91 resultados para Dzyaloshinskii-moriya


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We demonstrate in theory that it is possible to all-electrically manipulate the RKKY interaction in a quasi-one-dimensional electron gas embedded in a semiconductor heterostructure, in the presence of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. In an undoped semiconductor quantum wire where intermediate excitations are gapped, the interaction becomes the short-ranged Bloembergen-Rowland superexchange interaction. Owing to the interplay of different types of spin-orbit interaction, the interaction can be controlled to realize various spin models, e.g., isotropic and anisotropic Heisenberg-like models, Ising-like models with additional Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya terms, by tuning the external electric field and designing the crystallographic directions. Such controllable interaction forms a basis for quantum computing with localized spins and quantum matters in spin lattices.


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We study the optimal teleportation based on Bell measurements via the thermal states of a two-qubit Heisenberg XXX chain in the presence of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) anisotropic antisymmetric interaction and obtain an optimal unitary transformation. The explicit expressions of the output state and the teleportation fidelity are presented and compared with those of the standard protocol. It is shown that in this protocol the teleportation fidelity is always larger and the unit fidelity is achieved at zero temperature. The DM interaction can enhance the teleportation fidelity at finite temperatures, as opposed to the effect of the interaction in the standard protocol. Cases with other types of anisotropies are also discussed. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009


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We report a measurement of the differential cross section for the gamman-->pi- p process from the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory in Hall B for photon energies between 1.0 and 3.5 GeV and pion center-of-mass (c.m.) angles (thetac.m.) between 50 degrees and 115 degrees. We confirm a previous indication of a broad enhancement around a c.m. energy ([sqrt]s) of 2.1 GeV at thetac.m.=90 degrees in the scaled differential cross section s7dsigma/dt and a rapid falloff in a center-of-mass energy region of about 400 MeV following the enhancement. Our data show an angular dependence of this enhancement as the suggested scaling region is approached for thetac.m. from 70 degrees to 105 degrees.


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Betelgeuse, a nearby red supergiant, is a runaway star with a powerful stellar wind that drives a bow shock into its surroundings. This picture has been challenged by the discovery of a dense and almost static shell that is three times closer to the star than the bow shock and has been decelerated by some external force. The two physically distinct structures cannot both be formed by the hydrodynamic interaction of the wind with the interstellar medium. Here we report that a model in which Betelgeuse's wind is photoionized by radiation from external sources can explain the static shell without requiring a new understanding of the bow shock. Pressure from the photoionized wind generates a standing shock in the neutral part of the wind and forms an almost static, photoionization-confined shell. Other red supergiants should have significantly more massive shells than Betelgeuse, because the photoionization-confined shell traps up to 35 per cent of all mass lost during the red supergiant phase, confining this gas close to the star until it explodes. After the supernova explosion, massive shells dramatically affect the supernova lightcurve, providing a natural explanation for the many supernovae that have signatures of circumstellar interaction.


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CuF2 is known to be an antiferromagnetic compound with a weak ferromagnetism due to the anisotropy of its monoclinic unit cell (Dzialoshinsky-Moriya mechanism). We investigate the magnetic ordering of this compound by means of ab initio periodic unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculations and by cluster calculations which employ state-of-the-art configuration interaction expansions and modern density functional theory techniques. The combined use of periodic and cluster models permits us to firmly establish that the antiferromagnetic order arises from the coupling of one-dimensional subunits which themselves exhibit a very small ferromagnetic coupling between Cu neighbor cations. This magnetic order could be anticipated from the close correspondence between CuF2 and rutile crystal structures.


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We study several extensions of the notion of alternation from context-free grammars to context-sensitive and arbitrary phrase-structure grammars. Thereby new grammatical characterizations are obtained for the class of languages that are accepted by alternating pushdown automata.


