796 resultados para Education -- Evaluation


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"Prepared for and funded by the Board of Vocational Education and Rehabilitation, Division of Vocational and Technical Education, Special Programs Unit, Springfield, Illinois."


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The purpose of this study was to (a) develop an evaluation instrument capable of rating students' perceptions of the instructional quality of an online course and the instructor’s performance, and (b) validate the proposed instrument with a study conducted at a major public university. The instrument was based upon the Seven Principles of Good Practice for Undergraduate Education (Chickering & Gamson, 1987). The study examined four specific questions. 1. Is the underlying factor structure of the new instrument consistent with Chickering and Gamson's Seven Principles? 2. Is the factor structure of the new instrument invariant for male and female students? 3. Are the scores on the new instrument related students’ expected grades? 4. Are the scores on the new instrument related to the students' perceived course workload? ^ The instrument was designed to measure students’ levels of satisfaction with their instruction, and also gathered information concerning the students’ sex, the expected grade in the course, and the students’ perceptions of the amount of work required by the course. A cluster sample consisting of an array of online courses across the disciplines yielded a total 297 students who responded to the online survey. The students for each course selected were asked to rate their instructors with the newly developed instrument. ^ Question 1 was answered using exploratory factor analysis, and yielded a factor structure similar to the Seven Principles.^ Question 2 was answered by separately factor-analyzing the responses of male and female students and comparing the factor structures. The resulting factor structures for men and women were different. However, 14 items could be realigned under five factors that paralleled some of the Seven Principles. When the scores of only those 14 items were entered in two principal components factor analyses using only men and only women, respectively and restricting the factor structure to five factors, the factor structures were the same for men and women.^ A weak positive relationship between students’ expected grades and their scores on the instrument was found (Question 3). There was no relationship between students’ perceived workloads for the course and their scores on the instrument (Question 4).^


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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This study evaluated the microbiological quality of hamburgers and the microbe community on the hands of vendors in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil, in relation to vendors´ awareness as to what constitute acceptable food-handling practices as part of a broad-spectrum research programme on street foods in Brazil . Sale of the hamburger known as the 'baguncinha' is common and widespread in urban Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Food inspectors encounter various difficulties in carrying out inspections. One hundred and five hamburgers samples were evaluated using conventional methods including tests for facultative aerobic and/or anaerobic mesophytic bacteria, coliform counts at 45 °C, the coagulase test for Staphylococcus, Gram-staining for the presence of Bacillus cereus, Clostridium sulphite reductase and Salmonella spp. The hamburgers were categorized as unsuitable for human consumption in 31.4% of samples, with those testing positive for coliforms and Staphylococcus at unacceptably high levels by Brazilian standards. High levels of microbiological contamination were detected on the hands of the food handlers and mesophytic bacterial counts reached 1.8 × 10(4) CFU/hand. Interviews were carried out by means of questionnaires to evaluate levels of awareness as to acceptable food handling practices and it was found that 80,1% of vendors had never participated in any kind of training.


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In this work we present and analyze the application of an experience of Project Based Learning (PBL) in the matter of Physics II of the Industrial Design university degree (Girona University) during 2005-2006 courses. This methodology was applied to the Electrostatic and Direct Current subjects. Furthermore, evaluation and self evaluation results were shown and the academic results were compared with results obtained in the same subjects applying conventional teaching methods


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El objetivo del trabajo es: Validar los criterios de Johnson y Johnson (1992) como indicadores de evaluación de actitudes cooperativas. Se plantea definir, contrastar y evaluar estos criterios, analizando el desarrollo de actitudes cooperativas en niños y niñas de 6 años, cuando realizan actividades en el aula. La contrastación de los datos obtenidos a partir de diferentes instrumentos y en diversos contextos, ha permitido valorar y reelaborar la propuesta inicial, para ofrecer unas orientaciones y criterios, más ajustados a la realidad estudiada, que puedan ser útiles a otros centros de características similares


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This study evaluated the microbiological quality of hamburgers and the microbe community on the hands of vendors in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil, in relation to vendors´ awareness as to what constitute acceptable food-handling practices as part of a broad-spectrum research programme on street foods in Brazil . Sale of the hamburger known as the 'baguncinha' is common and widespread in urban Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Food inspectors encounter various difficulties in carrying out inspections. One hundred and five hamburgers samples were evaluated using conventional methods including tests for facultative aerobic and/or anaerobic mesophytic bacteria, coliform counts at 45 °C, the coagulase test for Staphylococcus, Gram-staining for the presence of Bacillus cereus, Clostridium sulphite reductase and Salmonella spp. The hamburgers were categorized as unsuitable for human consumption in 31.4% of samples, with those testing positive for coliforms and Staphylococcus at unacceptably high levels by Brazilian standards. High levels of microbiological contamination were detected on the hands of the food handlers and mesophytic bacterial counts reached 1.8 × 10(4) CFU/hand. Interviews were carried out by means of questionnaires to evaluate levels of awareness as to acceptable food handling practices and it was found that 80,1% of vendors had never participated in any kind of training.


