903 resultados para Endodontic surgery
A área da Endodontia está em constante progresso. Os materiais utilizados nos instrumentos Endodônticos, primordialmente, eram construídos com base em cordas de piano. Seguiu-se uma fase em que estes eram de aço de carbono, mas sofriam corrosão significativa devido ao cloro presente no hipoclorito de sódio, bem como aos processos de esterilização a vapor. Foi necessário evoluir novamente e foram introduzidos os instrumentos de aço inoxidável. Estes apresentavam alta resistência e dureza, mas algumas desvantagens devido à falta de flexibilidade. Atualmente, os instrumentos de NiTi proporcionam uma melhor flexibilidade e efeito de memória de forma. A fratura de instrumentos em Endodontia pode ocorrer por dois grandes fatores: a torção e a flexão por fadiga cíclica, podendo também ser a conjugação de ambos. Fatores anatômicos, como a curvatura e a largura do canal ou outros fatores como ciclos de esterilização, número de usos, etc., podem influenciar uma fratura mais precoce dos instrumentos. A incidência da fratura de instrumentos, embora seja pouco frequente, pode ser reduzida a um mínimo absoluto se os clínicos usarem as características de torque e de stress adequadas. Um bom conhecimento dos procedimentos clínicos, da anatomia, dos materiais e a utilização de instrumentos como o microscópio podem ajudar a prevenir ou a resolver a fratura dos instrumentos. No entanto, a melhor forma de prevenir a fratura é a sua prevenção. A desinfeção é o procedimento mais importante para o sucesso de um tratamento Endodôntico, portanto para que isto seja possível, é necessária uma boa conformação canalar. A presença de um instrumento no interior do canal pode comprometer a desinfecção, especialmente caso tenha ocorrido numa fase precoce da preparação canalar. Aquando da fratura de um instrumento, deve-se refletir sobre os procedimentos a seguir, podendo-se optar por várias abordagens, nomeadamente pela manutenção do instrumento no canal e obturação incorporando o fragmento, pela remoção do segmento através de diversas técnicas (ultrassons ou técnicas de microtubos, etc.), e ainda pela realização do bypass ou pela cirurgia Endodôntica. Em última instância pode ser realizada a extração do elemento dentário.
Introdução: O presente trabalho aborda as diferentes utilizações da tecnologia de Ultrassons na área da Endodontia. Atualmente, a utilização de ultrassons nesta área, ocupa um lugar de destaque, tendo-se tornado num equipamento indispensável nas varias áreas de abordagem, no âmbito do tratamento endodôntico. As aplicações clínicas, em que a utilização da tecnologia ultrassónica assume um papel de destaque, são: o refinamento de cavidades de acesso, localização de canais radiculares, preparação de istmos, remoção de espigões e instrumentos fraturados, ativação de soluções de irrigação, desobturação de canais radiculares, condensação de MTA e preparação apical para retrobturação em cirurgia apical. Objetivos: Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal explorar, através de uma revisão de literatura, a importância e papel do Ultrassons em Endodontia. Procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica, analisando a literatura que versa o tema, de modo a investigar o Ultrassom em Endodontia, nas suas diferentes dimensões: a evolução da técnica, o protocolo em toda a sua extensão, a sua utilidade e aplicabilidade na prática clínica. Material e Métodos: Pesquisa bibliográfica através de motores de pesquisa on-line como: b-On, Pubmed, Scielo, Science Direct, ResearchGate e Google Académico. De seguida, foram selecionados os artigos definidos com limites temporais e critérios de inclusão entre 2000 e 2016. Na aplicando dos critérios de exclusão foram rejeitados artigos dos quais o teor não teria relevância para a concretização do trabalho, artigos com idiomas estrageiros (com exceção de Inglês, Espanhol e Italiano), artigos fora dos limites temporais e estudos em animais. A pesquisa resultou total de 356 artigos dos quais foram utilizados 113. Conclusões: A introdução do ultrassom levou a cirurgia Endodôntica a um outro nível de precisão, esta tecnologia desempenha cada vez mais um papel essencial tanto na Medicina Dentária como na Endodontia, sendo estes capazes de apresentar melhoria e desenvolvimentos significativos na manutenção e tratamento dentário. O uso de Ultrassons em Endodontia é um meio auxiliar de tratamento útil, no o refinamento de cavidades de acesso, localização de canais radiculares, preparação de istmos, remoção de espigões e instrumentos fraturados, ativação de soluções de irrigação, desobturação de canais radiculares, condensação de MTA e preparação apical para retrobturação em cirurgia apical.
