968 resultados para ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL


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Active pharmaceutical ingredients have very strict quality requirements; minor changes in the physical and chemical properties of pharmaceuticals can adversely affect the dissolution rate and therefore the bioavailability of a given drug. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of spray drying on the physical and in vitro dissolution properties of four different active pharmaceutical ingredients, namely carbamazepine, indomethacin, piroxicam, and nifedipine. Each drug was dispersed in a solution of ethanol and water (70:30) and subjected to single-step spray drying using similar operational conditions. A complete characterization of the spray-dried drugs was performed via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), particle size distribution analysis, solubility analysis, and an in vitro dissolution study. The results from the thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction showed that, except for carbamazepine, no chemical modifications occurred as a result of spray drying. Moreover, the particle size distribution of all the spray-dried drugs significantly decreased. In addition, SEM images showed that most of the particles had an irregular shape. There was no significant improvement in the solubility of the spray-dried drugs compared with the unprocessed compounds; however, in general, the dissolution rates of the spray-dried drugs showed a remarkable improvement over their non-spray-dried counterparts. Therefore, the results from this study demonstrate that a single spray-drying step may lead to changes in the physical properties and dissolution characteristics of drugs and thus improve their therapeutic action.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical compatibility of model soil-bentonite backfills containing multiswellable bentonite (MSB) relative to that of similar backfills containing untreated sodium (Na) bentonite or a commercially available, contaminant resistant bentonite (SW101). Flexible-wall tests were conducted on consolidated backfill specimens (effective stress =34.5 kPa) containing clean sand and 4.5–5.7% bentonite (by dry weight) using tap water and calcium chloride (CaCl2) solutions (10–1,000 mM) as the permeant liquids. Final values of hydraulic conductivity (k) and intrinsic permeability (K) to the CaCl2 solutions were determined after achieving both short-term termination criteria as defined by ASTM D5084 and long-term termination criteria for chemical equilibrium between the influent and effluent. Specimens containing MSB exhibited the smallest increases in k and K upon permeation with a given CaCl2 solution relative to specimens containing untreated Na bentonite or SW101. However, none of the specimens exhibited more than a five-fold increase in k or K, regardless of CaCl2 concentration or bentonite type. Final k values for specimens permeated with a given CaCl2 solution after permeation with tap water were similar to those for specimens of the same backfill permeated with only the CaCl2 solution, indicating that the order of permeation had no significant effect on k. Also, final k values for all specimens were within a factor of two of the k measured after achieving the ASTM D5084 termination criteria. Thus, use of only the ASTM D5084 criteria would have been sufficient to obtain reasonable estimates of long-term hydraulic conductivity for the specimens in this study.


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This study examined the chemical compatibility of several model soil-bentonite(SB) backfills with an inorganic salt solution (CaCl2). First, bentonite-water slurry was created using a natural sodium-bentonite, as well as two modified bentonites –multiswellable bentonite (MSB) and a “salt-resistant” bentonite (SW101). Once slurries that met typical construction specifications had been created using the various bentonites,the model SB backfills were prepared for each type of bentonite. These backfills werealso designed to meet conventional construction and design requirements. The SB backfills were then subjected to permeation with tap water and/or CaCl2 solutions of various concentrations in order to evaluate the compatibility of the SB backfills with inorganic chemicals. The results indicate that SB backfill experiences only minor compatibility issues (i.e., no large differences between the hydraulic conductivity of the SB backfill to tap water and CaCl2) compared to many other types of clay barriers. In addition, SB backfills show no major change in final hydraulic conductivity to CaCl2 when permeated with tap water before CaCl2 versus being permeated with CaCl2 directly. These results may be due to the ability of the bentonite in the SB backfills to undergo osmotic swelling before permeation begins, and the inability of the CaCl2 solutions to undo the osmotic swelling. Similar results were obtained for all three clays tested, and while MSB did show less compatibility issues than the natural bentonite and SW101, it appears that the differences in performance may generally be negligible. Overall, thisstudy makes a significant addition to the understanding of SB cutoff wall compatibility.