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Objectives: We investigated effects of chronic exposure (2 months) to ambient levels of particulate matter (PM) on development of protease-induced emphysema and pulmonary remodeling in mice. Methods: Balb/c mice received nasal drop of either papain or normal saline and were kept in two exposure chambers situated in an area with high traffic density. One of them received ambient air and the other had filters for PM. Results: mean concentration of PM10 was 2.68 +/- 0.38 and 33.86 +/- 2.09 mu g/m(3), respectively, in the filtered and ambient air chambers (p<0.001). After 2 months of exposure, lungs from papain-treated mice kept in the chamber with ambient air presented greater values of mean linear intercept, an increase in density of collagen fibers in alveolar septa and in expression of 8-isoprostane (p = 0.002, p < 0.05 and p = 0.002, respectively, compared to papain-treated mice kept in the chamber with filtered air). We did not observe significant differences between these two groups in density of macrophages and in amount of cells expressing matrix metalloproteinase-12. There were no significant differences in saline-treated mice kept in the two chambers. Conclusions: We conclude that exposure to urban levels of PM worsens protease-induced emphysema and increases pulmonary remodeling. We suggest that an increase in oxidative stress induced by PM exposure influences this response. These pulmonary effects of PM were observed only in mice with emphysema. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The magnetic behavior of polycrystalline yttrium orthoferrite was studied from the experimental and theoretical points of view. Magnetization measurements up to 170 kOe were carried out on a single-phase YFeO3 sample synthesized from heterobimetallic alkoxides. The complex interplay between weak-ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions, observed in the experimental M(H) curves, was successfully simulated by locally minimizing the magnetic energy of two interacting Fe sublattices. The resulting values of exchange field (H-E = 5590 kOe), anisotropy field (H-A = 0.5 kOe) and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya antisymmetric field (H-D = 149 kOe) are in good agreement with previous reports on this system. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ionic copper entering blood plasma binds tightly to albumin and the macroglobulin transcuprein. It then goes primarily to the liver and kidney except in lactation, where a large portion goes directly to the mammary gland. Little is known about how this copper is taken up from these plasma proteins. To examine this, the kinetics of uptake from purified human  albumin and α2-macroglobulin, and the effects of inhibitors, were measured using human hepatic (HepG2) and mammary epithelial (PMC42) cell lines. At physiological concentrations (3–6 µM), both cell types took up copper from these proteins independently and at rates similar to each other and to those for Cu-dihistidine or Cu-nitrilotriacetate (NTA). Uptakes from   α2-macroglobulin indicated a single saturable system in each cell type, but with different kinetics, and 65–80% inhibition by Ag(I) in HepG2 cells but not PMC42 cells. Uptake kinetics for Cu-albumin were more complex and also differed with cell type (as was the case for Cu-histidine and NTA), and there was little or no inhibition by Ag(I). High Fe(II) concentrations (100–500 µM) inhibited copper uptake from albumin by 20–30% in both cell types and that from {alpha}2-macroglobulin by 0–30%, and there was no inhibition of the latter by Mn(II) or Zn(II). We conclude that the proteins mainly responsible for the plasma-exchangeable copper pool deliver the metal to mammalian cells efficiently and by several different mechanisms.α2-Macroglobulin delivers it primarily to copper transporter 1 in hepatic cells but not mammary epithelial cells, and additional as-yet-unidentified copper transporters or systems for uptake from these proteins remain to be identified.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a capacidade preditiva de modelos econométricos de séries de tempo baseados em indicadores macroeconômicos na previsão da inflação brasileira (IPCA). Os modelos serão ajustados utilizando dados dentro da amostra e suas projeções ex-post serão acumuladas de um a doze meses à frente. As previsões serão comparadas a de modelos univariados como autoregressivo de primeira ordem - AR(1) - que nesse estudo será o benchmark escolhido. O período da amostra vai de janeiro de 2000 até agosto de 2015 para ajuste dos modelos e posterior avaliação. Ao todo foram avaliadas 1170 diferentes variáveis econômicas a cada período a ser projetado, procurando o melhor conjunto preditores para cada ponto no tempo. Utilizou-se o algoritmo Autometrics para a seleção de modelos. A comparação dos modelos foi feita através do Model Confidence Set desenvolvido por Hansen, Lunde e Nason (2010). Os resultados obtidos nesse ensaio apontam evidências de ganhos de desempenho dos modelos multivariados para períodos posteriores a 1 passo à frente.


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Estudou-se o efeito da embalagem de policloreto de vinila (PVC) sobre a vida de prateleira de mangas cv. Tommy Atkins armazenadas sob refrigeração. Mangas no estádio de maturidade fisiológica, com casca verde ou levemente avermelhada, foram embaladas individualmente, com filme de 10mm de espessura, e armazenadas por 28 dias a 12ºC (80-90% UR). Frutos sem embalagem serviram de controle. Durante o período de armazenagem, foram feitas avaliações sensoriais utilizando o método de escala hedônica não estruturada para aceitação da aparência e do sabor, utilizando-se de 30 provadores não treinados por sessão. Determinou-se também a perda de massa, a acidez titulável e os teores de sólidos solúveis e vitamina C ao longo da armazenagem. As mangas embaladas apresentaram uma vida de prateleira de 21 dias contra 6 dias das não embaladas, e uma taxa de perda de massa 3,5 vezes menor que as não embaladas. em relação à taxa de degradação de vitamina C, não houve diferença entre os tratamentos. A combinação da embalagem com a armazenagem a 12ºC aumentou a vida de prateleira do produto pela redução da atividade metabólica e do desenvolvimento de podridão.


