1000 resultados para ETIOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS


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A pitiose é causada por microorganismo aquático, fungo-símile, o Pythium insidiosum, patógeno de homens e animais. Observou-se um paciente com úlcera fagedênica no membro inferior, com exame anatomopatológico sugestivo de zigomicose, pouco sensível à terapêutica antifúngica, obtendo-se cura por meio de ampla exérese. A comprovação etiológica resultou de métodos moleculares, com amplificação e seqüenciamento de DNA de organismo isolado em ágar Sabouraud, observando-se 100% de analogia com seqüências de P. insidiosum depositadas no GenBank.


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Background: The large vestibular aqueduct syndrome (LVAS) is characterized by the enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct associated with sensorioneural hearing loss. The level of hearing loss varies and may be fluctuant, progressive or sudden. Vestibular symptoms may be present. The diagnosis is reached by imaging methods. Aim: To report an LVAS case. Method: A female infant was submitted to a computerized tomography of the ears and to audiologic tests. Results: Enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct of more than 1.5mm and sensorioneural hearing loss in the right ear were observed. Conclusion: With an early hearing evaluation it is possible to diagnose hearing loss, even in children were this loss is unilateral. Although the literature indicates that the diagnosis of LVAS occurs at a later age, in this case time etiologic diagnosis was enabled by computerized tomography.


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A febre tifóide é doença infecciosa de distribuição mundial e, estando estreitamente relacionada com baixos níveis sócio-econômicos, ocorre com maior freqüência nos países em desenvolvimento. Neste trabalho é apresentada a experiência do Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEe) com essa doença desde 1987 até 2004, período no qual se construiu uma casuística de 443 casos, todos diagnosticados por meio do isolamento da Salmonella Typhi no sangue e/ou nas fezes, sendo alguns deles complementados com a reação soro lógica de Widal. Os casos foram procedentes de Belém e do interior do Estado, ora encaminhados ao IEC pelas respectivas unidades do Sistema Único de Saúde para esclarecimento diagnóstico de síndrome febril, a maioria de curso prolongado, aqui designados como "demanda espontânea", ora detectados por ocasião da investigação de surtos ocorridos em localidades do interior. Discutiram-se aspectos relacionados à apresentação clínica, com ênfase às manifestações atípicas; à distribuição por gênero e faixa etária; à sazonalidade; e à distribuição por área de procedência, identificando-se os municípios de maior prevalência, e a distribuição por bairros, em relação aos casos procedentes de Belém. Foram discutidos, também, aspectos relacionados ao diagnóstico laboratorial com ênfase à aplicação dos métodos de cultivo (coprocultura e hemocultura) comparando o rendimento delas em relação ao tempo de doença e a relação dessas provas com a reação de Widal, comparando o valor desta como método auxiliar ou complementar no diagnóstico da doença. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas por meio do programa Bio Estat versão 3.0, aplicando-se o teste do qui-quadrado e teste "G" e a significância estatística foi aceita ao nível de 95%. Os resultados nos permitiram tirar as seguintes conclusões: 1) em situações de normalidade epidemiológica a febre tifóide acomete mais a faixa etária do adulto jovem, enquanto que, nas situações epidêmicas, a faixa etária mais atingida é a infantil; 2) existem homogeneidade entre as amostras provenientes dos casos de surtos e da demanda espontânea quanto à distribuição dos gêneros, sendo que o masculino está mais exposta à febre tifóide; 3) no interior do Estado a doença se mostrou mais freqüente nas regiões onde se concentra maior número de populações ribeirinhas e, em relação à capital, ela mostra a maior prevalência no bairro do Jurunas; 4) a enfermidade tem um perfil sazonal, que mostra a maior ocorrência na segunda metade do ano, favorecida provavelmente por fatores geo-climáticos e culturais; 5) a febre tifóide constitui sério problema de saúde pública no Estado do Pará, confirmando sua estreita relação com os elevados níveis de pobreza; 6) a fórmula leucocitária revelou padrão normal ou leucocitose em maior percentual em relação à leucopenia; 7) na abordagem laboratorial não se deve prescindir dos ensaios que visam ao isolamento em detrimento do teste sorológico, e a coprocultura e a hemocultura devem ser solicitadas em todos os casos sem se levar em conta o tempo de evolução do quadro clínico; 8) em nossa região, nas áreas onde não há disponibilidade das provas de cultivo a reação de Widal pode ser uma alternativa de valor diagnóstico; 9) é enfermidade de curso clínico prolongado e com manifestações clínicas atípicas (pneumonias e hepatite colestática) cujos sinais/sintomas, quando presentes, devem suscitar a suspeita por parte do investigador; 10) nas regiões de elevada endemicidade, a febre tifóide pode causar um impacto negativo na economia tanto pelos custos gerados com exames laboratoriais, tratamento, hospitalizações e eventuais intervenções cirúrgicas, como por afastar o trabalhador do seu posto de trabalho por um período de tempo prolongado.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: The use of corticosteroids is frequent in critically-ill patients. However, little information is available on their effects in patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia. We assessed patients' characteristics, microbial etiology, inflammatory response, and outcomes of previous corticosteroid use in patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: Intensive care units of a university teaching hospital. Patients: Three hundred sixteen patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia. Patients were divided according to previous systemic steroid use at onset of pneumonia. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: Survival at 28 days was analyzed using Cox regression, with adjustment for the propensity for receiving steroid therapy. One hundred twenty-five (40%) patients were receiving steroids at onset of pneumonia. Despite similar baseline clinical severity, steroid treatment was associated with decreased 28-day survival (adjusted hazard ratio for propensity score and mortality predictors 2.503; 95% confidence interval 1.176-5.330; p = .017) and decreased systemic inflammatory response. In post hoc analyses, steroid treatment had an impact on survival in patients with nonventilator intensive care unit acquired pneumonia, those with lower baseline severity and organ dysfunction, and those without etiologic diagnosis or bacteremia. The cumulative dosage of corticosteroids had no significant effect on the risk of death, but bacterial burden upon diagnosis was higher in patients receiving steroid therapy. Conclusions: In critically-ill patients, systemic corticosteroids should be used very cautiously because this treatment is strongly associated with increased risk of death in patients with intensive care unit acquired pneumonia, particularly in the absence of established indications and in patients with lower baseline severity. Decreased inflammatory response may result in delayed clinical suspicion of intensive care unit acquired pneumonia and higher bacterial count. (Crit Care Med 2012; 40:2552-2561)