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This study examined how the floc characteristics affect dewaterability of activated sludge. The floc properties were characterized by morphological parameters (floc size distribution, fractal dimension and filament index), physical properties (flocculating ability, surface charge, relative hydrophobicity and viscosity), and chemical constituents in sludge and extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), including the polymeric compounds protein, humic substances, carbohydrates and the ions Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+ and Al3+. The dewaterability was defined in terms of the bound water content and capillary suction time (CST). The bound water and CST corresponded to a similar indication with respect to dewaterability of activated sludge. The floc physical parameters were the most important factors which effect significantly on the water binding ability of the sludge flocs. The morphological characteristics had relatively weak impact on the dewaterability. The polymeric components protein and carbohydrate had a significant contribution to enhance the water binding ability of the sludge flocs. The effect of humic substances in the sludge on the dewaterability was, however, insignificant. The CST had good statistical correlations with the polymeric constituents measured in both sludge and the extracted EPS, and the bound water was only correlated well with the individual polymers measured in the sludge. High concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+ and Al3+ had significant improvement for dewaterability. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A broad review of technologically focused work concerning biomolecules at interfaces is presented. The emphasis is on developments in interfacial biomolecular engineering that may have a practical impact in bioanalysis, tissue engineering, emulsion processing or bioseparations. We also review methods for fabrication in an attempt to draw out those approaches that may be useful for product manufacture, and briefly review methods for analysing the resulting interfacial nanostructures. From this review we conclude that the generation of knowledge and-innovation at the nanoscale far exceeds our ability to translate this innovation into practical outcomes addressing a market need, and that significant technological challenges exist. A particular challenge in this translation is to understand how the structural properties of biomolecules control the assembled architecture, which in turn defines product performance, and how this relationship is affected by the chosen manufacturing route. This structure-architecture-process-performance (SAPP) interaction problem is the familiar laboratory scale-up challenge in disguise. A further challenge will be to interpret biomolecular self- and directed-assembly reactions using tools of chemical reaction engineering, enabling rigorous manufacturing optimization of self-assembly laboratory techniques. We conclude that many of the technological problems facing this field are addressable using tools of modem chemical and biomolecular engineering, in conjunction with knowledge and skills from the underpinning sciences. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aston University offers a Foundation year in Engineering and Applied Science. The purpose of this programme is to prepare people with the necessary skills and knowledge required to enrol on an undergraduate programme in Engineering and Applied Science. It is acknowledged there are many misconceptions as to what engineering is. This is further compounded by the lack of knowledge of the different engineering disciplines both by pre-university students and careers teachers [1]. In order to ameliorate this lack of knowledge, Aston University offers a unique programme where students are given the opportunity to have a ?taste? of four Engineering Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Computer Science. Alongside these ?taster? sessions, the students study a Professional Skills module where they are expected to keep a portfolio of skills. In their portfolios they comment on their strengths and weakness in relation to six skill areas: independent enquirer, self-manager, effective participator, creative thinker, reflective learner and team worker. The portfolio gives them the opportunity to perform a self-skills audit and identify areas where they have strengths and areas which require work to improve to become a competent professional engineer. They also have talks from engineers who discuss with them their careers and the different aspects of engineering. The purpose of the ?taster? sessions, portfolio and the talks are to encourage the students to critically examine their career aspirations and choose an engineering undergraduate programme which best suits their ambitions and potential skills. The feedback from students has been very positive. The ?taster? sessions have enabled them to make an informed choice as to the undergraduate programme they would like to study. The programme has given them the technical skills and knowledge to enrol on an undergraduate programme and also the skills and knowledge to be a successful learner.


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Cleaning of sugar mill evaporators is an expensive exercise. Identifying the scale components assists in determining which chemical cleaning agents would result in effective evaporator cleaning. The current methods (based on x-ray diffraction techniques, ion exchange/high performance liquid chromatography and thermogravimetry/differential thermal analysis) used for scale characterisation are difficult, time consuming and expensive, and cannot be performed in a conventional analytical laboratory or by mill staff. The present study has examined the use of simple descriptor tests for the characterisation of Australian sugar mill evaporator scales. Scale samples were obtained from seven Australian sugar mill evaporators by mechanical means. The appearance, texture and colour of the scale were noted before the samples were characterised using x-ray fluorescence and x-ray powder diffraction to determine the compounds present. A number of commercial analytical test kits were used to determine the phosphate and calcium contents of scale samples. Dissolution experiments were carried out on the scale samples with selected cleaning agents to provide relevant information about the effect the cleaning agents have on different evaporator scales. Results have shown that by simply identifying the colour and the appearance of the scale, the elemental composition and knowing from which effect the scale originates, a prediction of the scale composition can be made. These descriptors and dissolution experiments on scale samples can be used to provide factory staff with an on-site rapid process to predict the most effective chemicals for chemical cleaning of the evaporators.


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Developments in evaporator cleaning have accelerated in the past 10 years as a result of an extended period of research into scale formation and scale composition. Chemical cleaning still provides the most cost effective method of cleaning the evaporators. The paper describes a system that was designed to obtain on-line samples of evaporator scale negating the need to open up hot evaporator vessels for scale collection. This system was successfully implemented in a number of evaporators at a sugar mill. This paper also describes a recent experience in a sugar factory in which the cleaning procedure was slightly modified, resulting in effective removal of intractable scale.


