93 resultados para Enterotoxins
Uroguanylin, guanylin, and lymphoguanylin are small peptides that activate renal and intestinal receptor guanylate cyclases (GC). They are structurally similar to bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins (ST) that cause secretory diarrhea. Uroguanylin, guanylin, and ST elicit natriuresis, kaliuresis, and diuresis by direct actions on kidney GC receptors. A 3,762-bp cDNA characterizing a uroguanylin/guanylin/ST receptor was isolated from opossum kidney (OK) cell RNA/cDNA. This kidney cDNA (OK-GC) encodes a mature protein containing 1,049 residues sharing 72.4�75.8% identity with rat, human, and porcine forms of intestinal GC-C receptors. COS or HEK-293 cells expressing OK-GC receptor protein were activated by uroguanylin, guanylin, or ST13 peptides. The 3.8-kb OK-GC mRNA transcript is most abundant in the kidney cortex and intestinal mucosa, with lower mRNA levels observed in urinary bladder, adrenal gland, and myocardium and with no detectable transcripts in skin or stomach mucosa. We propose that OK-GC receptor GC participates in a renal mechanism of action for uroguanylin and/or guanylin in the physiological regulation of urinary sodium, potassium, and water excretion. This renal tubular receptor GC may be a target for circulating uroguanylin in an endocrine link between the intestine and kidney and/or participate in an intrarenal paracrine mechanism for regulation of kidney function via the intracellular second messenger, cGMP.
Uroguanylin, guanylin, and lymphoguanylin are small peptides that activate renal and intestinal receptor guanylate cyclases (GC). They are structurally similar to bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins (ST) that cause secretory diarrhea. Uroguanylin, guanylin, and ST elicit natriuresis, kaliuresis, and diuresis by direct actions on kidney GC receptors. A 3,762-bp cDNA characterizing a uroguanylin/guanylin/ST receptor was isolated from opossum kidney (OK) cell RNA/cDNA. This kidney cDNA (OK-GC) encodes a mature protein containing 1,049 residues sharing 72.4-75.8% identity with rat, human, and porcine forms of intestinal GC-C receptors. COS or HEK-293 cells expressing OK-GC receptor protein were activated by uroguanylin, guanylin, or ST13 peptides. The 3.8-kb OK-GC mRNA transcript is most abundant in the kidney cortex and intestinal mucosa, with lower mRNA levels observed in urinary bladder, adrenal gland, and myocardium and with no detectable transcripts in skin or stomach mucosa. We propose that OK-GC receptor GC participates in a renal mechanism of action for uroguanylin and/or guanylin in the physiological regulation of urinary sodium, potassium, and water excretion. This renal tubular receptor GC may be a target for circulating uroguanylin in an endocrine link between the intestine and kidney and/or participate in an intrarenal paracrine mechanism for regulation of kidney function via the intracellular second messenger, cGMP.
BACKGROUND Familial diarrhea disorders are, in most cases, severe and caused by recessive mutations. We describe the cause of a novel dominant disease in 32 members of a Norwegian family. The affected members have chronic diarrhea that is of early onset, is relatively mild, and is associated with increased susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease, small-bowel obstruction, and esophagitis. METHODS We used linkage analysis, based on arrays with single-nucleotide polymorphisms, to identify a candidate region on chromosome 12 and then sequenced GUCY2C, encoding guanylate cyclase C (GC-C), an intestinal receptor for bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins. We performed exome sequencing of the entire candidate region from three affected family members, to exclude the possibility that mutations in genes other than GUCY2C could cause or contribute to susceptibility to the disease. We carried out functional studies of mutant GC-C using HEK293T cells. RESULTS We identified a heterozygous missense mutation (c.2519G -> T) in GUCY2C in all affected family members and observed no other rare variants in the exons of genes in the candidate region. Exposure of the mutant receptor to its ligands resulted in markedly increased production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This may cause hyperactivation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), leading to increased chloride and water secretion from the enterocytes, and may thus explain the chronic diarrhea in the affected family members. CONCLUSIONS Increased GC-C signaling disturbs normal bowel function and appears to have a proinflammatory effect, either through increased chloride secretion or additional effects of elevated cellular cGMP. Further investigation of the relevance of genetic variants affecting the GC-C-CFTR pathway to conditions such as Crohn's disease is warranted. (Funded by Helse Vest Western Norway Regional Health Authority] and the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.)
