959 resultados para Diels-Alder reactivity


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We describe herein preliminary studies on the Intramolecular Diels-Alder Furan-Mediated Synthesis of 8-Aryl-3, 4-di-hydroisoquinolin-1(2H)-ones that constitutes a new, formal synthesis of Indeno[1,2,3-ij]isoquinolines.


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Toluquinone-cyclopentadiene Diels-Alder epoxide adducts react with sulfur and oxygen nucleophiles under heterogeneous conditions, leading to products resulting from the epoxide ring opening and from skeletal rearrangement, respectively. Pyrolysis of the sulfanyl adducts gave the new 3-sulfanyltoluquinones (1).


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N-Benzyl- and N-(alpha-methoxycarbonylethyl)-2,4,6-triphenyl-1,2-dihydropyridines were submitted to Diels-Alder reactions with maleic anhydride or N-phenylmaleimide yielding, diastereoselectively, the corresponding endo-anti adducts. These novel isoquinuclidines showed to be resistant to N-alkylation or N-protonation, undergoing an unexpected fragmentation via a retro aza Diels-Alder process.


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Sulfinyltoluquinones (2a-2c) were submitted to thermal or catalyzed [4+2] cycloaddition reactions with cyclopentadiene. For p-tolylsulfinyltoluquinones (2b) and (2c), almost complete C2-C3-chemo- and unlike-diastereoselectivity was achieved by catalysis with ZnBr(2), yielding adducts 6. Under thermal conditions, Diels-Alder reaction took place at the C5-C6 double bonds of quinones 2a-2c, generating mixtures of diastereoisomeric like- and unlike-adducts 4.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article describes the Diels-Alder reaction between methyl thiocinnamates, substituted at the para position by electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups, with cyclopentadiene in the presence of catechol boron bromide (CBB) as a Lewis acid catalyst. The adduct configuration was confirmed by H-1 NMR coupling constants and single-crystal x-ray diffraction. Total endo stereoselectivity was observed in all reactions and was attributed to the effective secondary interaction between the boron atom and the incipient double bond in the norbonene resulting from the planar geometry of the catalyst. C-13 NMR chemical shifts of the coordinated dienophile carbonyl carbons with CBB compared to those of the non coordinated thiocinammates suggest a strong complexation with the catalyst.


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Heterocyclic compounds represent almost two-thirds of all the known organic compounds: they are widely distributed in nature and play a key role in a huge number of biologically important molecules including some of the most significant for human beings. A powerful tool for the synthesis of such compounds is the hetero Diels-Alder reaction (HDA), that involve a [4+2] cycloaddition reaction between heterodienes and suitable dienophiles. Among heterodienes to be used in such six-membered heterocyclic construction strategy, 3-trialkylsilyloxy-2-aza-1,3-dienes (Fig 1) has been demonstrated particularly attractive. In this thesis work, HDA reactions between 2-azadienes and carbonylic and/or olefinic dienophiles, are described. Moreover, substitution of conventional heating by the corresponding dielectric heating as been explored in the frame of Microwave-Assisted-Organic-Synthesis (MAOS) which constitutes an up-to-grade research field of great interest both from an academic and industrial point of view. Reaction of the azadiene 1 (Fig 1) will be described using as dienophiles carbonyl compounds as aldehyde and ketones. The six-membered adducts thus obtained (Scheme 1) have been elaborated to biologically active compounds like 1,3-aminols which constitutes the scaffold for a wide range of drugs (Prozac®, Duloxetine, Venlafaxine) with large applications in the treatment of severe diseases of nervous central system (NCS). Scheme 1 The reaction provides the formation of three new stereogenic centres (C-2; C-5; C-6). The diastereoselective outcome of these reactions has been deeply investigated by the use of various combination of achiral and chiral azadienes and aliphatic, aromatic or heteroaromatic aldehydes. The same approach, basically, has been used in the synthesis of piperidin-2-one scaffold substituting the carbonyl dienophile with an electron poor olefin. Scheme 2 As a matter of fact, this scaffold is present in a very large number of natural substances and, more interesting, is a required scaffold for an huge variety of biologically active compounds. Activated olefins bearing one or two sulfone groups, were choose as dienophiles both for the intrinsic characteristic flexibility of the “sulfone group” which may be easily removed or elaborated to more complex decorations of the heterocyclic ring, and for the electron poor property of this dienophiles which makes the resulting HDA reaction of the type “normal electron demand”. Synthesis of natural compounds like racemic (±)-Anabasine (alkaloid of Tobacco’s leaves) and (R)- and (S)-Conhydrine (alkaloid of Conium Maculatum’s seeds and leaves) and its congeners, are described (Fig 2).