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Foi feito um estudo sobre o comportamento de uvas finas de mesa (Vitis vinifera L.) var. Itália frente à armazenagem refrigerada e à utilização de embalagem, para aumentar a vida-de-prateleira. Cachos da uva no estádio verde maduro foram embalados individualmente em três diferentes filmes plásticos (Cryovac® PD-900; Cryovac® PD-955 e Cryovac® PD-961EZ ) de alta permeabilidade ao oxigênio e ao gás carbônico e armazenados a 1ºC (85-95% UR) por 63 dias e a 25ºC (80-90% UR) por 21 dias; frutas sem embalagem serviram de controle. Ao longo da armazenagem foram realizadas análises sensoriais de aceitação quanto ao sabor e aparência, utilizando escala hedônica não estruturada de 9cm e 30 provadores por sessão. Foram realizadas também análises do teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável e vitamina C ao longo da armazenagem. As frutas embaladas apresentaram taxas de perda de massa 28 vezes menores que as controle, mas não foi observada diferença significativa (p>0,05) entre as diferentes embalagens. A combinação de armazenagem a 1°C com o filme PD-955 prolongou a vida de prateleira das uvas por 63 dias contra 11 a 21 dias do controle. Nas uvas embaladas, o fim da vida-de-prateleira foi determinado por deterioração microbiológica e no controle pela perda de massa, que causou o enrugamento, perda de turgidez das bagas e ressecamento dos engaços e pedicelos.


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A acerola é um fruto altamente perecível e que contém altos teores de vitamina C, sendo este o seu principal atrativo em termos nutricionais. A atual legislação brasileira prevê uma variação de, no máximo, 20% do teor dos nutrientes especificados no rótulo. Devido a essa exigência seria importante que os fabricantes considerassem tanto o teor inicial de vitamina C quanto a perda ao longo da armazenagem dos produtos de acerola. Neste trabalho, foi feito o acompanhamento da estabilidade da vitamina C em polpa pasteurizada e acerola in natura congeladas, ambas armazenadas a -12ºC e -18ºC, e em suco de acerola pasteurizado engarrafado, mantido a temperatura ambiente, ao longo de 4 meses de armazenagem. As polpas congeladas não apresentaram degradação significativa durante este período, já as in natura apresentaram cinética de degradação de 1ª ordem e o suco de ordem zero. Após 4 meses de armazenagem as acerolas armazenadas a -12ºC e -18ºC apresentaram teores de 869±12 e 1.223±148 mg vit.C/100g, representando uma perda de 43% e 19%, respectivamente, em relação ao teor inicial. Polpas a -12ºC e -18ºC apresentaram teores de 1.314±6 e 1.322±2 mg vit.C/100g, respectivamente, representando uma perda de, aproximadamente, 3% e o suco apresentou uma perda de 32%, correspondendo a um teor final de 673±17mg vit.C/100g.


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Ferromagnetic behaviour at 300 K has been observed from SQUID experiments in ClO4- doped PMTh, the samples were prepared electrochemically at 25 degreesC in acetonitrile with 0.1M LiClO4 and then partially reduced. Atomic absorption analysis discards magnetic particles contamination. Hysteresis curves were observed for pressed pellets in ail range of temperatures (300K-2K). The remanence at 300 K and pressed at 250 bar was around 8.06x10(-4) emu/g with coercitivity of 130 Oe. The influence of water content in the solvent during the sample synthesis and the pressure is shown. We discuss a model that explains our data in terms of the anisotropic superexchange Dziatoshinski-Moriya interaction giving rise to weak ferromagnetism.


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Room temperature ferromagnetic behavior has been observed in pressed pellets of doped poly(3-methylthiophene). In this work we show that thermoremance data taken in two different ways favours the interpretation of data in terms of the Dzialoshinski-Moriya anisotropic superexchange interaction of the polarons via dopant anions giving rise to weak ferromagnetism.