974 resultados para FLORIDA LAKES


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Environmental conditions in all air-conditioned barn and in evaporatively cooled sprinkler and fall and tunnel-ventilated barns are compared and recommendations for dairy barn design for hot, humid climates arc, given. Temperature Humidity Indexes (THI) observed in the air-conditioned barn were always below 72. Average THIs ill the evaporatively cooled barns during afternoon hours were seldom less than 75. The environmental conditions observed in these studies are typical for many, areas adjacent to the Gulf Coast of the United States and for tropical regions throughout the world. Providing comfortable environmental conditions for cows housed in area with hot, humid climates is difficult using only evaporative cooling and ventilation. Air-conditioning dairy housing is a possible alternative method, particularly for high value cows.


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Rotifera density, biomass, and secondary production on two marginal lakes of Paranapanema River were compared after the recovery of hydrologic connectivity with the river (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Daily samplings were performed in limnetic zone of both lakes during the rainy season immediately after lateral inflow of water and, in the dry period, six months after hydrologic connectivity recovery. In order to identify the factors that affect rotifer population dynamics, lake water level, volume, depth, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, suspended solids, nutrients, and chlorophyll-a were determined. Variations of water physical and chemical factors that affect rotifer population were related to the lake-river degree of connection and to water level rising after drought. The water lateral inflow from the river resulted in an increase in lake water volume, depth, and transparency and a decrease in water pH, alkalinity, and suspended solids. The lake with the wider river connection, more frequent biota exchange, and larger amount of particulate and dissolved materials was richer and more diverse, while rotifer density, biomass, and productivity were lower in both periods studied. Density, biomass, and secondary production were higher in the lake with the smaller river connection and the higher physical and chemical stability. Our results show that the connectivity affects the limnological stability, associated to seasonality. Stable conditions, caused by low connectivity in dry periods, were related with high density, biomass and secondary production. Conversely, instability conditions in rainy periods were associated to elevated richness and diversity values, caused by exchange biota due to higher connectivity. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In this article we report on progress in high magnetic field MRI at the University of Florida in support of our new 750MHz wide bore and 11.7T/40cm MR instruments. The primary emphasis is on the associated rf technology required, particularly high frequency volume and phased array coils. Preliminary imaging results at 750MHz are presented. Our results imply that the pursuit of even higher fields seems warranted. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Enquadramento: O VIH/Sida exige uma ação direcionada na vertente da prevenção, cujo suporte integra a transmissão de conhecimentos promotores da adoção e manutenção de comportamentos seguros, em conformidade com as características sociais e culturais dos indivíduos. Objetivos: Validar, para a população do Sudão do Sul, a Escala de Conhecimentos sobre VIH/Sida, The HIV Knowledge Questionnaire: HIV-KQ-45, de Carey et al. (1997); analisar de que forma as variáveis sociodemográficas influenciam os conhecimentos sobre VIH/Sida, dos cidadãos de Mapuordit Sudão do Sul; verificar se a frequência de formação sobre VIH/Sida influencia o seu nível de conhecimentos. Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo-analítico e transversal, com 232 clientes do Mary Immaculate de Mapuordit Hospital. Foi utilizado um Questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e do contexto de formação sobre o VIH/Sida, e o HIV Knowledge Questionnaire (HVI-K-Q) de Carey, Morrison-Beedy e Johnson (1997). Resultados: Amostra é maioritariamente masculina (74.6%), com uma média de idade 22,83 (±5.793 anos). A análise fatorial confirmatória do HIV-K-Q permitiu apurar 5 fatores, cujos valores médios mais significativos foram nos fatores preconceitos/medos (média=80.60%), conhecimentos sobre os comportamentos de risco (média=76.58%) e vias de transmissão (média=70.36%). Os sudaneses pontuaram maioritariamente com razoáveis conhecimentos sobre a Sida (média=68.08%). As mulheres, os participantes mais velhos, com companheiro(a), mais escolarizados, profissionalmente ativos, a distar do hospital =<20 Km, deslocando-se num veículo não motorizado e com diagnóstico de VIH relataram mais conhecimentos sobre a Sida. Os participantes com informação sobre a prevenção do VIH/Sida e frequência em workshop na área demonstraram melhores conhecimentos. Revelaram-se preditivas dos conhecimentos acerca da doença as habilitações literárias (β=0.32) e o diagnóstico de VIH/Sida (β=0.14) revelou-se preditor dos conhecimentos sobre os comportamentos de risco. Conclusão: As casuísticas significativas do VIH/Sida justificam considerar as habilitações literárias e a presença de diagnóstico VIH/Sida como variáveis a avaliar previamente ao planeamento estratégico das ações de educação para a prevenção do VIH/Sida no Sudão do Sul. Palavras-chave: Conhecimentos; VIH/Sida; Sudão do Sul.


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TRANSCREA, Convertir la investigación y el conocimiento en innovación, propiedad intelectual e industrial. Terceira, 16 e 17 Fevereiro, 2011.


