949 resultados para EDEMA CORNEAL - TRATAMIENTO
Introducción: El manejo actual de la degeneración macular relacionada con la edad (DMRE) neovascular está basado en la terapia antiangiogénica con inhibidores del factor de crecimiento vascular endotelial (VEGF) entre los cuales se encuentra el Ranibizumab y el Bevacizumab. El seguimiento se hace mediante medidas funcionales (agudeza visual) y anatómicas (grosor macular por tomografía óptica coherente). Objetivo: comparar el comportamiento del grosor macular luego del tratamiento con cada medicamento Metodología: es un estudio descriptivo multicéntrico, para comparar los cambios de grosor macular por OCT y la agudeza visual a los 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 y 24 meses luego del tratamiento con Bevacizumab y Ranibizumab. Resultados: Se incluyeron 127 ojos (93 tratados con Bevacizumab y 34 tratados Ranibizumab). El grosor macular central inicial fue de 241 micras en el primer grupo y 242.5 en el segundo. Éste disminuyó con respecto al inicial 24.5 y 18 micras a los 3 meses, 15 y 11.5 a los 6 meses respectivamente. Al año aumentó 3 y 5 micras y a los 2 años disminuyó 13 y aumentó 21 micras respectivamente. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los grosores entre los grupos. Discusión: Los grosores maculares centrales, del promedio de los 3 y 6 mm de la fóvea se mantuvieron estables durante los 2 años de seguimiento. La agudeza visual también se mantuvo estable en ambos grupos. No se encontró correlación entre la agudeza visual y el grosor macular
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether intracameral commercial lidocaine 2% induces alterations on the rabbit corneal endothelium. Forty white rabbits received different substances inside the anterior chamber: group (G)1, no substance; G2 and G3 received lidocaine 2% with preservative in aqueous solution; G4 and G5, lidocaine 2% with preservative in gel solution; G6 and G7, the anesthetic preservative (metilparahydroxybenzoate 0.1%); and G8 and G9, lidocaine 2% without preservative in aqueous solution. The animals from G2, 4, 6 and 8 were sacrificed after 1 h, and from G3, 5, 7 and 9 after 24 h after injection of the substance inside the anterior chamber. The corneas were clinically evaluated and assessed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. G1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 9 animals had very similar characteristics in clinical, ultrastructural and morphometric evaluations; the G3 and G4 animals showed discrete edema and one animal in G5 had intense corneal edema. We conclude that lidocaine 2% with preservative induces few ultrastructural alterations in the corneal endothelial cells.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of equine renal capsule preserved in 98% glycerine to repair lamellar corneal lesions in normal dogs. For this purpose, 12 dogs, divided into six groups (n = 2), were used to evaluate the 1st to 7th day, 15th day and 30th to 60th postoperative day. In order to perform the histologic study, the clinical procedures were analyzed, while the recipient's corneas were collected. The photophobia and blepharospasm also were more intense in the 1st to 7th postoperative day, and regressed in the 15th postoperative day. Therefore, the edema and the vascular events were both more frequent in the intermediary phases and regressed in the late periods. On the other hand, the morphological evaluation demonstrated an inflamatory exudate, also in the intermediary and late periods. These results suggested that the equine renal preserved capsule could be a useful alternative tissue to repair lamellar corneal lesions in dogs.
Fibrin glue has been researched as an alternative method for tissue synthesis and is known for its capability to promote hemostasis at the application site, good approximation of wound edges and fast healing. The current study consisted in the application of fibrin glue derived from snake venom as treatment for experimental corneal ulcers. Twenty-one dogs had their corneas experimentally prepared through lamellar keratectomy (of standardized diameter and depth). Animals were divided into seven groups of three animals each. Six experimental groups were periodically evaluated and collection was carried out on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15 th, 30th and 60th post-operative days, whereas one control group was evaluated throughout the experiment. Analyses consisted in the clinical evolution and in the histopathological study of all operated on eyes. Results indicated that fibrin glue was efficient in repairing keratectomy wounds in dogs and contributed to an earlier healing phenomenon, avoiding edema formation and keeping corneal clearness. The use of fibrin glue derived from snake venom showed to be easy to apply, feasible with animal models and of low cost, avoiding the lesion progress and allowing fast and appropriate corneal healing.
