843 resultados para Educação de crianças Formação de professores


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The study object of this thesis intertwines the history of deaf education in the last 30 years in three schools for the deaf in the cities of Campina Grande, Gado Bravo and Aroeiras, Paraiba, the life stories of six deaf teachers of brasilian sign language (Libras) that have formed and works in these educational institutions for the deaf and our own journey, as a teacher and researcher. The study was conducted on the theoretical-methodological principles of (auto)biographical research in education and socio-historical studies on the social formation of the human. The corpus used for analysis was consisted of six narrative interviews conducted in sign language and transcribed into portuguese, documents and personal files and institutional. The analysis allowed us to define three hinge moments of this story: the creation of the first school for the deaf, within the framework of oralism (1980 - 1991), the passage into the Total Communication (1991 - 1995) and, finally, the introduction of Bilingualism (1995 to today). The analyzes show that the trajectories of teacher formation of the research participants reflect the history of the three schools which have costituted bilingual social spaces of paramount importance to the subjects and the deaf community as a group of linguistic and cultural minority. The evolution of this trajectory has allowed to demarcate between the two generations of research participants. The generation of heirs of oralism, which had delayed access to the Libras and lived an education referenced in oralism, whose reminiscences of childhood and adolescence are strongly marked by suffering for the lack of communication, which hinders their social and professional career until today. And the generation of the sons of bilingualism, the youngest in age, who had childhood access to Libras and education within the framework of bilingualism, whose reminiscences are not marked by suffering and have a positive vision of the future. With respect to your teacher formation, three figures stand out as a teacher. The teacher's improvised, closer to the first generation of teachers who were called to teach without proper training. The figure of the teacher craftsman, which corresponds to the image that most of them have of yourself now, understanding that their knowledge are based on the exchange between peers. And finally the figure of the real teacher, which stands on the horizon of expectations as future graduates in Letters |Libras. The narratives allowed to realize that the evolution between these figures is based on the contributions of the other: hearing teachers of EDAC and the Federal University of Campina Grande and deaf teachers of the two generations who learn from each other. The analyzes and reflections allowed to defend the thesis of the centrality of bilingual environments for the establishment of the deaf person as a citizen with full rights, based on the voice of the deaf, muted by the history of education, conducted by listeners


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed to understand environmental education in the training of teachers of one pedagogy course at a public university in the state of So Paulo. To answer this question, an exploratory research was conducted, in which a study field, by the techniques of semistructured interviews and documentary analysis, provided the data for analysis. Important to highlight theoretical and methodological foundations of Historical-Dialectical Materialism and Historical-Critical Pedagogy that guided the study. With the results analyzed, we say that environmental education in the studied pedagogy course is minimal and, when it appears, enhances conservation and care with the environment perspectives, without considering the causes of environmental degradation: the way to produce life in capitalist society. In this sense, it is necessary for a consistent formation of the teacher in environmental education to advance the knowledge of this field directly related to education. For the inclusion of environmental education in school education, it is necessary that their knowledge to be considered in education, especially in the training of teachers. Therefore, the data collected and analyzed in this study may contribute to the formation of teachers to understand that environmental education in their training has not been established with the importance and the quality that the social and environmental problems require, with no place along the undergraduation, a condition that needs to be changed to teacher develop a transformative environmental educational practice at school


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This paper presents some outcomes of a broader research on Astronomy Education in primary school teacher's education. From the analysis of the main astronomy subjects thought nationwide and the research outcomes, we identified a set of astronomy contents considered fundamental to the teachers practice. Through a research carried out among a sample of primary school teachers, however, we show that, even in these essential contents, persists alternative conceptions among those teachers. Data collected pointed out, thus, to the necessity of improving teacher's education in this area, taking into consideration astronomy edu cation research outcomes, in favor of a teaching which contemplates, at least, the fundamental contents on this subject.


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The central focus of this paper is to establish that the Brazilian Education Programa to prepare professionals in Technical-Agricultural Schools is suffering a kind of marginalization which comes from two distinct perspectives: the intention to prepare professionals (being a branch of Technical Education) and the relationship to the countryside (a community space historically seen as peripheral in its relation to urban culture). The paper discusses from a historical and sociological point of view and using Oral History as methodological approach the experiences of Maths teachers in their daily struggles against some conceptions of other teachers (mainly those of technical areas) and against all the regular schooling system.