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Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is a sexual transmitted infection due to Clamydia trachomatis biovar L, endemic in part of Africa, Asia, South America and the Caribbean, but rare in industrialized countries up to 10 years ago. In 2003, a cluster of cases of LGV among men who have sex with men (MSM) was reported in Rotterdam. Since then, several reports of LGV have been reported in the largest cities in Europe, the United States and Australia. They have usually occurred with an anorectal syndrome. The purpose of this study is to summarize the expertise provided by the international literature about the new LGV outbreaks and to offer the first data collected on the presence of this disease in the Bologna area. In fact, we examine 5 cases of LGV proctitis diagnosed and treated at the Clinic of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) of the Dermatology Section at Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna. Particular attention will be paid to the laboratory method that allows identification and typing of the microorganism C. trachomatis serovar L1, L2, L3, leading to an etiologic diagnosis of certainty. The diagnosed cases of LGV will be described and compared with the international literature, trying to assess the risk factors, the most effective diagnostic and therapeutic procedure and the best approach to the patient.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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OBJECTIVES: Acute respiratory failure is present in 5% of patients with acute myocardial infarction and is responsible for 20% to 30% of the fatal post-acute myocardial infarction. The role of inflammation associated with pulmonary edema as a cause of acute respiratory failure post-acute myocardial infarction remains to be determined. We aimed to describe the demographics, etiologic data and histological pulmonary findings obtained through autopsies of patients who died during the period from 1990 to 2008 due to acute respiratory failure with no diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction during life. METHODS: This study considers 4,223 autopsies of patients who died of acute respiratory failure that was not preceded by any particular diagnosis while they were alive. The diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was given in 218 (4.63%) patients. The age, sex and major associated diseases were recorded for each patient. Pulmonary histopathology was categorized as follows: diffuse alveolar damage, pulmonary edema, alveolar hemorrhage and lymphoplasmacytic interstitial pneumonia. The odds ratio of acute myocardial infarction associated with specific histopathology was determined by logistic regression. RESULTS: In total, 147 men were included in the study. The mean age at the time of death was 64 years. Pulmonary histopathology revealed pulmonary edema as well as the presence of diffuse alveolar damage in 72.9% of patients. Bacterial bronchopneumonia was present in 11.9% of patients, systemic arterial hypertension in 10.1% and dilated cardiomyopathy in 6.9%. A multivariate analysis demonstrated a significant positive association between acute myocardial infarction with diffuse alveolar damage and pulmonary edema. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, we demonstrated that in autopsies of patients with acute respiratory failure as the cause of death, 5% were diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction. Pulmonary histology revealed a significant inflammatory response, which has not previously been reported.