Póster presentado en EDULEARN12, International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, 2nd-4th July 2012.
Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles of a device, object or system through analysis of its structure, function, and operation. From a device used in clinical practice, as the corneal topographer, reverse engineering will be used to infer physical principles and laws. In our case, reverse engineering involves taking this mechanical device apart and analyzing its working detail. The initial knowledge of the application and usefulness of the device provides a motivation that, together with the combination of theory and practice, will help the students to understand and learn concepts studied in different subjects in the Optics and Optometry degree. These subjects belong to both the core and compulsory subjects of the syllabus of first and second year of the degree. Furthermore, the experimental practice is used as transverse axis that relates theoretical concepts, technology transfer and research.
La citología de impresión corneal es una técnica atraumática, simple, rápida y carente de efectos secundarios que permite estudiar las capas celulares más externas de la superficie ocular, posibilitando el diagnóstico de enfermedades de la misma y su monitorización durante y después del tratamiento. Los objetivos de la presente Tesis Doctoral han sido normalizar la técnica de obtención y procesamiento de muestras obtenidas por citología de impresión corneal en la especie canina, determinar los parámetros morfológicos y morfométricos fisiológicos de las células epiteliales corneales en perros sanos y establecer las alteraciones celulares corneales en el transcurso de la QCS canina. Además, se ha estudiado la existencia de una correlación entre las alteraciones del epitelio corneal y la producción lagrimal valorada mediante la prueba lagrimal de Schirmer I (PLS I). En este estudio se han incluido 60 perros de diferentes razas que han sido divididos en dos poblaciones: el grupo I, formado por pacientes sanos, con unos valores en la prueba lagrimal de Schirmer I (PLS I) iguales o superiores a 15 mm/min y el grupo II, formado por pacientes diagnosticados de QCS con unos valores en la PLS I comprendidos entre 0 y 14 mm/min. Los ojos de los animales del grupo II han sido categorizados a su vez en 3 subgrupos, estableciendo la gravedad de la enfermedad en función de los resultados obtenidos en la PLS I como grave, moderada o leve. Para facilitar la recogida y el manejo de las muestras, adecuar la técnica para su empleo en animales y disminuir al mínimo cualquier tipo de lesión iatrogénica sobre la superficie ocular se ha utilizado un dispositivo simple y eficaz, diferente a los que se han venido empleando tradicionalmente en oftalmología humana y veterinaria. La valoración morfométrica de las células se ha realizado atendiendo a los criterios de celularidad de la muestra, separación intercelular, morfología de las células, tinción citoplasmática, área celular, área nuclear, ratio núcleo/citoplasma (ratio N:C) y alteraciones nucleares...
Antecedentes La ectasia corneal post-lasik (ECPL) es una complicación infrecuente, pero devastadora en la cirugía lasik (queratomileusis asistida con éxcimer láser) para el tratamiento de la miopía con o sin astigmatismo. Con base en la tomografía corneal por elevación por imágenes de Scheimpflug (Sistema Pentacam HR, Oculus Wetzlar, Alemania), se propone un novedoso índice acumulativo de riesgo para ser utilizado como prueba diagnóstica de tamizaje y así prevenir esta complicación. Metodología Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico, de corte transversal tipo pruebas diagnósticas, con el fin de evaluar las características operativas del índice NICE teniendo como estándar de referencia el módulo de Belin-Ambrosio (Pentacam HR) utilizando un modelo de regresión logística binaria, tablas de contingencia y estimando el área bajo la curva ROC. Resultados Se evaluaron 361 ojos de los cuales el 59,3% provenían de pacientes de sexo femenino, la edad media global fue de 30 años (RIC 11,0). El modelo logístico binario aplicado se construyó con base en cuatro variables independientes cuantitativas (K2, PAQUI, EP e I-S) y una cualitativa (SEXO), y se determinó su relación con la variable dependiente, NICE (puntaje final). Las variables predictoras fueron estadísticamente significativas clasificando adecuadamente el 92,9% de los ojos evaluados según presencia o ausencia de riesgo. El coeficiente de Nagelkerke fue de 74,4%. Conclusiones El índice acumulativo de riesgo NICE es una herramienta diagnóstica novedosa en la evaluación de candidatos a cirugía refractiva lasik para prevenir la ectasia secundaria.