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Burn injuries in the United States account for over one million hospital admissions per year, with treatment estimated at four billion dollars. Of severe burn patients, 30-90% will develop hypertrophic scars (HSc). Current burn therapies rely upon the use of bioengineered skin equivalents (BSEs), which assist in wound healing but do not prevent HSc. HSc contraction occurs of 6-18 months and results in the formation of a fixed, inelastic skin deformity, with 60% of cases occurring across a joint. HSc contraction is characterized by abnormally high presence of contractile myofibroblasts which normally apoptose at the completion of the proliferative phase of wound healing. Additionally, clinical observation suggests that the likelihood of HSc is increased in injuries with a prolonged immune response. Given the pathogenesis of HSc, we hypothesize that BSEs should be designed with two key anti-scarring characterizes: (1) 3D architecture and surface chemistry to mitigate the inflammatory microenvironment and decrease myofibroblast transition; and (2) using materials which persist in the wound bed throughout the remodeling phase of repair. We employed electrospinning and 3D printing to generate scaffolds with well-controlled degradation rate, surface coatings, and 3D architecture to explore our hypothesis through four aims.

In the first aim, we evaluate the impact of elastomeric, randomly-oriented biostable polyurethane (PU) scaffold on HSc-related outcomes. In unwounded skin, native collagen is arranged randomly, elastin fibers are abundant, and myofibroblasts are absent. Conversely, in scar contractures, collagen is arranged in linear arrays and elastin fibers are few, while myofibroblast density is high. Randomly oriented collagen fibers native to the uninjured dermis encourage random cell alignment through contact guidance and do not transmit as much force as aligned collagen fibers. However, the linear ECM serves as a system for mechanotransduction between cells in a feed-forward mechanism, which perpetuates ECM remodeling and myofibroblast contraction. The electrospinning process allowed us to create scaffolds with randomly-oriented fibers that promote random collagen deposition and decrease myofibroblast formation. Compared to an in vitro HSc contraction model, fibroblast-seeded PU scaffolds significantly decreased matrix and myofibroblast formation. In a murine HSc model, collagen coated PU (ccPU) scaffolds significantly reduced HSc contraction as compared to untreated control wounds and wounds treated with the clinical standard of care. The data from this study suggest that electrospun ccPU scaffolds meet the requirements to mitigate HSc contraction including: reduction of in vitro HSc related outcomes, diminished scar stiffness, and reduced scar contraction. While clinical dogma suggests treating severe burn patients with rapidly biodegrading skin equivalents, these data suggest that a more long-term scaffold may possess merit in reducing HSc.

In the second aim, we further investigate the impact of scaffold longevity on HSc contraction by studying a degradable, elastomeric, randomly oriented, electrospun micro-fibrous scaffold fabricated from the copolymer poly(l-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PLCL). PLCL scaffolds displayed appropriate elastomeric and tensile characteristics for implantation beneath a human skin graft. In vitro analysis using normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) demonstrated that PLCL scaffolds decreased myofibroblast formation as compared to an in vitro HSc contraction model. Using our murine HSc contraction model, we found that HSc contraction was significantly greater in animals treated with standard of care, Integra, as compared to those treated with collagen coated-PLCL (ccPLCL) scaffolds at d 56 following implantation. Finally, wounds treated with ccPLCL were significantly less stiff than control wounds at d 56 in vivo. Together, these data further solidify our hypothesis that scaffolds which persist throughout the remodeling phase of repair represent a clinically translatable method to prevent HSc contraction.