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Although there is a consensus in th~ literature on the many uses of the Internet in education, as well as the unique features of the Internet for presenting facts and information, there is no consensus on a standardized method for evaluating Internetbased courseware. Educators rarely have the opportunity to participate in the development of Internet-based courseware, yet they are encouraged to use the technology in their learning environments. This creates a need for summative evaluation methods for Internet-based health courseware. The purpose ofthis study was to assess evaluative measures for Internet-based courseware. Specifically, two entities were evaluated within the study: a) the outcome of the Internet-based courseware, and b) the Internet-based courseware itself. To this end, the Web site www.bodymatters.com was evaluated using two different approaches by two different cohorts. The first approach was a performance appraisal by a group of endusers. A positive, statistically significant change in the students performance was observed due to the intervention ofthe Web site. The second approach was a productoriented evaluation ofthe Web site with the use of a criterion-based checklist and an open-ended comments section. The findings indicate that a summative, criterion-based evaluation is best completed by a multidisciplinary team. The findi~gs also indicated that the two different cohorts reported different product-oriented appraisals of the Web site. The current research confirmed previous research that found that experts returning a poor evaluation of a Web site did not have a relationship to whether or not the end-users performance improved due to the intervention of the Web site.


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This study attempted to determine whether or not dialogue journal writing encouraged critical reflection in the adult ESL (English as a Second Language) learner. According to research in adult education and anecdotal evidence, the process ofdialogue journal writing can facilitate critical reflection in the adult learner. However, little research has been conducted to examine whether or not journal writing can facilitate critical reflection in the second language learner. As a result, ten low-intermediate level adult ESL students from Brock University's Intensive English Language Programme participated in a dialogue journal writing programme in their writing class. The participants wrote journal entries over a 10-week period, and were interviewed once throughout the process to determine their perceptions ofthe journal writing experience. They also were observed by the researcher throughout the journal writing sessions to establish whether any behaviours or intrusions might affect the participants' writing processes. After the content ofthe journals and the interviews, and the observations made by the researcher were analysed, it was confirmed that, for these participants, dialogue journal writing did not necessarily encourage critical reflection. Moreover, the participants' perceptions ofjournal writing were that it helped them to practise the syntax, vocabulary, and rhetorical patterns ofEnglish; nevertheless, it did not foster critical reflection or thinking.


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This study investigated the effectiveness of comprehension level preadjunct questions as a learning strategy for older adults in a classroom setting. Fifty-five adults from 55 to 70 years of age were randomly assigned to two groups, the preadjunct question group and a no-question control group. They viewed a video on high blood pressure and completed a recall posttest immediately after viewing the video and again seven days tater. Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference between groups. However, the no-question control group obtained a higher mean score on both the immediate and delayed recall tests than did the preadjunct question group. Nevertheless, significant differences in posttest scores were found related to educational levels and prior knowledge about high blood pressure. Results obtained were explained in terms of resource theory of cognitive aging.


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The study focused on the teacher as an adult learner rather than an instructor. A sample of three hundred and three elementary school teachers completed a two-part Likert survey questionnaire. The instrument was developed by the researcher in an attempt to operationalize Mezirow's Theory of Perspective Transformation. The four sub-scales collected information about teachers as they perceived themselves as adult learners and the way they conceptualize critical SelfReflection, Meaning perspectives and New Insights (Mezirow, 1978, 1981, 1989, 1990) within a framework of Mezirow's concept of Transformative Learning. Survey research methodology was used. Frequency distributions, means, and standard deviation were calculated. Reliability analysis and Pearson 'r' correlations established the internal consistency of items It Cross tabulations to describe differences in responses across demographic valuables were computed. The survey results indicated that teachers perceived themselves as self-directed learners. The findings support the need for a better understanding of the teacher as an adult learner so that teacher inservice programs and teacher supervision and evaluation can provide a viable learning alternative to the existing models used in practice.


