28 resultados para Donepezil
Introducción: El Alzhéimer tiene una prevalencia de 1,6% en las personas mayores de 65 años. Se caracteriza por la pérdida de memoria y otras funciones cognoscitivas, pero más del 70% de los afectados presentan síntomas no cognitivos entre los que se encuentran alteraciones del afecto, comportamiento y psicosis. Estos síntomas están asociados a mayores tasas de institucionalización, morbilidad y mortalidad. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos que proporcionaron información sobre la eficacia de los inhibidores selectivos de recaptación de serotonina en síntomas no cognitivos del Alzhéimer. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial arrojó un total de 495 resultados, 64 artículos fueron preseleccionados y 7 se incluyeron en la revisión; éstos se clasificaron como nivel de evidencia Ib; citalopram mostró ser más eficaz que el placebo y similar a antipsicóticos para síntomas comportamentales y psicóticos asociados al Alzhéimer con un perfil de efectos adversos más tolerable; sertralina no mostró eficacia en depresión y sí una mayor incidencia de efectos adversos con respecto al placebo. Discusión: Se obtuvieron resultados favorables en síntomas comportamentales y psicóticos pero no en afectivos. Las diferencias metodológicas de los estudios le dan complejidad a la interpretación de los resultados. Conclusión: La evidencia sugiere que el tratamiento con citalopram es eficaz en síntomas comportamentales y psicóticos asociados al Alzhéimer; para el tratamiento de la depresión asociado a esta demencia aún no existe un antidepresivo que pueda considerarse de elección.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative pathology with severe economic and social impact. There is currently no cure, although cholinesterase inhibitors provide effective temporary relief of symptoms in some patients. Nowadays drug research and development are based on the cholinergic hypothesis that supports the cognition improvement by regulation of the synthesis and release of acetylcholine in the brain. There are only four commercial medicines approved for treatment of AD and natural products have played an important role in the research for new acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Altern geht mit einer Reihe physiologischer Veränderungen einher. Da in höherem Lebensalter überdurchschnittlich viele Arzneistoffe eingenommen werden und häufig mehrere Erkrankungen gleichzeitig vorliegen, können Auffälligkeiten in den Arzneimittelkonzentrationen im Blut nicht nur altersbedingt, sondern auch krankheitsbedingt oder durch Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen verursacht sein.rnrnDie vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Fragestellung, ob der Arzneimittelmetabolismus bei Alterspatenten generell, oder nur bei Patienten mit Multimorbidität und –medikation verändert ist, und in welchem Lebensalter diese Veränderungen einsetzen. Im Mittelpunkt stand dabei die Frage, ob die Aktivitäten distinkter Arzneimittel-abbauender Enzyme der Cytochrom P450-Enzym-Familie (CYP) verändert sind. Da viele Psychopharmaka nur bei Patienten im Alter zwischen 18 und 65 Jahren zugelassen sind, wurde die Hypothese geprüft, dass sich Patienten im Alter über und unter 65 Jahren in ihren Medikamentenspiegeln unterscheiden.rnrnFür die Untersuchungen wurde eine Datenbank aus Blutspiegelmessungen erstellt, die im Rahmen des pharmakotherapiebegleitenden TDM erhoben worden waren. Die Blutspiegel stammten von insgesamt 4197 Patienten, die mit Amisulprid, Aripiprazol, Citalopram, Clozapin, Donepezil, Escitalopram, Mirtazapin, Quetiapin, Risperidon, Sertralin, Venlafaxin oder Ziprasidon behandelt wurden. Die Messungen wurden ergänzt mit Angaben aus den TDM-Anforderungsscheinen bezüglich Tagesdosis, Begleitmedikamenten, Schweregrad der Erkrankung, Therapieerfolg und Verträglichkeit der Medikation. Zusätzlich wurden klinische Befunde der Leber- und Nierenfunktion einbezogen, sowie Angaben zur Berechnung des BMI. Die in vivo-CYP-Enzymaktivitäten wurden anhand von metabolischen Ratios (Serumkonzentrationen Metabolit/ Serumkonzentration Muttersubstanz) beurteilt.rnrnIm