In the third aim, we attempt to optimize cell-scaffold interactions by employing an anti-inflammatory coating on electrospun PLCL scaffolds. The anti-inflammatory sub-epidermal glycosaminoglycan, hyaluronic acid (HA) was used as a coating material for PLCL scaffolds to encourage a regenerative healing phenotype. To minimize local inflammation, an anti-TNFα monoclonal antibody (mAB) was conjugated to the HA backbone prior to PLCL coating. ELISA analysis confirmed mAB activity following conjugation to HA (HA+mAB), and following adsorption of HA+mAB to the PLCL backbone [(HA+mAB)PLCL]. Alican blue staining demonstrated thorough HA coating of PLCL scaffolds using pressure-driven adsorption. In vitro studies demonstrated that treatment with (HA+mAB)PLCL prevented downstream inflammatory events in mouse macrophages treated with soluble TNFα. In vivo studies using our murine HSc contraction model suggested positive impact of HA coating, which was partiall impeded by the inclusion of the TNFα mAB. Further characterization of the inflammatory microenvironment of our murine model is required prior to conclusions regarding the potential for anti-TNFα therapeutics for HSc. Together, our data demonstrate the development of a complex anti-inflammatory coating for PLCL scaffolds, and the potential impact of altering the ECM coating material on HSc contraction.

In the fourth aim, we investigate how scaffold design, specifically pore dimensions, can influence myofibroblast interactions and subsequent formation of OB-cadherin positive adherens junctions in vitro. We collaborated with Wake Forest University to produce 3D printed (3DP) scaffolds with well-controlled pore sizes we hypothesized that decreasing pore size would mitigate intra-cellular communication via OB-cadherin-positive adherens junctions. PU was 3D printed via pressure extrusion in basket-weave design with feature diameter of ~70 µm and pore sizes of 50, 100, or 150 µm. Tensile elastic moduli of 3DP scaffolds were similar to Integra; however, flexural moduli of 3DP were significantly greater than Integra. 3DP scaffolds demonstrated ~50% porosity. 24 h and 5 d western blot data demonstrated significant increases in OB-cadherin expression in 100 µm pores relative to 50 µm pores, suggesting that pore size may play a role in regulating cell-cell communication. To analyze the impact of pore size in these scaffolds on scarring in vivo, scaffolds were implanted beneath skin graft in a murine HSc model. While flexural stiffness resulted in graft necrosis by d 14, cellular and blood vessel integration into scaffolds was evident, suggesting potential for this design if employed in a less stiff material. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that pore size alone impacts OB-cadherin protein expression in vitro, suggesting that pore size may play a role on adherens junction formation affiliated with the fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition. Overall, this work introduces a new bioengineered scaffold design to both study the mechanism behind HSc and prevent the clinical burden of this contractile disease.

Together, these studies inform the field of critical design parameters in scaffold design for the prevention of HSc contraction. We propose that scaffold 3D architectural design, surface chemistry, and longevity can be employed as key design parameters during the development of next generation, low-cost scaffolds to mitigate post-burn hypertrophic scar contraction. The lessening of post-burn scarring and scar contraction would improve clinical practice by reducing medical expenditures, increasing patient survival, and dramatically improving quality of life for millions of patients worldwide.


