990 resultados para FINE SEDIMENT


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Sediment cores from nine sites along a profile on the Antarctic continental margin off Kapp Norvegia were analysed sedimentologicaly. The carbonate and organic carbon content, grain size distribution, composition of the coarse fraction and clay minerals were determined. d18O- and d13C-isotope ratios were also measured. The distribution of ice rafted debris was determined by a new method. Sedimentation-rates were obtained from 230Th- and 14C-analyses. A segregation into seven different sediment facies was made possible by different sedimentological parameters, which can be attributed to different sedimentation environments and conditions. Thr profile can be divided morphologicaly into shelf, upper continental slope, slope terrace and lower continental slope. The paratill facies is deposited on the shelf during an interglacial phase and consists mainly of ice rafted sediments. A portion of the fine fraction is being carried away by the antarctic coastel current. The sedimentation rate lies between 0 and 3 cm/1000 a. The coarse grained deposits of the upper, relatively steep continental slope, were specified as a rest sediment. Current and gravity sediment transport are responsible for the intensive sorting of ice rafted material coming from the shelf. The fine sediment is carried away by currents while sand and silt are deposited as small turbidites on the slope terrace. The morainic facies only appears at the base of the upper continental slope and defines ice advances, beyond the shelf margin. The facies mainly consists of transported shelf sediments. The interglacial facies, deposited during the interglacial phases on the continental slope, are characterized by high proportions of ice raft, coarse mean grain size, low content of montmorillonite and a carbonate content, which mainly originates from planktonic foraminifera (N. pachyderma). At the central part of the slope the sedimentation rate is at its lowest (2 cm/1000 a) and increases to 3-4 cm/1000 a towards the sea, due to high production of biogenic components and towards the continent due to an increasing input of terrigenous material. Sedimentary conditions during glacial times are depicted in the glacial facies by a low content of ice rafted debris, a lower mean grain size and a high content of montmorillonite. Biogeneous components are absent. The sedimentation rate is generally about 1 cm/1000a. A transition facies is deposited during the transition from glacial to interglacial conditions. Typical for this facies, with a terrigenous composition similar to the interglacial facies, is a high content of radiolaria. The reason for the change of plankton from a siliceous to a carbonacous fauna may have been the changing hydrography caused by the sea ice. The surge facies is deposited at the continental margin under the ice shelf and is a sediment exclusively delivered by currents. With the aid of this facies it was, for the first time possible to prove the existence of Antarctic ice surges, an aspect wh ich has been discussed for the past 20 years.


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Sea Surface Temperature (SST), river discharge and biological productivity have been reconstructed from a multi-proxy study of a high-temporal-resolution sedimentary sequence recovered from the Tagus deposition center off Lisbon (Portugal) for the last 2000 years. SST shows 2 °C variability on a century scale that allows the identification of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). High Iron (Fe) and fine-sediment deposition accompanied by high n-alkane concentrations and presence of freshwater diatoms during the LIA (1300-1900 AD) (Science 292 (2001) 662) suggest augmented river discharge, whereas higher total-alkenone concentrations point to increased river-induced productivity. During the MWP (550-1300 AD) (Science 292 (2001) 662) larger mean-grain size and low values of magnetic susceptibility, and concentrations of Fe, n-alkanes, and n-alcohols are interpreted to reflect decreased runoff. At the same time, increased benthic and planktonic foraminifera abundances and presence of upwelling related diatoms point to increased oceanic productivity. On the basis of the excellent match found between the negative phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and the intensified Tagus River discharge observed for the last century, it is hypothesized that the increased influx of terrigenous material during the LIA reflects a negative NAO-like state or the occurrence of frequent extreme NAO minima. During the milder few centuries of the MWP, stronger coastal upwelling conditions are attributed to a persistent, positive NAO-like state or the frequent occurrence of extreme NAO maxima. The peak in magnetic susceptibility, centered at 90 cm composite core depth (ccd), is interpreted as the result of the well-known 1755 AD Lisbon earthquake. The Lisbon earthquake and accompanying tsunami are estimated to have caused the loss of 39 cm of sediment (355 years of record-most of the LIA) and the instantaneous deposition of a 19-cm sediment bed.