Introdução: O presente trabalho tem como tema Microcirurgia Endodôntica sendo esta um tipo de Retratamento Endodôntico Cirúrgico (RTEC). Este tipo de procedimento está indicado em casos de insucesso prévio no Tratamento Endodôntico Não Cirúrgico (TENC). Embora atualmente os índices de sucesso do TENC sejam elevados, existem ainda alguns casos, que não atingem os resultados desejados mesmo realizando corretamente todas as etapas do tratamento. Quando assim é, há necessidade de abordar o sistema de canais radiculares por outra via: recorrer à cirurgia endodôntica e à obturação retrógrada. Objetivos: Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal abordar uma técnica de Retratamento Endodôntico Cirúrgico: a Microcirurgia Endodôntica. Procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica, analisando literatura que versa o tema, a evolução da técnica, o protocolo cirúrgico em toda a sua extensão, a sua utilidade e aplicabilidade na prática clínica. Materiais e métodos: Na execução desta revisão bibliográfica, os motores de pesquisa on-line utilizados foram os seguintes: b-On, Pubmed, Scielo, Science Direct e Google Académico. Os critérios de inclusão limitaram o uso de artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2016 e nos idiomas de português, inglês e espanhol. Os critérios de exclusão rejeitaram artigos dos quais o teor não teria relevância para a concretização do trabalho e artigos fora dos limites temporais. Conclusão: Na literatura científica, quando a técnica Microcirurgica é comparada com a técnica convencional de RTEC mostra uma taxa de sucesso de excelência e que maioritariamente, os autores defendem que esta deverá ser usada apenas como retratamento, e não isoladamente ou como primeira abordagem terapêutica. Nas últimas décadas, o crescente desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico da cirurgia endodôntica leva à introdução da microcirurgia graças ao recurso da magnificação e iluminação, instrumentos adaptados à nova realidade da cirurgia endodôntica, novos equipamentos e novos materiais associados à retrobturação. É de salientar que este processo cirúrgico é menos invasivo para o paciente e que se obtém um aumento das taxas de sucesso.
Aim. To investigate the root canal microbiota of primary teeth with apical periodontitis and the in vivo antimicrobial effects of a calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine paste used as root canal dressing. Design. Baseline samples were collected from 30 root canals of primary teeth with apical periodontitis. Then, the root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide paste containing 1% chlorhexidine for 14 days and the second bacteriologic samples were taken prior to root canal filling. Samples were submitted to microbiologic culture procedure to detect root canal bacteria and processed for checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Results. Baseline microbial culture revealed high prevalence and cfu number of anaerobic, black-pigmented bacteroides, Streptococcus, and aerobic microorganisms. Following root canal dressing, the overall number of cfu was dramatically diminished compared to initial contamination (P < 0.05), although prevalence did not change (P > 0.05). Of 35 probes used for checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization, 31 (88.57%) were present at baseline, and following root canal dressing, the number of positive probes reduced to 13 (37.14%). Similarly, the number of bacterial cells diminished folowing application of calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine root canal dressing (P = 0.006). Conclusion. Apical periodontitis is caused by a polymicrobial infection, and a calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine paste is effective in reducing the number of bacteria inside root canals when applied as a root canal dressing.
Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate in vivo the revascularization and the apical and periapical repair after endodontic treatment using 2 techniques for root canal disinfection (apical negative pressure irrigation versus apical positive pressure irrigation plus triantibiotic intracanal dressing) in immature dogs` teeth with apical periodontitis. Study design. Two test groups of canals with experimentally induced apical periodontitis were evaluated according to the disinfection technique: Group 1, apical negative pressure irrigation (EndoVac system), and Group 2, apical positive pressure irrigation (conventional irrigation) plus triantibiotic intracanal dressing. In Group 3 (positive control), periapical lesions were induced, but no endodontic treatment was done. Group 4 (negative control) was composed of sound teeth. The animals were killed after 90 days and the maxillas and mandibles were subjected to histological processing. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Mallory Trichrome and examined under light microscopy. A description of the apical and periapical features was done and scores were attributed to the following histopathological parameters: newly formed mineralized apical tissue, periapical inflammatory infiltrate, apical periodontal ligament thickness, dentin resorption, and bone tissue resorption. Intergroup comparisons were done by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn`s tests (alpha = 0.05). Results. Although statistically significant difference was found only for the inflammatory infiltrate (P < .05), Group 1 presented more exuberant mineralized formations, more structured apical and periapical connective tissue, and a more advanced repair process than Group 2. Conclusion. From the histological observations, sodium hypochlorite irrigation with the EndoVac system can be considered as a promising disinfection protocol in immature teeth with apical periodontitis, suggesting that the use of intracanal antibiotics might not be necessary. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: 779-787)