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This text is in theoretical study, with consideration of the authors of the critical perspective of education and training of science teachers. We indicate a set of principles and concepts of some philosophers, like Habermas and Gramsci and theoretical education in a critical bias, as Freire, Saviani, Giroux and Duarte, which can enrich the discussions in the field of science teacher education. Some of these concepts: organic intellectual philosophy of praxis, inconclusiveness, incompleteness, dialogue and problematization, communicative action, critical pedagogies of learning to learn, dialectical relationship between theory, culture and depth psychology. Thus, we intend to explain the richness of the dialogue among this perspective and its implications for the training of science teachers.


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A presente pesquisa investiga a formação de professores das cincias e sua perspectiva para o sculo XXI, a partir da anlise das manifestaes acadmico-cientficas de docentes doutores pesquisadores em educação cientfica nas reas de Biologia, Qumica, Fsica, Matemtica e Cincias da Natureza. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, cuja narrativa procura contemplar aspectos de formação dessas reas em meio aos conflitos, embates, especificidades e necessidades do atual contexto educacional. Busco tratar de vises e assumir posies sobre o que os professores das Cincias precisam aprender, pela configurao das tendncias de formação e das prticas de ensino e de aprendizagem consideradas no sculo XX, bem como das projees do que se pe como desejvel para o sculo XXI. Nesse mbito, identifico cinco categorias analticas que so postas a partir de entrevistas junto aos meus sujeitos de pesquisa. Em relao primeira categoria de pesquisa as tendncias apontam que os contedos cientficos so imprescindveis, porm no suficientes durante o processo educativo, havendo necessidade de juntar o seu valor formativo. A segunda categoria traz a considerao do aluno no processo de aprender e ensinar cincias. Dentre o que no pode mais ser admissvel neste sculo, a terceira categoria discute a dissociao entre cincia, tecnologia e sociedade atrelada a uma viso fragmentada de cincia. A quarta categoria aponta o que posto de novidade na formação de professores das cincias, e a quinta categoria pe em discusso as necessidades formativas de professores das cincias para o sculo XXI. As anlises dessas tendncias em funo dos relatos e entrevistas desses sujeitos de pesquisa so responsveis pela integrao entre o ensinar e o aprender, compartilhando os saberes pedaggicos, filosficos, sociolgicos, cientficos. A partir da literatura atual sobre a formação de professores de cincias, procuro dar conta de algumas inquietaes que permeiam a investigao e corroboram com uma mudana epistemolgica do ensino: Quais aspectos devem ser prioritariamente considerados no mbito da formação de professores das cincias? Quais as necessidades formativas desses professores? As contribuies acadmicas a respeito dos saberes profissionais dos professores tm contribudo sobremaneira para o estabelecimento de uma cultura reflexiva em torno da prtica docente de forma bastante crtica. Palavras-chave: 1. Formação de professores; 2. Ensino das cincias; 3. Necessidades formativas no sculo XXI.


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This study arises in the context of physics teacher training and aims, from the speech of the teacher trainer, identify possible pedagogical models and characterize thinking styles present in the course of licentiate in physics of IFRN using the epistemology of Ludwik Fleck. We classify our research as qualitative with an empirical nature, and for the analysis we chose the discursive textual analysis - DTA (MORAES, 2003). The locus of our research will be the licentiate in physics at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN, Natal-Central Campus and the research subjects, a group of teacher trainers of this course. We interviewed ten teachers, being six from the group dedicated to physics and four from the group dedicated to didactics and pedagogy. From this design, we performed data acquisition consisted of: 1) semi-structured interview, 2) document analysis. On the data analysis, with the support of pedagogical trends that were observed in our study based on the perception of the similarities and differences between the ideas presented by teachers about: education and teaching; ideal teaching practice, teacher's role, learning conceptions, and according to the student and on the ideological thinking of these former teachers on the professional profile of graduates, we noted subsidies to identify evidences of the presence of three distinct thinking styles that interrelate with each other in a considerably intense way. The relevance of the study is presented in the understanding of thinking styles that participate in the dynamics of the course of teacher training in physics, and by consequence, elucidation of a problem pointed out a priori as motivating the research: the difficulty of communicative interaction on educational practices among teacher trainers. We bring Fleck's epistemology as a motivating possibility of dialogue and negotiation, setting thus an instrument of real change, towards the significance of teacher training in physics.


