998 resultados para Embedded Figures Test


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Executive dysfunction is reported in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME). However, batteries employed in previous studies included no more than three tests of executive function. In this study, we aimed to assess executive and attentional functions in JME using a comprehensive battery of eight tests (encompassing fifteen subtests). We also evaluated neuropsychological profiles using a clinical criterion of severity and correlated these findings with epilepsy clinical variables and the presence of psychiatric disorders. We prospectively evaluated 42 patients with JME and a matched control group with Digit Span tests (forward and backward), Stroop Color-Word Test, Trail Making Test, Wisconsin Card-Sorting Test, Matching Familiar Figures Test and Word Fluency Test. We estimated IQ with the Matrix Reasoning and Vocabulary subtests of the Wechsler Abbreviated Intelligence Scale. The patients with JME showed specific deficits in working memory, inhibitory control, concept formation, goal maintenance, mental flexibility, and verbal fluency. We observed attentional deficits in processes such as alertness and attention span and those requiring sustained and divided attention. We found that 83.33% of the patients had moderate or severe executive dysfunction. In addition, attentional and executive impairment was correlated with higher frequency of seizures and the presence of psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, executive dysfunction correlated with a longer duration of epilepsy. Our findings indicate the need for comprehensive neuropsychological batteries in patients with JME, in order to provide a more extensive evaluation of attentional and executive functions and to show that some relevant deficits have been overlooked. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study examined the effects of skipping breakfast on selected aspects of children's cognition, specifically their memory (both immediate and one week following presentation of stimuli), mental tempo, and problem solving accuracy. Test instruments used included the Hagen Central/Incidental Recall Test, Matching Familiar Figures Test, McCarthy Digit Span and Tapping Tests. The study population consisted of 39 nine-to eleven year old healthy children who were admitted for overnight stays at a clinical research setting for two nights approximately one week apart. The study was designed to be able to adequately monitor and control subjects' food consumption. The design chosen was the cross-over design where randomly on either the first or second visit, the child skipped breakfast. In this way, subjects acted as their own controls. Subjects were tested at noon of both visits, this representing an 18-hour fast.^ Analysis focused on whether or not fasting for this period of time affected an individual's performance. Results indicated that for most of the tests, subjects were not significantly affected by skipping breakfast for one morning. However, on tests of short-term central and incidental recall, subjects who had skipped breakfast recalled significantly more of the incidental cues although they did so at no apparent expense to their storing of central information. In the area of problem-solving accuracy, subjects skipping breakfast at time two made significantly more errors on hard sections of the MFF Test. It should be noted that although a large number of tests were conducted, these two tests showed the only significant differences.^ These significant results in the areas of short-term incidental memory and in problem solving accuracy were interpreted as being an effect of subject fatigue. That is, when subjects missed breakfast, they were more likely to become fatigued and in the novel environment presented in the study setting, it is probable that these subjects responded by entering Class II fatigue which is characterized by behavioral excitability, diffused attention and altered performance patterns. ^


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between visual acuity and the two components of conceptual tempo, response accuracy and response latency. Subjects were chosen at random. Each subject was then administered a test of conceptual tempo, the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT) and a test of visual acuity, the Snellen. The only significant relationship found was that between response accuracy and near visual acuity. Subjects with superior visual acuity made significantly fewer errors than did those with average or inferior acuity. It was concluded that visual acuity is an important determinant of MFFT performance. Based on these results, it was recommended that further research examine the relationship between visual acuity and other psychometric measures containing a visual component.


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BACKGROUND: Prognosis prediction for resected primary colon cancer is based on the T-stage Node Metastasis (TNM) staging system. We investigated if four well-documented gene expression risk scores can improve patient stratification. METHODS: Microarray-based versions of risk-scores were applied to a large independent cohort of 688 stage II/III tumors from the PETACC-3 trial. Prognostic value for relapse-free survival (RFS), survival after relapse (SAR), and overall survival (OS) was assessed by regression analysis. To assess improvement over a reference, prognostic model was assessed with the area under curve (AUC) of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. All statistical tests were two-sided, except the AUC increase. RESULTS: All four risk scores (RSs) showed a statistically significant association (single-test, P < .0167) with OS or RFS in univariate models, but with HRs below 1.38 per interquartile range. Three scores were predictors of shorter RFS, one of shorter SAR. Each RS could only marginally improve an RFS or OS model with the known factors T-stage, N-stage, and microsatellite instability (MSI) status (AUC gains < 0.025 units). The pairwise interscore discordance was never high (maximal Spearman correlation = 0.563) A combined score showed a trend to higher prognostic value and higher AUC increase for OS (HR = 1.74, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.44 to 2.10, P < .001, AUC from 0.6918 to 0.7321) and RFS (HR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.33 to 1.84, P < .001, AUC from 0.6723 to 0.6945) than any single score. CONCLUSIONS: The four tested gene expression-based risk scores provide prognostic information but contribute only marginally to improving models based on established risk factors. A combination of the risk scores might provide more robust information. Predictors of RFS and SAR might need to be different.