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Water covers over 70% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life. But only 3% of the Earth's water is fresh water, and less than 0.3% of all freshwater is in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and the atmosphere. However, rivers and lakes are an important part of fresh surface water, amounting to about 89%. In this Master Thesis dissertation, the focus is on three types of water bodies – rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and their water quality issues in Asian countries. The surface water quality in a region is largely determined both by the natural processes such as climate or geographic conditions, and the anthropogenic influences such as industrial and agricultural activities or land use conversion. The quality of the water can be affected by pollutants discharge from a specific point through a sewer pipe and also by extensive drainage from agriculture/urban areas and within basin. Hence, water pollutant sources can be divided into two categories: Point source pollution and Non-point source (NPS) pollution. Seasonal variations in precipitation and surface run-off have a strong effect on river discharge and the concentration of pollutants in water bodies. For example, in the rainy season, heavy and persistent rain wash off the ground, the runoff flow increases and may contain various kinds of pollutants and, eventually, enters the water bodies. In some cases, especially in confined water bodies, the quality may be positive related with rainfall in the wet season, because this confined type of fresh water systems allows high dilution of pollutants, decreasing their possible impacts. During the dry season, the quality of water is largely related to industrialization and urbanization pollution. The aim of this study is to identify the most common water quality problems in Asian countries and to enumerate and analyze the methodologies used for assessment of water quality conditions of both rivers and confined water bodies (lakes and reservoirs). Based on the evaluation of a sample of 57 papers, dated between 2000 and 2012, it was found that over the past decade, the water quality of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in developing countries is being degraded. Water pollution and destruction of aquatic ecosystems have caused massive damage to the functions and integrity of water resources. The most widespread NPS in Asian countries and those which have the greatest spatial impacts are urban runoff and agriculture. Locally, mine waste runoff and rice paddy are serious NPS problems. The most relevant point pollution sources are the effluents from factories, sewage treatment plant, and public or household facilities. It was found that the most used methodology was unquestionably the monitoring activity, used in 49 of analyzed studies, accounting for 86%. Sometimes, data from historical databases were used as well. It can be seen that taking samples from the water body and then carry on laboratory work (chemical analyses) is important because it can give an understanding of the water quality. 6 papers (11%) used a method that combined monitoring data and modeling. 6 papers (11%) just applied a model to estimate the quality of water. Modeling is a useful resource when there is limited budget since some models are of free download and use. In particular, several of used models come from the U.S.A, but they have their own purposes and features, meaning that a careful application of the models to other countries and a critical discussion of the results are crucial. 5 papers (9%) focus on a method combining monitoring data and statistical analysis. When there is a huge data matrix, the researchers need an efficient way of interpretation of the information which is provided by statistics. 3 papers (5%) used a method combining monitoring data, statistical analysis and modeling. These different methods are all valuable to evaluate the water quality. It was also found that the evaluation of water quality was made as well by using other types of sampling different than water itself, and they also provide useful information to understand the condition of the water body. These additional monitoring activities are: Air sampling, sediment sampling, phytoplankton sampling and aquatic animal tissues sampling. Despite considerable progress in developing and applying control regulations to point and NPS pollution, the pollution status of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in Asian countries is not improving. In fact, this reflects the slow pace of investment in new infrastructure for pollution control and growing population pressures. Water laws or regulations and public involvement in enforcement can play a constructive and indispensable role in environmental protection. In the near future, in order to protect water from further contamination, rapid action is highly needed to control the various kinds of effluents in one region. Environmental remediation and treatment of industrial effluent and municipal wastewaters is essential. It is also important to prevent the direct input of agricultural and mine site runoff. Finally, stricter environmental regulation for water quality is required to support protection and management strategies. It would have been possible to get further information based in the 57 sample of papers. For instance, it would have been interesting to compare the level of concentrations of some pollutants in the diferente Asian countries. However the limit of three months duration for this study prevented further work to take place. In spite of this, the study objectives were achieved: the work provided an overview of the most relevant water quality problems in rivers, lakes and reservoirs in Asian countries, and also listed and analyzed the most common methodologies.


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Dissertation elaborated for the partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Master Degree in Civil Engineering in the Speciality Area of Hydarulics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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The Great Lakes lie within a region of East Africa with very high human genetic diversity, home of many ethno-linguistic groups usually assumed to be the product of a small number of major dispersals. However, our knowledge of these dispersals relies primarily on the inferences of historical, linguistics and oral traditions, with attempts to match up the archaeological evidence where possible. This is an obvious area to which archaeogenetics can contribute, yet Uganda, at the heart of these developments, has not been studied for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation. Here, we compare mtDNA lineages at this putative genetic crossroads across 409 representatives of the major language groups: Bantu speakers and Eastern and Western Nilotic speakers. We show that Uganda harbours one of the highest mtDNA diversities within and between linguistic groups, with the various groups significantly differentiated from each other. Despite an inferred linguistic origin in South Sudan, the data from the two Nilotic-speaking groups point to a much more complex history, involving not only possible dispersals from Sudan and the Horn but also large-scale assimilation of autochthonous lineages within East Africa and even Uganda itself. The Eastern Nilotic group also carries signals characteristic of West-Central Africa, primarily due to Bantu influence, whereas a much stronger signal in the Western Nilotic group suggests direct West-Central African ancestry. Bantu speakers share lineages with both Nilotic groups, and also harbour East African lineages not found in Western Nilotic speakers, likely due to assimilating indigenous populations since arriving in the region ~3000 years ago.


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We evaluated diversity and distribution of fish species in two habitats: flooded forest and open water of lakes of Rio Negro. Each of four lakes within the Anavilhanas Archipelago was sampled three times from 2009-2010. Species diversity generally was higher in flooded forests and at night, according to correspondence analysis. Predators were most active at night, but showed no preference between the flooded forest and open water habitats. Omnivores, filter feeders, and detritivores were most active during the day.