995 resultados para Equienergetic self-complementary graphs


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Formulae for the generating functions for hypergraphs, dihypergraphs, oriented hypergraphs, selfcomplementary directed hypergraphs and self complementary hypergraphs are presented here.


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The crystal structures of the synthetic self-complementary octamer d(G-G-T-A-T-A-C-C) and its 5-bromouracil-containing analogue have been refined to R values of 20% and 14% at resolutions of 1·8 and 2·25 Å, respectively. The molecules adopt an A-DNA type double-helical conformation, which is minimally affected by crystal forces. A detailed analysis of the structure shows a considerable influence of the nucleotide sequence on the base-pair stacking patterns. In particular, the electrostatic stacking interactions between adjacent guanine and thymine bases produce symmetric bending of the double helix and a major-groove widening. The sugar-phosphate backbone appears to be only slightly affected by the base sequence. The local variations in the base-pair orientation are brought about by correlated adjustments in the backbone torsion angles and the glycosidic orientation. Sequence-dependent conformational variations of the type observed here may contribute to the specificity of certain protein-DNA interactions.


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The self-complementary DNA fragment CCGGCGCCGG crystallizes in the rhombohedral space group R3 with unit cell parameters a = 54.07 angstrom and c = 44.59 angstrom. The structure has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods at 2.2 angstrom resolution and refined to an R value of 16.7%. In the crystal, the decamer forms B-DNA double helices with characteristic groove dimensions: compared with B-DNA of random sequence, the minor groove is wide and deep and the major groove is rather shallow. Local base pair geometries and stacking patterns are within the range commonly observed in B-DNA crystal structures. The duplex bears no resemblance to A-form DNA as might have been expected for a sequence with only GC base pairs. The shallow major groove permits an unusual crystal packing pattern with several direct intermolecular hydrogen bonds between phosphate oxygens and cytosine amino groups. In addition, decameric duplexes form quasi-infinite double helices in the crystal by end-to-end stacking. The groove geometries and accessibilities of this molecule as observed in the crystal may be important for the mode of binding of both proteins and drug molecules to G/C stretches in DNA.


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Phenylboronic acids can exist, in principle, in three different conformers (syn,syn; syn,anti and anti,anti) with distinct energy profiles. In their native state, these compounds prefer the energetically favored syn, anti-conformation. In molecular complexes, however, the functionality exhibits conformational diversity. In this paper we report a series of co-crystals, with N-donor compounds, prepared by a design strategy involving the synthons based on the syn, syn-conformation of the boronic acid functionality. For this purpose, we employed compounds with the 1,2-diazo fragment (alprazolam, 1H-tetrazole, acetazolamide and benzotriazole), 1,10-phenanthroline and 2,2'-bipyridine for the co-crystallization experiments. However, our study shows that the mere presence of the 1,2-diazo fragment in the coformer does not guarantee the successful formation of co-crystals with a syn, syn-conformation of the boronic acid. [GRAPHICS] The -B(OH)(2) fragment makes unsymmetrical O-H center dot center dot center dot N heterosynthons with alprazolam (ALP) and 1,10-phenanthroline (PHEN). In the co-crystals of phenylboronic acids with 1H-tetrazole (TETR) and 2,2'-bipyridine (BPY), the symmetrical boronic acid dimer is the major synthon. In the BPY complex, boronic acid forms linear chains and the pyridine compound interacts with the lateral OH of boronic acid dimers that acts as a connector, thus forming a ladder structure. In the TETR complex, each heterocycle interacts with three boronic acids. While two boronic acids interact using the phenolic group, the third molecule generates O-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds using the extra OH group, of -B(OH)(2) fragment, left after the dimer formation. Thus, although molecules were selected retrosynthetically with the 1,2-diazo fragment or with nearby hetero-atoms to induce co-crystal formation using the syn,syn-orientation of the -B(OH)(2) functionality, co-crystal formation is in fact selective and is probably driven by energy factors. Acetazolamide (ACET) contains self-complementary functional groups and hence creates stable homosynthons. Phenylboronic acids being weak competitors fail to perturb the homosynthons and hence the components crystallize separately. Therefore, besides the availability of possible hydrogen bond acceptors in the required position and orientation, the ability of the phenyl-boronic acid to perturb the existing interactions is also a prerequisite to form co-crystals. This is illustrated in the table below. In the case of ALP, PHEN and BPY, the native structures are stabilized by weak interactions and may be influenced by the boronic acid fragment. Thus phenylboronic acids can attain co-crystals with those compounds, wherein the cyclic O-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds are stronger than the individual homo-interactions. This can lower the lattice energy of the molecular complex as compared with the individual crystals. [GRAPHICS] Phenylboronic acids show some selectivity in the formation of co-crystals with N-heterocycles. The differences in solubility of the components fall short to provide a possible reason for the selective formation of co-crystals only with certain compounds. These compounds, being weak acids, do not follow the Delta pK(a) analysis and hence fail to provide any conclusive observation. Theoretical results show that of the three conformers possible, the syn,anti conformer is the most stable. The relative stabilities of the three conformers syn,anti,syn,syn and anti,anti are 0.0, 2.18 and 3.14 kcal/mol, respectively. The theoretical calculations corroborate the fact that only energetically favorable synthons can induce the formation of heterosynthons, as in ALP and PHEN complexes. From a theoretical and structural analysis it is seen that phenylboronic acids will form interactions with those molecules wherein the heterocyclic and acidic fragments can interrupt the homosynthons. However, the energy profile is shallow and can be perturbed easily by the presence of competing functional groups (such as OH and COOH) in the vicinity. [GRAPHICS] .


