978 resultados para Education, Popular.


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La presente investigación se propone analizar de qué manera influye la experiencia educativa extraescolar La Casa en la vida de los jóvenes que participan de sus actividades educativas. Dicha experiencia se lleva a cabo desde el año 2009 en El Retiro, barrio periférico de la ciudad de La Plata caracterizado por condiciones de pobreza estructural. La misma está organizada por un grupo de personas, en su mayoría estudiantes y graduados universitarios, quienes buscan, a través de actividades educativas, construir herramientas que les brinden mayor autonomía a los habitantes del barrio. La Casa se enmarca en un proceso histórico caracterizado por el surgimiento, desde la sociedad civil, de diferentes alternativas que buscan dar algún tipo de respuesta a las consecuencias sociales del proceso de polarización y fragmentación social que tuvo lugar a partir de las transformaciones de las últimas décadas. En este caso, La Casa hace foco en la cuestión educativa, considerándolo el eje fundamental para generar autonomía en los sujetos. Durante el año 2010 y principios de 2011 se llevó a cabo la presente investigación de corte cualitativo, la cual se valió de herramientas como la observación participante y la entrevista semi-estructurada para alcanzar el objetivo de dar cuenta de la influencia de esta experiencia en la vida de los jóvenes entre 13 y 18 años que participan de las actividades educativas que allí se desarrollan, tanto desde la perspectiva de los mismos jóvenes, como de los talleristas, familiares y otros actores de la comunidad. Por otra parte, la reconstrucción de esta experiencia, sus modificaciones a lo largo del tiempo, el modo en que los distintos actores que participan de ella ven a La Casa y los efectos que tiene en los jóvenes abre el camino para una reflexión crítica en torno a las potencialidades y limitaciones, a las tensiones y las oportunidades de experiencias de este tipo


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La presente investigación se propone analizar de qué manera influye la experiencia educativa extraescolar La Casa en la vida de los jóvenes que participan de sus actividades educativas. Dicha experiencia se lleva a cabo desde el año 2009 en El Retiro, barrio periférico de la ciudad de La Plata caracterizado por condiciones de pobreza estructural. La misma está organizada por un grupo de personas, en su mayoría estudiantes y graduados universitarios, quienes buscan, a través de actividades educativas, construir herramientas que les brinden mayor autonomía a los habitantes del barrio. La Casa se enmarca en un proceso histórico caracterizado por el surgimiento, desde la sociedad civil, de diferentes alternativas que buscan dar algún tipo de respuesta a las consecuencias sociales del proceso de polarización y fragmentación social que tuvo lugar a partir de las transformaciones de las últimas décadas. En este caso, La Casa hace foco en la cuestión educativa, considerándolo el eje fundamental para generar autonomía en los sujetos. Durante el año 2010 y principios de 2011 se llevó a cabo la presente investigación de corte cualitativo, la cual se valió de herramientas como la observación participante y la entrevista semi-estructurada para alcanzar el objetivo de dar cuenta de la influencia de esta experiencia en la vida de los jóvenes entre 13 y 18 años que participan de las actividades educativas que allí se desarrollan, tanto desde la perspectiva de los mismos jóvenes, como de los talleristas, familiares y otros actores de la comunidad. Por otra parte, la reconstrucción de esta experiencia, sus modificaciones a lo largo del tiempo, el modo en que los distintos actores que participan de ella ven a La Casa y los efectos que tiene en los jóvenes abre el camino para una reflexión crítica en torno a las potencialidades y limitaciones, a las tensiones y las oportunidades de experiencias de este tipo


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I. Robespierre. Carlyle. Byron. Macaulay. Emerson. --II. Vauvenargues. Turgot. Condorcet. Joseph de Maistre. --III. On popular culture. The death of Mr. Mill. Mr. Mill's Autobiography. The life of George Eliot. On Pattison's Memoirs. Harriet Martineau. W.R. Greg; a sketch. France in the eighteenth century. The expansion of England. Auguste Comte.