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OBJECTIVES: Acute respiratory failure is present in 5% of patients with acute myocardial infarction and is responsible for 20% to 30% of the fatal post-acute myocardial infarction. The role of inflammation associated with pulmonary edema as a cause of acute respiratory failure post-acute myocardial infarction remains to be determined. We aimed to describe the demographics, etiologic data and histological pulmonary findings obtained through autopsies of patients who died during the period from 1990 to 2008 due to acute respiratory failure with no diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction during life. METHODS: This study considers 4,223 autopsies of patients who died of acute respiratory failure that was not preceded by any particular diagnosis while they were alive. The diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was given in 218 (4.63%) patients. The age, sex and major associated diseases were recorded for each patient. Pulmonary histopathology was categorized as follows: diffuse alveolar damage, pulmonary edema, alveolar hemorrhage and lymphoplasmacytic interstitial pneumonia. The odds ratio of acute myocardial infarction associated with specific histopathology was determined by logistic regression. RESULTS: In total, 147 men were included in the study. The mean age at the time of death was 64 years. Pulmonary histopathology revealed pulmonary edema as well as the presence of diffuse alveolar damage in 72.9% of patients. Bacterial bronchopneumonia was present in 11.9% of patients, systemic arterial hypertension in 10.1% and dilated cardiomyopathy in 6.9%. A multivariate analysis demonstrated a significant positive association between acute myocardial infarction with diffuse alveolar damage and pulmonary edema. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, we demonstrated that in autopsies of patients with acute respiratory failure as the cause of death, 5% were diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction. Pulmonary histology revealed a significant inflammatory response, which has not previously been reported.


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Chagas` disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi is endemic in Latin America. T. cruzi presents heterogeneous populations and comprises two main genetic lineages, named T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II. Diagnosis in the chronic phase is based on conventional serological tests, including indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and diagnosis in the acute phase based on parasitological methods, including hemoculture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic procedures of Chagas` disease in adult patients in the chronic phase by using a PCR assay and conventional serological tests, including TESA-blot as the gold standard. Samples were obtained from 240 clinical chronic chagasic patients. The sensitivities, compared to that of TESA-blot, were 70% for PCR using the kinetoplast region, 75% for PCR using the nuclear repetitive region, 99% for IIF, and 95% for ELISA. According to the serological tests results, we recommend that researchers assess the reliability and sensitivity of the commercial kit Chagatest ELISA recombinant, version 3.0 (Chagatest Rec v3.0; Wiener Lab, Rosario, Argentina), due to the lack of sensitivity. Based on our analysis, we concluded that PCR cannot be validated as a conventional diagnostic technique for Chagas` disease. These data have been corroborated by low levels of concordance with serology test results. It is recommended that PCR be used only for alternative diagnostic support. Using the nuclear repetitive region of T. cruzi, PCR could also be applicable for monitoring patients receiving etiologic treatment.


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Background Benznidazole is effective for treating acute and chronic (recently acquired) Tryponosoma cruzi infection (Chagas` disease). Recent data indicate that parasite persistence plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of chronic Chagas` cardiomyopathy. However, the efficacy of trypanocidal therapy in preventing clinical complications in patients with preexisting cardiac disease is unknown. Study Design BENEFIT is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of 3,000 patients with Chagas` cardiomyopathy in Latin America. Patients are randomized to receive benznidazole (5 mg/kg per day) or matched placebo, for 60 days. The primary outcome is the composite of death; resuscitated cardiac arrest; sustained ventricular tachycardia; insertion of pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator; cardiac transplantation; and development of new heart failure, stroke, or systemic or pulmonary thromboembolic events. The average follow-up time will be 5 years, and the trial has a 90% power to detect a 25% relative risk reduction. The BENEFIT program also comprises a substudy evaluating the effects of benznidazole on parasite clearance and an echo substudy exploring the impact of etiologic treatment on left ventricular function. Recruitment started in November 2004, and >1,000 patients have been enrolled in 35 centers from Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia to date. Conclusion This is the largest trial yet conducted in Chagas` disease. BENEFIT will clarify the role of trypanocidal therapy in preventing cardiac disease progression and death.