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The goal of this thesis is to make a case study of test automation’s profitability in the development of embedded software in a real industrial setting. The cost-benefit analysis is done by considering the costs and benefits test automation causes to software development, before the software is released to customers. The potential benefits of test automation regarding software quality after customer release were not estimated. Test automation is a significant investment which often requires dedicated resources. When done accordingly, the investment in test automation can produce major cost savings by reducing the need for manual testing effort, especially if the software is developed with an agile development framework. It can reduce the cost of avoidable rework of software development, as test automation enables the detection of construction time defects in the earliest possible moment. Test automation also has many pitfalls such as test maintainability and testability of the software, and if those areas are neglected, the investment in test automation may become worthless or it may even produce negative results. The results of this thesis suggest that test automation is very profitable at the company under study.


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Antikens judiska bibeltolkare hade ett annorlunda sätt att läsa Bibeln än den som moderna läsare är vana vid. Dessa tidiga exegeter tänkte att texten som nu finns i den hebreiska Bibeln, de kristnas Gamla Testamente, är helig ordagrant i den form som den fanns i under deras tid, att den inte innehåller några fel, och att Gud har en övergripande plan gällande helheten, så att man vid behov kan förklara ett Bibelställe med hjälp av ett annat. Dessa antaganden reflekteras i det sätt på vilket antikens exegeter läste och tolkade sin Bibel. Det här ser man då man läser deras texter, från 400-talet före vår tideräknings början till de första århundradena enligt vår tideräkning. Ett verktyg som antikens skrifttolkare ofta använde var den så kallade gezera shava -metoden, där de jämförde identiska ord och fraser i Bibeln för att skänka belysning åt oklara textställen. Hebreiskan, särskilt den ovokaliserade konsonanttexten, innehåller många homonyma ord, alltså ord som ser likadana ut men har olika betydelser. De tidiga exegeterna utnyttjade ofta de möjligheter till alternativa tolkningar som uppstår ur denna tvetydighet. Ibland kunde de dock tvärtom också dra paralleller ur kontextuella likheter, alltid efter behov. I denna avhandling står dessa tidiga anonyma bibeltolkare och deras tolkningar i fokus. Malakis bok, som härstammar från ca år 475 f.v.t., kan ses som ett viktigt tidigt exempel på denna tendens till nytolkning av traditioner. Boken själv har dock också blivit föremål till nytolkningar, redan i de tilläggsverser som finns i dess slut, men särskilt i senare judisk litteratur och i Nya Testamentet. I avhandlingen granskas de fem bibliska gestalter som nämns i Malaki: Jakob, Esau, Levi, Mose och Elia. Hur används de i boken och hur har senare traditioner som anknyter till dem influerats av Malaki? ------------------------------------------------ Antiikin juutalaiset raamatunselittäjät lukivat Raamattua eri tavoin kuin moderni lukija. Heidän näkemyksensä mukaan se teksti, joka nykyään löytyy heprealaisesta Raamatusta eli kristittyjen Vanhasta testamentista, oli pyhä juuri sellaisessa muodossa, jossa se oli heille välittynyt. Se oli virheetön, ja Jumalalla oli siitä kokonaisnäkemys, joka voisi selvitä myös tulkitsijalle, kun tämä vain tutkisi tekstiä riittävän tarkkaan. Nämä perusoletukset näkyvät tavassa, jolla antiikin eksegeetit lukivat ja tulkitsivat Raamattuaan. Se voidaan huomata heidän jälkeensä jättämistään teksteistä, alkaen noin 400-luvulta ennen ajanlaskumme alkua ja jatkuen ajanlaskumme ensimmäisiin vuosisatoihin. Antiikin raamatunselittäjät käyttivät yleisesti muun muassa metodia, joka rabbiinisessa kirjallisuudessa tunnetaan nimellä gezera shava. Raamatussa kahdessa tai useammassa kohtaa esiintyviä samoja sanoja ja ilmauksia verrattiin tällöin toisiinsa ja pyrittiin siten saamaan valaistusta epäselvinä pidettyihin tekstinkohtiin. Heprealle, etenkin sen vokalisoimattomassa muodossa, on tyypillistä homonyymisyys. Samannäköiset sanat voivat eri yhteyksissä tarkoittaa eri asioita. Varhaiset eksegeetit päätyivät usein tästä ilmiöstä nouseviin, keskenään vaihtoehtoisiin tulkintoihin. Toisaalta he saattoivat myös tarvittaessa selittää tekstinkohtaa toisella tekstinkohdalla ainoastaan näiden sisällöllisenkin yhtäläisyyden perusteella. Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan näitä varhaisia, meille nimettömiksi jääneitä raamatunselittäjiä ja heidän tulkintojaan käyttämällä tutkimuksen lähtökohtana Malakian kirjaa. Malakiaa, joka on peräisin noin vuodelta 475 ennen ajanlaskumme alkua, voidaan pitää yhtenä tärkeimmistä ja varhaisimmista teksteistä, joissa traditioita yhdistellään ja kerrotaan uudelleen edellä mainittuihin perusajatuksiin nojaten ja niihin pohjautuvia menetelmiä käyttäen. Toisaalta Malakian kirjaa on myös tulkittu samojen periaatteiden mukaisesti jo sen myöhemmältä ajalta peräisin olevissa loppujakeissa, ja sittemmin muussa varhaisessa juutalaisessa kirjallisuudessa sekä Uudessa testamentissa. Väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan erityisesti niitä viittä henkilöä, jotka mainitaan Malakian kirjassa: Jaakobia, Esauta, Leeviä, Moosesta ja Eliaa. Kirjoittaja tutkii, miten heidän hahmojaan on käytetty Malakian kirjassa, millaisiin heitä koskeviin traditioihin tämä käyttötapa perustuu, ja missä määrin Malakian kirjan vaikutus on havaittavissa myöhemmässä näihin henkilöihin liitetyssä perinteessä.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of PCR technique for the detection of BoHV-5 in routinely formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded brain tissues in 20 naturally infected calves affected by fatal meningoencephalitis. Brains were divided into two halves, one kept fresh for virus isolation and PCR assay, targeting the glycoprotein C gene from BoHV-5 genome. The other half brain, corresponding to posterior cortex region, was submitted to formalin fixation and embedded into paraffin blocks for microscopic evaluation and total DNA isolation. Most of the slides showed severe multifocal non-supurative encephalitis with neuronal degeneration, neurophagia, and no acidophilic intranuclear inclusions could be found in neurons and glial. The 20 fresh samples were confirmed, by virus isolation and PCR assay, as having the BoHV-5 virus and, respective glicoprotein C sequence, while 15 of 20 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples were considered positive for the same analysis. The results revealed the first description of PCR efficiency, applied to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded brain collected from naturally infected calves, improving the detection of BoHV-5 from archival samples in South America. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted growing interest in the last decade as an infrastructure to support a diversity of ubiquitous computing and cyber-physical systems. However, most research work has focused on protocols or on specific applications. As a result, there remains a clear lack of effective and usable WSN system architectures that address both functional and non-functional requirements in an integrated fashion. This poster outlines the EMMON system architecture for large-scale, dense, real-time embedded monitoring. It provides a hierarchical communication architecture together with integrated middleware and command and control software. It has been designed to maintain as much as flexibility as possible while meeting specific applications requirements. EMMON has been validated through extensive analytical, simulation and experimental evaluations, including through a 300+ nodes test-bed the largest single-site WSN test-bed in Europe.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted growing interest in the last decade as an infrastructure to support a diversity of ubiquitous computing and cyber-physical systems. However, most research work has focused on protocols or on specific applications. As a result, there remains a clear lack of effective, feasible and usable system architectures that address both functional and non-functional requirements in an integrated fashion. In this paper, we outline the EMMON system architecture for large-scale, dense, real-time embedded monitoring. EMMON provides a hierarchical communication architecture together with integrated middleware and command and control software. It has been designed to use standard commercially-available technologies, while maintaining as much flexibility as possible to meet specific applications requirements. The EMMON architecture has been validated through extensive simulation and experimental evaluation, including a 300+ node test-bed, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest single-site WSN test-bed in Europe to date.