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Il progetto di tesi specialistica svolto durante questo anno accademico si è suddiviso in due parti: un primo periodo, da settembre 2010 a gennaio 2011, presso il dipartimento di Chimica Organica “A. Mangini” della Facoltà di Chimica Industriale dell’Università di Bologna e un secondo periodo in Spagna, da marzo ad agosto 2011, presso la Unitat de Química Farmacèutica de la Facultat de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona. Nel primo periodo a Bologna mi sono occupato della sintesi di 4-bromo-pirazoli da utilizzare come precursori di composti eterociclici condensati. Inizialmente è stato sintetizzato un pirazolo 1,3,5-trisostituito tramite cicloaddizione 1,3-dipolare tra un acetilene e una nitril immina generata in situ da un idrazonoil cloruro. Il pirazolo è stato poi bromurato facendo uno screening di diversi agenti bromuranti e condizioni di reazione per ottenere la migliore resa e chemoselettività. Infine è stata studiata la ciclizzazione intramolecolare del prodotto bromurato tramite reazione di cross-coupling catalizzata da metalli di transizione. Nel secondo periodo a Barcellona mi sono occupato della sintesi di dicarbossimmidi tricicliche con struttura a gabbia con il fine di creare alcheni altamente piramidalizzati e di studiarne la dimerizzazione ad un derivato del dodecaedrano. La strategia sintetica è stata impostata utilizzando come reagente di partenza una semplice succinimmide per giungere, dopo numerosi passaggi, al precursore del prodotto triciclico, del quale è stata studiata la ciclizzazione tramite reazione Diels-Alder intramolecolare.


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Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di studiare dettagliatamente la reattività dell’N-benzilossicarbonil-1-aza-butadiene, utilizzando diversi dienofili in reazioni di Diels-Alder catalitiche enantioselettive promosse da organocatalizzatori bifunzionali in grado di dare interazioni deboli come legami a idrogeno. Questo 1-azadiene infatti può dare in linea di principio sia prodotti derivanti da reazioni di Diels-Alder a domanda elettronica diretta in cui funge da diene, sia reazioni a domanda elettronica inversa in cui il doppio legame terminale dell’1-azadiene, maggiormente reattivo in quanto meno ingombrato, funge da olefina elettronricca (reazione di Povarov). Per effettuare questo studio sono stati provati vari dienofili tra cui olefine elettron povere bi- e monosostituite che portavano alla degradazione del diene; derivati della malimmide e del pirazolo che davano cilcloaddotti derivanti dalla classica cicloaddizione [4+2] Diels-Alder con ottime conversioni in modo altamente diastereoselettivo, ma bassi eccessi enantiomerici ed infine si sono provate diverse immine che portavano al cicloaddotto della reazione di Povarov con ottimi risultati in termini di conversione e buoni eccessi enantiomerici. Quest’ultima applicazione che permette la sintesi di interessanti prodotti variamente funzionalizzabili, sarà oggetto di studio in futuro per ottimizzare le condizioni della reazione.


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This thesis was performed in four chapters, at the theoretical level, focused mainly on electronic density. In the first chapter, we have applied an undergraduate minicourse of Diels-Alder reaction in Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. By using computational chemistry tools students could build the knowledge by themselves and they could associate important aspects of physical-chemistry with Organic Chemistry. In the second chapter, we studied a new type of chemical bond between a pair of identical or similar hydrogen atoms that are close to electrical neutrality, known as hydrogen-hydrogen (H-H) bond. In this study performed with complexed alkanes, provides new and important information about their stability involving this type of interaction. We show that the H-H bond playing a secondary role in the stability of branched alkanes in comparison with linear or less branched isomers. In the third chapter, we study the electronic structure and the stability of tetrahedrane, substituted tetrahedranes and silicon and germanium parents, it was evaluated the substituent effect on the carbon cage in the tetrahedrane derivatives and the results indicate that stronger electron withdrawing groups (EWG) makes the tetrahedrane cage slightly unstable while slight EWG causes a greater instability in the tetrahedrane cage. We showed that the sigma aromaticity EWG and electron donating groups (EDG) results in decrease and increase, respectively, of NICS and D3BIA aromaticity indices. In addition, another factor can be utilized to explain the stability of tetra-tert-butyltetrahedrane as well as HH bond. GVB and ADMP were also used to explain the stability effect of the substituents bonded to the carbon of the tetrahedrane cage. In the fourth chapter, we performed a theoretical investigation of the inhibitory effect of the drug abiraterone (ABE), used in the prostate cancer treatment as CYP17 inhibitor, comparing the interaction energies and electron density of the ABE with the natural substrate, pregnenolone (PREG). Molecular dynamics and docking were used to obtain the CYP1ABE and CYP17-PREG complexes. From molecular dynamics was obtained that the ABE has higher diffusion trend water CYP17 binding site compared to the PREG. With the ONIOM (B3LYP:AMBER) method, we find that the interaction electronic energy of ABE is 21.38 kcal mol-1 more stable than PREG. The results obtained by QTAIM indicate that such stability is due a higher electronic density of interactions between ABE and CYP17


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The encapsulation of metal clusters in endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs) takes place in cages that in most cases are far from being the most stable isomer in the corresponding hollow fullerenes. There exist several possible explanations for the choice of the hosting cages in EMFs, although the final reasons are actually not totally well understood. Moreover, the reactivity and regioselectivity of (endohedral metallo)fullerenes have in the past decade been shown to be generally dependent on a number of factors, such as the size of the fullerene cage, the type of cluster that is being encapsulated, and the number of electrons that are transferred formally from the cluster to the fullerene cage. Different rationalizations of the observed trends had been proposed, based on bond lengths, pyramidalization angles, shape and energies of (un)occupied orbitals, deformation energies of the cages, or separation distances between the pentagon rings. Recently, in our group we proposed that the quest for the maximum aromaticity (maximum aromaticity criterion) determines the most suitable hosting carbon cage for a given metallic cluster (i.e. EMF stabilization), including those cases where the IPR rule is not fulfilled. Moreover, we suggested that local aromaticity plays a determining role in the reactivity of EMFs, which can be used as a criterion for understanding and predicting the regioselectivity of different reactions such as Diels-Alder cycloadditions or Bingel-Hirsch reactions. This review highlights different aspects of the aromaticity of fullerenes and EMFs, starting from how this can be measured and ending by how it can be used to rationalize and predict their molecular structure and reactivity


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Des del descobriment del buckminster ful.lerè el 1985, s'ha despertat un interés enorme per entendre la reactivitat química així com les propietats d'aquests compostos. La funcionalització exoèdrica del ful.lerè més abundant, el C60, està força ben establerta. Tanmateix, la investigació en aquest camp encara continua oberta ja que s'han sintetitzat una gran varietat de derivats molt prometedors donades les seves futures aplicacions. La tesi comprèn quinze capítols que contenen set publicacions relacionades. Els primers dos estudis es basen en la reacció Diels-Alder sobre els anomenats metal.loful.lerens endoèdrics TNT X3N@C78, X= Sc, Y. Aquest projecte de investigació està motivat pel desconeixament existent sobre les possibles conseqüències de l'encapsulació del grup X3N. El tercer estudi descriu minuciosament els canvis detectats en la funcionalització exoèdrica un cop s'ha produït l'encapsulació dels diferents gasos nobles. En aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall l'ús de l'aproximació ONIOM per a estudiar reaccions de cicloaddició en compostos ful.lerènics. Els resultats d'aquest projecte són d'alt interès per a la realització dels estudis posteriors sobre la reacció de Diels-Alder i la 1,3-dipolar en ful.lerens i derivats. Finalment, l'última part d'aquesta tesi es basa en les propietats antioxidants de determinats ful.lerens. A l'últim treball inclòs en aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall el mecanismo de reacció per a la eliminació del ió superòxid en presència de ful.lerens.


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Gas-phase reactions of model carbosulfonium ions (CH3-S+?=?CH2; CH3CH2-S+?=?CH2 and Ph-S+?=?CH2) and an O-analogue carboxonium ion (CH3-O+?=?CH2) with acyclic (isoprene, 1,3-butadiene, methyl vinyl ketone) and cyclic (1,3-cyclohexadiene, thiophene, furan) conjugated dienes were systematically investigated by pentaquadrupole mass spectrometry. As corroborated by B3LYP/6-311?G(d,p) calculations, the carbosulfonium ions first react at large extents with the dienes forming adducts via simple addition. The nascent adducts, depending on their stability and internal energy, react further via two competitive channels: (1) in reactions with acyclic dienes via cyclization that yields formally [4?+?2+] cycloadducts, or (2) in reactions with the cyclic dienes via dissociation by HSR loss that yields methylenation (net CH+ transfer) products. In great contrast to its S-analogues, CH3-O+?=?CH2 (as well as C2H5-O+?=?CH2 and Ph-O+?=?CH2 in reactions with isoprene) forms little or no adduct and proton transfer is the dominant reaction channel. Isomerization to more acidic protonated aldehydes in the course of reaction seems to be the most plausible cause of the contrasting reactivity of carboxonium ions. The CH2?=?CH-O+?=?CH2 ion forms an abundant [4?+?2+] cycloadduct with isoprene, but similar to the behavior of such alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxonium ions in solution, seems to occur across the C?=?C bond. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.