928 resultados para FIXED-POINT THEORY


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This paper relies on the study of fixed points and best proximity points of a class of so-called generalized point-dependent (K-Lambda)hybrid p-cyclic self-mappings relative to a Bregman distance Df, associated with a Gâteaux differentiable proper strictly convex function f in a smooth Banach space, where the real functions Lambda and K quantify the point-to-point hybrid and nonexpansive (or contractive) characteristics of the Bregman distance for points associated with the iterations through the cyclic self-mapping.Weak convergence results to weak cluster points are obtained for certain average sequences constructed with the iterates of the cyclic hybrid self-mappings.


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Suppose that AG is a solvable group with normal subgroup G where (|A|, |G|) = 1. Assume that A is a class two odd p group all of whose irreducible representations are isomorphic to subgroups of extra special p groups. If pc ≠ rd + 1 for any c = 1, 2 and any prime r where r2d+1 divides |G| and if CG(A) = 1 then the Fitting length of G is bounded by the power of p dividing |A|.

The theorem is proved by applying a fixed point theorem to a reduction of the Fitting series of G. The fixed point theorem is proved by reducing a minimal counter example. IF R is an extra spec r subgroup of G fixed by A1, a subgroup of A, where A1 centralizes D(R), then all irreducible characters of A1R which are nontrivial on Z(R) are computed. All nonlinear characters of a class two p group are computed.


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In a paper published in 1961, L. Cesari [1] introduces a method which extends certain earlier existence theorems of Cesari and Hale ([2] to [6]) for perturbation problems to strictly nonlinear problems. Various authors ([1], [7] to [15]) have now applied this method to nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations. The basic idea of the method is to use the contraction principle to reduce an infinite-dimensional fixed point problem to a finite-dimensional problem which may be attacked using the methods of fixed point indexes.

The following is my formulation of the Cesari fixed point method:

Let B be a Banach space and let S be a finite-dimensional linear subspace of B. Let P be a projection of B onto S and suppose Г≤B such that pГ is compact and such that for every x in PГ, P-1x∩Г is closed. Let W be a continuous mapping from Г into B. The Cesari method gives sufficient conditions for the existence of a fixed point of W in Г.

Let I denote the identity mapping in B. Clearly y = Wy for some y in Г if and only if both of the following conditions hold:

(i) Py = PWy.

(ii) y = (P + (I - P)W)y.

Definition. The Cesari fixed paint method applies to (Г, W, P) if and only if the following three conditions are satisfied:

(1) For each x in PГ, P + (I - P)W is a contraction from P-1x∩Г into itself. Let y(x) be that element (uniqueness follows from the contraction principle) of P-1x∩Г which satisfies the equation y(x) = Py(x) + (I-P)Wy(x).

(2) The function y just defined is continuous from PГ into B.

(3) There are no fixed points of PWy on the boundary of PГ, so that the (finite- dimensional) fixed point index i(PWy, int PГ) is defined.

Definition. If the Cesari fixed point method applies to (Г, W, P) then define i(Г, W, P) to be the index i(PWy, int PГ).

The three theorems of this thesis can now be easily stated.

Theorem 1 (Cesari). If i(Г, W, P) is defined and i(Г, W, P) ≠0, then there is a fixed point of W in Г.

Theorem 2. Let the Cesari fixed point method apply to both (Г, W, P1) and (Г, W, P2). Assume that P2P1=P1P2=P1 and assume that either of the following two conditions holds:

(1) For every b in B and every z in the range of P2, we have that ‖b=P2b‖ ≤ ‖b-z‖

(2)P2Г is convex.

Then i(Г, W, P1) = i(Г, W, P2).

Theorem 3. If Ω is a bounded open set and W is a compact operator defined on Ω so that the (infinite-dimensional) Leray-Schauder index iLS(W, Ω) is defined, and if the Cesari fixed point method applies to (Ω, W, P), then i(Ω, W, P) = iLS(W, Ω).

Theorems 2 and 3 are proved using mainly a homotopy theorem and a reduction theorem for the finite-dimensional and the Leray-Schauder indexes. These and other properties of indexes will be listed before the theorem in which they are used.