Objective. To evaluate the periapical repair after root canal treatment in the teeth of dogs using CT and conventional radiography and to compare these findings with the gold standard microscopic evaluation. Study design. The animals were divided into three groups according to endodontic treatment performed: Group 1, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth without apical periodontitis; Group 2, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis; and Group 3, endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis using calcium hydroxide as a root canal dressing. Group 4 consisted of teeth with apical periodontitis not submitted to root canal treatment and Group 5 consisted of healthy teeth without periapical disease. Radiographic, tomographic, and microscopic evaluations were performed by blind examiners. At 180 days experimental time, CT and radiographic measurements of periapical disease were compared with the gold standard microscopic measurement using intraclass correlation coefficient. Intergroup comparisons considering different methods of periapical lesions measurement or different clinical protocols of root canal treatment were performed by Kruskal Wallis test followed by Dunn. Integrity of lamina dura, presence of radiolucent areas, and presence of root resorption were analyzed by Fisher`s exact test. Results. There was discontinuity of the lamina dura and CPD in all teeth from Groups 2, 3, and 4 evaluated by tomography and radiography 45 days after CPD induction. Radiographically, 180 days after root canal treatment, there was no periapical lesion in teeth from Groups 1 and 3, different from groups 2 and 4 (p < .05). The highest reduction in the CPD size was observed on Group 3 (p < .05). According to the tomographic results, there was decrease of the size of the CPD on Group 3 but not on Groups 2 or 4. However, in all groups the periapical lesions presented larger mesio-distal extension if compared with radiography, both 45 days after CPD induction and 180 days after root canal treatment. At 180 days, CT measurements were closely related to microscopic results (ICC = 0.95) differently from radiographic evaluation (ICC = 0.86). Conclusion. CT Scan evaluation of periapical repair following root canal treatment provided similar information than that obtained by microscopic analysis, whereas radiographic evaluation underestimated the size do periapical lesion. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108:796-805)
Introduction: Endodontic chelators may extrude to apical tissues during instrumentation activating cellular events on periapical tissues. This study assessed in vitro the expression of nitric oxide (NO) concentrations by murine peritoneal macrophages after contact with MTAD (Dentsply/Tulsa, Tulsa, OK), Tetraclean (Ogna Laboratori Farmaceutici, Muggio, Italy), Smear Clear (Sybron Endo, Orange, CA), and EDTA (Biodinamica, Ibipora, PR, Brazil). Methods: Macrophage cells were obtained from Swiss mice after peritoneal lavage. Chelators were diluted in distilled water obtaining 12 concentrations, and MTT assay identified the concentrations, per group, displaying the highest cell viability (analysis of variance, p < 0.01). Selected concentrations were tested for NO expression using Griess reaction. Culture medium and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were used as controls. Results: Analysis of variance and Tukey tests showed that all chelators displayed elevated NO concentrations compared with the negative control (p < 0.01). MTAD induced the lowest NO expression, followed by Tetraclean, EDTA, and Smear Clear. No difference was observed between MTAD and Tetraclean (p > 0.01), Tetraclean and EDTA (p > 0.01), and EDTA and Smear Clear (p > 0.01). LPS ranked similar to both EDTA and Smear Clear (p > 0.01). Conclusion: The tested endodontic chelators displayed severe proinflammatory effects on murine-cultured macrophages. Citric acid-based solutions induce lower No release than EDTA-based irrigants. (J Endod 2009;35:824-828)
Introduction: The characterization of microbial communities infecting the endodontic system in each clinical condition may help on the establishment of a correct prognosis and distinct strategies of treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the bacterial diversity in primary endodontic infections by 16S ribosomal-RNA (rRNA) sequence analysis. Methods: Samples from root canals of untreated asymptomatic teeth (n = 12) exhibiting periapical lesions were obtained, 165 rRNA bacterial genomic libraries were constructed and sequenced, and bacterial diversity was estimated. Results: A total of 489 clones were analyzed (mean, 40.7 +/- 8.0 clones per sample). Seventy phylotypes were identified of which six were novel phylotypes belonging to the family Ruminococcaceae. The mean number of taxa per canal was 10.0, ranging from 3 to 21 per sample; 65.7% of the cloned sequences represented phylotypes for which no cultivated isolates have been reported. The most prevalent taxa were Atopobium rimae (50.0%), Dialister invisus, Pre-votella oris, Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus, and Tannerella forsythia (33.3%). Conclusions: Although several key species predominate in endodontic samples of asymptomatic cases with periapical lesions, the primary endodontic infection is characterized by a wide bacterial diversity, which is mostly represented by members of the phylum Firmicutes belonging to the class Clostridia followed by the phylum Bacteroidetes. (J Ended 2011;37:922-926)
SIQUEIRA JR. et al. Bacteriologic investigation of the effects of sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine during the endodontic treatment of teeth with apical periodontitis. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod., v. 104, n. 1, p. 122-130, 2007.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the setting time and the thermal expansion coefficient of 2 endodontic cements, MTA-Angelus and a novel cement called CER. The setting time was determined in accordance to ANSI/ADA specifications no. 57. Three samples of 10 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness were prepared for each cement. The thermal expansion measurements were performed by strain gauge technique. Four samples of each cement were prepared using silicone rings of 5 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness. The data were analyzed statistically using the Student t test. The setting time obtained for the MTA-Angelus and CER cements was 15 (SD 1) min and 7 (SD 1) min, respectively. The linear coefficient of thermal expansion was 8.86 (SD 0.28) mu strain/degrees C for MTA-Angelus and 11.76 (SD 1.20) mu strain/degrees C for CER. The statistical analysis showed significant difference (P < .05) in the setting time and linear coefficient of thermal expansion between the 2 cements. The CER cement has a coefficient of expansion similar to dentin, which could contribute to a decrease of microleakage degree.