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Thiourea-based antithyroid drugs are effectively used for the treatment of hyperthyroidism. In this paper, we describe the synthesis of new trisulfides (11-12) from the commonly used thiourea-based antithyroid drugs such as 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU) and 6-methyl-2-thiouracil (MTU) in the reaction with I-2/KI system. Structural analysis by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies revealed the stabilization of trisulfides by a lactam-lactim tautomerism facilitating effective intramolecular as well as intermolecular non-covalent interactions. Although the structures of both trisulfides were found to be quite similar, a notable difference in the intermolecular interactions was observed between compounds 11 and 12 leading to different structural patterns. Structural stabilization of these trisulfides by tautomerism followed by intramolecular as well as intermolecular H-bonds makes these molecules as perfect examples in molecular recognition with self-complementary donor and acceptor units within a single molecule. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of the context of the flanking sequence on ligand binding to DNA oligonucleotides that contain consensus binding sites was investigated for the binding of the intercalator 7-amino actinomycin D. Seven self-complementary DNA oligomers each containing a centrally located primary binding site, 5'-A-G-C-T-3', flanked on either side by the sequences (AT)(n) or (AA)(n) (with n = 2, 3, 4) and AA(AT)(2), were studied. For different flanking sequences, (AA)(n)-series or (AT)(n)-series, differential fluorescence enhancements of the ligand due to binding were observed. Thermodynamic studies indicated that the flanking sequences not only affected DNA stability and secondary structure but also modulated ligand binding to the primary binding site. The magnitude of the ligand binding affinity to the primary site was inversely related to the sequence dependent stability. The enthalpy of ligand binding was directly measured by isothermal titration calorimetry, and this made it possible to parse the binding free energy into its energetic and entropic terms.


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Several factors can influence charge transport (CT)-mediated DNA, such as sequence, distance, base stacking, base pair mismatch, conformation, tether length, etc. However, the DNA context effect or how flanking sequences influence redox active drugs in the DNA CT reaction and later in DNA enzymatic repair and synthesis is still not well understood. The set of seven DNA molecules in this study have been characterized well for the study of flanking sequence effects. These DNA duplexes are formed from self-complementary strands and contain the common central four-base sequence 5'-A-G-C-T-3', flanked on both sides by either (AT)(n) or (AA)(n) (n = 2, 3, or 4) or AA(AT)(2). UV-vis, fluorescence, UV melting, circular dichroism, and cyclic voltammetry experiments were used to study the flanking sequence effect on CT-mediated DNA by using daunomycin or adriamycin cross-linked with these seven DNA molecules. Our results showed that charge transport was related to the flanking sequence, DNA melting free energy, and ionic strength. For (AA)(n) or (AT)(n) species of the same length, (AA)(n) series were more stable and more efficient CT was observed through the (AA)(n) series. The same trend was observed for (AA)(n) and (AT)(n) series at different ionic strengths, further supporting the idea that flanking sequence can result in different base stacking and modulate charge transport through these seven DNA molecules.