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Esta Pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, teve por objetivo, descrever e analisar o processo de formação (2009) de um grupo de educadores os Agentes Auxiliares de Creche1 (AAC)-, recm concursados, atravs de um Estudo de Caso. Para tanto, fez parte das anlises as recentes mudanas nas polticas de educação infantil do municpio do Rio de Janeiro (1997-2010) e o percurso de constituio da unidade de educação infantil -Creche Municipal Odetinha Vidal de Oliveira, atravs do relato de alguns de seus lderes comunitrios. No municpio do Rio de Janeiro, as creches pblicas resultaram da transferncia das instituies que pertenciam antiga Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Social (SMDS), atual Secretaria Municipal de Assistncia Social (SMAS), para a Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SME). Atualmente, a rede municipal de ensino totaliza 255 creches municipais, com 33.348 alunos, em horrio integral (7h -17h). No ano de 2005, o poder executivo do municpio do Rio de Janeiro, atravs da Lei 3985 de 08 de abril, criou a categoria funcional de Agente Auxiliar de Creche, que passou a integrar o Quadro de Pessoal de Apoio Educação. O ingresso ao cargo deu-se atravs de concurso pblico, realizado em 2007, constitudo de provas e provas de ttulos, sendo exigida, a formação mnima em nvel fundamental (o que fere a LDBEN 9394/96) e carga horria de 40 horas semanais. A seleo ocorreu regionalmente, isto , por CRE. Em junho de 2008, o quadro de pessoal das creches pblicas do municpio do Rio de Janeiro passou a contar em sua estrutura, com os novos profissionais egressos do concurso, marcando uma nova trajetria na histria dessas instituies. A partir da anlise do perfil destes educadores, meu objetivo foi refletir sobre a formação em servio necessria para atender s especificidades de trabalho com criana de zero a trs anos. Estaremos assim, co-participando na implementao de polticas pblicas de Educação Infantil da prefeitura quanto formação em servio dos agentes auxiliares de creche. Para tanto, propomos trs temas comuns e complementares de pesquisa: Insero das crianças e famlias creche; Brincar/Brincadeira; Arranjo espacial. Os instrumentos utilizados na pesquisa foram: observao participativa, questionrios, e entrevistas. Foram tambm desenvolvidas, com os educadores, atividades de formação e sesses reflexivas que proporcionem o pleno desenvolvimento profissional desses sujeitos.


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Tese de mestrado, Educação (Desenvolvimento Curricular), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010


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Este estudo enquadra-se numa abordagem descritiva da importncia do envolvimento parental na educação de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais e da problemtica da relao famlia e escola, considerando essas mesmas crianças. Apresenta uma reflexo contextualizada ao nvel do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico, que pretende consciencializar quer os profissionais da educação quer a famlia da importncia que estes assumem no processo educativo destes alunos/ filhos. Neste sentido, foram nossos objectivos conhecer o nvel de envolvimento parental e a sua influncia no processo educativo de crianças com NEE, assim como compreender quando e como colaboram os pais na escola bem como as motivaes que levam a estabelecer e manter uma relao entre os pais de crianças com NEE e os professores. A metodologia utilizada foi o questionrio e a entrevista. Pode constatar-se que a problemtica da relao entre a famlia e a escola, tendo em conta a criana com NEE, necessita da formação/educação de pais e professores, de forma a inferir mudana de atitudes e prticas; impondo-se, nesta perspectiva, a regularizao da comunicao entre pais e professores, tornando-se as relaes entre ambos, um "hbito" desenvolvido a vrios nveis.


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Ps-graduao em Educação - FFC


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC