971 resultados para Estratégias metodológicas


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O desenvolvimento de uma sociedade depende do nível intelectual e educacional revelado pelos seus cidadãos, o que é determinado também pela qualidade de ensino. A consecução de tal qualidade implica uma adequada formação de professores e esta requer uma reflexão que permita atualização e inovação constantes do processo de Supervisão Pedagógica. Esta deve garantir a mudança e a inovação necessárias das Práticas Pedagógicas (PP), fator relevante na preparação pessoal e profissional dos docentes. Não há ensino de qualidade sem uma adequada formação de professores e esta é assegurada, obviamente, pela implementação adequada, reflexiva e permanentemente inovada das Práticas Pedagógicas. As instituições formadoras arcam com a grande responsabilidade de procurar mecanismos para dotarem os seus quadros, ou seja, os Supervisores Pedagógicos, de competências que lhes permitam exercer essa missão de forma cientificamente sustentada. Esta investigação tem por objetivo apresentar um plano de estratégias metodológicas inovadoras de Supervisão com a finalidade de introduzir melhorias no Sistema de Supervisão Pedagógica, consubstanciado fundamentalmente, nas Práticas Pedagógicas, no Curso de Biologia do ISCED/HUÍLA - Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação. O estudo foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Curso de Doutoramento de Didática e Formação da Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) e enquadradas pelo paradigma eclético. Decorreu em duas Fase, I e II. A Fase I - estudo preliminar - teve a participação de dois Professores Supervisores (PS) e 59 Alunos Futuros Professores (AFP) do 3º e 4º anos do Curso do Ensino de Biologia. Nesta fase, para a recolha de dados foram realizados inquéritos (entrevistas aos PS e questionários aos AFP). Para o tratamento de dados, recorreu-se à análise de conteúdo para as entrevistas dos PS e para as questões abertas dos questionários aos AFP; para as questões fechadas utilizou-se Microsoft Excel. Esta fase de diagnóstico teve como objetivo recolher a perceção dos participantes sobre a pertinência das estratégias metodológicas em uso na PP no Curso de Biologia e obter as suas sugestões para a respetiva melhoria. Os resultados apontaram fundamentalmente para uma mudança das estratégias das PP e para a inclusão de trabalhos práticos (laboratorial e de campo). A Fase II - estudo principal - teve como base os resultados obtidos na fase anterior. Foram concebidas, implementadas e avaliadas ações formativas e investigativas no campo da Supervisão Pedagógica, quer aos PS, quer aos AFP, visando responder às necessidades colocadas bem como as sugestões recebidas dos participantes. A recolha de dados foi realizada no âmbito das ações formativas/investigativas realizadas com os participantes. A recolha de dados foi realizada através de fichas administradas no final de cada sessão, de um questionário intermédio, para a obtenção de opiniões acerca das atividades já realizadas para serem introduzidas as emendas julgadas pertinentes com vista a melhoria do processo e de um questionário final. Como fonte complementar foram usados os portefólios dos AFP, as auscultações dos participantes, durante e no final do processo, anotados no teaching portefólio do investigador. Foi efetuada uma exposição com todo o material desenvolvido no âmbito de uma sessão de reflexão sobre as PP. Ficou consensualmente institucionalizado a realização anual de um evento para apresentação e discussão dos trabalhos das PP e, sobretudo, para a meta-reflexão das atividades supervisivas desenvolvidas ao longo do ano. As conclusões resultantes de todo o estudo, refletem a satisfação de todos os participantes, bem como o reconhecimento de que foi dada uma contribuição para a resposta ao problema levantado, às questões e subquestões da investigação, obtendo-se assim a consecução dos objetivos preconizados. Como sugestão para futuras investigações, aponta-se a conceção de ações que visem a mudança das PP para um Estágio Pedagógico. Como implicações, deste estudo, julga-se poder ter contribuído na melhoria das competências dos PS, o que poderá favorecer as suas estratégias da Supervisão Pedagógica. Tudo isto aponta para uma melhor formação do futuro professor, garantindo um ensino de qualidade que proporcionará uma melhor formação de cidadãos.