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For the first time detailed physical properties were measured in addition to sedimentological parameters of near surface sediments of Kattegat channel system. This study has been accomplished on two sediment cores of different waterdepth of each Alkor-deep and Littorina-deep. The sediments of Littorina-deep, which have been dated with 210Pb-method, turned out to be surprisingly recent, with sedimentation rates up to 3,2 cm/year. Differences in physical properties lead to the assumption of lower sedimentation rates in Alkor-deep, the velocities of bottom and deepwater currents could be the cause of these differences in sedimentation rates. In Alkor-deep, the morphology runs parallel to the main direction of the bottom current. Therefore higher current velocities can be reached, which favor the erosion of fine sediment particles. Littorina-deep is located rectangular to the main direction of bottom currents. This might lead to an 'overflow' situation instead of a 'flow through'.


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This paper describes the implementation of a novel mitigation approach and subsequent adaptive management, designed to reduce the transfer of fine sediment in Glaisdale Beck; a small upland catchment in the UK. Hydro-meteorological and suspended sediment datasets are collected over a two year period spanning pre- and post-diversion periods in order to assess the impact of the channel reconfiguration scheme on the fluvial suspended sediment dynamics. Analysis of the river response demonstrates that the fluvial sediment system has become more restrictive with reduced fine sediment transfer. This is characterised by reductions in flow-weighted mean suspended sediment concentrations from 77.93 mg/l prior to mitigation, to 74.36 mg/l following the diversion. A Mann-Whitney U test found statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) between the pre- and post-monitoring median SSCs. Whilst application of one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) on the coefficients of sediment rating curves developed before and after the diversion found statistically significant differences (p < 0.001), with both Log a and b coefficients becoming smaller following the diversion. Non-parametric analysis indicates a reduction in residuals through time (p < 0.001), with the developed LOWESS model over-predicting sediment concentrations as the channel stabilises. However, the channel is continuing to adjust to the reconfigured morphology, with evidence of a headward propagating knickpoint which has migrated 120 m at an exponentially decreasing rate over the last 7 years since diversion. The study demonstrates that channel reconfiguration can be effective in mitigating fine sediment flux in upland streams but the full value of this may take many years to achieve whilst the fluvial system, slowly readjusts.


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Os estuários são ambientes altamente dinâmicos e concentram a maior parte da população mundial em seu entorno. São ambientes complexos que necessitam de uma gama de estudos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho visa contribuir para o entendimento dos estuários lagunares, tendo como objetivo comparar duas ferramentas geofísicas acústicas no mapeamento de uma porção submersa do Mar de Cananéia que está inserido no Sistema Estuarino Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape (SP). Os equipamentos utilizados nesta pesquisa são o Sonar de Varredura Lateral e o Sistema Acústico de Classificação de Fundo RoxAnn, através da parametrização de amostras de fundo. A comparação do padrão acústico do Sonar de Varredura Lateral com as amostras de fundo da região permitiu o reconhecimento de 6 tipos distintos de padrões acústicos e a relação positiva com o diâmetro médio do grão foi de 50%. A comparação da resposta acústica do Sistema Acústico de Classificação de Fundo RoxAnn com o diâmetro médio do grão foi igualmente de 50%. Isto deve-se ao fato de que os valores produzidos pelo eco 1 e pelo eco 2 deste equipamento mostram que, por ser um mono-feixe e por analisar valores de intensidade do retorno acústico, o equipamento em questão pode responder a outros fatores ambientais que não seja somente o diâmetro médio do grão. Ao comparar a resposta acústica do Sonar de Varredura Lateral com o Sistema Acústico de Classificação de fundo RoxAnn obteve-se um resultado positivo de 93%. Isto pode ser explicado pelo fato de o Sonar de Varredura Lateral gerar uma imagem acústica do fundo. Em locais onde tem-se amostra e os valores do eco 1 e do eco 2 do Sistema Acústico de Classificação de Fundo RoxAnn são altos, pode-se associar a esses locais a influência da compactação dos sedimentos finos através da análise das imagens do Sonar de Varredura Lateral. Por meio da comparação destes dois métodos foi possível estabelecer um intervalo de valores para o eco 1 que pode ser associado ao diâmetro médio do grão. Assim, valores entre 0.170 a 0.484 milivolts podem ser associados a sedimentos finos com granulometria até areia fina. Valores entre 0.364 a 0.733 podem ser associados a sedimentos de granulometria entre areia fina a média. Valores acima de 0.805 milivolts até 1.585 milivolts podem ser associados a sedimentos mais grossos como carbonatos biodetríticos ou areias grossas. E, por fim, valores acima de 2.790 milivolts podem ser associados a afloramentos rochosos.