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Biomethanation of herbaceous biomass feedstock has the potential to provide clean energy source for cooking and other activities in areas where such biomass availability predominates. A biomethanation concept that involves fermentation of biomass residues in three steps, occurring in three zones of the fermentor is described. This approach while attempting take advantage of multistage reactors simplifies the reactor operation and obviates the need for a high degree of process control or complex reactor design. Typical herbaceous biomass decompose with a rapid VFA flux initially (with a tendency to float) followed by a slower decomposition showing balanced process of VFA generation and its utilization by methanogens that colonize biomass slowly. The tendency to float at the initial stages is suppressed by allowing previous days feed to hold it below digester liquid which permits VFA to disperse into the digester liquid without causing process inhibition. This approach has been used to build and operate simple biomass digesters to provide cooking gas in rural areas with weed and agro-residues. With appropriate modifications, the same concept has been used for digesting municipal solid wastes in small towns where large fermentors are not viable. With further modifications this concept has been used for solid-liquid feed fermentors. Methanogen colonized leaf biomass has been used as biofilm support to treat coffee processing wastewater as well as crop litter alternately in a year. During summer it functions as a biomass based biogas plants operating in the three-zone mode while in winter, feeding biomass is suspended and high strength coffee processing wastewater is let into the fermentor achieving over 90% BOD reduction. The early field experience of these fermentors is presented.


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We propose robust and scalable processes for the fabrication of floating gate devices using ordered arrays of 7 nm size gold nanoparticles as charge storage nodes. The proposed strategy can be readily adapted for fabricating next generation (sub-20 nm node) non-volatile memory devices.


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A low-cost fabrication process for forming conductive copper lines on paper is presented. An office inkjet printer was used to deposit desired patterns of silver nitrate and tannic acid solutions sequentially on paper. Silver nitrate was instantaneously reduced in situ on paper by tannic acid at room temperature to form silver nanoparticles, which acted as catalysts for the subsequent electroless deposition of copper. The copper films were 1.8 mu m thick, and the sheet resistance of the copper film on paper was 9 Omega/square. A dual monopole ultrawide band antenna was fabricated on paper and its performance was equivalent to that of a similar antenna fabricated on a copper-film covered Kapton substrate using conventional lithographic processes. The paper-based conductive copper films fabricated using the facile process presented herein will aid the development of low-cost flexible circuits and sensors.


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Small size actuators (8 mm x 1 mm), IPMNC (RuO2/Nafion) and IPMNC (LbL/CNC) are studied for flapping at the frequency of insects and compared to Platinum IPMC-Pt. Flapping wing actuators based on IPMNC (RuO2/Nafion) are modeled with the size of three dragonfly species. To achieve maximum actuation performance with Sympetrum Frequens scale actuator with optimized Young's modulus, the effect of variation of thickness of electrode and Nafion region of Sympetrum Frequens scale actuator is studied. A trade-off in the electrode thickness and Young's modulus for dragonfly size IPMNC-RuO2/Nafion actuator is essential to achieve the desirable flapping performance.


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Ao longo da história do homem, as universidades têm exercido um papel fundamental na geração de conhecimentos e tecnologias com o fim maior de melhorar a qualidade de vida de nossa sociedade. Em contrapartida, além de produzir os benefícios oriundos da aplicação dos conhecimentos e tecnologias, as pesquisas científicas produzem também diversos tipos de resíduos potencialmente poluidores e tóxicos os quais não estão sendo descartados e tratados corretamente. A falta de políticas institucionais de gerenciamento de resíduos nas universidades além de proporcionar a poluição dos corpos receptores de seus efluentes, a deterioração das tubulações coletoras de esgoto e, danos a eficiência das estações de tratamento de esgoto, também contribui para a geração de um passivo ambiental nas universidades, os quais são acumulados anualmente à espera de tratamento adequado em precárias condições de armazenamento. Dentro deste cenário, o presente estudo visa caracterizar e avaliar o gerenciamento dos resíduos químicos do Laboratório de Engenharia Sanitária (LES) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Quanto aos meios, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas, eletrônicas e documentais, assim como entrevistas com os principais atores do gerenciamento dos resíduos no laboratório foco deste estudo. O estudo revela que o gerenciamento dos resíduos gerados em tal laboratório é realizado de maneira incipiente. As metodologias utilizadas em todas as etapas do gerenciamento, desde a geração dos resíduos até a destinação final dos mesmos carecem de melhorias para também a melhora da qualidade ambiental das atividades de pesquisa e de ensino do laboratório. Além da inexistência de normas internas para a padronização e controle do processo de gerenciamento, o laboratório também carece de estrutura física e financeira para a adequação do processo. A partir do diagnóstico deste cenário, foi possível o reconhecimento de riscos relacionados às características dos reagentes químicos somados as condicionantes ambientais do laboratório, mais especificamente, às condicionantes presentes no local do armazenamento dos resíduos. Tais riscos possuem a natureza de riscos químicos, físicos, toxicidade e riscos de explosão. Ainda na caracterização deste cenário, foi possível o reconhecimento do não cumprimento de legislações pertinentes ao tema. Conclui-se que, de maneira geral, as universidades carecem de investimentos na temática de gestão ambiental nas políticas institucionais e dia-a-dia das universidades. O laboratório em questão também não foge a esta realidade e, por tal razão, também carece de investimentos financeiros, investimentos em treinamento e investimentos na estruturas físicas para todos estes darem suporte a implantação de um gerenciamento de resíduos eficiente e consistente.