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Programa experimental de educación infantil


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Estudio que presenta una síntesis de diversas corrientes pedagógicas y un análisis de cada uno de los elementos intervinientes en la programación y práctica de la enseñanza y sus distintos enfoques. Desarrolla un modelo didáctico que comprende numerosos temas, desde las funciones del nivel inicial hasta la programación didáctica, sin olvidar los contenidos de la enseñanza, las estratégias metodológicas en las diversas áreas o las actividades del aprendizaje escolar. Este modelo didáctico está adscripto al enfoque filosófico de la educación permanente y fundamentado en la teoría del aprendizaje interaccionista-constructivista y en una teoría de la enseñanza de carácter científico, integrador y abierto..


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Efectuar una recopilación y estructuración de cuanto de más importancia ha supuesto la experiencia española en materia de informática aplicada al campo educativo, especialmente referida a los niveles Básica y BUP, con el objeto de proporcionar una visión lo más completa y exacta posible. Congresos, jornadas, encuentros desarrollados en España, fuentes del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, de las Consejerías y delegaciones de Educación, de las embajadas o agregadurías culturales. Al parangonar la situación española con la de otros países desarrollados, resulta fácilmente comprobable cómo la preocupación por la introducción de la informática en el campo de la educación presenta un considerable retraso, estimado en unos diez años. El inicio de la experiencia española en este tema puede situarse entre los últimos años de la década de los sesenta y, de manera especial, en los primeros de la siguiente. Artificialmente, y como mero recurso metodológico, es posible distinguir en el proceso histórico seguido en España dos grandes momentos: el primero, que es posible extender desde los inicios hasta aproximádamente 1984 y el segundo desde esa fecha hasta nuestros días. La actitud del profesorado español se caracteriza, en términos generales, por mitificación y concepción un tanto mágica del ordenador, por una parte, y, por otra, por la manifiestación de dos posturas básicas contrapuestas: pleitesía total y temor radical. Entre las razones que explican ésta situación se pueden señalar el notable desconocimiento del tema, la proverbial resistencia del profesorado a todo tipo de cambio, la ausencia de evidencias acerca de la efectividad del ordenador en materia de educación y una notable dosis de rutina y ausencia de creatividad. Entre los problemas propios que persisten en el actual panorama español se destacan una deficiente formación del profesorado, notables deficiencias en cuanto a la elaboración de software educativo, escasa importancia otorgada a la elaboración de este tipo de software y un nivel bajo de investigación en esta materia. A la vista de las carencias y limitaciones que presenta el panorama español en materia de aplicación de la informática en la educación se sugiere racionalizar y desacelerar el proceso, centralizar y unificar proyectos y experiencias, proporcionar al profesorado una mejor formación en materia de informática educativa, fortalecer la investigación en este campo. Esta investigación podría discurrir por algunas líneas fundamentales, actitudinales y sociales de la aplicación del ordenador en el aula, estudiar los efectos cognitivos de la aplicación de los ordenadores en la educación de los muchachos, comparar la eficacia de los lenguajes informáticos desde el punto de vista educativo, establecer los estilos cognitivos y las nuevas estratégias de pensamiento que desarrollan cada uno de los lenguajes utilizados en el campo de la educación y proponer nuevas estratégias metodológicas basadas en el uso del ordenador.


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Qualquer trabalho científico exige dedicação e perseverança. Porém, sem tema ou objetivos pré-definidos, não podemos iniciá-lo e, muito menos, orientarmo-nos. Assim, e porque uma aula de Espectro do Autismo despertou curiosidade e interesse em explorar esse mundo incógnito e, até então,desconhecido, optei por incidir o trabalho na temática, inclusão de crianças autistas no jardim-de-infância, focando a atitude dos educadores. Neste sentido, tendo em conta tudo o que envolve a patologia do autismo, senti uma necessidade de fazer uma pesquisa bibliográfica exaustiva, de forma, a que todos os conhecimentos apreendidos contribuam para um maior esclarecimento, tanto para mim, enquanto Educadora de infância, como para todos aqueles que venham a necessitar de saber mais sobre o Autismo. Foi no sentido de esclarecer todas as dúvidas à cerca desta temática que iniciei este projeto de investigação, tendo efetuado através de questionários, uma pesquisa entre educadoras de infância sobre a forma como percecionam a inclusão de crianças autistas no pré-escolar, no sentido de aprofundar e recolher informações relativamente aos benefícios de uma intervenção precoce, às estratégias metodológicas utilizadas e às dificuldades sentidas pelos educadores na inclusão destas crianças. Os dados obtidos durante esta investigação permitiram compreender melhor a patologia do autismo e ao mesmo tempo ter a noção da realidade da inclusão das crianças autistas nos nossos Jardins de Infância.