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Les difficultés reliées à la lecture constituent 80% des motifs de référence en orthopédagogie. Parfois, ces difficultés sont les précurseurs du trouble d’apprentissage le plus commun soit le trouble spécifique d’apprentissage en lecture (TSAL). Cette recherche porte sur le travail des orthopédagogues en lien avec les trois grandes étapes reliées au TSAL : (1) son dépistage, (2) son évaluation orthopédagogique et sa référence en neuropsychologie et finalement (3) sa prise en charge ainsi que sa rééducation en lien avec les recommandations neuropsychologiques. La collecte de données a été réalisée grâce à des entrevues avec trois orthopédagogues travaillant au primaire et autour d’un cas d’élève atteint de TSAL. Chacune des trois orthopédagogues a présenté un cas d’élève et a décrit sa pratique. Lors des rencontres, chaque participante a également remis au chercheur le dossier de l’élève contenant le rapport neuropsychologique confirmant le diagnostic. Les résultats de cette recherche indiquent que les signes précurseurs observés par les trois orthopédagogues ainsi que leurs interventions rééducatives sont très semblables. Toutefois, les outils d’évaluation utilisés diffèrent de l’une à l’autre tant en ce qui a trait au choix qu’à la manière de les utiliser. Les trois orthopédagogues optent pour la référence en neuropsychologie dans le but ultime de dresser un portrait global de leur élève quant à leurs habiletés cognitives et déficitaires pouvant être attribuables à un TSAL. Le rapport du neuropsychologue sert alors à confirmer l’impression diagnostique des orthopédagogues. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que les orthopédagogues entament de façon précoce les interventions rééducatives et offrent simultanément les mesures adaptatives relatives aux difficultés observées chez l’élève. Avec l’arrivée du diagnostic de TSAL, et les recommandations proposées dans le rapport neuropsychologique, les orthopédagogues valident et peuvent à l’occasion bonifier leurs interventions ou mesures. De plus, elles les officialisent en les ajoutant, si ce n’est pas déjà fait, au plan d’intervention de l’élève. Les interventions rééducatives et les mesures adaptées mises en place par les trois orthopédagogues sont également comparées à celles proposées par les neuropsychologues et analysées à la lumière de celles reconnues comme étant efficaces et profitables selon la littérature. Nos résultats mettent en évidence la grande similitude qui existe entre les interventions appliquées par les orthopédagogues, celles proposées par les neuropsychologues ainsi que celles répertoriées dans la littérature.


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Resumen del autor. Resumen en castellano y en inglés. Este artículo se incluye en el monográfico 'Sistemas nacionales de evaluación'


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O presente trabalho dissertativo objetivou levantar e descrever os impactos causados pela Avaliação Institucional do MEC no âmbito do currículo dos cursos superiores de Licenciatura Plena, tomando-se como objeto empírico de verificação as Faculdades Integradas de Patos – FIP. Em linhas gerais, o referido trabalho evidencia o histórico da avaliação institucional brasileira, identificando os modelos avaliativos: PAIUB, ENC e SINAES, levando-se em consideração as ideias conceituais de teóricos, como: Leite (1997), Brito (2006), Buarque (2005), Dias Sobrinho (2000), Balzan (2005), Catani (1997), Gadotti (2005), Trindade (1999), dentre outros. Apresenta a organização curricular dos Cursos de Licenciatura Plena das Faculdades Integradas de Patos que são: Geografia, História, Letras e Pedagogia, identificando cada curso a partir de sua matriz curricular, destacando a proposta do Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional e do Plano Pedagógico Institucional da IES. Por último, mostra os resultados da pesquisa de campo que foi desenvolvida a partir da aplicação de questionários direcionados aos segmentos dos Docentes, Coordenadores de Curso, Coordenações Acadêmicas e Membros da Comissão Própria de Avaliação das FIP. Com base nos resultados da pesquisa de campo, os Cursos de Licenciatura Plena das FIP nesta última década, sofrerem e vem sofrendo os impactos das avaliações institucionais do MEC. Tais impactos configuramse a partir de perspectivas mais positivas do que negativas, pois estes cursos desde que começaram a participar do processo avaliativo do MEC, que se veem envolvidos em processos de auto-avaliação, tanto interno como externo, apresentando melhorias significativas.