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C-ficocianina (C-FC) é uma ficobiliproteína, de cor natural azul, com diversas aplicações na indústria alimentícia, farmacêutica e biomédica, dependendo do seu grau específico de pureza, que pode variar de 0,7 a 4,0, com respectivo aumento de seu valor comercial. Essa pureza é alcançada através de diversas técnicas de purificação, que podem ser aplicadas em diferentes sequências. Um destes processos de purificação de proteínas baseia-se na cromatografia de troca iônica, que utiliza trocadores que adsorvem as proteínas como resultado de interações iônicas entre a superfície da proteína e o trocador. Resinas e colunas de leito expandido podem ser utilizadas para aumentar a produtividade dessa técnica. É fundamental conhecer o perfil do processo de adsorção, para melhor aplicá-lo como ferramenta para o design e otimização de parâmetros operacionais. Outra tecnologia para o tratamento de biomoléculas é a ultrafiltração. Esta técnica é aplicável em larga escala, apresenta baixa complexidade de aplicação e pode ser realizada em condições brandas, minimizando o dano para o produto. Para aumentar a estabilidade da C-FC, e facilitar a sua aplicação, podem ser avaliadas técnicas recentes, não exploradas para este fim, como as nanofibras obtidas através do processo de electrospinning. Estas fibras possuem uma área superficial específica extremamente elevada devido a seu pequeno diâmetro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar parâmetros de adsorção e diferentes técnicas para purificação de C-ficocianina de Spirulina platensis e obter nanofibras poliméricas incorporadas de C-ficocianina. O trabalho foi dividido em quatro artigos. No primeiro artigo, foram avaliados os parâmetros e as isotermas de adsorção de C-ficocianina em resina de troca iônica para leito expandido Streamline® DEAE. Verificou-se que o maior coeficiente de partição foi obtido em pH 7,5, nas temperaturas de 15 e 25 °C. As isotermas de adsorção da Cficocianina foram bem representadas pelos modelos de Langmuir, de Freundlich e de Langmuir-Freundlich, sendo os valores estimados para Qm e Kd obtidos pela isoterma de Langmuir foram, respectivamente, 33,92 mg.mL-1 e 0,123 mg.mL-1, respectivamente. No segundo artigo foi avaliada a purificação de C-FC até grau alimentar, utilizando ultrafiltração (UF). Com a membrana de 50 kDa, identificou-se que somente a temperatura e a aplicação de diferentes ciclos de diafiltração (DF) causaram influência significativa sobre a purificação e recuperação da C-ficocianina. Foram então aplicados o aumento gradativo da quantidade de ciclos, e a diafiltração previamente à ultrafiltração (DF/UF), onde obteve-se um extrato de Cficocianina com pureza de 0,95. No terceiro artigo foram propostos processos de purificação, envolvendo a utilização das diferentes técnicas para obtenção de C-FC com diferentes purezas. Determinou-se que a partir de cromatografia de troca iônica em leito fixo seguido de DF/UF, obtém-se C-FC para uso em cosméticos e a partir de precipitação com sulfato de amônio, e DF/UF obtém-se C-FC para uso em biomarcadores. Com uma sequência de precipitação com sulfato de amônio, DF/UF e cromatografia de troca iônica em leito fixo chega-se a C-FC de grau analítico. No último artigo, C-FC foi incorporada a nanofibras de óxido de polietileno (PEO) através de processo de electrospinning. Foram determinadas a condutividade da solução de C-FC/PEO, a estrutura e comportamento termogravimétrico das nanofibras formadas. Soluções de polímeros com concentração de 6 e 8% proporcionaram a formação de nanofibras com diâmetro médio inferior a 800 nm, homogêneas, sem a presença de gotas. A análise termogravimétrica identificou aumento na resistência térmica da C-FC incorporada nas fibras.


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The field of medical devices has experienced, more than others, technological advances, developments and innovations, thanks to the rapidly expanding scientific knowledge and collaboration between different disciplines such as biology, engineering and materials science. The design of functional components can be achieved by exploiting composite materials based on nanostructured smart materials, that due to the inherent characteristics of single constituents develop unique properties that make them suitable for different applications preserving excellent mechanical proprieties. For instance, recent developments have focused on the fabrication of piezoelectric devices with multiple biomedical functions, as actuation and sensing functions in one component for monitoring pressure signals. The present Ph.D. Thesis aims at investigating nanostructured smart materials embedded into a polymeric matrix to obtain a composite material that can be used as a functional component for medical devices. (i) Nanostructured piezoelectric material with self-sensing capability was successfully manufactured by using ceramic (i.e. lead zirconate titanate (PZT)) and (ii) polymeric (i.e. poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoro ethylene (PVDF-TRFE)) piezoelectric materials. PZT nanofibers were obtained by sol-gel electrospinning starting from synthetized PZT precursor solution. Synthesis, sol-gel electrospinning process, and thermal treatment were accurately controlled to obtain PZT nanofibers dimensionally stable with densely packed grains in the perovskite phase. To guarantee the impact resistance of the laminate, the morphology and size of the hosting filler were accurately designed by increasing the surface area to volume ratio. Moreover, to solve the issue relative to the mechanical discrepancy between rigid electronic materials/soft human tissues/different material of the device (iii) a nanostructured flexible composite material based on a network of Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) made of curled nanofibers that present a tuneable mechanical response as a function of the applied stress was successful fabricated.