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This research investigates how functionality, rationality, and emotionality applied to urban furniture design contribute to the organization, legibility, and qualification of public spaces, according to different layouts, physical and visual qualities of the urban furniture as well as the quality of urban infrastructure that may influence the uses and appropriation of urban spaces by pedestrians, turning those spaces into socially centripetal or centrifugal places. The work consists of two parts. First refers to a bibliographical review concerning two main issues of the investigation: product design and legibility of public space, defining the conceptual and theoretical bases, linked to methodological strategies aimed at systemic planning and integrated management of urban furniture design and legibility of public spaces (sidewalks), that are necessary to define the existing relationships among the user s interface (pedestrians); product (urban artifacts); built environment (sidewalks). The second part refers to the achievement of empirical approach throughout visual analysis of public spaces and the functional and qualitative evaluation of the existing urban furniture in the central neighborhood of Cidade Alta, Natal, RN, according to the theoretical researched concepts and methodological procedures. The results expose the weaknesses and levels of intensity arising from the relations among public space, urban furniture, and users, revealing the need for theoretical and practical approaches which would help the decision-making in planning, designing and integrating innovative, sustainable, and ethical solutions in order to design attractive public spaces that could provide sociability and citizenship throughout integrated public management, city systemic thinking and urban identity. The suggested guidelines at the end of this research will provide the necessary strategies to design suitable urban furniture systems according to aesthetic and practical urban infrastructure and city context, aiming to ease visual and physical conflicts that may negatively interfere with the appropriation of public spaces by the citizens


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Rogram relying on sociological interface between Economic Sociology, Sociology of Moral Theory of Socialization and Social Stratification, this dissertation research makes use of theoretical contributions Luic Boltanski, Charles Taylor, Axel Honneth, Pierre Bourdieu and Bernard Lahire to problematize the generally about the physical and symbolic production and social reproduction of the type of "economic ethics" predominant in the new petite bourgeoisie Brazilian. In other words, the goal is to explain and analyze the objective conditions (economic needs and moral grammar) and intersubjective (modes of socialization and social networks) and update the social genesis and contextual transcontextual beliefs, biases, inclinations and cultural regularities observed the economic behavior of individual profiles for the fractions of the urban petty bourgeoisie and commercial upward Natal / RN. With regard to methodological strategies adopted in data collection will be conducted qualitative interviews (semistructured) and ethnographic notes. In turn, the analytical treatment of the collected empirical content is based on the approach dispositionalist (Pierre Bourdieu, Loïc Wacquant and Bernard Lahire) that emphasizes the study of the past embedded agents and the different contexts of incorporation / activation / inhibition of "provisions" individual cultural


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Cette narrative fait le parcours d une recherche et de ses reflexions ici annoncé comme une odissée gastronomique et une géografie gourmante , dont les elements interpretatifs rendent possible concevoir qu une lecture de la métaphore et de la stéthique alimentaire puissent contribuer pour penser une éducation sensible, complexe, une education guidée par une experimentation esthétique de la condition humaine, qui provoque les sens, qui permettent évoquer et récuperer les connaissances et les savoirs pertinents, et qui confirme l indissociabilité du sujet dans ses plusieurs poles : nature et culture, émotion et raison. Comme contribution epistémologique, la dissertation, cherche étendre la compréhension d études qui abordent le Corp, l Aliment, la Métaphore, l Esthétique et l Éducation, en déclanchant des relations entre les espaces académicien et cotidien, en expérimentant d autres formes de sentir, penser et d être dans le monde. Poussée par une raison gourmande, et comme dans un rituel de préparation d aliment, j opte par les rélations transversales des savoirs ; je construis un dialogue entre les auteurs de domaine de connaissances multiples, comme la Filosophie, l Antropologie, l Étologie et l Éducation, en travaillant une reconstruction de concepts. Pour la tâche de cette odissée gastronomique, je découvre l approche entre un programme, comme méthode, et un livre de recettes culinaires hermétiques. J ai choisi de construir des estratégies métodologiques qui indiquent les chemins sur les quelles l imagination, la créativité et la réinvention, non seulement puissent mais doivent servir comme des épiceries qui emprègne d odeurs, de saveurs et de couleurs la connaissance, sans laisser de côté la rigueur, principe inégociable dans une science ouverte. J ai choisi, pour m accompagner dans cet étude, des sages, des scientistes et des poètes, entre eux je fais remarquer Michel Onfray, Boris Cyrulnik, Merleau-Ponty, Edgar Morin e Conceição Almeida. Avec eux, j ai déssiné des cartes, goûté des géographies, des terres, des ciels. J ai fréquenter des histoires et des personnages concrets et imaginaires; j ai convoqué des souvenirs acumulés pendant l enfance, avec ses trames, ses textures, ses saveurs, ses parfuns, ses couleurs, ses images, ses gestes, ses mots et ses silences, où le corp devient un médiateur d accès à la connaissance. Comme artifice complémentaire pour suivre la route, je parie sur le rapport fondamental entre le corp, l aliment, la métaphore, l esthétique et l Éducation, je m utilise du Cinéma, en cherchant d apprendre dans cet art, une éxistentialité humaine par le rapport entre la vie, l aliment et les personnages. Finalement, je reaffirme l importance de nourir des affections par une formation et une manière de penser capables de conecté des connaissances d univers dinstingués, et qui contribuent pour une conscience de la condition humaine et l apprentissage d une éducation de la vie et pour la vie