Mittel stieg der Schweregrad der Erkrankung mit dem Alter und der Therapieerfolg verschlechterte sich. Dies betraf im Einzelnen nur Patienten, die mit Amisulprid oder Clozapin behandelt worden waren. Ältere Patienten litten häufiger an Nebenwirkungen als jüngere.rnUnter Aripiprazol, Quetiapin, Sertralin und Venlafaxin erreichten Alterspatienten mit niedrigeren Tagesdosen gleiche Therapieerfolge wie jüngere Patienten.rnPatienten, die mit Clozapin oder Amisulprid behandelt wurden, zeigten im Alter schlechtere Behandlungserfolge bei gleicher (Clozapin) bzw. niedrigerer (Amisulprid) Tagesdosis.rnTherapieerfolg und mittlere Tagesdosis änderten sich bei Patienten, die Ziprasidon, Donepezil, Citalopram, Escitalopram und Mirtazapin einnahmen, nicht altersabhängig.rnrnAltersabhängige Unterschiede der Serumspiegel zeigten sich für Amisulprid, Aripiprazol, Donepezil, Mirtazapin, Desmethylmirtazapin, Quetiapin und DesmethylsertralinrnAllerdings lagen die Altersgrenzen außer bei Donepezil deutlich niedriger als die gängig angenommene, nämlich bei 35 Jahren (Aripiprazol), 70 Jahren (Donepezil), 55 Jahren (D-Sertralin), 41 Jahren (Amisulprid), 49 Jahren (Quetiapin) und 58 Jahren (Mirtazapin).rnEs bestand kein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Auftreten veränderter Serumspiegel im Alter und dem Verteilungsvolumen, der Plasmaproteinbindung oder der Eliminationshalbwertszeit der untersuchten Wirkstoffe.rnrnBei Patienten ohne Comedikation fand sich in keinem Fall eine altersabhängige Veränderung der Ratio. Es ergab sich daher kein Hinweis auf eine Veränderung der CYP-Aktivität im Alter. Die Einnahme von Comedikation nahm mit dem Alter zu, hierfür ließ sich eine Altersgrenze von 49 Jahren definieren. Unter Polytherapie wurden Veränderungen der CYP-Aktivität beobachtet.rnrnDer Einfluss veränderter Leber- oder Nierenfunktion auf die Biotransformation von Pharmaka wurde anhand von Serumspiegeln von Patienten, die mit Donepezil, Venlafaxin, Citalopram oder Escitalopram behandelt wurden, untersucht. rnBei keinem Wirkstoff wurden unter auffälligen Leber- oder Nierenparametern signifikant veränderte Serumspiegel gemessen.rnEine Abhängigkeit der Serumspiegel vom Körpergewicht wurde nur für Desmethylsertralin gefunden. Die Spiegel waren bei Patienten mit einem Body Mass Index unter 20 signifikant höher als bei Patienten mit einem Index über 20. Aufgrund der kleinen Fallgruppe und der Tatsache, dass der Serumspiegel der Muttersubstanz nicht stieg, konnte nicht zwingend von einem Alterseinfluss aufgrund der veränderten Körperzusammensetzung ausgegangen werden.rnInsgesamt ergaben sich aus den Untersuchungen Hinweise auf moderate altersabhängige Veränderungen der Pharmakokinetik. Es ließen sich allerdings keine allgemeinen Dosierempfehlungen für Alterspatienten ableiten. Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass mit altersabhängigen Veränderungen der Pharmakokinetik bereits nach dem 50. Lebensjahr zu rechnen ist. Weitere Untersuchungen sollten auch den Alterseffekt auf gastrointestinale Transporter einbeziehen, die die aktive Aufnahme von Arzneistoffen ins Blut bewerkstelligen. Unklar ist auch die Rolle des Alterns auf die Aktivität des P-Glykoproteins. rn
INTRODUCTION There is little data on stopping cholinesterase inhibitors in Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Equally, it is not known if increasing the dose of cholinesterase inhibitors may help neuropsychiatric symptoms in advanced DLB. METHOD We conducted an open label trial with donepezil involving 16 patients with LBD when the dose was reduced and treatment stopped over 4 weeks. Another 7 patients were given a trial of an increased dose of donepezil (15 mg) to resolve rehyphen;emergent neuropsychiatric symptoms. RESULTS The slow discontinuation protocol was well tolerated in advanced DLB. Five of the seven patients given a trial of a higher dose of donepezil were rated as clinically improved after 12 weeks treatment. CONCLUSION Cholinesterase inhibitors can be discontinued slowly in advanced DLB. Increasing the dose of donepezil may be of benefit to some patients with DLB who experience a recurrence in their neuropsychiatric symptoms.
