929 resultados para Extensão rural pública.


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The present thesis evaluated the contributions and limitations of the tutorship program introduced in EMATER-RN, as a tactic of organizational socialization for civil servants in probationary stage. Tutorship was understood as an intensive and continuous relational process, in which a more experienced person in the organization the tutor offers psychosocial support, stimulates the development of the professional career and enables to the newcomer the tutee learning on job performance. The organizational socialization was considered in the perspective of the symbolic interactionism. The study was characterized as a program evaluation and as an action research. The practical interventions for the program implementation were conducted and, at the same time, the evaluations of process, results and reaction to the program were applied. Among the major contributions of the action research, it stood out: the diagnosis of reasons for the formation of the pair and of expectations of tutors and tutees, the improvement of the tutorship registration tools, the ascertainment of the success of the program in the socialization of the new civil servants, the confirmation of the importance of the compatibility among them and of the adequate performance of tutorship functions for achieving its benefits. Based in constraints of the program, one may quote as essential recommendations: the formation of a technical team supporting the program, the clear establishment of deadlines for each procedure and the reinforcement to its compliance, the investigation of the functions performed by the tutor, the sensitization of the managers to the resolution of problems that affect the program, the voluntary participation of the tutor and the continuous meetings of tutors and tutees. One settles for the relevance of the program and in favor of its continuation, provided that its improvement and systematic management are conducted.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A ciência da Agroecologia surge nos anos 70 do século XX como uma crítica ao paradigma que sustenta a agricultura convencional, que ignora os sujeitos sociais vinculados ao manejo dos recursos naturais e traz conseqüências sociais e ambientais gravíssimas. Ela propõe alternativas à divisão disciplinar da ciência positivista incorporando as perspectivas social e ecológica à análise dos sistemas agrícolas. Ela tem uma natureza pluri-epistemológica, utilizando-se de técnicas participativas, nas quais a metodologia utilizada tem uma perspectiva de pesquisa dialética. Tal perspectiva rompe com a estrutura de poder sujeito-objeto da metodologia científica convencional na qual o pesquisador é o sujeito que sabe e o pesquisado é o objeto a ser analisado. Este trabalho busca romper com essa relação de poder e dar voz a uma família de agricultores que participou do projeto desenvolvido pela Incubadora Regional de Cooperativas Populares (INCOOP/UFSCar) no Assentamento Rural Fazenda Pirituba II. Com o objetivo de analisar o processo de transição agroecológica pelo qual passa essa família e no qual esteve inserido este projeto, utilizou-se a pesquisa qualitativa e suas técnicas de observação participante, estudo de caso e história oral de vida. A desarticulação entre as instituições a não compreensão do contexto sócio-histórico local, a perda de visão do todo e a descontinuidade do projeto mostraram ser fatores determinantes para o insucesso do mesmo. Conclui-se que, financiamentos mais longos a projetos que articulem ações de organizações governamentais, não-governamentais e agricultores, vinculados a uma política pública eficiente de Extensão Rural Agroecológica podem contribuir para a geração de processos sustentáveis e autônomos nas comunidades.


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Resumen basado en el de la autora en catalán


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The purpose of this work is to analyze the knowledge relationships that articulate in projects of maintainable rural development construction for the paraiban semi-arid, analyzing the farmers daily practices and their relationship with the technological practices spread by ONGs. We took as empirical object the rural community of Lajedo de Timbaúba, municipal district of Soledade-PB, located in the very small region of paraiban Curimataú. It is a community where registers one of the first cases of maintainable rural development planning in the state of Paraíba. The analysis was centered on the farmers experiences of life in sustainability experience, trying to understand how they acquire new knowledge and how they interact with them. In methodological terms, it was considered feasible to place the knowledge interaction between the farmers and technicians from ONGs by placing the analysis according to Paulo Freire s questioning (2006): extension or communication? To understand the farmers daily practices, it was resorted to the theoretical contribution by Michel de Certeau (2008) in order to discern a microresistance movement of inversion/rejection/changing by the farmers in relation to their external knowledge. Just from the theoretical point of view and resorting to the imaginary social by Cornelius Castoriadis (1982), it was considered the way of living of the farmers researched, having as reference the experience in the material and symbolic production of their lives. It became indispensable, therefore, not to dissociate the knowledge relationships between farmers and technicians from ONGs from the sustainability concepts, maintainable rural development, and rural extension. The results of the study revealed that the farmers from Lajedo de Timbaúba while dealing with the technological practices proposed by ONGs that work in the community, express those practices from their daily logic, and they constitute them in survival strategies that are inserted in their own idiosyncrasy. It was verified, therefore, that the external knowledge presented by the proposals of sociability alternatives with the droughts in the perspective of maintainable development while placed in the farmers daily relationship, they are judged as advantageous or disadvantageous when they are confronted with their peculiar way of doing their daily work. The technological practices are incorporated, denied, or recreated starting from evaluative criteria related to the preservation of the soil and to the economical and social reproduction of the unit of production of family agriculture