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Being a teacher is a challenging task, driving action strategies that mobilize technical dimensions of being / doing teaching, but also affection. This research was conducted with teachers / students of the Special Program of formation for Teachers of Basic Education agricultural zone (PROFIR) developed by the Federal University of Acre in partnership with the State Department of Education (SEE) and City Halls of the region; locus typically Amazon and, in this research, comprises five municipalities in the Valley of Juruá - Acre. Northern Brazil. It Aims to capture the social representation of being a teacher in riverside communities. We performed this study from the Theory of Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 1978, 1990, 2005a, 2005b, 2009, 2011) and (JODELET, 2001), from discussions on teacher formation (LDB No. 9394 of 1996). Work, among others, (TARDIF, 2004), (TARDIF; LESSARD, 2007), (NÓVOA, 1992, 1999), (ARROYO, 2007). We used as a methodological strategy, the multiple classification procedure (PCM), which is organized in two steps: Free Classification and Directed Classification, as well as semi-structured interviews, involving, thus, 137 teachers surveyed. For the analysis of the data, we appealed to software SPSS, version 13.0 for Windows, mapping the elements of the representational content through Multidimensional Analysis (MSA and SSA). Through the different strategies of analysis, we identified from the Free Classification, the regionalization: Beyond forest, teaching Attributes and Mobilized Attributes. With data of the Directed Classification, the analysis was based on the Theory of Facets (BILSKY, 2003) and (BUSCHINI, 2005) and we found: Reference of teacher; Negative Dimension and affective and technicians attributes. Finally, with the Analysis of Content (BARDIN, 2004) e (FRANK, 2005) and of the interviews the categories we found the categories: Urban relation versus agricultural, Knowledge in construction and possible bets. The report of the experiences along the edge of the rivers, in these different methodological strategies and of analysis, demonstrates the existence of symbolic and representational elements that influence and guide the educational conduct and actions of these teachers and that they are deeply anchored and objectified in technical and affective elements of the making teacher. They daily live deeply the concreteness of the Amazonian realism redesigning the Real and the symbolic one as a way to understand themselves as a teacher in adversity of this context. We also observed the historical, social and cultural local marks, framing, thus, the collective personality and generating its guides of action