A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é a forma mais comum de demência, representando cerca de 80% dos casos. A DA é caracterizada por um processo de declínio progressivo e irreversível das funções cognitivas e da memória, que se estende para a desorganização do comportamento. Atualmente, 46,8 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo foram diagnosticadas com demência. Embora vários fatores tenham sido implicados na DA, sua etiologia ainda não é completamente conhecida. Do ponto de vista neuropatológico, é observado no cérebro de indivíduos com DA atrofia cortical difusa, presença de grande número de placas senis, emaranhados neurofibrilares, processo inflamatório e perda neuronal. A progressão dos sintomas está associada a mudanças estruturais nas sinapses colinérgicas em certas regiões do cérebro, que consequentemente, apresentam neurotransmissão colinérgica reduzida. Os vários eventos patológicos interligados contribuem para o avanço da doença e direcionam diversas pesquisas na busca por tratamentos multialvos com base no processo multifatorial de DA. Assim o presente trabalho descreve a síntese de derivados híbridos dual binding site de donepezila-tacrina (fármacos inibidores de acetilcolinesterase), com potencial para agir em dois alvos terapêuticos pela (i) inibição da acetilcolinesterase em ambos os sítios ativo e periférico, como demonstrado pelos estudos de modelagem molecular, e (ii) na agregação do peptídeo A? neurotóxico induzido pela acetilcolinesterase, na tentativa de interromper a progressão da doença. A estratégia sintética envolveu a condensação da 5,6-dimetóxiindanona com a unidade 4-piperidinil carbaldeído, a qual forneceu o intermediário 5,6- dimetóxindan-1-ona-4-piperidinil-metileno-1-[(4-cloroquinolin-2-il)metil], seguido de redução da dupla ligação, gerada na reação de condensação anterior, e substituição do átomo de cloro-quinolina por amino para obtenção do produto final, ou manutenção da função olefina, seguido de substituição do átomo de cloro-quinolina por azido ou amino, gerando cinco híbridos estruturalmente correlacionados. Os híbridos foram testados em ensaio de inibição de acetilcolinesterase e butirilcolinesterase pelo método de Ellman, e o híbrido insaturado, contendo a função amino-quinolina foi o mais ativo da série com IC50 na faixa de nanomolar (0,014 ?M). Futuramente, os intermediários da reação e produto final serão submetidos ao ensaio de inibição da agregação do peptídeo A? neurotóxico pelo método da tioflavina T. Neste trabalho, também são descritos os testes de predição in vitro para permeação pela barreira hematoencefálica, bem como sua absorção intestinal, pelo método PAMPA.