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The public policies must have as their aimed the primordial at improving quality of life of families of a given population, however, its performance must be constantly monitored and evaluated scoped to ascertain whether these policies are reaching those goals. This work consisted in search of bibliographies and analysis that addressed the historical evolution of the debate on the subject of agrarian reform in Brazil as public policy and on the policy of technical assistance and rural extension, and collecting data in loco, in order to assess whether the actions implemented under this latter contribute to improvements in local development of settlements projects (PA) land reform in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), this given the constant presented criticisms regarding their effectiveness, considering that it is difficult to empirically differentiate settlements they received of those who did not receive the technical assistance services. In this way, was held the data collection for comparison of characteristics (social organization, relationship with the local environment, form of producing and evaluation of technical assistance services) of two settlements in RN, being one you have received the technical assistance services and another who has not had access to these services in the past five years, at least, to confirm whether those who had access to the above services presents best features of social organization and the relationship with the local environment, mainly, which was confirmed in the results obtained, which still demonstrated that no significant differences on the forma to produce and of commercialization in PA studied. It was also found that the problems faced by families settled in PA studied resemble those seen verified in many other Brazilian states, especially as to how to use natural resources in the areas of land reform and the instability of the availability of technical assistance services. Should be guaranteed at continuity and universality of technical assistance services to settlements, seeking a higher focus on productive issues, which provide the income necessary for families settled can have a better quality of life


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships


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This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships


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This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships


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This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships


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The thesis investigates if with the free news production, people who post information on collaborative content sites, known as interacting, tend to reproduce information that was scheduled for Tv news. This study is a comparison of the collaborative content vehicles Vc reporter, Vc no G1 and Eu reporter with TV news SBT Brasil, Jornal Nacional, Jornal da Record and Jornal da Band. We sought to determine whether those newscasts guide the collaborative platforms. The hypothesis assumes that Brazilian TV news have been building over time a credible relationship with the viewer, so it is possible to think that the interacting use the same criteria for selecting the broadcasts and reproduce similar information in collaborative content sites. The method used was content analysis, based on the study of Laurence Bardin and the type of research used was quantitative. This research concluded that, within a small portion of the universe surveyed, there are schedules of television news across the collaborative content.


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One of the biggest environmental problems of the population is the lack of sewage treatment, especially in rural communities and low-income. The development of technologies for efficient, low-cost sanitation need to be developed to meet the disadvantaged people of this basic service. This work was the implementation proposal of a technology called constructed wetlands, also known as Wastewater Treatment Plant for Roots Zone - ETEZR. The objective was to develop a non- formal environmental education proposal for redevelopment, using outreach methods for residents and deployment of this technology ETEZR in the rural community of Cologne Grebe in Sao Jose dos Pinhais - PR. With technical support from the Paranaense Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Institute -EMATER and the Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR, 5 ETEZR were deployed in the colony through three theoretical and practical workshops, which involved total 67 people from the community 5 technicians EMATER and 13 of the Municipal Town Hall. Após4 months of implementation were carried out two collections of raw wastewater and treated to analyze physical, chemical and biological parameters. The results evaluated by chemical parameters BOD, COD, phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen comparing raw and treated sewage, demonstrate that ETEZR are effective in the treatment of sewage. 5 Seasons minimum and maximum efficiency between the basic parameters analyzed were 52.2 to 95.5% for BOD; 47 to 94.5% for COD; 21.5 to 96% phosphorus; 30-98% for ammonia nitrogen. Oils and greases, and a series of solid also achieved a significant reduction in their values when comparing the raw sewage and treated sewage, and biological parameters evaluated by means of coliforms showed a reduction of 80 to 99%. With the implementation of environmental education process aimed sanitation was possible to evaluate the perception of the population to accept the environmental sanitation technology using the ETEZR, understand the needs and sanitation concepts for the community. This research evaluated the development of the methodology applied by the non-formal environmental education in order to provide subsidies for rural sanitation plan process for the municipality.


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O objetivo do trabalho é interpretar as possibilidades de inserção de políticas públicas que visam à diversificação de cultivos agrícolas em municípios produtores de tabaco. Os procedimentos metodológicos empregados na condução da pesquisa caracterizam-se como um estudo descritivo, qualitativo e quantitativo. As técnicas de pesquisa empregadas foram a entrevista semiestruturada, observações e análise documental e bibliográfica. Os sujeitos da pesquisa de campo foram famílias produtoras de tabaco dos municípios de Agudo e Paraíso do Sul/RS, Brasil, selecionadas por conveniência. A análise dos dados qualitativos foi de conteúdo e a análise dos dados quantitativos ocorreu por meio da estatística descritiva, com uso do programa estatístico, com a apresentação dos dados em médias, frequências e cruzamento de médias. Como resultados, tem-se que os produtores de tabaco estão em propriedades de até 80 hectares, têm produção de alimentos para consumo próprio, porém sua principal fonte de renda é o tabaco. Na questão da intervenção pública, há dificuldade dos agricultores em reconhecer o Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA) como parceiro. Averiguou-se que o crédito específico para a fumicultura está sendo eliminado, apesar de não se verificar o mesmo com a produção. De toda forma, um resultado captado na pesquisa, foi de que as organizações financeiras foram consideradas parceiras do produtor, com uma frequência muito superior ao MDA. Conclui-se ser desafiadora a inserção das políticas públicas entre os produtores de tabaco destes municípios. Isso dependerá de uma ação mais efetiva do serviço público de assistência técnica e de extensão rural. A influência política das corporações de tabaco é ampla, atuam em patrocínios e projetos de responsabilidade social para transparecer uma imagem pública positiva, mas também fazem um lobby agressivo nos governos para impedir e/ou atrasar a implementação de normas restritivas de sua produção que possam comprometer seus lucros. Palavras-chave: Famílias; Tabaco; Políticas Públicas; Instituições.