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El presente estudio tiene como tema principal el debate sobre la evaluación de la escuela, específicamente la evaluación de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la educación física en la escuela. Presenta las tendencias pedagógicas que influyeron en los modelos de valoración de la educación en general y específicamente determinados que el proceso de evaluación en la escuela de educación física. Analiza la evaluación en educación física de una experiencia de enseñanza en la escuela pública. Para ello, hemos desarrollado la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuáles son las posibilidades de evaluación en Educación Física, teniendo en cuenta su significado y sus implicaciones en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que experimentan los estudiantes? Ya que era un problema se guían la reflexión sobre nuestra práctica docente, hablamos de la evaluación en Educación Física de cinco cuestiones esenciales para nuestra consideración, a saber: ¿para qué evaluar (razones) para evaluar la (las dimensiones del contenido ), al evaluar (momentos) se evalúa (estrategias metodológicas), que evalúa (responsable de la evaluación)? En este sentido, este estudio tuvo como objetivo discutir el proceso de evaluación en Educación Física, al reflexionar sobre su significado y sus implicaciones pedagógicas en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la educación física, y guiado por el informe de una experiencia de aprendizaje experiencia en una clase de 6 º y 7 º grado de la escuela primaria Escuela Fernandes Arcelina Estado, ubicado en la ciudad de Macaíba / RN. Hemos encontrado en este estudio que es la evaluación de la escuela es un proceso complejo determinado por muchos factores sociales,. Jurídica, cultural, estructural, y que sea útil para repensar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y su propia práctica docente También creemos que nuestro estudio se revela como una evaluación metodológica de las posibilidades. En ella, que se encuentra es posible evaluar en Educación Física que estudia no sólo los resultados de aprendizaje de los contenidos técnicos, habilidades y destrezas motrices, sino que nos permite analizar el rendimiento de los estudiantes en otras dimensiones de la integridad humana, como la las actitudes (valores), los conceptos, los aspectos afectivos y sociales


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At the current time of demographic changes in the world , it is observed that the health sector requires restructuring of its practices in caring for the elderly , in order to enable a comprehensive and humane care . In this sense, we identify the need for qualified professionals to assist the elderly and, therefore , it is important that training curricula are adequate to this reality . The study aims to analyze how it develops teaching gerontological nursing component in undergraduate nursing . This is a descriptive , exploratory study with a qualitative approach, in two higher education institutions in the city of Natal / RN . The population involved corresponded to the coordinators of graduate courses in nursing and teachers who teach content of health care for the elderly, a total of seven participants . The data collection instruments were used: a questionnaire containing questions related to the characterization of the participants and the teaching of gerontological nursing in undergraduate courses in nursing and a form with items of analysis for pedagogical projects . The results were presented descriptively in tables and analyzed from coming themes of the main themes of the instruments defined in: knowledge about the research participants , knowledge of teaching gerontological nursing component and knowledge of pedagogical projects , discussed under Resolution paragraph . 03 of 7/11/2001 , which establishes standards for the nursing program , the educational projects of educational institutions , the Theoretical Donald Shoon and thematically relevant literature . The results indicate that the majority of participants were female (four), all have graduate though , none of them stated in the qualification of aging or elderly health area; the organization of the contents of the component in the curriculum, workload theoretical- methodological and practical teaching strategies presented was heterogeneous and sometimes diverging at the same institution . On the definition of gerontological nursing component was identified that is not well defined along the pedagogical design of educational institutions surveyed . It was concluded that in the context of this study , teaching gerontological nursing is present in the course of nursing education, but needs reevaluation and updating in order to teach a wider range of driving and health practices


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O presente artigo discute a relevância de algumas estratégias metodológicas da Análise Aplicada do Comportamento para examinar práticas educativas parentais. Um instrumento e um conceito relacionados à coleta e análise de dados são discutidos sob a ótica teórica e aplicada: relatos verbais e análise funcional comportamental descritiva. Conclui-se que, consideradas as limitações dos relatos, as informações obtidas com essa estratégia e com a análise funcional comportamental descritiva permitem inferir algumas hipóteses sobre os comportamentos de pais e de filhos que podem ser utilizadas em ações que procuram investigar e intervir sobre os comportamentos problema e as habilidades sociais.