A resistência aos antimicrobianos pela produção de β-lactamases em enterobactérias é um problema adicional neste cenário. Staphylococcus spp é considerado um patógeno humano freqüentemente associado a infecções adquiridas no ambiente hospitalar. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a resistência aos antimicrobianos em cepas de Enterobactérias e Staphylococcus spp. isoladas de equipamentos utilizados no preparo de dietas destinadas à pacientes internados em um hospital universitário no município do Rio de Janeiro, além de verificar a presença de genes codificadores de enterotoxinas nas cepas de Staphylococcus spp. As enterobactérias e os Staphylococcus spp. foram isolados e identificados por metodologia convencional. Para o teste de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos foram utilizados discos contendo antimicrobianos clinicamente relevantes. Foi determinada a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) pela técnica de microdiluição em caldo para os antimicrobianos clinicamente relevantes. A pesquisa de genes que codificam β-lactamases em enterobactérias foi realizada pela técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e sequenciamento para os genes blaTEM, blaSHV, blaCTX-M, blaOXA-1 e blaCMY-2. Para Staphylococcus spp. foram pesquisados, através da PCR e sequenciamento, os genes de resistência a meticilina, gentamicina e eritromicina e os genes codificadores de enterotoxinas (sea-see, seg-sej, sen-ser e seu). Foram isoladas 97 cepas de enterobactérias, 40 de liquidificador e 57 de batedeira e 40 cepas de Staphylococcus spp., 20 de cada equipamento. Dentre as enterobactérias, o gênero Enterobacter foi isolado com maior frequencia (n=37, 38%). Foram ainda isoladas seis cepas de Salmonella spp. Das enterobactérias, 80% (n=79) foram resistentes a pelo menos um antimicrobiano e 38% (n=37) a três ou mais. A expressão fenotípica presuntiva de b-lactamases do tipo AmpC foi detectada em 32 cepas. O gene blaCMY-2 não foi encontrado. Doze cepas apresentaram halos de inibição com screaning positivo para a pesquisa de ESBL. Foi detectada a presença do gene blaSHV em K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae. O sequenciamento desse gene permitiu identificá-lo como sendo blaSHV-36. Dentre os Staphylococcus spp., oito foram identificados como coagulase-positivas (SCP) e 32 como coagulase-negativas (SCN). As oito cepas de SCP foram identificadas como S. aureus subsp. aureus. Dentre os SCN, as espécies identificadas com maior frequência foram: S. caprae (n=7, 17,5%), S. simulans (n=5, 12,5%) e S. epidermidis (n=4, 10%). Destas, 83% (n=33) foram resistentes a pelo menos um antimicrobiano e 30% (n=12) foram resistentes a mais do que três. Duas cepas (5%) de S. epidermidis apresentaram perfil de resistência a até seis antimicrobianos e genes de resistência a meticilina, a eritromicina e a gentamicina. Todas as sete cepas que foram resistentes no TSA e na CIM a gentamicina, apresentaram o gene aac(2)/aph(6). O gene ermB foi observado ainda em uma S hominis subsp hominis que apresentou resistência na CIM e no TSA. Foi detectada a presença de pelo menos um gene codificador de enteroxotxina em 83% (n=33) das cepas. O gene seg foi detectado em 11 cepas, o gene sei em 17 cepas e o gene sen em 31 cepas. Os resultados encontrados implicam as dietas preparadas com esses equipamentos como veículo de disseminação de enteropatógenos e Staphylococcus spp. com marcadores de resistência e genes codificadores de enterotoxinas relevantes no ambiente hospitalar.