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Tissue engineering is a technique by which a live tissue can be re-constructed and one of its main goals is to associate cells with biomaterials. Electrospinning is a technique that facilitates the production of nanofibers and is commonly used to develop fibrous scaffolds to be used in tissue engineering. In the present study, a different approach for cell incorporation into fibrous scaffolds was tested. Mesenchymal stem cells were extracted from the wall of the umbilical cord and mononuclear cells from umbilical cord blood. Cells were re-suspended in a 10% polyvinyl alcohol solution and subjected to electrospinning for 30 min under a voltage of 21 kV. Cell viability was assessed before and after the procedure by exclusion of dead cells using trypan blue staining. Fiber diameter was observed by scanning electron microscopy and the presence of cells within the scaffolds was analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. After electrospinning, the viability of mesenchymal stem cells was reduced from 88 to 19.6% and the viability of mononuclear cells from 99 to 8.38%. The loss of viability was possibly due to the high viscosity of the polymer solution, which reduced the access to nutrients associated with electric and mechanical stress during electrospinning. These results suggest that the incorporation of cells during fiber formation by electrospinning is a viable process that needs more investigation in order to find ways to protect cells from damage.


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L’électrofilage est une technique permettant de fabriquer des fibres polymériques dont le diamètre varie entre quelques nanomètres et quelques microns. Ces fibres ont donc un rapport surface/volume très élevé. Les fibres électrofilées pourraient trouver des applications dans le relargage de médicaments et le génie tissulaire, comme membranes et capteurs chimiques, ou dans les nanocomposites et dispositifs électroniques. L’électrofilage était initialement utilisé pour préparer des toiles de fibres désordonnées, mais il est maintenant possible d’aligner les fibres par l’usage de collecteurs spéciaux. Cependant, il est important de contrôler non seulement l’alignement macroscopique des fibres mais aussi leur orientation au niveau moléculaire puisque l’orientation influence les propriétés mécaniques, optiques et électriques des polymères. Les complexes moléculaires apparaissent comme une cible de choix pour produire des nanofibres fortement orientées. Dans les complexes d’inclusion d’urée, les chaînes polymères sont empilées dans des canaux unidimensionnels construits à partir d’un réseau tridimensionnel de molécules d’urée liées par des ponts hydrogène. Ainsi, les chaînes polymère sonts très allongées à l’échelle moléculaire. Des nanofibres du complexe PEO-urée ont été préparées pour la première fois par électrofilage de suspensions et de solutions. Tel qu’attendu, une orientation moléculaire inhabituellement élevée a été observée dans ces fibres. De tels complexes orientés pourraient être utilisés à la fois dans des études fondamentales et dans la préparation de matériaux hiérarchiquement structurés. La méthode d’électrofilage peut parfois aussi être utilisée pour préparer des matériaux polymériques métastables qui ne peuvent pas être préparés par des méthodes conventionnelles. Ici, l’électrofilage a été utilisé pour préparer des fibres des complexes stables (α) et "métastables" (β) entre le PEO et l’urée. La caractérisation du complexe β, qui était mal connu, révèle un rapport PEO:urée de 12:8 appartenant au système orthorhombique avec a = 1.907 nm, b = 0.862 nm et c = 0.773 nm. Les chaînes de PEO sont orientées selon l’axe de la fibre. Leur conformation est significativement affectée par les ponts hydrogène. Une structure en couches a été suggérée pour la forme β, plutôt que la structure conventionnelle en canaux adoptée par la forme α. Nos résultats indiquent que le complexe β est thermodynamiquement stable avant sa fonte et peut se transformer en forme α et en PEO liquide par un processus de fonte et recristallisation à 89 ºC. Ceci va dans le sens contraire aux observations faites avec le complexe β obtenu par trempe du complexe α fondu. En effet, le complexe β ainsi obtenu est métastable et contient des cristaux d’urée. Il peut subir une transition de phases cinétique solide-solide pour produire du complexe α dans une vaste gamme de températures. Cette transition est induite par un changement de conformation du PEO et par la formation de ponts hydrogène intermoléculaires entre l’urée et le PEO. Le diagramme de phases du système PEO-urée a été tracé sur toute la gamme de compositions, ce qui a permis d’interpréter la formation de plusieurs mélanges qui ne sont pas à l’équilibre mais qui sont été observés expérimentalement. La structure et le diagramme de phases du complexe PEO-thiourée, qui est aussi un complexe très mal connu, ont été étudiés en détail. Un rapport molaire PEO :thiourée de 3:2 a été déduit pour le complexe, et une cellule monoclinique avec a = 0.915 nm, b = 1.888 nm, c = 0.825 nm et β = 92.35º a été déterminée. Comme pour le complexe PEO-urée de forme β, une structure en couches a été suggérée pour le complexe PEO-thiourée, dans laquelle les molécules de thiourée seraient disposées en rubans intercalés entre deux couches de PEO. Cette structure en couches pourrait expliquer la température de fusion beaucoup plus faible des complexes PEO-thiourée (110 ºC) et PEO-urée de forme β (89 ºC) en comparaison aux structures en canaux du complexe PEO-urée de forme α (143 ºC).


