26 resultados para EBD


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Randomised controlled trial.


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The optimal temporal window of intravenous (IV) computed tomography (CT) cholangiography was prospectively determined. Fifteen volunteers (eight women, seven men; mean age, 38 years) underwent dynamic CT cholangiography. Two unenhanced images were acquired at the porta hepatis. Starting 5 min after initiation of IV contrast infusion (20 ml iodipamide meglumine 52%), 15 pairs of images at 5-min intervals were obtained. Attenuation of the extrahepatic bile duct (EBD) and the liver parenchyma was measured. Two readers graded visualization of the higher-order biliary branches. The first biliary opacification in the EBD occurred between 15 and 25 min (mean, 22.3 min +/- 3.2) after initiation of the contrast agent. Biliary attenuation plateaued between the 35- and the 75-min time points. Maximum hepatic parenchymal enhancement was 18.5 HU +/- 2.7. Twelve subjects demonstrated poor or non-visualization of higher-order biliary branches; three showed good or excellent visualization. Body weight and both biliary attenuation and visualization of the higher-order biliary branches correlated significantly (P<0.05). For peak enhancement of the biliary tree, CT cholangiography should be performed no earlier than 35 min after initiation of IV infusion. For a fixed contrast dose, superior visualization of the biliary system is achieved in subjects with lower body weight.


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The molecular genetic mechanism of gene conversion in higher eukaryotes remains unknown. We find it of considerable interest to determine when during spermatogenesis gene conversion occurs. We have therefore purified pachytene spermatocytes and haploid spermatocytes from adult mice and analyzed these fractions for the presence of gene conversion products resulting from the transfer between the major histocompatibility complex class II genes Ebd and Abk in a polymerase chain reaction assay. We have further isolated spermatogenic cells from prepubescent mice and analyzed them for the presence of the same gene conversion products. We can detect gene conversion products in testis cells as early as in 8-d-old mice where the only existing spermatogenic cells are spermatogonia. The frequency of gene conversion products remains the same as the cells reach meiosis in 18-d-old mice, and is unchanged after meiosis is completed in haploid spermatocytes. Gene conversion of this specific fragment therefore appears to be a premeiotic event and, consequently, relies on genetic mechanisms other than normal meiotic recombination.


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The overarching purpose of this research program was to describe how intervening for academic deficits may be accompanied by changes in mental health. This multi-dimensional, multi-perspective, and iterative research program was developed to report on two distinct but related studies that addressed the same issue: in what ways does the mental health of students change as they transition from being struggling readers to more able readers? To describe the changes, these studies used a number of qualitative research methodologies—focus groups, individual interviews, and ethnographic case studies. Themes that emerged from the focus group and interview data in the first study were used to create a model that guided observations and interview questions in the second study. The first study described what parents, classroom teachers, and two reading instructors of nine previously struggling readers reported as the outcomes of becoming a more proficient reader. Data from this study indicated three broad domains in which change, as perceived by participants, occurred―cognitive/learning, behavioural/social, and psychological/emotional. Within these three domains, six dimensions were identified as having changed as reading improved: (a) academic achievement, (b) attitude, (c) attention, (d) behaviour, (e) mental health, and (f) empowerment. These domains, dimensions, and 15 constituent elements were used to create the model to guide the subsequent study. The purpose of the second study was to validate and refine this model by using an ethnographic case study approach to explore the ways in which the model accounted for the changes in reading and mental health seen in three boys over the months they participated in the intervention. By investigating the relationship between learning to read and mental health, this research aimed to enhance our understanding of how gains in reading may also improve the mental health of struggling readers. The model was found to be robust and a convenient conceptual framework to further our understanding of this relationship. Importantly, gains made in the cognitive/learning domain through an effective reading intervention, offered in a supportive learning environment, were shown to be accompanied by concomitant gains in both the behavioural/social and psychological/emotional domains—all of which enhance student thriving.