As Aeromonas são consideradas patógenos em potenciais para o homem e animais e estão amplamente distribuídas no ambiente sendo a água e os alimentos importantes veículos de transmissão. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado que a patologia causada pela infecção por Aeromonas é complexa e envolvem inúmeros fatores de virulência, dentre eles a aderência, invasão, enterotoxinas, hemolisinas, exoenzimas, sideróforos, flagelos, formação de biofilme e mecanismos de secreção. No presente estudo, analisamos os mecanismos de patogênese mediados por A. caviae e A. hydrophila, avaliando a participação desses microrganismos nos processos de adesão, invasão, persistência intracelular e citotoxidade celular. Foram utilizados ensaios quantitativos in vitro para testar associação, invasão e persistência intracelular em linhagens celulares HEp-2 e/ou T84. A interação de tecidos intestinais de coelho cultivados in vitro (IVOC) com três cepas de A. caviae originárias de fezes diarréicas também foi avaliada. Observamos que 10 (62,5%) das 16 cepas de Aeromonas spp. de diferentes origens, submetidas aos testes de invasão quantitativos foram capazes de invadir células HEp-2 e T84 em 6 horas de incubação. As cepas positivas nos testes de invasão foram submetidas ao teste quantitativo de persistência em células HEp-2 e sobreviveram no ambiente intracelular por 48 e/ou 72 horas sem multiplicação. A interação de três cepas de A. caviae com a mucosa intestinal de coelho ex vivo resultou em aderência, produção de muco e alterações como, intensa vacuolização e drástica desorganização estrutural que levaram a destruição das microvilosidades intestinais. Este estudo demonstrou que subconjuntos de cepas de A. caviae e A. hydrophila de diversas origens, foram capazes de invadir, persistir ou destruir linhagens celulares in vitro. Nosso estudo também evidenciou que cepas de A. caviae causaram expressivas alterações morfológicas que resultaram na destruição de epitélios intestinais de coelho ex vivo. Finalmente, nossos resultados contribuíram para reforçar o potencial patogênico de cepas de Aeromonas, em especial, as de origem vegetal e clínica.
Sixty six samples of frozen fishery products consisting of frozen crab meat, frozen prawns, frozen cuttlefish and frozen mussel collected from nine cold stores situated in and around Cochin city were examined for coagulase positive staphylococci. Forty eight samples (72.72%) revealed the presence of coagulase positive staphylococci, which were then tested for enterotoxigenity, employing cellophane-over-agar method for toxin production and optimum-sensitivity-plate (OSP) method for toxin detection. Seventy seven out of one hundred and two (75.49%) coagulase positive staphylococcal isolates from the above products produced enterotoxins A, B, C, D and E either singly or in combinations. Enterotoxin A and D were detected more often than others. The occurrence of enterotoxigenic staphylococci in frozen fishery product is reported for the first time in this country.
We determined estimated incidence of and risk factors for community-associated Clostridium difficile infection (CA-CDI) among patients treated at 6 North Carolina hospitals. CA-CDI case-patients were defined as adults (>18 years of age) with a positive stool test result for C. difficile toxin and no hospitalization within the prior 8 weeks. CA-CDI incidence was 21 and 46 per 100,000 person-years in Veterans Affairs (VA) outpatients and Durham County populations, respectively. VA case-patients were more likely than controls to have received antimicrobial drugs (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 17.8, 95% confidence interval [CI] 6.6-48] and to have had a recent outpatient visit (aOR 5.1, 95% CI 1.5-17.9). County case-patients were more likely than controls to have received antimicrobial drugs (aOR 9.1, 95% CI 2.9-28.9), to have gastroesophageal reflux disease (aOR 11.2, 95% CI 1.9-64.2), and to have cardiac failure (aOR 3.8, 95% CI 1.1-13.7). Risk factors for CA-CDI overlap with those for healthcare-associated infection.
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a significant source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. One major virulence factor released by ETEC is the heat-labile enterotoxin LT, which is structurally and functionally similar to cholera toxin. LT consists of five B subunits carrying a single catalytically active A subunit. LTB binds the monosialoganglioside G(M1), the toxin's host receptor, but interactions with A-type blood sugars and E. coli lipopolysaccharide have also been identified within the past decade. Here, we review the regulation, assembly, and binding properties of the LT B-subunit pentamer and discuss the possible roles of its numerous molecular interactions.
Staphylococcus aureus are Gram-positive bacteria who integrate the human microbiota. Nevertheless, these bacteria can be pathogenic to the humans. Due to the increasing occurrence of antibiotic-resistant S. aureus new approaches to control this pathogen are necessary. The antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation process (PDI) is based in the combined use of a light source, an oxidizing agent like oxygen and an intermediary agent (a photosensitizer). These three components interact to form cytotoxic reactive oxygen species that irreversibly damage vital constituents of the microbial cells and ultimately lead to cell death. In fact, PDI is being shown to be a promising alternative to the antibiotic approach in the inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms. However, information on effects of photosensitization on particular virulence factors is strikingly scarce. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of PDI on virulence factors of S. aureus. For this, as photosensitizer the 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin tetra-iodide (Tetra-Py+-Me) and six strains of S. aureus (one reference strain, one strain with 1 enterotoxin, two strains with 3 enterotoxins and two strains resistant to methicillin, MRSA – one with 5 enterotoxins and the other without enterotoxins) were used. The effect of photosensitization on catalase activity, beta hemolysis, lipases, thermonuclease, enterotoxins, coagulase production and resistance to methicillin was assessed. The results indicate that the expression of some virulence factors in the cells subjected to this therapy is affected. Additionally the susceptibility of the strains to PDI did not decrease upon successive treatments.