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In this paper, we present some coincidence point theorems in the setting of quasi-metric spaces that can be applied to operators which not necessarily have the mixed monotone property. As a consequence, we particularize our results to the field of metric spaces, partially ordered metric spaces and G-metric spaces, obtaining some very recent results. Finally, we show how to use our main theorems to obtain coupled, tripled, quadrupled and multidimensional coincidence point results.


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A new coupled fixed point theorem related to the Pata contraction for mappings having the mixed monotone property in partially ordered complete metric spaces is established. It is shown that the coupled fixed point can be unique under some extra suitable conditions involving mid point lower or upper bound properties. Also the corresponding convergence rate is estimated when the iterates of our function converge to its coupled fixed point.


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This paper investigates some properties of cyclic fuzzy maps in metric spaces. The convergence of distances as well as that of sequences being generated as iterates defined by a class of contractive cyclic fuzzy mapping to fuzzy best proximity points of (non-necessarily intersecting adjacent subsets) of the cyclic disposal is studied. An extension is given for the case when the images of the points of a class of contractive cyclic fuzzy mappings restricted to a particular subset of the cyclic disposal are allowed to lie either in the same subset or in its next adjacent one.


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Coincidence and common fixed point theorems for a class of 'Ciric-Suzuki hybrid contractions involving a multivalued and two single-valued maps in a metric space are obtained. Some applications including the existence of a common solution for certain class of functional equations arising in a dynamic programming are also discussed..


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An implementation of the inverse vector Jiles-Atherton model for the solution of non-linear hysteretic finite element problems is presented. The implementation applies the fixed point method with differential reluctivity values obtained from the Jiles-Atherton model. Differential reluctivities are usually computed using numerical differentiation, which is ill-posed and amplifies small perturbations causing large sudden increases or decreases of differential reluctivity values, which may cause numerical problems. A rule based algorithm for conditioning differential reluctivity values is presented. Unwanted perturbations on the computed differential reluctivity values are eliminated or reduced with the aim to guarantee convergence. Details of the algorithm are presented together with an evaluation of the algorithm by a numerical example. The algorithm is shown to guarantee convergence, although the rate of convergence depends on the choice of algorithm parameters. © 2011 IEEE.


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We prove that first order logic is strictly weaker than fixed point logic over every infinite classes of finite ordered structures with unary relations: Over these classes there is always an inductive unary relation which cannot be defined by a first-order formula, even when every inductive sentence (i.e., closed formula) can be expressed in first-order over this particular class. Our proof first establishes a property valid for every unary relation definable by first-order logic over these classes which is peculiar to classes of ordered structures with unary relations. In a second step we show that this property itself can be expressed in fixed point logic and can be used to construct a non-elementary unary relation.


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Decimal multiplication is an integral part of financial, commercial, and internet-based computations. A novel design for single digit decimal multiplication that reduces the critical path delay and area for an iterative multiplier is proposed in this research. The partial products are generated using single digit multipliers, and are accumulated based on a novel RPS algorithm. This design uses n single digit multipliers for an n × n multiplication. The latency for the multiplication of two n-digit Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) operands is (n + 1) cycles and a new multiplication can begin every n cycle. The accumulation of final partial products and the first iteration of partial product generation for next set of inputs are done simultaneously. This iterative decimal multiplier offers low latency and high throughput, and can be extended for decimal floating-point multiplication.


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Dual Carrier Modulation (DCM) is currently used as the higher data rate modulation scheme for Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MB-OFDM) in the ECMA-368 defined Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radio platform. ECMA-368 has been chosen as the physical radio platform for many systems including Wireless USB (W-USB), Bluetooth 3.0 and Wireless HDMI; hence ECMA-368 is an important issue to consumer electronics and the user’s experience of these products. In this paper, Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR) demapping method is used for the DCM demaper implemented in fixed point model. Channel State Information (CSI) aided scheme coupled with the band hopping information is used as the further technique to improve the DCM demapping performance. The receiver performance for the fixed point DCM is simulated in realistic multi-path environments.


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Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, Y be a connected topological manifold, f : X -> Y be a map between closed manifolds and a is an element of Y. The vanishing of the Nielsen root number N(f; a) implies that f is homotopic to a root free map h, i.e., h similar to f and h(-1) (a) = empty set. In this paper, we prove an equivariant analog of this result for G-maps between G-spaces where G is a finite group. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.