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HIV-1-infected patients frequently have opportunistic esophageal infections which, when associated with severe immunodeficiency, can be attributed to unusual pathogens. The clinical presentation of several esophageal diseases is similar and the best method for a specific diagnosis of these patients has not been well defined. To evaluate the role of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the etiologic definition of esophageal ulcers in HIV-1-infected patients, 96 esophageal biopsies from 79 HIV-1-infected patients were processed by PCR using specific primers for cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes virus (HSV), human papilloma virus (HPV), HIV-1, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium intracellulare, Treponema pallidum, and Haemophilus ducreyi. The PCR results were compared to the histopathologic results. Seventy-nine patients were studied (mean age: 34 years; 62% men; median CD4 + T cell = 103.59 cells/mu l (range 1-795.2 cells/mu l). The most common endoscopic findings were as follows: esophageal candidiasis (37.1%), esophageal ulcers (24.7%), esophagitis (11.2%), and lugol-negative areas (10.1%). The histopathologic findings in the esophageal ulcers (22 biopsies) were non-specific inflammation (31.8%), HSV (36.4%), Candida (13.6%), CMV (13.6%), or HPV disease (4.5%). In the esophageal ulcer biopsies, the PCR results were negative in 27.6% of cases, and positive for HIV (65.5%), CMV (31%), HPV (20.7%), HSV (10.3%), and H. ducreyi (6.9%). The histopathologic examination did not identify a pathogen or identified only Candida in 15 biopsies of esophageal ulcers. PCR was positive in ten (66.7%) and negative in five (33.3%) of these biopsies (idiopathic ulcers). PCR detected: HIV (53.3%), CMV (20%), HPV (13.3%), and H. ducreyi (6,7%). PCR detected more etiologic agents in esophageal ulcers than histopathology and was able to detect unusual pathogens. On the other hand, sometimes more than one pathogen was detected in the esophageal ulcers, making it difficult to reach an accurate diagnosis. This finding indicates the need for more studies to evaluate the benefit of this method in the routine evaluation of esophageal ulcer biopsies in HIV-1-infected patients.


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ABSTRACT - Tinea pedis and onychomycosis are two rather diverse clinical manifestations of superficial fungal infections, and their etiologic agents may be dermatophytes, non-dermatophyte moulds or yeasts. This study was designed to statistically describe the data obtained as results of analysis conducted during a four year period on the frequency of Tinea pedis and onychomycosis and their etiologic agents. A questionnaire was distributed from 2006 to 2010 and answered by 186 patients, who were subjected to skin and/or nail sampling. Frequencies of the isolated fungal species were cross-linked with the data obtained with the questionnaire, seeking associations and predisposing factors. One hundred and sixty three fungal isolates were obtained, 24.2% of which composed by more than one fungal species. Most studies report the two pathologies as caused primarily by dermatophytes, followed by yeasts and lastly by non-dermatophytic moulds. Our study does not challenge this trend. We found a frequency of 15.6% of infections caused by dermatophytes (with a total of 42 isolates) of which T. rubrum was the most frequent species (41.4%). There was no significant association (p >0.05) among visible injury and the independent variables tested, namely age, gender, owning pet, education, swimming pools attendance, sports activity and clinical information. Unlike other studies, the variables considered did not show the expected influence on dermatomycosis of the lower limbs. It is hence necessary to conduct further studies to specifically identify which variables do in fact influence such infections.


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In Brazil, the main etiologic agent of Leishmaniasis that frequently presents with mucosal involvement belongs to the Viannia subgenus. The therapeutic conduct in this disease depends on the parasitological diagnosis, and classical methods are restricted in identifying the agent. In this paper we describe a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which uses primers designed from mini-exons repetitive sequences. The PCR amplifies a 177bp fragment that can distinguish (Viannia) from (Leishmania) subgenus. This test could be a useful diagnostic tool.