EMI-2) e comparar os principais motivos para prática de exercício tendo em conta os contextos de academia e personal training. Um total de 588 praticantes de exercício da cidade de Pelotas/RS/Brasil (405 de academia e 183 de personal training) preencheram o EMI-2, o qual é constituído por 51 itens, agrupados em 14 motivos (fatores) para prática de exercício físico. A validade fatorial do EMI-2 foi testada através da realização de análises fatoriais confirmatórias e a validade interna através do alfa de Cronbach. Para a verificar o efeito do contexto nos motivos foi utilizada a MANOVA e calculado o tamanho do efeito. Os resultados obtidos dão suporte à estrutura original do EMI-2 com 14 fatores, nesta amostra. Verificou-se um efeito multivariado significativo do contexto sobre os motivos de prática [Wilks’ λ = 0.912, F (14, 573.000) = 3.9, p < 0.001, η² = 0.088]. Os motivos de “Prazer”, “Força e resistência”, “Desafio”, “Socialização”, “Competição” e “Reconhecimento Social” foram significativamente superiores no contexto de academia e os motivos de “Agilidade” e “Prevenção de Doenças” foram significativamente superiores no contexto de personal training.
OBJETIVE to create a reduced version of the QASCI, which is structurally equivalent to the long one and meets the criteria of reliability and validity. METHOD Through secondary data from previous studies, the participants were divided into two samples, one for the development of reduced version and the second for study of the factorial validity. Participants responded to QASCI, the SF 36, the ADHS and demographic questions. RESULTS A reduced version of 14 items showed adequate psychometric properties of validity and internal consistency, adapted to a heptadimensional structure that assesses positive and negative aspects of care. CONCLUSION Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a good fit with the advocated theoretical model.
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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade em Psicologia da Saúde.