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The main thesis of this paper is that Freire’s original experience in Angicos anticipated a grand design for social transformation of educational systems. As such it brought together two key concepts that formulated the basis of his educational system: popular culture as an counter-hegemonic project and popular education, more particularly what was later called citizen schools or public popular education as keystone of his new educational system. I use the term Paulo Freire System to show that his original attempts were not only to challenge pedagogical the prevailing banking education system that was so pervasive in Brazil and Latin American at the time. In challenging the hegemony of banking education, its narrative, theoretical foundations, epistemology and methodology, Freire and his team sought to create a new system that could replace the old one. They saw banking education not only as obsolete in terms of modernization of systems but also oppressive in gnoseological, epistemological and political terms. In the conclusion of this paper I will discuss the twins obsessions of Freire, already present in the Angicos experience and that will stay with him throughout his life: the relationship between democracy, citizenship and education, and education as a postcolonial ethical act of social transformation. I would like to emphasize therefore that the Paulo Freire system, as conceived in the Angicos experience and its aftermath was a much larger and comprehensive system that originally considered, even by his critics.


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This paper argues that popular history magazines may be a welcome complement toother forms of historical media in history teaching. By outlining a theoretical framework thatcaptures uses of history, the paper analyses popular history magazine articles from five Europeancountries all dealing with the outbreak of World War I. The study finds that while the studiedarticles provide a rather heterogeneous view of the causes of the Great War, they can be used todiscuss and analyse the importance of perspective in history, thus offering an opportunity tofurther a more disciplinary historical understanding.


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We are currently witnessing a renewed vigour to ongoing concerns about the sexualisation of young women and girls in western popular culture. This paper takes up Angela McRobbie’s concerns that the commercial sphere has become a primary site for talking about, and educating, girls and young women (McRobbie, 2008). I first explore the growth in ‘expert’ commentary, on girls and sexualisation, drawing on the work of a number of commentators and authors from the USA, the UK and Australia, who have become ubiquitous media commentators on issues facing girls, including sexualisation. I then draw on feminist and education theory to explore the possible limitations of how education is conceived within this cultural site, particularly with respect to constructions of girls’ resistance. In the final part of the paper I show how girls’ resistance is complicated in postfeminist, neoliberal societies and I propose that education scholarship and practice must confront the ways in which girls’ resistance is bound up in their developing classed and raced identities.


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Through an analysis of gay protest music (1975) and an educational kit for students (1978), both sponsored by the Campaign for Homosexual Equality in the UK, this paper brings into focus a history of gay rights activists' efforts to marshal popular culture in the development of informal sex education for young people in the second half of the 1970s. Through a reparative critique of prevailing therapeutic research methodologies, and through a theoretical deployment of notions of methodological reconciliation and queer breeding, it makes the case for the importance of historical methods in contemporary sex education research.


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Drawing on the philosophies and writings of Paulo Freire regarding education as activism, this paper will explore the history and activities of the Popular Education Network of Australia (PENA). The network, founded in 2009, involves educators, academics and community workers, working together on issues relating to critical pedagogy and social change in schools, communities and adult education contexts. Two symposia have been organised on critical education in Australia. In 2010, ‘Teaching and Learning for Social Justice and Action’ was the inaugural gathering. In 2012, ‘Freire Reloaded: Learning and Teaching to Change the World’ featured a diverse range of workshops and Professor Antonia Darder as keynote speaker and observer. Through the perspectives and experiences of five academics involved in PENA, this paper will explore the group’s activities and reflect on the inspiration drawn from the work of Freire, Darder and others. Creating spaces for discussion of critical pedagogy affords opportunities for academics, educators, teachers and activists to reflect on their practice and also leads to further spontaneous networking and planning of action. In this paper we argue that there is continuing importance, in fact urgency, in producing places and spaces for conscientisation to occur, and for examples of critical education to be shared amongst 21st century educators.


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