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Electrospun fibres based on polypyrrole have been prepared. The incorporation of preformed polypyrrole into fibres electrospun from a carrier polymer can only be achieved when materials are prepared with particulates smaller than the cross-section of the fibre; even so there are some problems, with the substantial loss of material from the electrode tip. As an alternative approach, soluble polypyrroles can be prepared but these are not of sufficient viscosity to prepare electrospun fibres, once again a carrier polymer must be employed. More effective loadings are gained by the process of coating the outer surface of a pre-spun fibre; in this way electrospun fibres coated with polypyrrole can be prepared. This approach has been adapted to produce silver coated polymer fibres by the use of copolymers of styrene and 3-vinyl benzaldehyde.


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We review the process of electrospinning and how this new technique for generating a rich morphology of nano and micro scale fibres sits alongside established procedures for rapid manufacturing. We introduce the key elements of electrospinning and how these influence the nature and distribution of the fibres produced. We describe the range of polymers available for electrospinning and the limitations to the use of these materials. Using this base we review the potential approaches to using electrospinning as part of a broader rapid manufacturing system and the possible applications for such a hybrid system.


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We explore the influence of a rotating collector on the internal structure of poly(ε-caprolactone) fibres electrospun from a solution in dichloroethane. We find that above a threshold collector speed, the mean fibre diameter reduces as the speed increases and the fibres are further extended. Small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering techniques show a preferred orientation of the lamellar crystals normal to the fibre axis which increases with collector speed to a maximum and then reduces. We have separated out the processes of fibre alignment on the collector and the orientation of crystals within the fibres. There are several stages to this behaviour which correspond to the situations (a) where the collector speed is slower than the fibre spinning rate, (b) the fibre is mechanically extended by the rotating collector and (c) where the deformation leads to fibre fracture. The mechanical deformation leads to a development of preferred orientation with extension which is similar to the prediction of the pseudo-affine deformation model and suggests that the deformation takes place during the spinning process after the crystals have formed.