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Oligonucleotides containing a 3'-thiothymidine residue (T3's) at the cleavage site for the EcoRV restriction endonuclease (between the central T and A residues of the sequence GATATC) have been prepared on an automated DNA synthesizer using 5'-O-monomethoxytritylthymidine 3'-S-(2-cyanoethyl N,N-di-isopropylphosphorothioamidite). The self-complementary sequence GACGAT3'sATCGTC was completely resistant to cleavage by EcoRV, while the heteroduplex composed of 5'-TCTGAT3'sATCCTC and 5'-GAGGATATCAGA (duplex 4) was cleaved only in the unmodified strand (5'-GAGGATATCAGA). In contrast, strands containing a 3'-S-phosphorothiolate linkage could be chemically cleaved specifically at this site with Ag+. A T3's residue has also been incorporated in the (-) strand of double-stranded closed circular (RF IV) M13mp18 DNA at the cleavage site of a unique EcoRV recognition sequence by using 5'-pCGAGCTCGAT3'sATCGTAAT as a primer for polymerization on the template (+) strand of M13mp18 DNA. On treatment of this substrate with EcoRV, only one strand was cleaved to produce the RF II or nicked DNA. Taken in conjunction with the cleavage studies on the oligonucleotides, this result demonstrates that the 3'-S-phosphorothiolate linkage is resistant to scission by EcoRV. Additionally, the phosphorothiolate-containing strand of the M13mp18 DNA could be cleaved specifically at the point of modification using iodine in aqueous pyridine. The combination of enzymatic and chemical techniques provides, for the first time, a demonstrated method for the sequence-specific cleavage of either the (+) or (-) strand.


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A four-wavelength MAD experiment on a new brominated octanucleotide is reported here. d[ACGTACG(5-BrU)], C77H81BrN30O32P7, (DNA) = 2235, tetragonal, P43212 (No. 96), a = 43.597, c = 26.268 Å, V = 49927.5 Å3, Z = 8, T = 100 K, R = 10.91% for 4312 reflections between 15.0 and 1.46 Å resolution. The self-complementary brominated octanucleotide d[ACGTACG(5-BrU)]2 has been crystallized and data measured to 1.45 Å at both 293 K and a second crystal flash frozen at 100 K. The latter data collection was carried out to the same resolution at the four wavelengths 0.9344, 0.9216, 0.9208 and 0.9003 Å, around the Br K edge at 0.92 Å and the structure determined from a map derived from a MAD data analysis using pseudo-MIR methodology, as implemented in the program MLPHARE. This is one of the first successful MAD phasing experiments carried out at Sincrotrone Elettra in Trieste, Italy. The structure was refined using the data measured at 0.9003 Å, anisotropic temperature factors and the restrained least-squares refinement implemented in the program SHELX96, and the helical parameters are compared with those previously determined for the isomorphous d(ACGTACGT)2 analogue. The asymmetric unit consists of a single strand of octamer with 96 water molecules. No countercations were located. The A-DNA helix geometry obtained has been analysed using the CURVES program.


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d(ACGTACGT), C78H84N30O32P7.20H2O, Mr (DNA) = 2170, tetragonal, P43212 (No 96), a = 42.845 (1), b = 42.845(1), c = 24.804 (1) Å, V = 45532.5 (2) Å3, z = 8,(MoK) = 0.71069 Å,µ(MoK) = 0.10 mm-1, T = 295 K, R = 0.18 for 1994 unique reflections between 5.0 and 1.9 Å resolution. The self-complementary octanucleotide d(ACGTACGT)2 has been crystallized and its structure determined to a resolution of 1.9 Å. The asymmetric unit consists of a single strand of octamer with 20 water molecules. It is only the second example of an octanucleotide having terminal A·T base pairs whose structure has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The sequence adopts the modified A-type conformation found for all octanucleotide duplexes studied to date with the helix bent by approximately 15° and an average tilt angle of 0°. Unusually the data collection was carried out using a 3 kW molybdenum sealed-tube source. The conformational details are discussed in comparison with other closely related sequences.


