952 resultados para Echo cancellation
Reliable quantification of the macromolecule signals in short echo-time H-1 MRS spectra is particularly important at high magnetic fields for an accurate quantification of metabolite concentrations (the neurochemical profile) due to effectively increased spectral resolution of the macromolecule components. The purpose of the present study was to assess two approaches of quantification, which take the contribution of macromolecules into account in the quantification step. H-1 spectra were acquired on a 14.1 T/26 cm horizontal scanner on five rats using the ultra-short echo-time SPECIAL (spin echo full intensity acquired localization) spectroscopy sequence. Metabolite concentrations were estimated using LCModel, combined with a simulated basis set of metabolites using published spectral parameters and either the spectrum of macromolecules measured in vivo, using an inversion recovery technique, or baseline simulated by the built-in spline function. The fitted spline function resulted in a smooth approximation of the in vivo macromolecules, but in accordance with previous studies using Subtract-QUEST could not reproduce completely all features of the in vivo spectrum of macromolecules at 14.1 T. As a consequence, the measured macromolecular 'baseline' led to a more accurate and reliable quantification at higher field strengths.
Due to SNR constraints, current "bright-blood" 3D coronary MRA approaches still suffer from limited spatial resolution when compared to conventional x-ray coronary angiography. Recent 2D fast spin-echo black-blood techniques maximize signal for coronary MRA at no loss in image spatial resolution. This suggests that the extension of black-blood coronary MRA with a 3D imaging technique would allow for a further signal increase, which may be traded for an improved spatial resolution. Therefore, a dual-inversion 3D fast spin-echo imaging sequence and real-time navigator technology were combined for high-resolution free-breathing black-blood coronary MRA. In-plane image resolution below 400 microm was obtained. Magn Reson Med 45:206-211, 2001.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Recent developments of magnetic resonance imaging enabled free-breathing coronary MRA (cMRA) using steady-state-free-precession (SSFP) for endogenous contrast. The purpose of this study was a systematic comparison of SSFP cMRA with standard T2-prepared gradient-echo and spiral cMRA. METHODS: Navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared SSFP-, T2-prepared gradient-echo- and T2-prepared spiral cMRA was performed in 18 healthy swine (45-68 kg body-weight). Image quality was investigated subjectively and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and vessel sharpness were compared. RESULTS: SSFP cMRA allowed for high quality cMRA during free breathing with substantial improvements in SNR, CNR and vessel sharpness when compared with standard T2-prepared gradient-echo imaging. Spiral imaging demonstrated the highest SNR while image quality score and vessel definition was best for SSFP imaging. CONCLUSION: Navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared SSFP cMRA is a promising new imaging approach for high signal and high contrast imaging of the coronary arteries with improved vessel border definition.
The double spin-echo point resolved spectroscopy sequence (PRESS) is a widely used method and standard in clinical MR spectroscopy. Existence of important J-modulations at constant echo times, depending on the temporal delays between the rf-pulses, have been demonstrated recently for strongly coupled spin systems and were exploited for difference editing, removing singlets from the spectrum (strong-coupling PRESS, S-PRESS). A drawback of this method for in vivo applications is that large signal modulations needed for difference editing occur only at relatively long echo times. In this work we demonstrate that, by simply adding a third refocusing pulse (3S-PRESS), difference editing becomes possible at substantially shorter echo times while, as applied to citrate, more favorable lineshapes can be obtained. For the example of an AB system an analytical description of the MR signal, obtained with this triple refocusing sequence (3S-PRESS), is provided.
With improved B 0 homogeneity along with satisfactory gradient performance at high magnetic fields, snapshot gradient-recalled echo-planar imaging (GRE-EPI) would perform at long echo times (TEs) on the order of T2*, which intrinsically allows obtaining strongly T2*-weighted images with embedded substantial anatomical details in ultrashort time. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and quality of long TE snapshot GRE-EPI images of rat brain at 9.4 T. When compensating for B 0 inhomogeneities, especially second-order shim terms, a 200 x 200 microm2 in-plane resolution image was reproducibly obtained at long TE (>25 ms). The resulting coronal images at 30 ms had diminished geometric distortions and, thus, embedded substantial anatomical details. Concurrently with the very consistent stability, such GRE-EPI images should permit to resolve functional data not only with high specificity but also with substantial anatomical details, therefore allowing coregistration of the acquired functional data on the same image data set.
Stimulated echoes are widely used for imaging functional tissue parameters such as diffusion coefficient, perfusion, and flow rates. They are potentially interesting for the assessment of various cardiac functions. However, severe limitations of the stimulated echo acquisition mode occur, which are related to the special dynamic properties of the beating heart and flowing blood. To the well-known signal decay due to longitudinal relaxation and through-plane motion between the preparation and the read-out period of the stimulated echoes, additional signal loss is often observed. As the prepared magnetization is fixed with respect to the tissue, this signal loss is caused by the tissue deformation during the cardiac cycle, which leads to a modification of the modulation frequency of the magnetization. These effects are theoretically derived and corroborated by phantom and in vivo experiments.
Quantification of short-echo time proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy results in >18 metabolite concentrations (neurochemical profile). Their quantification accuracy depends on the assessment of the contribution of macromolecule (MM) resonances, previously experimentally achieved by exploiting the several fold difference in T(1). To minimize effects of heterogeneities in metabolites T(1), the aim of the study was to assess MM signal contributions by combining inversion recovery (IR) and diffusion-weighted proton spectroscopy at high-magnetic field (14.1 T) and short echo time (= 8 msec) in the rat brain. IR combined with diffusion weighting experiments (with δ/Δ = 1.5/200 msec and b-value = 11.8 msec/μm(2)) showed that the metabolite nulled spectrum (inversion time = 740 msec) was affected by residuals attributed to creatine, inositol, taurine, choline, N-acetylaspartate as well as glutamine and glutamate. While the metabolite residuals were significantly attenuated by 50%, the MM signals were almost not affected (< 8%). The combination of metabolite-nulled IR spectra with diffusion weighting allows a specific characterization of MM resonances with minimal metabolite signal contributions and is expected to lead to a more precise quantification of the neurochemical profile.
PURPOSE: To develop a breathhold method for black-blood viability imaging of the heart that may facilitate identifying the endocardial border. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three stimulated-echo acquisition mode (STEAM) images were obtained almost simultaneously during the same acquisition using three different demodulation values. Two of the three images were used to construct a black-blood image of the heart. The third image was a T(1)-weighted viability image that enabled detection of hyperintense infarcted myocardium after contrast agent administration. The three STEAM images were combined into one composite black-blood viability image of the heart. The composite STEAM images were compared to conventional inversion-recovery (IR) delayed hyperenhanced (DHE) images in nine human subjects studied on a 3T MRI scanner. RESULTS: STEAM images showed black-blood characteristics and a significant improvement in the blood-infarct signal-difference to noise ratio (SDNR) when compared to the IR-DHE images (34 +/- 4.1 vs. 10 +/- 2.9, mean +/- standard deviation (SD), P < 0.002). There was sufficient myocardium-infarct SDNR in the STEAM images to accurately delineate infarcted regions. The extracted infarcts demonstrated good agreement with the IR-DHE images. CONCLUSION: The STEAM black-blood property allows for better delineation of the blood-infarct border, which would enhance the fast and accurate measurement of infarct size.
Attempts to use a stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM) in cardiac imaging are impeded by imaging artifacts that result in signal attenuation and nulling of the cardiac tissue. In this work, we present a method to reduce this artifact by acquiring two sets of stimulated echo images with two different demodulations. The resulting two images are combined to recover the signal loss and weighted to compensate for possible deformation-dependent intensity variation. Numerical simulations were used to validate the theory. Also, the proposed correction method was applied to in vivo imaging of normal volunteers (n = 6) and animal models with induced infarction (n = 3). The results show the ability of the method to recover the lost myocardial signal and generate artifact-free black-blood cardiac images.
A cardiac-triggered free-breathing three-dimensional balanced fast field-echo projection magnetic resonance (MR) angiographic sequence with a two-dimensional pencil-beam aortic labeling pulse was developed for the renal arteries. For data acquisition during free breathing in eight healthy adults and seven consecutive patients with renal artery disease, real-time navigator technology was implemented. This technique allows high-spatial-resolution and high-contrast renal MR angiography and visualization of renal artery stenosis without exogenous contrast agent or breath hold. Initial promising results warrant larger clinical studies.
The authors compared radial steady-state free precession (SSFP) coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiography, cartesian k-space sampling SSFP coronary MR angiography, and gradient-echo coronary MR angiography in 16 healthy adults and four pilot study patients. Standard gradient-echo MR imaging with a T2 preparatory pulse and cartesian k-space sampling was the reference technique. Image quality was compared by using subjective motion artifact level and objective contrast-to-noise ratio and vessel sharpness. Radial SSFP, compared with cartesian SSFP and gradient-echo MR angiography, resulted in reduced motion artifacts and superior vessel sharpness. Cartesian SSFP resulted in increased motion artifacts (P <.05). Contrast-to-noise ratio with radial SSFP was lower than that with cartesian SSFP and similar to that with the reference technique. Radial SSFP coronary MR angiography appears preferable because of improved definition of vessel borders.
OBJECT: To determine whether glycine can be measured at 7 T in human brain with (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The glycine singlet is overlapped by the larger signal of myo-inositol. Density matrix simulations were performed to determine the TE at which the myo-inositol signal was reduced the most, following a single spin-echo excitation. (1)H MRS was performed on an actively shielded 7 T scanner, in five healthy volunteers. RESULTS: At the TE of 30 ms, the myo-inositol signal intensity was substantially reduced. Quantification using LCModel yielded a glycine-to-creatine ratio of 0.14 +/- 0.01, with a Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of 7 +/- 1%. Furthermore, quantification of metabolites other than glycine was possible as well, with a CRLB mostly below 10%. CONCLUSION: It is possible to detect glycine at 7 T in human brain, at the short TE of 30 ms with a single spin-echo excitation scheme.
OBJECT: To determine the single spin-echo T 2 relaxation times of uncoupled and J-coupled metabolites in rat brain in vivo at 14.1 T and to compare these results with those previously obtained at 9.4 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Measurements were performed on five rats at 14.1 T using the SPECIAL sequence and TE-specific basis-sets for LCModel analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The T 2 of singlets ranged from 98 to 148 ms and T 2 of J-coupled metabolites ranged from 72 ms (glutamate) to 97 ms (myo-inositol). When comparing the T 2s of the metabolites measured at 14.1 T with those previously measured at 9.4 T, a decreasing trend was found (p < 0.0001). We conclude that the modest shortening of T 2 at 14.1 T has a negligible impact on the sensitivity of the (1)H MRS when performed at TE shorter than 10 ms.