980 resultados para Extra-regional migration


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This thesis explores migration and the attractiveness of urban living in the Greater Helsinki region. The aim of the thesis is to explore the attractiveness of the city of Helsinki in terms of regional migration and to identify what characterizes migration to Helsinki. The study focuses in particular on housing, which is a key factor influencing migration decisions in the region. Other central themes in the study are housing policy and regional competition among municipalities. This study focuses solely on households moving within Finnish borders excluding international migration. Migration is examined by comparing in- and out-migration in Helsinki, as well as studying migration to the city s inner and outer areas. The primary research material in the study is a questionnaire data collected by the National Consumer Research Centre. In this thesis the data is used for studying migrants aged 25 45. The main research method is analyzing the data statistically using the SPSS software. Methods include frequency analysis, cross tabulation, factor analysis and descriptive analysis. Additionally, statistical data is used to complement the questionnaire data. The research results indicate that Helsinki s in- and out-migration differs both in terms of the type of households that migrate as well as in the reasons why they migrate. Furthermore, differences can also be detected between migration to the inner and outer parts of Helsinki. According to the research results, a household s current phase of life is crucial in determining where and why they move within the Greater Helsinki region. A household s set of values on the other hand, seems to have a lesser impact on migration within the region, even though households moving to Helsinki seem to value a somewhat more urban lifestyle than the ones moving out of the city. The research also shows a direct correlation between the values of migrants and their current phase of life. Decisions of migrating are heavily influenced by wider societal issues. In the Greater Helsinki region the labor and housing market appear to have a great influence on the direction of migration streams. According to the results, households move to and from Helsinki for different reasons. The primary reasons for moving to Helsinki are related to the city s diverse labor market and to the working careers of households. Issues related to urban living and an urban lifestyle seem to be relevant although not the main reason why people move to Helsinki. The research material indicates that Helsinki s urban environment is both a pull and a push factor affecting the decisions of migrants. The city attracts those seeking urban living, but on the contrary does not appeal to households seeking more space and wishing to live closer to nature. According to the research, Helsinki with its densely built urban environment mainly attracts singles and childless couples, whereas the city region s other municipalities are more attractive for families with children. Housing policy is one of the main reasons determining where people move within the Helsinki region. As for the city of Helsinki, improving the city s attractiveness seems to be closely linked to how well the city manages to execute its future housing policies and how well alternative living preferences can be taken into account in planning.


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This paper explores the factors that determine innovation by service firms, and in particular the contribution of intra- and extra-regional connectivity. Subsequently, it is examined how service firms' innovation activity relates to productivity and export behaviour. The empirical analysis is based on matched data from the 2005 UK Innovation Survey - the UK component of the 4th Community Innovation Survey (CIS) - and the Annual Business Inquiry for Northern Ireland. Evidence is found of negative intra-regional embeddedness effects, but there is a positive contribution to innovation from extra-regional connectivity, particularly links to customers. Relationships between innovation, exporting, and productivity prove complex, but suggest that innovation itself is not sufficient to generate productivity improvements. Only when innovation is combined with increased export activity are productivity gains evident.


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Globally there is concern over the decline of bees, an ecologically important group of pollinating insects. Genetic studies provide insights into population structure that are crucial for conservation management but that would be impossible to obtain by conventional ecological methods. Yet conservation genetic studies of bees have primarily focussed on social species rather than the more species-rich solitary bees. Here we investigate the population structure of Colletes floralis, a rare and threatened solitary mining bee, in Ireland and Scotland using nine microsatellite loci. Genetic diversity was surprisingly as high in Scottish (Hebridean island) populations at the extreme northwestern edge of the species range as in mainland Irish populations further south. Extremely high genetic differentiation among populations was detected; multilocus FST was up to 0.53, and G’ST and Dest were even higher (maximum: 0.85 and 1.00 respectively). A pattern of isolation by distance was evident for sites separated by land. Water appears to act as a substantial barrier to gene flow yet sites separated by sea did not exhibit isolation by distance. Colletes floralis populations are extremely isolated and probably not in regional migration-drift equilibrium. GIS-based landscape genetic analysis reveals urban areas as a potential and substantial barrier to gene flow. Our results highlight the need for urgent site-specific management action to halt the decline of this and potentially other rare solitary bees.


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Major volcanic eruptions can impact on global climate by injecting large quantities of aerosols and ash into the atmosphere that alter the radiative balance and chemical equilibrium of the stratosphere. The Millennium eruption of Tianchi (Paektu), China/North Korea, was one of the largest Late Holocene eruptions. Uncertainty about the precise timing of the eruption has hindered the recognition of its climate impact in palaeoclimate and historical records. Here we report the compelling identification of the eruption's volcanic signal in Greenland ice cores through the association of geochemically-characterized volcanic glass, represented in by bimodal populations that compare with proximal material from the source eruption. The eruption most probably occurred in the AD 940?s, seven years after the Eldgjá eruption on Iceland. We examine the eruption's potential for climate forcing using the sulfate records from the ice-cores and conclude that it was unlikely to have had a global or extra-regional impact.


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Ce mémoire a pour but de comprendre la façon dont s’articulent les mouvements migratoires et les politiques qui s’y rattachent, d’abord au plan international puis au niveau des migrations régionales vers l’Argentine. Depuis les quarante dernières années, l’Argentine présente des caractéristiques sociales et économiques qui agissent comme facteurs d’attraction pour des milliers d’immigrants latino-américains. Ces flux migratoires appelés limitrophes s’inscrivent dans un système migratoire caractérisé par la constance des mouvements migratoires régionaux. De plus, la nouvelle visibilité accordée aux immigrants limitrophes en Argentine est, par extension, une conséquence de la rigidité qu’ont acquiert les législations migratoires des pays de destinations classiques (Europe occidentale, États-Unis, Canada, Australie, etc.). Ce durcissement des cadres légaux lié aux migrations internationales a en effet déjà fait surgir de nouveaux pays de destination (Espagne, Italie, Grèce notamment), lesquels ont, face aux nouveaux flux migratoires non planifiés, élaboré les lois calquées sur celles des pays de destinations classique. Ces nouveaux pays de destination, qui étaient avant la fin des années 1970 exclusivement expulseurs d’immigrants sont progressivement devenus des pays récepteurs en bonne et due forme. Aujourd’hui, ils ont adopté l’approche restrictive préconisée à l’échelle mondiale, ce qui représente de nouveaux défis en matière de souveraineté et de cohésion sociale pour de nombreux pays dont l’Argentine. Le contexte actuel de mondialisation a engendré une crise migratoire à l’échelle mondiale dans la mesure où, les immigrants voient leurs possibilités de migrer grandement réduites par la recrudescence des politiques migratoires dites restrictives. C’est donc aujourd’hui que les migrations régionales se convertissent en de très intéressants objets d’étude puisqu’elles sont la preuve de la réduction des options de destination pour les potentiels immigrants. C’est pour cette raison que nous avons étudié les flux migratoires limitrophes vers l’Argentine, afin de comprendre les causes qui les motivent et les conséquences qu’ils entraînent au sein de la société argentine contemporaine. Notre étude nous a permis de conclure que d’une part, les migrations régionales vers l’Argentine et les politiques qui s’y rattachent sont intimement liées au contexte économique de la région, et ensuite, que l’adoption de mesures restrictives à l’égard de ces flux était mieux comprise si l’on tenait compte de la vision collective des Argentins en ce qui a trait à la composition ethnique du pays.


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Este estudio de caso tiene como objetivo determinar las implicaciones del flujo de población refugiada en la implementación de la política de libre circulación de la CEDEAO; tomando como referente el flujo desde Liberia hacia Ghana generado por la Guerra Civil. Esta investigación defiende que las implicaciones pueden estar relacionadas a las dinámicas que se asocian al movimiento de personas, las cuales pueden ser negativas o positivas, razón por la cual los Estados pueden reaccionar endureciendo las políticas migratorias, la obtención de permisos laborales y de residencia, y el cierre de fronteras o la expulsión de refugiados; con el fin de evitar consecuencias a nivel político, económico o en materia de seguridad. Para comprobar lo anterior se va a realizará un análisis de texto, sobre posiciones nacionales y políticas comunitarias, así como una revisión de estudios y estadísticas relacionados con el tema.


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A 19 cal ka BP pollen and charcoal record from Lake Shaman (44°S; 71°W, Chile) was analyzed to establish vegetation, fire and climate dynamics of the forest-steppe ecotone in Central Chilean Patagonia. Lake Shaman record indicates that the upper Río Cisnes valley was free of ice at around 19 cal ka BP. From this date and until 14.8 cal ka BP, a grass steppe with high proportions of shrubs associated to colder and drier conditions than present developed in this area. A continuous increase of Nothofagus accompanied by a decline in the steppe shrubs and sudden dominance of paludal over aquatic plants from 11 cal ka BP was associated to effective moisture increase but still under modern values. The replacement of the cold-dry grass-shrub steppe by a similar-than-present forest-steppe ecotone suggests an increase in temperature indicating the onset of the Holocene. At the same time, moderate fire activity suggested by the charcoal record could be related to major fuel availability as consequence of Nothofagus forest expansion. Between 8 and 3 cal ka BP, the record indicates the easternmost position of the forest-steppe ecotone suggesting the highest effective moisture with the establishment of seasonality between 5 and 3 cal ka BP. From 3 cal ka BP, the record indicates a retraction of the forest-steppe ecotone accompanied by a high pollen record variability and an increased fire activity. These late changes suggest decreased effective moisture associated with a high climatic variability. At regional and extra-regional scale, climatic changes at Lake Shaman's record are mostly associated to changes (latitudinal shifts and/or strengthening/weakening) of past Southern Westerlies that were previously recorded along Patagonia from the Lateglacial to the mid-Holocene. During the Late Holocene, a regional pattern characterized by high record variability emerges throughout Central Chilean Patagonia. This variability would be related to (1) low magnitude Southern Westerlies changes probably associated to ENSO and/or SAM or (2) the complex relationships between vegetation, fire and human occupations during the last 3 cal ka.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Includes bibliography


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Die Geschichte und Entwicklung der ASEAN und Indonesiens im Zeitraum von 1967rnbis ins frühe 21. Jahrhundert sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Um der Frage nachrndem indonesischen Einflusspotenzial in der ASEAN im 21. Jahrhundert nachgehenrnund dann einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Rolle Indonesiens in der ASEAN gebenrnzu können, bedarf es zunächst einer Analyse dessen, was in der Vergangenheitrndazu führte, dass Indonesien in der Region als primus inter pares wahrgenommenrnwurde, und der Rolle, die Indonesien im Rahmen der Erweiterung und Vertiefung der ASEAN bisher spielte. So ist der Fokus der Arbeit auf vier Phasen gerichtet: (1) die Gründungszeit der ASEAN sowie die Etablierung Indonesiens als einer der einflussreichsten Mitgliedstaaten; (2) die asiatische Finanzkrise, die nicht nur der Entwicklung der ASEAN als erstem Erfolgsmodell regionaler Kooperation in Südostasien vorläufig ein Ende setzte, sondern auch Indonesien in große wirtschaftliche wie politische Turbulenzen trieb; (3) die überregionale Erweiterung der ASEAN und der Beginn der politischen Transformation in Indonesien sowie (4) die Vertiefung der ASEAN-Kooperation und die Stabilisierung Indonesiens als demokratischer Akteur. rnFür alle vier Phasen werden das materielle Machtprofil, die institutionellen Verknüpfungen sowie ideelle Faktoren des Einflusspotenzials Indonesiens untersucht, um sich einer Antwort auf die Frage zu nähern, über welches Einflusspotenzial Indonesien in der ASEAN des 21. Jahrhunderts verfügt. Die Analyse bringt zutage, dass es Indonesien vor der Asienkrise trotz erheblicherrnEntwicklungsrückstände möglich war, gestaltenden Einfluss auf die ASEANrnauszuüben und an regionaler Bedeutsamkeit sowie Einflusspotenzial in der ASEANrnzu gewinnen. Trotz deutlich erkennbarer Entwicklungsfortschritte ist dasrngegenwärtige Indonesien jedoch nicht in der Lage, sein Einflusspotenzial in derrnASEAN zu steigern, sich als relevanter Akteur zu etablieren und erneut einernSchlüsselrolle einzunehmen. Die Akteure der ASEAN folgen nicht wie einst denrnIdeen Indonesiens, und die regionale Fremdwahrnehmung Indonesiens wird ganzrnerheblich vom derzeitigen politischen und sozialen Wertesystem beeinflusst, mit dem sich kein anderer ASEAN-Staat ohne Einschränkung identifizieren kann. rnDie Erkenntnisse der Arbeit führen letztlich zu dem Fazit, dass es aktuell kaum Raum für eine Steigerung des indonesishen Einflusse innerhalb des ostasiatischenrnRegionalismus gibt. Für die Gegenwart und vielleicht die kommenden Dekaden mussrnfür Indonesien attestiert werden, dass es sich mit der Rolle als Teilnehmer in den ASEAN-Prozessen begnügen muss.


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Annual pollen influx has been monitored in short transects across the altitudinal tree limit in four areas of the Swiss Alps with the use of modified Tauber traps placed at the ground surface. The study areas are Grindelwald (8 traps), Aletsch (8 traps), Simplon (5 traps), and Zermatt (5 traps). The vegetation around the traps is described. The results obtained are: (1) Peak years of pollen influx (one or two in seven years) follow years of high average air temperatures during June–November of the previous year for Larix and Picea, and less clearly for Pinus non-cembra, but not at all for Pinus cembra and Alnus viridis. (2) At the upper forest limit, the regional pollen influx of trees (trees absent within 100 m of the pollen trap) relates well to the average basal area of the same taxon within 10–15 km of the study areas for Pinus cembra, Larix, and Betula, but not for Picea, Pinus non-cembra, and Alnus viridis. (3) The example of Zermatt shows that pollen influx characterises the upper forest limit, if the latter is more or less intact. (4) Presence/absence of Picea, Pinus cembra, Larix, Pinus non-cembra, and Alnus viridis trees within 50–100 m of the traps is apparent in the pollen influx in peak years of pollen influx but not in other years, suggesting that forest-limit trees produce significant amounts of pollen only in some years. (5) Pollen influx averaged over the study period correlates well with the abundance of plants around the pollen traps for conifer trees (but not deciduous trees), Calluna, Gramineae, and Cyperaceae, and less clearly so Compositae Subfam. Cichorioideae and Potentilla-type. (6) Influx of extra-regional pollen derived from south of the Alps is highest in Simplon, which is open to southerly winds, slightly lower in Aletsch lying just north of Simplon, and lowest in Zermatt sheltered from the south by high mountains and Grindelwald lying north of the central Alps.


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The ratio of oxygen isotopes is a temperature proxy both in precipitation and in the calcite of lacustrine sediments. The very similar oxygen-isotope records from Greenland ice cores and European lake sediments during the Last Glacial Termination suggest that the drastic climatic changes occurred quasi-simultaneously on an extra-regional, probably hemispheric scale. In order to study temporal relations of the different parameters recorded in lake sediments, for example biotic response times to rapid climatic changes, a precise chronology is required. In unlaminated lake sediments there is not yet available a method to provide a high-resolution chronology, especially for periods with radiocarbon plateaux. Alternatively, an indirect time scale can be constructed by linking the lake stratigraphy with other well-dated climate records. New oxygen-isotope records from Gerzensee and Leysin, with an estimated sampling resolution of between 15 and 40 years, match the Greenlandic isotope record in many details. Under the assumption that the main variations in temperature and thus in oxygen isotopes occurred about simultaneously in Greenland and Switzerland, we have assigned a time scale to the lake sediments of Gerzensee and Leysin by wiggle-matching their stable-isotope records with those of Greenland ice cores, which are among the best dated climatic archives. We estimate a precision of 20 to 100 years during the Last Glacial Termination.


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El trabajo se refiere a las primeras experiencias para producir ácido tartárico en Mendoza, al comenzar el siglo XX. El ácido tartárico, elaborado a partir de los propios residuos de la vinificación, es esencial para corregir la baja acidez de los mostos obtenidos en la región vitivinícola argentina. El objetivo es abordar las condiciones que condujeron a la producción regional del insumo, el desempeño de actores sociales regionales y extra-regionales y algunos de los problemas que debió enfrentar la iniciativa empresarial. Se parte de la hipótesis de que, además de las industrias "inducidas" (metalurgia, tonelería), la vitivinicultura moderna provocó en Mendoza la puesta en marcha y el desarrollo de industrias "derivadas", como la que se analiza.