Depuis quelques années et dans plusieurs pays, un nouveau type de Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méthicilline (SARM), le séquence type (ST) 398, a été fréquemment retrouvé chez les porcs et chez les fermiers en contact avec ces porcs. Au Canada, très peu d’informations sont disponibles concernant le SARM d’origine porcine. Une première étude dans notre laboratoire a permis de récolter 107 isolats de SARM provenant de deux abattoirs porcins du Québec. Le présent travail vise à caractériser les gènes de virulence et de résistance aux antibiotiques de ces SARM, d’étudier leur formation de biofilm en relation avec la spécificité du groupe agr et de vérifier la localisation plasmidique et la transférabilité de ces gènes à des souches de SARM d’origine humaine. Plusieurs souches ont démontré différents patrons phénotypiques de résistance aux antibiotiques. Vingt-quatre souches représentatives de ces isolats ont été soumises à une caractérisation plus approfondie par une étude génotypique en utilisant une biopuce à ADN et un grand nombre de gènes de virulence a été détecté codant pour des entérotoxines staphylococcales, des leucocidines, des hémolysines, des auréolysines, des facteurs d’immunoévasion, des superantigènes, des facteurs d’adhésion et des facteurs impliqués dans la formation de biofilm. Des gènes de résistance envers les aminoglycosides, les macrolides, les lincosamides, les tétracyclines et les biocides ont été également détectés par biopuce et leur localisation plasmidique a par la suite été déterminée. La transférabilité de ces gènes de souches porcines à des souches de SARM d’origine humaine a été démontrée par conjugaison bactérienne; ainsi le transfert horizontal de certains gènes de résistance aux antibiotiques et de virulence a été observé. Ces travaux de recherche apportent une meilleure connaissance de la résistance aux antibiotiques et de la virulence des SARM d’origine porcine et de leur potentiel de contribution à l’émergence de certaines résistances et facteurs de virulence chez le SARM d’origine humaine.
L’entérotoxine B staphylococcique (SEB) est une toxine entérique hautement résistante à la chaleur et est responsable de plus de 50 % des cas d’intoxication d’origine alimentaire par une entérotoxine. L’objectif principal de ce projet de maîtrise est de développer et valider une méthode basée sur des nouvelles stratégies analytiques permettant la détection et la quantification de SEB dans les matrices alimentaires. Une carte de peptides tryptiques a été produite et 3 peptides tryptiques spécifiques ont été sélectionnés pour servir de peptides témoins à partir des 9 fragments protéolytiques identifiés (couverture de 35 % de la séquence). L’anhydride acétique et la forme deutérée furent utilisés afin de synthétiser des peptides standards marqués avec un isotope léger et lourd. La combinaison de mélanges des deux isotopes à des concentrations molaires différentes fut utilisée afin d’établir la linéarité et les résultats ont démontré que les mesures faites par dilution isotopique combinée au CL-SM/SM respectaient les critères généralement reconnus d’épreuves biologiques avec des valeurs de pente près de 1, des valeurs de R2 supérieure à 0,98 et des coefficients de variation (CV%) inférieurs à 8 %. La précision et l’exactitude de la méthode ont été évaluées à l’aide d’échantillons d’homogénat de viande de poulet dans lesquels SEB a été introduite. SEB a été enrichie à 0,2, 1 et 2 pmol/g. Les résultats analytiques révèlent que la méthode procure une plage d’exactitude de 84,9 à 91,1 %. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats présentés dans ce mémoire démontrent que les méthodes protéomiques peuvent être utilisées efficacement pour détecter et quantifier SEB dans les matrices alimentaires. Mots clés : spectrométrie de masse; marquage isotopique; protéomique quantitative; entérotoxines