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Dropout rates impacting students with high-incidence disabilities in American schools remain staggering (Bost, 2006; Hehir, 2005). Of this group, students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD) are at greatest risk. Despite the mandated national propagation of inclusion, students with EBD remain the least included and the least successful when included (Bost). Accordingly, this study investigated the potential significance of inclusive settings and other school-related variables within the context of promoting the graduation potential of students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) or EBD. This mixed-methods study investigated specified school-related variables as likely dropout predictors, as well as the existence of first-order interactions among some of the variables. In addition, it portrayed the perspectives of students with SLD or EBD on the school-related variables that promote graduation. Accordingly, the sample was limited to students with SLD or EBD who had graduated or were close to graduation. For the quantitative component the numerical data were analyzed using linear and logistic regressions. For the qualitative component guided student interviews were conducted. Both strands were subsequently analyzed using Ridenour and Newman’s (2008) model where the quantitative hypotheses are tested and are later built-upon by the related qualitative meta-themes. Results indicated that a successful academic history, or obtaining passing grades was the only significant predictor of graduation potential when statistically controlling all the other variables. While at a marginal significance, results also yielded that students with SLD or EBD in inclusive settings experienced better academic results and behavioral outcomes than those in self-contained settings. Specifically, students with SLD or EBD in inclusive settings were found to be more likely to obtain passing grades and less likely to be suspended from school. Generally, the meta-themes yielded during the student interviews corroborated these findings as well as provided extensive insights on how students with disabilities view school within the context of promoting graduation. Based on the results yielded, provided the necessary academic accommodations and adaptations are in place, along with an effective behavioral program, inclusive settings can be utilized as drop-out prevention tools in special education.


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Students with emotional and/or behavioral disorders (EBD)present considerable academic challenges along with emotional and/or behavioral problems. In terms of reading, these students typically perform one-to-two years below grade level (Kauffman, 2001). Given the strong correlation between reading failure and school failure and overall success (Scott & Shearer-Lingo, 2002), finding effective approaches to reading instruction is imperative for these students (Staubitz, Cartledge, Yurick, & Lo, 2005). This study used an alternating treatments design to comparethe effects of three conditions on the reading fluency, errors, and comprehension of four, sixth-grade students with EBD who were struggling readers. Specifically, the following were compared: (a) Repeated readings in which participants repeatedly read a passage of about 100-150 words, three times, (b) Non-repeated readings in which participants sequentially read an original passage of about 100-150 words once, and (c) Equivalent non-repeated readings in which participants sequentially read a passage of about 300-450 words, equivalent to the number of words in the repeated readings condition. Also examined were the effects of the three repeated readings practice trials per sessions on reading fluency and errors. The reading passage difficulty and length established prior to commencing were used for all participants throughout the standard phase. During the enhanced phase, the reading levels were increased 6 months for all participants, and for two (the advanced readers), the length of the reading passages was increased by 50%, allowing for comparisons under more rigorous conditions. The results indicate that overall repeated readings had the best outcome across the standard and enhanced phases for increasing readers’ fluency, reducing their errors per minute, and supporting fluency answers to literal comprehension questions correctly as compared to non-repeated and equivalent non-repeated conditions. When comparing nonrepeated and equivalent non-repeated readings,there were mixed results. Under the enhanced phases, the positive effects of repeated readings were more demonstrative. Additional research is needed to compare the effects of repeated and equivalent non-repeated readings across other populations of students with disabilities or varying learning styles. This research should include collecting repeated readings practice trial data for fluency and errors to further analyze the immediate effects of repeatedly reading a passage.


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Dropout rates impacting students with high-incidence disabilities in American schools remain staggering (Bost, 2006; Hehir, 2005). Of this group, students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD) are at greatest risk. Despite the mandated national propagation of inclusion, students with EBD remain the least included and the least successful when included (Bost). Accordingly, this study investigated the potential significance of inclusive settings and other school-related variables within the context of promoting the graduation potential of students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) or EBD. This mixed-methods study investigated specified school-related variables as likely dropout predictors, as well as the existence of first-order interactions among some of the variables. In addition, it portrayed the perspectives of students with SLD or EBD on the school-related variables that promote graduation. Accordingly, the sample was limited to students with SLD or EBD who had graduated or were close to graduation. For the quantitative component the numerical data were analyzed using linear and logistic regressions. For the qualitative component guided student interviews were conducted. Both strands were subsequently analyzed using Ridenour and Newman’s (2008) model where the quantitative hypotheses are tested and are later built-upon by the related qualitative meta-themes. Results indicated that a successful academic history, or obtaining passing grades was the only significant predictor of graduation potential when statistically controlling all the other variables. While at a marginal significance, results also yielded that students with SLD or EBD in inclusive settings experienced better academic results and behavioral outcomes than those in self-contained settings. Specifically, students with SLD or EBD in inclusive settings were found to be more likely to obtain passing grades and less likely to be suspended from school. Generally, the meta-themes yielded during the student interviews corroborated these findings as well as provided extensive insights on how students with disabilities view school within the context of promoting graduation. Based on the results yielded, provided the necessary academic accommodations and adaptations are in place, along with an effective behavioral program, inclusive settings can be utilized as drop-out prevention tools in special education.