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El Edema Macular (EM) es la principal causa de perdida de agudeza visual en pacientes con Oclusión Venosa Retiniana (OVR); luego del tratamiento, algunos pacientes persisten con mala agudeza visual. OBJETIVO: Realizar una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura (RSL), para identificar la evidencia existente sobre factores tomográficos que predicen el resultado visual en pacientes con EM secundario a OVR. FUENTE DE LA INFORMACIÓN: PUBMED, MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, COCHRANE, literatura gris. SELECCIÓN DE LOS ESTUDIOS: Ensayos Clínicos Controlados (ECC) y estudios observacionales analíticos. EXTRACCIÓN Y SÍNTESIS DE LOS DATOS: Dos investigadores seleccionaron los artículos de forma independiente. Se realizó una síntesis cualitativa de la información siguiendo las recomendaciones de la declaración PRISMA 2009. MEDIDAS Y DESENLACE PRINCIPAL: Grosor Retiniano Central (GRC), integridad de Banda Elipsoide e Integridad de Membrana Limitante Externa (MLE), determinados por SD OCT. El desenlace principal es la Agudeza Visual Mejor Corregida (AVMC) a los 6, 12,18 y/o 24 meses. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron 872 abstract y se incluyeron 8 artículos en el análisis cualitativo. Seis estudios evaluaron el GRC sin encontrar asociación con resultado visual final. Solo 2 estudios evaluaron y encontraron asociación estadísticamente significativa de la integridad de la MLE con el desenlace visual, Kang, H 2012 (r2 0,51 p 0,000), Rodriguez, F 2014 (p< 0,001). La integridad de la BE fue asociada a pronostico visual en 4 de 5 estudios que evaluaron esta variable, con resultados estadísticamente significativos. La AVMC de base también se asocio con desenlace visual en 4 de 5 estudios que la evaluaron. El mejor modelo que predice el resultado funcional según el estudio de Kang, H 2012 fue: Integridad de MLE, integridad de BE y AVMC de base (R2 0,671 p 0,000), a los 12 meses de seguimiento. CONCLUSION: La evidencia actual sugiere que la integridad de la BE y la MLE son predictores del resultados funcional en pacientes con EM secundario a OVR después de 6 o mas meses de seguimiento. Es necesario la realización de estudios controlados para llegar a resultados mas concluyentes.
Purpose: To determine the subbasal nerve density and tortuosity at 5 corneal locations and to investigate whether these microstructural observations correlate with corneal sensitivity. Method: Sixty eyes of 60 normal human subjects were recruited into 1 of 3 age groups, group 1: aged ,35 years, group 2: aged 35–50 years, and group 3: aged .50 years. All eyes were examined using slit-lamp biomicroscopy, noncontact corneal esthesiometry, and slit scanning in vivo confocal microscopy. Results: The mean subbasal nerve density and the mean corneal sensitivity were greatest centrally (14,731 6 6056 mm/mm2 and 0.38 6 0.21 millibars, respectively) and lowest in the nasal mid periphery (7850 6 4947 mm/mm2 and 0.49 6 0.25 millibars, respectively). The mean subbasal nerve tortuosity coefficient was greatest in the temporal mid periphery (27.3 6 6.4) and lowest in the superior mid periphery (19.3 6 14.1). There was no significant difference in mean total subbasal nerve density between age groups. However, corneal sensation (P = 0.001) and subbasal nerve tortuosity (P = 0.004) demonstrated significant differences between age groups. Subbasal nerve density only showed significant correlations with corneal sensitivity threshold in the temporal cornea and with subbasal nerve tortuosity in the inferior and nasal cornea. However, these correlations were weak. Conclusions: This study quantitatively analyzes living human corneal nerve structure and an aspect of nerve function. There is no strong correlation between subbasal nerve density and corneal sensation. This study provides useful baseline data for the normal living human cornea at central and mid-peripheral locations
ABSTRACT: Neuropathy is a cause of significant disability in patients with Fabry disease, yet its diagnosis is difficult. In this study we compared the novel noninvasive techniques of corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) to quantify small-fiber pathology, and non-contact corneal esthesiometry (NCCA) to quantify loss of corneal sensation, with established tests of neuropathy in patients with Fabry disease. Ten heterozygous females with Fabry disease not on enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), 6 heterozygous females, 6 hemizygous males on ERT, and 14 age-matched, healthy volunteers underwent detailed quantification of neuropathic symptoms, neurological deficits, neurophysiology, quantitative sensory testing (QST), NCCA, and CCM. All patients with Fabry disease had significant neuropathic symptoms and an elevated Mainz score. Peroneal nerve amplitude was reduced in all patients and vibration perception threshold was elevated in both male and female patients on ERT. Cold sensation (CS) threshold was significantly reduced in both male and female patients on ERT (P < 0.02), but warm sensation (WS)and heat-induced pain (HIP) were only significantly increased in males onERT (P<0.01). However, corneal sensation assessed withNCCAwas significantly reduced in female (P < 0.02) and male (P < 0.04) patients on ERT compared with control subjects. According to CCM, corneal nerve fiber and branch density was significantly reduced in female (P < 0.03) and male (P < 0.02) patients on ERT compared with control subjects. Furthermore, the severity of neuropathic symptoms and the neurological component of the Mainz Severity Score Index correlated significantly with QSTand CCM. This study shows that CCM and NCCA provide a novel means to detect early nerve fiber damage and dysfunction, respectively, in patients with Fabry disease.
