972 resultados para Distance measurement
Bipedal gaits have been classified on the basis of the group symmetry of the minimal network of identical differential equations (alias cells) required to model them. Primary bipedal gaits (e.g., walk, run) are characterized by dihedral symmetry, whereas secondary bipedal gaits (e.g., gallop-walk, gallop- run) are characterized by a lower, cyclic symmetry. This fact has been used in tests of human odometry (e.g., Turvey et al. in P Roy Soc Lond B Biol 276:4309–4314, 2009, J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 38:1014–1025, 2012). Results suggest that when distance is measured and reported by gaits from the same symmetry class, primary and secondary gaits are comparable. Switching symmetry classes at report compresses (primary to secondary) or inflates (secondary to primary) measured distance, with the compression and inflation equal in magnitude. The present research (a) extends these findings from overground locomotion to treadmill locomotion and (b) assesses a dynamics of sequentially coupled measure and report phases, with relative velocity as an order parameter, or equilibrium state, and difference in symmetry class as an imperfection parameter, or detuning, of those dynamics. The results suggest that the symmetries and dynamics of distance measurement by the human odometer are the same whether the odometer is in motion relative to a stationary ground or stationary relative to a moving ground.
Sistemas de recomendação baseados cooperação indireta podem ser implementados em bibliotecas por meio da aplicação de conceitos e procedimentos de análise de redes. Uma medida de distância temática, inicialmente desenvolvida para variáveis dicotômicas, foi generalizada e aplicada a matrizes de co-ocorrências, permitindo o aproveitando de toda a informação disponível sobre o comportamento dos usuários com relação aos itens consultados. Como resultado formaram-se subgrupos especializados altamente coerentes, para os quais listas-base e listas personalizadas foram geradas da maneira usual. Aplicativos programáveis capazes de manipularem matrizes, como o software S-plus, foram utilizados para os cálculos (com vantagens sobre o software especializado UCINET 5.0), sendo suficientes para o processamento de grupos temáticos de até 10.000 usuários.
Purpose: the purpose of this in vivo study was to compare the accuracy of primary incisor length determined by direct digital radiography (straight-line measurement and grid superimposition) and measurement of the actual tooth length. Methods. Twenty-two primary maxillary incisors that required extractions were selected from 3- to 5-year-old children. The teeth were radiographed with an intraoral sensor using the long cone technique and a sensor holder (30-cm focus-to-sensor distance). The exposure time was 03 seconds. Tooth length was estimated by using straight-line and grid measurements provided by the distance measurement feature of the Computed Dental Radiography digital dental imaging system. The actual tooth length was obtained by measuring the extracted tooth with G digital caliper. Data were analyzed statistically by Pearson's correlation coefficient and a paired t test. Results: There were statistically significant differences (P=.007) between the 2 measurement techniques and between the actual tooth lengths and grid measurements. There was no statistically significant difference (P=38) between straight-line measurements and actual tooth lengths, showing that the straight-line measurements were more accurate. Underestimation of the actual tooth length, however, occurred in 45% of the straight-line measurements and in 73% of the grid measurements. Conclusion: It is possible to determine primary tooth length in digital radiographs using onscreen measurements with 0 reasonable degree of accuracy.
