999 resultados para Electric breakdown


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We report laser-generated plasmas in atmosphere with electrical spark generated by a synchronization circuit. The breakdown thresholds under the conditions that the electrical spark is used and not used are compared. The breakdown threshold has a distinct decrease after the electrical spark is used. Breakdown thresholds as a function of atmosphere pressure have also been measured at laser wavelengths 532 nm and 1064 rim for the laser pulse width of 15ns. We also discuss the principle and performances of the ionized atmosphere by Nd:YAG laser under the condition of electrical spark introduction. Multiphoton ionization and cascade ionization play important roles in the whole process of atmosphere ionization. The free electron induced by electrical spark can supply the initialization free electron number for multiphoton ionization and cascade ionization. A model for breakdown in atmosphere, which is in good agreement with the experimental results, is described.


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By performing density functional theory calculations we show that it is possible to make the electronic bandgap in bilayer graphene supported on hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) substrates tunable. We also show that, under applied electric fields, it is possible to insert states from h-BN into the bandgap, which generate a conduction channel through the substrate making the system metallic. In addition, we verify that the breakdown voltage strongly depends on the number of h-BN layers. We also show that both the breakdown voltage and the bandgap tuning are independent of the h-BN stacking order.


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In this paper, the effect of electric field enhancement on Pt/nanostructured ZnO Schottky diode based hydrogen sensors under reverse bias condition has been investigated. Current-voltage characteristics of these diodes have been studied at temperatures from 25 to 620 °C and their free carrier density concentration was estimated by exposing the sensors to hydrogen gas. The experimental results show a significantly lower breakdown voltage in reversed bias current-voltage characteristics than the conventional Schottky diodes and also greater lateral voltage shift in reverse bias operation than the forward bias. This can be ascribed to the increased localized electric fields emanating from the sharp edges and corners of the nanostructured morphologies. At 620 °C, voltage shifts of 114 and 325 mV for 0.06% and 1% hydrogen have been recorded from dynamic response under the reverse bias condition. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two different morphologies of nanotextured molybdenum oxide were deposited by thermal evaporation. By measuring their field emission (FE) properties, an enhancement factor was extracted. Subsequently, these films were coated with a thin layer of Pt to form Schottky contacts. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics showed low magnitude reverse breakdown voltages, which we attributed to the localized electric field enhancement. An enhancement factor was obtained from the I-V curves. We will show that the enhancement factor extracted from the I-V curves is in good agreement with the enhancement factor extracted from the FE measurements.


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Characteristics of electrical breakdown of a planar magnetron enhanced with an electromagnet and a hollow-cathode structure, are studied experimentally and numerically. At lower pressures the breakdown voltage shows a dependence on the applied magnetic field, and the voltage necessary to achieve the self-sustained discharge regime can be significantly reduced. At higher pressures, the dependence is less sensitive to the magnetic field magnitude and shows a tendency of increased breakdown voltage at the stronger magnetic fields. A model of the magnetron discharge breakdown is developed with the background gas pressure and the magnetic field used as parameters. The model describes the motion of electrons, which gain energy by passing the electric field across the magnetic field and undergo collisions with neutrals, thus generating new bulk electrons. The electrons are in turn accelerated in the electric field and effectively ionize a sufficient amount of neutrals to enable the discharge self-sustainment regime. The model is based on the assumption about the combined classical and near-wall mechanisms of electron conductivity across the magnetic field, and is consistent with the experimental results. The obtained results represent a significant advance toward energy-efficient multipurpose magnetron discharges.