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We report the synthesis and characterization of a healable, elastomeric shape recovery supramolecular polyurethane whose properties result from self-complementary π−π stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions plus phase separation. ESEM analysis and photographic images have revealed that this material can heal at 45 °C in 15 min to recover the mechanical properties of the pristine material with healing efficiencies >99%. This supramolecular polyurethane is also able to recover an applied strain of 25% within 5 min of release of the load.


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Supramolecular self-assembly represents a key technology for the spontaneous construction of nanoarchitectures and for the fabrication of materials with enhanced physical and chemical properties. In addition, a significant asset of supramolecular self-assemblies rests on their reversible formation, thanks to the kinetic lability of their non-covalent interactions. This dynamic nature can be exploited for the development of “self-healing” and “smart” materials towards the tuning of their functional properties upon various external factors. One particular intriguing objective in the field is to reach a high level of control over the shape and size of the supramolecular architectures, in order to produce well-defined functional nanostructures by rational design. In this direction, many investigations have been pursued toward the construction of self-assembled objects from numerous low-molecular weight scaffolds, for instance by exploiting multiple directional hydrogen-bonding interactions. In particular, nucleobases have been used as supramolecular synthons as a result of their efficiency to code for non-covalent interaction motifs. Among nucleobases, guanine represents the most versatile one, because of its different H-bond donor and acceptor sites which display self-complementary patterns of interactions. Interestingly, and depending on the environmental conditions, guanosine derivatives can form various types of structures. Most of the supramolecular architectures reported in this Thesis from guanosine derivatives require the presence of a cation which stabilizes, via dipole-ion interactions, the macrocyclic G-quartet that can, in turn, stack in columnar G-quadruplex arrangements. In addition, in absence of cations, guanosine can polymerize via hydrogen bonding to give a variety of supramolecular networks including linear ribbons. This complex supramolecular behavior confers to the guanine-guanine interactions their upper interest among all the homonucleobases studied. They have been subjected to intense investigations in various areas ranging from structural biology and medicinal chemistry – guanine-rich sequences are abundant in telomeric ends of chromosomes and promoter regions of DNA, and are capable of forming G-quartet based structures– to material science and nanotechnology. This Thesis, organized into five Chapters, describes mainly some recent advances in the form and function provided by self-assembly of guanine based systems. More generally, Chapter 4 will focus on the construction of supramolecular self-assemblies whose self-assembling process and self-assembled architectures can be controlled by light as external stimulus. Chapter 1 will describe some of the many recent studies of G-quartets in the general area of nanoscience. Natural G- quadruplexes can be useful motifs to build new structures and biomaterials such as self-assembled nanomachines, biosensors, therapeutic aptamer and catalysts. In Chapters 2-4 it is pointed out the core concept held in this PhD Thesis, i.e. the supramolecular organization of lipophilic guanosine derivatives with photo or chemical addressability. Chapter 2 will mainly focus on the use of cation-templated guanosine derivatives as a potential scaffold for designing functional materials with tailored physical properties, showing a new way to control the bottom-up realization of well-defined nanoarchitectures. In section 2.6.7, the self-assembly properties of compound 28a may be considered an example of open-shell moieties ordered by a supramolecular guanosine architecture showing a new (magnetic) property. Chapter 3 will report on ribbon-like structures, supramolecular architectures formed by guanosine derivatives that may be of interest for the fabrication of molecular nanowires within the framework of future molecular electronic applications. In section 3.4 we investigate the supramolecular polymerizations of derivatives dG 1 and G 30 by light scattering technique and TEM experiments. The obtained data reveal the presence of several levels of organization due to the hierarchical self-assembly of the guanosine units in ribbons that in turn aggregate in fibrillar or lamellar soft structures. The elucidation of these structures furnishes an explanation to the physical behaviour of guanosine units which display organogelator properties. Chapter 4 will describe photoresponsive self-assembling systems. Numerous research examples have demonstrated that the use of photochromic molecules in supramolecular self-assemblies is the most reasonable method to noninvasively manipulate their degree of aggregation and supramolecular architectures. In section 4.4 we report on the photocontrolled self-assembly of modified guanosine nucleobase E-42: by the introduction of a photoactive moiety at C8 it is possible to operate a photocontrol over the self-assembly of the molecule, where the existence of G-quartets can be alternately switched on and off. In section 4.5 we focus on the use of cyclodextrins as photoresponsive host-guest assemblies: αCD–azobenzene conjugates 47-48 (section 4.5.3) are synthesized in order to obtain a photoresponsive system exhibiting a fine photocontrollable degree of aggregation and self-assembled architecture. Finally, Chapter 5 contains the experimental protocols used for the research described in Chapters 2-4.