Aim: This in vitro study evaluated the accuracy of primary incisor lengths determined by digital and conventional radiography compared to the actual tooth length. Methods: Twenty extracted primary maxillary incisors were mounted in acrylic blocks. Tooth length was estimated by using a straight-line measurement provided by the distance measurement tool of a digital dental imaging system (Computed Dental Radiography, Schick Technologies Inc.) and conventional E-speed film radiographs by using a digital caliper. Two operators familiar with both radiographic methods performed the estimates. The estimated tooth lengths were compared to the actual tooth lengths measured with the digital caliper. Data were statistically analyzed by Dahlberg's equation, paired t test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and ANOVA at 5% significance level. Results: There were no statistically significant differences (p = 0.85) between tooth length estimated on digital and conventional radiographs. Admitting as clinically acceptable a 0.5-mm discrepancy between the actual tooth lengths and the radiographically estimated lengths, 60% of the radiographic measurements were considered as accurate. When the acceptable difference range was 1.0 mm, the accuracy of the radiographic measurements increased to 100%. Conclusions: Digital and conventional radiography provided similar tooth length measurements and were equivalent to the actual tooth lengths.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Die Frage, wie es zur visuellen Wahrnehmung räumlicher Tiefe kommt, wenn das Retinabild nur zweidimensional ist, gehört zu den grundlegenden Proble-men der Hirnforschung. Für Tiere, die sich aktiv in ihrer Umgebung bewegen, herrscht ein großer Selektionsdruck Entfernungen und Größen richtig einzu-schätzen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, herauszufinden, ob und wie gut Goldfische Objekte allein aufgrund des Abstandes unterscheiden können und woraus sie Information über den Abstand gewinnen. Hierzu wurde ein Ver-suchsaufbau mit homogen weißem Hintergrund entworfen, in dem die Akkom-modation als Entfernungsinformationen verwendet werden kann, weniger je-doch die Bewegungsparallaxe. Die Goldfische lernten durch operante Konditio-nierung einen Stimulus (schwarze Kreisscheibe) in einem bestimmten Abstand zu wählen, während ein anderer, gleichgroßer Stimulus so entfernt wie möglich präsentiert wurde. Der Abstand zwischen den Stimuli wurde dann verringert, bis die Goldfische keine sichere Wahl für den Dressurstimulus mehr treffen konnten. Die Unterscheidungsleistung der Goldfische wurde mit zunehmendem Abstand des Dressurstimulus immer geringer. Eine Wiederholung der Versuche mit unscharfen Stimu¬lus¬kon¬turen brachte keine Verschlechterung in der Unter-scheidung, was Akkommodation wenig wahrscheinlich macht. Um die Größen-konstanz beim Goldfisch zu testen, wurden die Durchmesser der unterschiedlich entfernten Stimuli so angepasst, dass sie für den Goldfisch die gleiche Retina-bildgröße hatten. Unter diesen Bedingungen waren die Goldfische nicht in der Lage verschieden entfernte Stimuli zu unterscheiden und somit Größenkonstanz zu leisten. Es fand demnach keine echte Entfernungsbestimmung oder Tiefen-wahrneh¬mung statt. Die Unterscheidung der verschieden entfernten Stimuli erfolgte allein durch deren Abbildungsgröße auf der Retina. Dass die Goldfische bei diesem Experiment nicht akkommodieren, wurde durch Infrarot-Photoretinoskopie gezeigt. Somit lässt sich Akkommodation für die Entfer-nungsbestimmung in diesen Versuchen ausschließen. Für diese Leistung und die Größenkonstanz ist vermutlich die Bewegungsparallaxe entscheidend.
Physical fitness can be evaluated in competitive and school sports with different field tests under different conditions and goals. To produce valid results, a field test must be practical and reach high standards of test criteria (objectivity, reliability, validity). The purpose of this study was to investigate the test criteria and the practicability of a group of field tests called «SUISSE Sport Test Konzept Basis Feldtestbatterie». For 20-m sprint, ventral trunk muscle test, standing long jump, 2-kg medicine ball shot, obstacle course and cooper-test, test quality and practicability were evaluated. 221 children and adolescents from competitive sports and different school levels took part in the study. According to school level, they were divided into 3 groups (P: 7–11.5 y, S1: 11.6–15.5 y, S2: 15.6–21.8 y). Objectivity was tested for time or distance measurement in all tests as well as for error rating in obstacle test. For reliability measurement, 162 subjects performed the field tests twice within a few weeks. For validity results of standing long jump were compared with counter movement jump performance on a force plate. Correlation analysis was performed and level of significance was set for p < 0.05. For accuracy standard error was calculated. All tests achieved sufficient to excellent objectiv - ity with correlation-coefficient (r) lying between 0.85 and 0.99. Reliability was very good (r = 0.84–0.97). In cooper- and trunk test, reliability was higher for athletes than for pupils (trunk test: r = 0.95 vs. r = 0.62, cooper-test: r = 0.90 vs. r = 0.78). In those tests the reliability decreases with increasing age (cooper-test: P: r = 0.84, S1: r = 0.69, S2: r = 0.52; trunk-test: P: r = 0.69, S1: r = 0.71; S2: r = 0.39). Validity for standing long jump was good (r = 0.75–0.86). The standard error of the mean was between 4–8%, with the exception for cooper-test (athletes: 6%, pupils: 11%) and trunk test (athletes: 14%, pupils: 46%). The results show that the evaluated group of field tests is a practicable, objective and reliable tool to determine physical skills in young athletes as well as in a scholar setting over a broad age range. Most of the tests achieved the test criteria with the grades good to excellent. The lower coefficient of reliability for cooper- and trunk test by the pupils could be explained by motivational problems in this setting. For up to 20 subjects, a tester can accomplish the tests within 3 h. Finally, age-dependent grades were elaborated