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Electrospinning (ES) can readily produce polymer fibers with cross-sectional dimensions ranging from tens of nanometers to tens of microns. Qualitative estimates of surface area coverage are rather intuitive. However, quantitative analytical and numerical methods for predicting surface coverage during ES have not been covered in sufficient depth to be applied in the design of novel materials, surfaces, and devices from ES fibers. This article presents a modeling approach to ES surface coverage where an analytical model is derived for use in quantitative prediction of surface coverage of ES fibers. The analytical model is used to predict the diameter of circular deposition areas of constant field strength and constant electrostatic force. Experimental results of polyvinyl alcohol fibers are reported and compared to numerical models to supplement the analytical model derived. The analytical model provides scientists and engineers a method for estimating surface area coverage. Both applied voltage and capillary-to-collection-plate separation are treated as independent variables for the analysis. The electric field produced by the ES process was modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics software to determine a correlation between the applied field strength and the size of the deposition area of the ES fibers. MATLAB scripts were utilized to combine the numerical COMSOL results with derived analytical equations. Experimental results reinforce the parametric trends produced via modeling and lend credibility to the use of modeling techniques for the qualitative prediction of surface area coverage from ES. (Copyright: 2014 American Vacuum Society.)


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Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that causes many psychological repercussions that have been studied through qualitative research. These are considered relevant, since they reveal the amplitude experienced by patients. Given this importance, this study aims to map the qualitative production in this theme, derived from studies of experiences of adult patients of both genders and that had used as a tool a semi-structured interview and/or field observations, and had made use of a sampling by a saturation criterion to determine the number of participants in each study. The survey was conducted in Pubmed, Lilacs, Psycinfo e Cochrane databases, searching productions in English and Portuguese idioms published between January 2005 and June 2012. The 19 revised papers that have dealt with patients in the acute phase of the disease showed themes that were categorized into eight topics that contemplated the experienced process at various stages, from the onset of the disease, extending through the knowledge of the diagnosis and the understanding of the manifestations of the disease, drug treatment and general care, evolution and prognosis. The collected papers also point to the difficulty of understanding, of the patients, on what consists the remission phase, revealing also that this is a clinical stage underexplored by psychological studies.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the facial symmetry of rats submitted to experimental mandibular condyle fracture and with protein undernutrition (8% of protein) by means of cephalometric measurements. METHODS: Forty-five adult Wistar rats were distributed in three groups: fracture group, submitted to condylar fracture with no changes in diet; undernourished fracture group, submitted to hypoproteic diet and condylar fracture; undernourished group, kept until the end of experiment, without condylar fracture. Displaced fractures of the right condyle were induced under general anesthesia. The specimens were submitted to axial radiographic incidence, and cephalometric mensurations were made using a computer system. The values obtained were subjected to statistical analyses among the groups and between the sides in each group. RESULTS: There was significative decrease of the values of serum proteins and albumin in the undernourished fracture group. There was deviation of the median line of the mandible relative to the median line of the maxilla, significative to undernutrition fracture group, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and mandible, in special in the final period of experiment. CONCLUSION: The mandibular condyle fracture in rats with proteic undernutrition induced an asymmetry of the mandible, also leading to consequences in the maxilla.


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This study evaluated the effect of specimens' design and manufacturing process on microtensile bond strength, internal stress distributions (Finite Element Analysis - FEA) and specimens' integrity by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy (LCM). Excite was applied to flat enamel surface and a resin composite build-ups were made incrementally with 1-mm increments of Tetric Ceram. Teeth were cut using a diamond disc or a diamond wire, obtaining 0.8 mm² stick-shaped specimens, or were shaped with a Micro Specimen Former, obtaining dumbbell-shaped specimens (n = 10). Samples were randomly selected for SEM and LCM analysis. Remaining samples underwent microtensile test, and results were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey test. FEA dumbbell-shaped model resulted in a more homogeneous stress distribution. Nonetheless, they failed under lower bond strengths (21.83 ± 5.44 MPa)c than stick-shaped specimens (sectioned with wire: 42.93 ± 4.77 MPaª; sectioned with disc: 36.62 ± 3.63 MPa b), due to geometric irregularities related to manufacturing process, as noted in microscopic analyzes. It could be concluded that stick-shaped, nontrimmed specimens, sectioned with diamond wire, are preferred for enamel specimens as they can be prepared in a less destructive, easier, and more precise way.