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This is the River Leven (at Newby Bridge) freeze coring report produced by Lancaster University in 2000. This study looks at fine materials in river Leven that may have to be considered detrimental to successful salmonid spawning. Following an observed decline in quality of salmonid fisheries at the site an investigation was initiated to assess the extent of ingress of fine sediments into the spawning gravels. A broader picture was sought by sampling both above and below the weir and close to both banks of the river. A comparison of the fine sediment from each sample site was undertaken. All the freeze cores used in this report contained distinct horizontal strata down through their length. The cores often penetrated into a highly compacted layer of light grey coloured material. The upper surface of this highly compacted layer is considered as a boundary between fine materials of different origin. Considerable variability was observed in the median grain size (D50) of the gravels from the cores. In addition variability was observed in the thickness of the upper less compacted layers. The role of regulated river flow across the weir in clearing fines from river gravels is briefly considered.


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This is the River Leith fluvial audit: Final project report produced by Lancaster University in 1998. Freeze cores extracted from the upper and lower ends of River Leith illustrate that the bed is highly compacted in the downstream reach. Fine material is locally derived from bedrock at depths of only 32 cms into the bed and in one core fine material is 66% of the extracted core. Levels of fines that are believed to be detrimental to fish are put at 20 to 30%. Reduced flow and stream power from water abstraction may lead to a greater infiltration of fine material if gravels are not regularly flushed through with flood flows. Infiltration of fine material can lead to river bed compaction and concretion. A small abstraction may have no effect on the morphology of a river if the reduced discharge is within the normal range of flows experienced. However if the impact on flows is small it is still possible that fine sediment problems will develop progressively and the effects may not be noticed for several years.


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Sedimentation variables and benthic community data were collected at seven stations during four seasons in Xiangxi Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Summer, the season of highest discharge into the reservoir, was characterized by the extreme sediment loading. The benthic macroinvertebrate community was dominated by oligochaetes across all seasons at most stations. In winter/spring, macroinvertebrate density and richness increased. Correspondence analysis showed that community structure differed among stations at the two ends of the bay in winter and among almost all stations in spring, However, no variable associated with sedimentation appeared to be associated with differences in the community.


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细颗粒泥沙的絮凝或分散对土壤渗透性、土壤可蚀性有重要作用 ,是水土保持研究的重要内容。在 Ca Cl2 浓度为 0~ 1.0 mmol/L ,泥沙浓度为 10 g/L时 ,用吸管法研究了 Ca Cl2 对细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉降的影响。结果表明 :泥沙沉降分 2个阶段 ,分选沉降段和絮凝沉降段 ;在絮凝沉降段 ,Ca Cl2 浓度越大 ,絮凝沉降越快。但较高浓度时 ,细颗粒泥沙平均沉速反而随 Ca Cl2浓度增大而逐渐减小 ;泥沙浓度随时间呈指数衰减 ;细颗粒泥沙絮凝临界粒径为 0 .0 3mm。


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简要介绍了细颗粒泥沙絮凝 -分散对土壤渗透性、土壤可蚀性以及污染物迁移的影响 ,以期有效防治水土流失和由此带来的非点源污染。


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铝类絮凝剂对细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉降有重要作用 ,常应用于浑水澄清、农业污水处理等研究中。在AlCl3 浓度为 0~ 1 7mmol/L ,泥沙浓度为 1 0g/L时 ,用吸管法研究了AlCl3 对细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉降的影响 ,结果表明 :在液面下同一深度 ,泥沙浓度随时间呈指数衰减 ;悬液经多次搅拌后再沉降 ,其沉速减缓 ;当AlCl3 浓度为 0 9~ 1 7mmol/L时 ,出现明显的清浑水交界面 ,交界面随时间等速下降 ,平均沉速为 4 75 6cm/min ,对应的絮团平均粒径为 0 0 31 5mm ;土娄土絮凝临界粒径为 0 0 2 7mm。