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Optimal assistance of an adult, adapted to the current level of understanding of the student (scaffolding), can help students with emotional and behavioural problems (EBD) to demonstrate a similar level of understanding on scientific tasks, compared to students from regular education (Van Der Steen, Steenbeek, Wielinski & Van Geert, 2012). In the present study the optimal scaffolding techniques for EBD students were investigated, as well as how these differ from scaffolding techniques used for regular students. A researcher visited five EBD students and five regular students (aged three to six years old) three times in a 1,5 years period. Student and researcher worked together on scientific tasks about gravity and air pressure, while the researcher asked questions. An adaptive protocol was used, so that all children were asked the same basic questions about the mechanisms of the task. Beside this, the researcher was also allowed to ask follow-up questions and use scaffolding methods when these seemed necessary. We found a bigger amount of scaffolding in the group of EBD students compared to the regular students. The scaffolding techniques that were used also differed between the two groups. For EBD students, we saw more scaffolding strategies focused on keeping the student committed to the task, and less strategies aimed at the relationship between the child and the researcher. Furthermore, in the group of regular students we saw a decreasing trend in the amount of scaffolding over the course of three visits. This trend was not visible for the EBD students. These results highlight the importance for using different scaffolding strategies when working with EBD students compared to regular students. Future research can give a clearer image of the differences in scaffolding needs between these two groups.


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Der folgende Text ist die Antwort auf einen Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beiträgen, die sich dem derzeitigen Stand eines Studiums der Germanistik widmen sollten [...]. In diesem Aufruf wird die Frage nach dem „Sinn und Zweck der Germanistik“, wenn diese „weder relevantes Wissen noch relevante Kompetenzen“ vermitteln kann, gestellt. Die Autoren wenden diese Frage in einem Appell nach einem Ethos der Lehramtsstudierenden. Wer die vorgegebenen „relevanten Kompetenzen“ und das vermeintlich „relevante Wissen“ (ebd.) des Lehrplans unhinterfragt aus den bisher in der eigenen Schulzeit gemachten Erfahrungen und dem (Vor-)Gegebenen übernimmt, begeht ihrer Meinung nach einen Fehlschluss, indem er aus dem Sein das Sollen ableitet. (DIPF/Orig.)


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In den vergangenen Jahren hat die Diskussion um kulturelle Teilhabe im Rahmen der Ergebnisse großer Bildungsstudien zugenommen. Diese hatten eine hochgradige Abhängigkeit des Bildungserfolgs und des Kompetenzerwerbs vom sozialen Hintergrund der Kinder und ihrer Familien konstatiert (u.a. Ehmke & Jude 2010, S. 250). Auch für den Teilaspekt der kulturellen Teilhabe ließen sich in Studien soziale Disparitäten feststellen: Die rezeptive Nutzung kultureller Angebote durch Kinder und Jugendliche unterliegt einer deutlichen sozialen Selektivität (Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung 2012, S. 165). Gleichzeitig ist mit dem Programm Jedem Kind ein Instrument eine große Initiative zur Förderung frühen Instrumentallernens in der Grundschulzeit angelaufen. Die Initiatoren verfolgen dabei explizit das Ziel, die Kluft „zwischen kulturaffinen Elternhäusern und bildungsfernen Schichten" (Kulturstiftung des Bundes, 2012) in Bezug auf kulturelle Bildung zu verringern, eine „Grundversorgung" (ebd.) sicherzustellen und im demokratischen Sinne niemanden von der Alphabetisierung in Sachen Kunst auszuschließen (Völckers, 2007). Die Teilnahme von Kindern an Instrumentalunterricht während der Grundschulzeit wird hier also als ein Aspekt aktiver kultureller Teilhabe gedeutet und wird im Folgenden einer Analyse unterzogen. (DIPF/Orig.)