The prevalence of dementia is growing in developed countries where elderly patients are increasing in numbers. Neurotransmission modulation is one approach to the treatment of dementia. Cholinergic precursors, anticholinesterases, nicotine receptor agonists and muscarinic M-2 receptor antagonists are agents that enhance cholinergic neurotransmission and that depend on having some intact cholinergic innervation to be effective in the treatment of dementia. The cholinergic precursor choline alfoscerate may be emerging as a potential useful drug in the treatment of dementia, with few adverse effects. Of the anticholinesterases, donepezil, in addition to having a similar efficacy to tacrine in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD), appears to have major advantages; its use is associated with lower drop-out rates in clinical trials, a lower incidence of cholinergic-like side effects and no liver toxicity. Rivastigmine is efficacious in the treatment in dementia with Lewy bodies, a condition in which the other anticholinesterases have not been tested extensively to date. Galantamine is an anticholinesterase and also acts as an allosteric potentiating modulator at nicotinic receptors to increase the release of acetylcholine. Pooled data from clinical trials of patients with mild-to-moderate AD suggest that the benefits and safety profile of galantamine are similar to those of the anticholinesterases. Selective nicotine receptor agonists are being developed that enhance cognitive performance without influencing autonomic and skeletal muscle function, but these have not yet entered clinical trial for dementia. Unlike the cholinergic enhancers, the M, receptor agonists do not depend upon intact cholinergic nerves but on intact M, receptors for their action, which are mainly preserved in AD and dementia with Lewy bodies. The M, receptor-selective agonists developed to date have shown limited efficacy in clinical trials and have a high incidence of side effects. A major recent advancement in the treatment of dementia is memantine, a non-competitive antagonist at NMDA receptors. Memantine is beneficial in the treatment of severe and moderate to-severe AD and may also be of some benefit in the treatment of mild-to-moderate vascular dementia. Drugs that modulate 5-HT, somatostatin and noradrenergic neurotransmission are also being considered for the treatment of dementia.
The authors evaluated the efficacy of cholinergic drugs in the treatment of neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia (TD) by a systematic review of the literature on the following agents: choline, lecithin, physostigmine, tacrine, 7-methoxyacridine, ipidacrine, galantamine, donepezil, rivastigmine, eptastigmine, metrifonate, arecoline, RS 86, xanomeline, cevimeline, deanol, and meclofenoxate. All relevant randomized controlled trials, without any language or year limitations, were obtained from the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group's Register of Trials. Trials were classified according to their methodological quality. For binary and continuous data, relative risks (RR) and weighted or standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated, respectively. Eleven trials with a total of 261 randomized patients were included in the meta-analysis. Cholinergic drugs showed a minor trend for improvement of tardive dyskinesia symptoms, but results were not statistically significant (RR 0.84, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.68 to 1.04, p=0.11). Despite an extensive search of the literature, eligible data for the meta-analysis were few and no results reached statistical significance. In conclusion, we found no evidence to support administration of the old cholinergic agents lecithin, deanol, and meclofenoxate to patients with tardive dyskinesia. In addition, two trials were found on novel cholinergic Alzheimer drugs in tardive dyskinesia, one of which was ongoing. Further investigation of the clinical effects of novel cholinergic agents in tardive dyskinesia is warranted. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background - Previous Cochrane reviews have considered the use of cholinesterase inhibitors in both Parkinson's disease with dementia (PDD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). The clinical features of DLB and PDD have much in common and are distinguished primarily on the basis of whether or not parkinsonism precedes dementia by more than a year. Patients with both conditions have particularly severe deficits in cortical levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Therefore, blocking its breakdown using cholinesterase inhibitors may lead to clinical improvement. Objectives - To assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of cholinesterase inhibitors in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), Parkinson’s disease with dementia (PDD), and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease falling short of dementia (CIND-PD) (considered as separate phenomena and also grouped together as Lewy body disease). Search methods - The trials were identified from a search of ALOIS, the Specialised Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group (on 30 August 2011) using the search terms Lewy, Parkinson, PDD, DLB, LBD. This register consists of records from major healthcare databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL) and many ongoing trial databases and is updated regularly. Reference lists of relevant studies were searched for additional trials. Selection criteria - Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials assessing