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Formative time lags in nitrogen, oxygen, and dry air are measured with and without a magnetic field over a range of gas pressures (0.05 ' p ' 20.2 torr 5 kPa to 2 MPa, electric field strengths (1.8xO14 EEs 60xlO V m l) and magnetic field strengths (85xl0-4 < B ' 16x10-2 Tesla). For experiments below the Paschen minimum, the electrodes are designed to ensure that breakdown occurs over longer gaps and for experiments above the Paschen minimum, a coaxial cylindrical system is employed. The experimental technique consists of applying pulse voltages to the gap at various constant values of E/p and B/p and measuring the time lags from which the formative time lags are separated. In the gases studed, formative time lags decrease on application of a magnetic field at a given pressure for conditions below the Paschen minimum. The voltages at which the formative time lags remain the same without and with magnetic fields are determined, and electron molecule collision frequencies (v/p) are determined using the Effective Reduced Electric Field [EREF] concept. With increasing ratio of E/p in crossed fields, v/p decreases in all the three gases. Measurements above the Paschen minimum yield formative time lags which increase on application of a magnetic field. Formative time lags in nitrogen in ExB fields are calculated assuming an average collision frequency of 8.5x109 sec-1 torr 1. It is concluded that the EREF concept can be applied to explain formative time lags in ExB fields.


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The insulation in a dc cable is subjected to both thermal and electric stress at the same time. While the electric stress is generic to the cable, the temperature rise in the insulation is, by and large, due to the Ohmic losses in the conductor. The consequence of this synergic effect is to reduce the maximum operating voltage and causes a premature failure of the cable. The authors examine this subject in some detail and propose a comprehensive theoretical formulation relating the maximum thermal voltage (MTV) to the physical and geometrical parameters of the insulation. The heat flow patterns and boundary conditions considered by the authors here and those found in earlier literature are provided. The MTV of a dc cable is shown to be a function of the load current apart from the resistance of the insulation. The results obtained using the expressions, developed by the authors, are compared with relevant results published in the literature and found to be in close conformity.


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Describes a simple triggered vacuum gap developed for initiating electric arcs in vacuum which uses the property that the voltage required to breakdown a gap in vacuum in the presence of a solid insulating material is considerably less than the voltage required in the absence of such material. In this triggered vacuum gap a solid insulating material is used in the angular space between the main cathode and the concentric trigger electrode forming the auxiliary gap. Different materials like epoxy resin, Teflon (PTFE) and mica have been used. The trigger voltage was found to vary in the range 560-1840 V. The results with epoxy and Teflon were unsatisfactory because the trigger voltages showed wide scatter and the auxiliary gap was soon bridged by metal particles eroded from the electrodes. Though the trigger voltages required with mica were relatively high, consistent triggering could be obtained for a large number of trials before the auxiliary gap was bridged. This was probably due to better thermal stability of mica as compared with either epoxy or Teflon.


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As the study of electrical breakdown phenomena in vacuum systems, gains more importance, a thorough understanding of the breakdown mechanism at high voltages necessitates a chamber for experimental studies. An epoxy-resin chamber has been constructed by casting ring sections which were joined together. The advantages of such a chamber over the conventional metal or glass chamber are given especially as regards the electric field configuration, high voltage lead-in, and the ease of construction. Special facilities can be incorporated while constructing the chamber which makes it more versatile; for example, in pre-breakdown current measurements, electron beam focusing studies, etc.


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Sparking potentials in a coaxial cylinder geometry in oxygen and dry air were measured in crossed electric and magnetic fields. From the data effective collision frequencies were calculated using the equivalent pressure concept. It is shown that the equivalent pressure concept holds good for deriving the effective collision frequencies in non-uniform electric fields.


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Part 1. Many interesting visual and mechanical phenomena occur in the critical region of fluids, both for the gas-liquid and liquid-liquid transitions. The precise thermodynamic and transport behavior here has some broad consequences for the molecular theory of liquids. Previous studies in this laboratory on a liquid-liquid critical mixture via ultrasonics supported a basically classical analysis of fluid behavior by M. Fixman (e. g., the free energy is assumed analytic in intensive variables in the thermodynamics)--at least when the fluid is not too close to critical. A breakdown in classical concepts is evidenced close to critical, in some well-defined ways. We have studied herein a liquid-liquid critical system of complementary nature (possessing a lower critical mixing or consolute temperature) to all previous mixtures, to look for new qualitative critical behavior. We did not find such new behavior in the ultrasonic absorption ascribable to the critical fluctuations, but we did find extra absorption due to chemical processes (yet these are related to the mixing behavior generating the lower consolute point). We rederived, corrected, and extended Fixman's analysis to interpret our experimental results in these more complex circumstances. The entire account of theory and experiment is prefaced by an extensive introduction recounting the general status of liquid state theory. The introduction provides a context for our present work, and also points out problems deserving attention. Interest in these problems was stimulated by this work but also by work in Part 3.