Objective. In the current study, the potential DNA damage associated with exposure to a number of antimicrobial endodontic compounds was assessed by the single cell gel (comet) assay in vitro.Study design. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were exposed to formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, calcium hydroxide, or chlorhexidine at final concentration ranging from 0.01% to 1%.Results. Formocresol, paramonochlorophenol, and calcium hydroxide, as well as chlorhexidine in all concentrations tested did not contribute to the DNA damage.Conclusion. These findings are clinically relevant since they represent an important contribution to the correct evaluation of the potential health risk associated with exposure to dental agents.
Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sealing ability of AH Plus, Epiphany, Acroseal, Endofill, and Polifil after active lateral condensation technique, by using a bacterial test, during 64 days.Study design. One hundred bovine incisors were cleaned and shaped; then they were filled with the endodontic sealers and adapted into a microcentrifuge tube. The setup root/microcentrifuge tube was added to glass flasks containing Brain Heart Infusion broth. A culture of Enterococcus faecalis was inserted into the upper chamber of each assembly. Daily leakage was evaluated through the broth turbidity.Results. The results were submitted to statistical analysis (Kaplan-Meier method, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests).Conclusions. AH Plus and Endofill had the worst sealing ability when compared with Polifil, which showed the least leakage. Acroseal and Epiphany showed a tendency toward having an intermediate behavior; however, there was no significant difference among Acroseal, Epiphany, and the other sealers. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e56-e60)
Objectives. The objectives of this study were to evaluate pH, available chlorine content, and antibacterial activity of endodontic irrigants and their combinations.Study design. The pH and chlorine content of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) were analyzed pure and in combination with 10% citric acid (CA) and apple vinegar (AV). The antibacterial effect of the following solutions was measured by direct contact test against Enterococcus faecalis: 2.5% NaOCl, 2.5% NaOCl + 10% CA (7:3), 2.5% NaOCl + AV (5:5), 10% CA, and AV. Sterile saline was used as control. The colony-forming units were determined by serial decimal dilutions.Results. The combination of 2.5% NaOCl with CA or AV lowered the pH and the chlorine content. NaOCl, alone or in combination was able to eliminate E. faecalis in 30 seconds, and CA, after 10 minutes. AV promoted reduction (32.2%) after 10 minutes.Conclusions. NaOCl with acidic solutions lowered the pH and the chlorine content, but did not alter its antibacterial effect. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112:132-135)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the histopathologic response of periapical tissues after root canal treatment of necrotic dog teeth with chronic apical periodontitis by using 2 calcium hydroxide-based root canal dressings and 2 root canal sealers.Study design. Seventy-eight root canals were instrumented by using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigating solution, after which a calcium hydroxide paste (Calen/PMCC or Calasept) was placed for 30 days as a dressing. The root canals were then filled by using cold lateral gutta-percha condensation and an enclodontic sealer (Sealapex or AH Plus). After 360 days, the animals were killed by anesthetic overdose; then, the teeth were histologically prepared, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for optical microscopic analysis of apical and periapical tissue repair.Results. Statistical analysis showed that the poorest histopathologic results were observed in the Calasept/AH Plus group and that the Sealapex sealer overall resulted in better apical repair than the AH Plus sealer. The histopathologic results of Calen/PMCC paste with both AH Plus and Sealapex and Calasept paste with only Sealapex were statistically similar but were different from the results of Calasept with AH Plus.Conclusions. The results of this study in the dog showed differences in apical and periapical tissue repair of teeth with chronic apical periodontitis by using 2 calcium hydroxide root canal dressings and 2 sealers. More research is necessary to determine the best combination of dressings and sealers.