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The present time is marked by the art of escape from death, which has become synonymous with failure, its exposure has become intolerable and the care of the dead body were assigned to third parties who market this practice through services and products that shape the market undertaker. In this context, in which death is an object of study, has arisen funeral officers, as professionals dealing with a dead body, with the pain of relatives and their reactions, often being the first to have contact with the death scene. As professionals in the health area, the morticians also deal with death. The first attempt to prevent the arrival of death, funeral officers already has begun their work routine from there. Death and its surrounding part of their profession. What about those professionals whose work demands as a feared and denied by society? This study aims to understand the intents, meanings and implications for the mortician to deal with death in their daily work in order to focus renewed attention to the care of these professionals. To this end, it was carried out a qualitative research grounded in the theoretical framework of Gadamerian hermeneutics for production and interpretation of narratives. It was used two methodological strategies for data collection: in-depth interview with script and workshop with the use of "scenes". Research participants were nine morticians funeral of two funeral agencies of the city of Natal. It was possible to detect the presence of the social imaginary of interdiction on the theme of death from living with feelings of his presence daily, from the need of respondents to naturalize their contacts with death, a requirement of their office to deal with the difficulties of manipulating body fluids and odors, sometimes in a state of decomposition; allied to wishes to achieve the goal of delivering to family-customers a "embellished" body for the final farewell. Being a mortician, in addition to not being a professional motivation, involves facing difficulties related to heavy routine work, low salaries, unprofitable work materials and equipments, besides having to deal with the social gaze that devalues the profession. In turn, they also deal with the pain coming especially from contact with family members, either when they are targets of these feelings of anger, whether they identify with the pain of the bereaved ones. On the other hand, when the recognition and gratitude of the families occur, they find meaning and beauty in their profession of caring for the dead body. The present study by giving voice to morticians has become possible to understand better their profession, the pain that surrounds and care needs of these workers. Finally, it has argued that the mortician may be recognized as a care professional for the way exercising caution with the dead body and their families.


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Intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents is a highly complex and serious issue in terms of the damage caused to this population. However, despite the relevance of this discussion, the matter only began to be addressed in the second half of the twentieth century, with its inclusion in academic research from the perspective of damage caused to the victims. Debate on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents has intensified in recent decades, particularly with the enactment of the Statute on Children and Adolescents (Federal Law 8069/90), which recognizes children and adolescents as rights holders. Open discussion on the issue meant several fields of knowledge began to study the topic. Particularly prominent among these areas is the field of Psychology, promoting theoretical discussions and practical interventions focusing on this type of violence. Given the theoretical and methodological diversity of psychological science and the many possibilities for the production of knowledge, this study aims to map and debate research conducted in the field that discusses intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents in Brazil. To that end, articles published in Psychology journals were analyzed. In order to achieve this objective, a search was conducted of Scielo Brasil using descriptors on the subject, chosen from a list reported by Faleiros (2000). The time frame studied was between 1990 and 2013, therefore included the date of the enactment of the Statute of Children and Adolescents. Qualitative analysis was selected as a data analysis technique around two main themes. The first involved analyzing the concept of intrafamily sexual violence based on its components. The second analytical theme addressed the theoretical and methodological strategies used by the authors. The aim was to identify and discuss the approaches chosen to achieve the proposed objectives as well as the justifications provided by the authors for their research. Analyses of these themes were based on theoretical discussions on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents. Difficulties were identified in conceptualizing intrafamily sexual violence so as to include all its elements and differentiate it from sexual exploitation. The studies assessed showed substantial diversity in both the theoretical and methodological approaches used, contributing to understanding the phenomenon. It is expected that this study will contribute to reflection on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents, promoting new studies and/or practical interventions


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The general purpose of the study was the analysis of residents' participation in the program of door-by-door collection of recyclable residuals in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Even though the conception of such program by municipal managers was basically aimed at providing job opportunities and income for the collectors, the main objective of the investigation was to verify whether residents' participation could be attributed to their environmental commitment. Data collection involved three municipal districts and was performed in three stages, with complementary methodological strategies (observation, questionnaire, and interview), and characterized by selfevaluation, by residents, and hetero-evaluation, by collectors. Social, demographic, situational/contextual, and dispositional data were identified to help in the analysis of residents' adherence to the program. Separating and delivering recyclable residuals was the most frequent type of residents' participation, which demonstrates their low level of appropriation of decisions related to the program, taking part on it as passive agents. Two forms of motivation towards participating in the program were found: environmental and social. Despite the first being more frequent, it was associated to lack of environmental awareness related to the process, which may very well imply a mere reproduction of pro-environmental discourse. Motivation towards social issues was strongly connected to philanthropic forms of help. Knowledge was revealed as na important predictor for participation, as well as social networks, formed by neighbors, relatives and friends. Despite the social emphasis in the design of the program, it is possible to conclude that some residents also perceive its environmental benefits, possibly as consequence of a knowledge originated outside the program. Initiatives of environmental education should be promoted in order to minimize the allegation of lack of knowledge as justification for non-participation. Similarly, actions to put together municipal management and population would be welcome, to promote joint decisions towards sustainable styles of life