Escherichia coli produit diverses entérotoxines thermolabiles et thermostables. STb est une toxine de faible poids moléculaire résistant à la chaleur chargée de la diarrhée chez les animaux de la ferme. Une étude antérieure a montré que les cellules ayant internalisé la toxine STb provoquent un dysfonctionnement de la barrière épithéliale par des changements dans les protéines des jonctions serrées (TJ). Ces modifications contribuent probablement à la diarrhée observée. Pour mieux comprendre le mécanisme de l'augmentation de la perméabilité intestinale, nous avons traité les cellules du côlon humain (T84) avec la toxine purifiée STb une fois que les cellules ont été récoltées et les protéines extraites. Après l'utilisation d'une solution contenant 1% de Nonidet P-40 (un détergent non dénaturant, non ionique), nous avons étudié la distribution de la claudine -1, une protéine majeure des TJs, responsable de l'imperméabilité de l'épithélium, entre la membrane (NP40-insoluble) et le cytoplasme (NP40-soluble). En utilisant l’immunoblot et la microscopie confocale, nous avons observé que le traitement des monocouches de cellules T84 avec STb induit la redistribution de la claudine-1. Après 24h, les cellules cultivées en milieu faible en Ca+ (5 uM) et traitées par STb, ont montré qu’environ 40 % de plus de la claudine-1 se sont délogées dans le cytoplasme par comparaison au contrôle. En passant d’un milieu faible à un milieu contenant des quantités physiologiques de Ca++ (1,8 mM) nous avons observé une augmentation du taux de claudine- 1 délogé, comme la délocalisation comparable et ce, après 6h. Un milieu supplémenté avec la même concentration de Mg++ ou Zn++ n'a pas affecté le taux de délogement comparé au milieu contenant une faible teneur en Ca++. En utilisant des anticorps anti-phosphosérine et anti-phosphothréonine, nous avons observé que la perte des claudines-1 de la membrane a été accompagnée par une déphosphorylation de cette protéine des TJs. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats ont montré une importante redistribution de la claudine-1 dans les cellules traitées par la toxine STb. La perte de la claudine-1 phosphorylée de la membrane est susceptible d'être impliquée dans la perméabilité accrue observée. Les mécanismes par lesquels ces changements sont provoqués restent à élucider.
A detailed study was made on the microbial quality, with special reference to food safety, of the fish and fishery products in the retail trade in Cochin and around. Also, farmed molluscan shellfishes like mussels and oysters were investigated for the microbial quality including the presence of pathogenic bacteria. Special stress has been given to monitor the incidence of coagulase positive as well as coagulase negative Staphylococcus in these products and their relative incidence have been recorded.In the next part, the investigation was centered mainly on toxigenic S.aureus. This is because among the Gram positive toxigenic bacteria, the Saureus with potential to produce thermostable enterotoxins are more relavent in food safety conceming seafoods in comparison with the Gram-negative pathogens like Salmonella and V.cholerae.The incidence, toxigenic potential and conditions of toxin production by S.aureus have been investigated in detail. An attempt has also been made to relate the toxigenisis with the presence of the concerned toxigenic genes in the genomes of S. aureus strains.
In the present study, we investigated the involvement of Aeromonas spp. in eliciting disease outbreaks in freshwater ornamental fishes across the state of Kerala, India. We investigated three incidences of disease, in which the moribund fishes exhibited clinical signs such as haemorrhagic septicemia (in gouramy, Trichogaster sp.), dropsy (in Oscar, Astronotus ocellatus) and tail rot/fin rot (in gold fish, Carassius carassius). Pure cultures (n = 20 from each fish; 60 in total) of Aeromonas spp. were recovered from the abdominal fluid as well as from internal organs of affected fishes, although they could not be identified to species level because of the variations in their phenotypic characters. The molecular fingerprinting of the isolates using Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus PCR proved the genetic diversity of the isolates from the three sites. The phylogenetic trees constructed using concatenated sequences (using 16S rRNA, gyrA, gyrB and rpoD genes) indicated that they were related to Aeromonas veronii. They exhibited marked cytotoxic and haemolytic activity, which were responsible for the pathogenic potential of the isolates. The isolates possessed multiple virulence genes such as enterotoxins (act and alt), haemolytic toxins (aerA and hlyA), genes involved in type III secretion system (ascV, aexT and ascF–ascG), glycerophospholipid-cholesterol acyltransferase (gcat) and a type IV pilus (tapA) gene, as determined by PCR. Virulence of representative isolates to goldfish was also tested, and we found LD50 values of 104.07–105.35 cfu/fish. Furthermore, the organisms could be recovered as pure cultures from the lesions as well as from the internal organs.