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The DNA analogue tricyclo-DNA, built from conformationally rigid nucleoside analogues that were linked via tertiary phosphodiester functions, can efficiently be synthesized from the corresponding phosphoramidites by conventional solid-phase cyanoethyl phosphoramidite chemistry. 5'-End phosphorylated tricyclo-DNA sequences are chemically stable in aqueous, pH-neutral media at temperatures from 0 to 90 C. Tricyclo-DNA sequences resist enzymatic hydrolysis by the 3'-exonuclease snake venom phosphodiesterase. Homobasic adenine- and thymine-containing tricyclo-DNA octa- and nonamers are extraordinarily stable A-T base-pairing systems, not only in their own series but also with complementary DNA and RNA. Base mismatch formation is strongly destabilized. As in bicyclo-DNA, the tricyclo-DNA purine sequences preferentially accept a complementary strand on the Hoogsteen face of the base. A thermodynamic analysis reveals entropic benefits in the case of hetero-backbone duplex formation (tricyclo-DNA/DNA duplexes) and both an enthalpic and entropic benefit for duplex formation in the pure tricyclo-DNA series compared to natural DNA. Stability of tricyclo-DNA duplex formation depends more strongly on monovalent salt concentration compared to natural DNA. Homopyrimidine DNA sequences containing tricyclothymidine residues form triplexes with complementary double-stranded DNA. Triple-helix stability depends on the sequence composition and can be higher when compared to that of natural DNA. The use of one tricyclothymidine residue in the center of the self-complementary dodecamer duplex (d(CGCGAAT t CGCG), t = tricyclothymidine) strongly stabilizes its monomolecular hairpin loop structure relative to that of the corresponding pure DNA dodecamer ( T m = +20 C), indicating (tetra)loop-stabilizing properties of this rigid nucleoside analogue.


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A 12 bp long GCN4-binding, self-complementary duplex DNA d(CATGACGTCATG)2 has been investigated by NMR spectroscopy to study the structure and dynamics of the molecule in aqueous solution. The NMR structure of the DNA obtained using simulated annealing and iterative relaxation matrix calculations compares quite closely with the X-ray structure of ATF/CREB DNA in complex with GCN4 protein (DNA-binding domain). The DNA is also seen to be curved in the free state and this has a significant bearing on recognition by the protein. The dynamic characteristics of the molecule have been studied by 13C relaxation measurements at natural abundance. A correlation has been observed between sequence-dependent dynamics and recognition by GCN4 protein.


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Recently, we established that satellite III (TGGAA)n tandem repeats, which occur at the centromeres of human chromosomes, pair with themselves to form an unusual "self-complementary" antiparallel duplex containing (GGA)2 motifs in which two unpaired guanines from opposite strands intercalate between sheared G.A base pairs. In separate studies, we have also established that the GCA triplet does not form bimolecular (GCA)2 motifs but instead promotes the formation of hairpins containing a GCA-turn motif in which the loop contains a single cytidine closed by a sheared G.A pair. Since TGCAA is the most frequent variant of TGGAA found in satellite III repeats, we reasoned that the potential of this variant to form GCA-turn miniloop fold-back structures might be an important factor in modulating the local structure in natural (TGGAA)n repeats. We report here the NMR-derived solution structure of the heptadecadeoxynucleotide (G)TGGAATGCAATGGAA(C) in which a central TGCAA pentamer is flanked by two TGGAA pentamers. This 17-mer forms a rather unusual and very stable hairpin structure containing eight base pairs in the stem, only four of which are Watson-Crick pairs, and a loop consisting of a single cytidine residue. The stem contains a (GGA)2 motif with intercalative 14G/4G stacking between two sheared G.A base pairs; the loop end of the stem consists of a sheared 8G.10A closing pair with the cytosine base of the 9C loop stacked on 8G. The remarkable stability of this unusual hairpin structure (Tm = 63 degrees C) suggests that it probably plays an important role in modulating the folding of satellite III (TGGAA)n repeats at the centromere.