the efficacy of treatment with cholinesterase inhibitors in DLB, PDD and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease (CIND-PD). Data collection and analysis - Data were extracted from published reports by one review author (MR). The data for each 'condition' (that is DLB, PDD or CIND-PD) were considered separately and, where possible, also pooled together. Statistical analysis was conducted using Review Manager version 5.0. Main results - Six trials met the inclusion criteria for this review, in which a total of 1236 participants were randomised. Four of the trials were of a parallel group design and two cross-over trials were included. Four of the trials included participants with a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease with dementia (Aarsland 2002a; Dubois 2007; Emre 2004; Ravina 2005), of which Dubois 2007 remains unpublished. Leroi 2004 included patients with cognitive impairment and Parkinson's disease (both with and without dementia). Patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) were included in only one of the trials (McKeith 2000). For global assessment, three trials comparing cholinesterase inhibitor treatment to placebo in PDD (Aarsland 2002a; Emre 2004; Ravina 2005) reported a difference in the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-Clinical Global Impression of Change (ADCS-CGIC) score of -0.38, favouring the cholinesterase inhibitors (95% CI -0.56 to -0.24, P < 0.0001). For cognitive function, a pooled estimate of the effect of cholinesterase inhibitors on cognitive function measures was consistent with the presence of a therapeutic benefit (standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.34, 95% CI -0.46 to -0.23, P < 0.00001). There was evidence of a positive effect of cholinesterase inhibitors on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in patients with PDD (WMD 1.09, 95% CI 0.45 to 1.73, P = 0.0008) and in the single PDD and CIND-PD trial (WMD 1.05, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.68, P = 0.01) but not in the single DLB trial. For behavioural disturbance, analysis of the pooled continuous data relating to behavioural disturbance rating scales favoured treatment with cholinesterase inhibitors (SMD -0.20, 95% CI -0.36 to -0.04, P = 0.01). For activities of daily living, combined data for the ADCS and the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) activities of daily living rating scales favoured treatment with cholinesterase inhibitors (SMD -0.20, 95% CI -0.38 to -0.02, P = 0.03). For safety and tolerability, those taking a cholinesterase inhibitor were more likely to experience an adverse event (318/452 versus 668/842; odds ratio (OR) 1.64, 95% CI 1.26 to 2.15, P = 0.0003) and to drop out (128/465 versus 45/279; OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.33 to 2.84, P = 0.0006). Adverse events were more common amongst those taking rivastigmine (357/421 versus 173/240; OR 2.28, 95% CI 1.53 to 3.38, P < 0.0001) but not those taking donepezil (311/421 versus 145/212; OR 1.24, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.80, P = 0.25). Parkinsonian symptoms in particular tremor (64/739 versus 12/352; OR 2.71, 95% CI 1.44 to 5.09, P = 0.002), but not falls (P = 0.39), were reported more commonly in the treatment group but this did not have a significant impact on the UPDRS (total and motor) scores (P = 0.71). Fewer deaths occurred in the treatment group than in the placebo group (4/465 versus 9/279; OR 0.28, 95% CI 0.09 to 0.84, P = 0.03). Authors' conclusions - The currently available evidence supports the use of cholinesterase inhibitors in patients with PDD, with a positive impact on global assessment, cognitive function, behavioural disturbance and activities of daily living rating scales. The effect in DLB remains unclear. There is no current disaggregated evidence to support their use in CIND-PD.
Objective: To determine the efficacy of cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) in improving the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Data sources: We searched MEDLINE, Cochrane Registry, and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) from 1966 to 2007. We limited our search to English Language, full text, published articles and human studies. Data extraction: We included randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of donepezil, rivastigmine, or galantamine in managing BPSD displayed by AD patients. Using the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines, we critically appraised all studies and included only those with an attrition rate of less than 40%, concealed measurement of the outcomes, and intention to treat analysis of the collected data. All data were imputed into pre-defined evidence based tables and were pooled using the Review Manager 4.2.1 software for data synthesis. Results: We found 12 studies that met our inclusion criteria but only nine of them provided sufficient data for the meta-analysis. Among patients with mild to severe AD and in comparison to placebo, ChEIs as a class had a beneficial effects on reducing BPSD with a standard mean difference (SMD) of -0.10 (95% confidence interval [CI]; -0.18, -0.01) and a weighted mean difference (WMD) of -1.38 neuropsychiatry inventory point (95% CI; -2.30, -0.46). In studies with mild AD patients, the WMD was -1.92 (95% CI; -3.18, -0.66); and in studies with severe AD patients, the WMD was -0.06 (95% CI; -2.12, +0.57). Conclusion: Cholinesterase inhibitors lead to a statistical significant reduction in BPSD among patients with AD, yet the clinical relevance of this effect remains unclear.