Part 2. Among variational theories of electronic structure, the Hartree-Fock theory has proved particularly valuable for a practical understanding of such properties as chemical binding, electric multipole moments, and X-ray scattering intensity. It also provides the most tractable method of calculating first-order properties under external or internal one-electron perturbations, either developed explicitly in orders of perturbation theory or in the fully self-consistent method. The accuracy and consistency of first-order properties are poorer than those of zero-order properties, but this is most often due to the use of explicit approximations in solving the perturbed equations, or to inadequacy of the variational basis in size or composition. We have calculated the electric polarizabilities of H2, He, Li, Be, LiH, and N2 by Hartree-Fock theory, using exact perturbation theory or the fully self-consistent method, as dictated by convenience. By careful studies on total basis set composition, we obtained good approximations to limiting Hartree-Fock values of polarizabilities with bases of reasonable size. The values for all species, and for each direction in the molecular cases, are within 8% of experiment, or of best theoretical values in the absence of the former. Our results support the use of unadorned Hartree-Pock theory for static polarizabilities needed in interpreting electron-molecule scattering data, collision-induced light scattering experiments, and other phenomena involving experimentally inaccessible polarizabilities.

Part 3. Numerical integration of the close-coupled scattering equations has been carried out to obtain vibrational transition probabilities for some models of the electronically adiabatic H2-H2 collision. All the models use a Lennard-Jones interaction potential between nearest atoms in the collision partners. We have analyzed the results for some insight into the vibrational excitation process in its dependence on the energy of collision, the nature of the vibrational binding potential, and other factors. We conclude also that replacement of earlier, simpler models of the interaction potential by the Lennard-Jones form adds very little realism for all the complication it introduces. A brief introduction precedes the presentation of our work and places it in the context of attempts to understand the collisional activation process in chemical reactions as well as some other chemical dynamics.


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An analytical model for the electric field and the breakdown voltage (BV) of an unbalanced superjunction (SJ) device is presented in this paper. The analytical technique uses a superposition approach treating the asymmetric charge in the pillars as an excess charge component superimposed on a balanced charge component. The proposed double-exponentialmodel is able to accurately predict the electric field and the BV for unbalanced SJ devices in both punch through and non punch through conditions. The model is also reasonably accurate at extremely high levels of charge imbalance when the devices behave similarly to a PiN diode or to a high-conductance layer. The analytical model is compared against numerical simulations of charge unbalanced SJ devices and against experimental results. © 2009 IEEE.


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A Geiger mode planar InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode (APD) with a cascade peripheral junction structure to suppress edge breakdowns is designed by finite-element analysis. The photodiode breakdown voltage is reduced to 54.3V by controlling the central junction depth, while the electric field distribution along the device central axis is controlled by adjusting doping level and thickness of the lnP field control layer. Using a cascade junction structure at the periphery of the active area, premature edge breakdowns are effectively suppressed. The simulations show that the quadra-cascade structure is a good trade-off between suppression performance and fabrication complexity, with a reduced peak electric field of 5.2 × 10~5 kV/cm and a maximum hole ionization integral of 1. 201. Work presented in this paper provides an effective way to design high performance photon counting InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes.


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In this paper we present results on measurements of the dielectric strength of liquid argon near its boiling point and cathode-anode distances in the range of 0.1 mm to 40 mm with spherical cathode and plane anode. We show that at such distances the applied electric field at which breakdowns occur is as low as 40 kV/cm. Flash-overs across the ribbed dielectric of the high voltage feed-through are observed for a length of 300 mm starting from a voltage of 55 kV. These results contribute to set reference for the breakdown-free design of ionization detectors, such as Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr TPC).