PURPOSE. This study was conducted to determine the magnitude of pupil center shift between the illumination conditions provided by corneal topography measurement (photopic illuminance) and by Hartmann-Shack aberrometry (mesopic illuminance) and to investigate the importance of this shift when calculating corneal aberrations and for the success of wavefront-guided surgical procedures. METHODS. Sixty-two subjects with emmetropia underwent corneal topography and Hartmann-Shack aberrometry. Corneal limbus and pupil edges were detected, and the differences between their respective centers were determined for both procedures. Corneal aberrations were calculated using the pupil centers for corneal topography and for Hartmann-Shack aberrometry. Bland-Altmann plots and paired t-tests were used to analyze the differences between corneal aberrations referenced to the two pupil centers. RESULTS. The mean magnitude (modulus) of the displacement of the pupil with the change of the illumination conditions was 0.21 ± 0.11 mm. The effect of this pupillary shift was manifest for coma corneal aberrations for 5-mm pupils, but the two sets of aberrations calculated with the two pupil positions were not significantly different. Sixty-eight percent of the population had differences in coma smaller than 0.05 µm, and only 4% had differences larger than 0.1 µm. Pupil displacement was not large enough to significantly affect other higher-order Zernike modes. CONCLUSIONS. Estimated corneal aberrations changed slightly between photopic and mesopic illumination conditions given by corneal topography and Hartmann-Shack aberrometry. However, this systematic pupil shift, according to the published tolerances ranges, is enough to deteriorate the optical quality below the theoretically predicted diffraction limit of wavefront-guided corneal surgery.
Purpose: To investigate associations between the diurnal variation in a range of corneal parameters, including anterior and posterior corneal topography, and regional corneal thickness. ----- Methods: Fifteen subjects had their corneas measured using a rotating Scheimpflug camera (Pentacam) every 3-7 hours over a 24-hour period. Anterior and posterior corneal axial curvature, pachymetry and anterior chamber depth were analysed. The best fitting corneal sphero-cylinder from the axial curvature, and the average corneal thickness for a series of different corneal regions were calculated. Intraocular pressure and axial length were also measured at each measurement session. Repeated measures ANOVA were used to investigate diurnal change in these parameters. Analysis of covariance was used to examine associations between the measured ocular parameters. ----- Results: Significant diurnal variation was found to occur in both the anterior and posterior corneal curvature and in the regional corneal thickness. Flattening of the anterior corneal best sphere was observed at the early morning measurement (p < 0.0001). The posterior cornea also underwent a significant steepening (p < 0.0001) and change in astigmatism 90/180° at this time. A significant swelling of the cornea (p < 0.0001) was also found to occur immediately after waking. Highly significant associations were found between the diurnal variation in corneal thickness and the changes in corneal curvature. ----- Conclusions: Significant diurnal variation occurs in the regional thickness and the shape of the anterior and posterior cornea. The largest changes in the cornea were typically evident upon waking. The observed non-uniform regional corneal thickness changes resulted in a steepening of the posterior cornea, and a flattening of the anterior cornea to occur at this time.