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Debugging electronic circuits is traditionally done with bench equipment directly connected to the circuit under debug. In the digital domain, the difficulties associated with the direct physical access to circuit nodes led to the inclusion of resources providing support to that activity, first at the printed circuit level, and then at the integrated circuit level. The experience acquired with those solutions led to the emergence of dedicated infrastructures for debugging cores at the system-on-chip level. However, all these developments had a small impact in the analog and mixed-signal domain, where debugging still depends, to a large extent, on direct physical access to circuit nodes. As a consequence, when analog and mixed-signal circuits are integrated as cores inside a system-on-chip, the difficulties associated with debugging increase, which cause the time-to-market and the prototype verification costs to also increase. The present work considers the IEEE1149.4 infrastructure as a means to support the debugging of mixed-signal circuits, namely to access the circuit nodes and also an embedded debug mechanism named mixed-signal condition detector, necessary for watch-/breakpoints and real-time analysis operations. One of the main advantages associated with the proposed solution is the seamless migration to the system-on-chip level, as the access is done through electronic means, thus easing debugging operations at different hierarchical levels.


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Task scheduling is one of the key mechanisms to ensure timeliness in embedded real-time systems. Such systems have often the need to execute not only application tasks but also some urgent routines (e.g. error-detection actions, consistency checkers, interrupt handlers) with minimum latency. Although fixed-priority schedulers such as Rate-Monotonic (RM) are in line with this need, they usually make a low processor utilization available to the system. Moreover, this availability usually decreases with the number of considered tasks. If dynamic-priority schedulers such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF) are applied instead, high system utilization can be guaranteed but the minimum latency for executing urgent routines may not be ensured. In this paper we describe a scheduling model according to which urgent routines are executed at the highest priority level and all other system tasks are scheduled by EDF. We show that the guaranteed processor utilization for the assumed scheduling model is at least as high as the one provided by RM for two tasks, namely 2(2√−1). Seven polynomial time tests for checking the system timeliness are derived and proved correct. The proposed tests are compared against each other and to an exact but exponential running time test.


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Adhesively bonded repairs offer an attractive option for repair of aluminium structures, compared to more traditional methods such as fastening or welding. The single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs are very straightforward to execute but stresses in the adhesive layer peak at the overlap ends. The DS repair requires both sides of the damaged structures to be reachable for repair, which is often not possible. In strap repairs, with the patches bonded at the outer surfaces, some limitations emerge such as the weight, aerodynamics and aesthetics. To minimize these effects, SS and DS repairs with embedded patches were evaluated in this work, such that the patches are flush with the adherends. For this purpose, in this work standard SS and DS repairs, and also with the patches embedded in the adherends, were tested under tension to allow the optimization of some repair variables such as the overlap length (LO) and type of adhesive, thus allowing the maximization of the repair strength. The effect of embedding the patch/patches on the fracture modes and failure loads was compared with finite elements (FE) analysis. The FE analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and cohesive zone modelling was used for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer. The comparison with the test data revealed an accurate prediction for all kinds of joints and provided some principles regarding this technique.


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This paper proposes a methodology for improvement of energy efficiency in buildings through the innovative simultaneous incorporation of three distinct phase change materials (here termed as hybrid PCM) in plastering mortars for façade walls. The thermal performance of a hybrid PCM mortar was experimentally evaluated by comparing the behaviour of a prototype test cell (including hybrid PCM plastering mortar) subjected to realistic daily temperature profiles, with the behaviour of a similar prototype test cell, in which no PCM was added. A numerical simulation model was employed (using ANSYS-FLUENT) to validate the capacity of simulating temperature evolution within the prototype containing hybrid PCM, as well as to understand the contribution of hybrid PCM to energy efficiency. Incorporation of hybrid PCM into plastering mortars was found to have the potential to significantly reduce heating/cooling temperature demands for maintaining the interior temperature within comfort levels when compared to normal mortars (without PCM), or even mortars comprising a single type of PCM.


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OBJECTIVE: Compare pattern of exploratory eye movements during visual scanning of the Rorschach and TAT test cards in people with schizophrenia and controls. METHOD: 10 participants with schizophrenia and 10 controls matched by age, schooling and intellectual level participated in the study. Severity of symptoms was evaluated with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Test cards were divided into three groups: TAT cards with scenes content, TAT cards with interaction content (TAT-faces), and Rorschach cards with abstract images. Eye movements were analyzed for: total number, duration and location of fixation; and length of saccadic movements. RESULTS: Different pattern of eye movement was found, with schizophrenia participants showing lower number of fixations but longer fixation duration in Rorschach cards and TAT-faces. The biggest difference was observed in Rorschach, followed by TAT-faces and TAT-scene cards. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest alteration in visual exploration mechanisms possibly related to integration of abstract visual information.