979 resultados para Dental radiology
In dentistry, the technic and radiographic processing incur the possibility of cross infection and environmental contamination. The dentist is responsible for the patient and dental team. For this reason he needs to take a protocol to prevent the spread of microorganisms and environmental exposure to risk factors. The protocols are introduced in the dentistry school as an important teaching tool, whose learning and application reinforce the importance of continuity of these actions in the professional activity. The objective of this paper is to present the biosafety and waste management protocol used in the dental radiology clinic of Araçatuba Dental School, including procedures for the prevention of biological and environmental contamination.
In the practice of dental radiology, although there was no production of aerosols, there is the contamination of equipment and surfaces by contact with blood and saliva. This is making necessary the adoption infection control procedures to protect patients and staff. The objective of this paper is to present the procedures of prevention during the radiographic examination and radiographic processing in the darkroom. The proposed recommendations for the area of Dental Radiology include efficient cleaning and protection of equipment and surfaces, personal protective measures and to avoid contamination of the darkroom. These recommendations are obtained by simple procedures as cover films and radiological equipment with plastic barriers.
O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi avaliar a prevalência de anomalias de posição (irrupção ectópica de canino superior para palatino, transposição dental, distoangulação de segundos pré-molares inferiores, mesioangulação de segundo molar inferior permanente e infraoclusão de molares decíduos), de número (supranumerários) e de tamanho (microdontias) em pacientes com agenesias de dentes permanentes, comparando-as com as prevalências esperadas para a população em geral, além de testar a hipótese de que pacientes com agenesia de dentes permanentes apresentem uma prevalência aumentada de hipoplasia de esmalte. Para tanto, a amostra deste estudo foi composta por 351 pacientes, com a presença de agenesia de no mínimo um dente permanente, na faixa etária entre 8 e 30 anos e com prontuários clínicos preenchidos. A amostra foi coletada a partir do exame das documentações ortodônticas pertencentes aos arquivos de uma escola de aperfeiçoamento profissional em Ortodontia, de uma clínica radiológica odontológica e de consultórios particulares de ortodontistas. O material de estudo englobou radiografias panorâmicas e periapicais, modelos de gesso, fotografias intra e extraorais e prontuários clínicos devidamente preenchidos. Inicialmente foi analisada a reprodutibilidade das avaliações pela porcentagem de concordância utilizando Kappa, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. O teste de qui-quadrado foi utilizado para comparar as prevalências de agenesias e anomalias na amostra com as prevalências esperadas segundo a literatura científica, considerando o nível de significância de 5%. Analisou-se, ainda, o grau das associações pela razão de chances ( odds ratio ) e o respectivo intervalo de confiança de 95%. A prevalência de agenesias dentais na amostra, excluindo os terceiros molares, foi de 88,6%. Dos 351 pacientes, 128 (36,4%) apresentavam agenesia no arco maxilar, 108 (30,8%) no mandibular e 115 (32,8%) nos dois arcos. Em relação ao hemiarco maxilar esquerdo, 52,4% apresentavam agenesia, no direito 55,0%, no mandibular esquerdo 48,7% e no direito 47,3%. Das anomalias associadas avaliadas, 28,5% microdontia, 28,2% hipoplasia de esmalte, 7,4% apresentavam irrupção ectópica de canino superior por palatino, 6,6% distoangulação, 3,9% transposição de canino/pré-molar superior, 4,3% infraoclusão, 3,7 supranumerário, 3,7% mesioangulação, 0,6% transposição de incisivo/canino inferior, e, quando comparadas com a população em geral, observou que 96,1 vezes mais chance de apresentar mesioangulação do segundo molar inferior; 34,6 vezes mais chance de apresentar distoangulação; 15,9 vezes mais chance de apresentar transposição canino/pré-molar superior; 14,3 vezes mais chance de apresentar transposição de incisivo/canino inferior; 9 vezes mais chance de hipoplasia; a microdontia do incisivo lateral apresentou 8,1 vezes mais chance; 5,2 vezes mais chance de apresentar irrupção ectópica do canino superior por palatino, e, em relação à infraoclusão, apresentando uma menor chance do que a população geral. A partir dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se uma forte associação entre a agenesia de dentes permanentes, correlacionando com outras anomalias dentais importantes. Foi constatado de que pacientes com agenesia de dentes permanentes apresentam uma prevalência aumentada de hipoplasia de esmalte e de que agenesias e outras anomalias associadas apresentam-se interligadas geneticamente entre si.
Aborda-se a biossegurança aplicada a radiologia dentária relativa à radiação ionizante e a exposição aos agentes biológicos, a que pacientes, grávidas / feto e profissionais são submetidos durante os procedimentos radiológicos. As diferentes doses de radiação emitidas, pelos equipamentos utilizados em radiologia oral, quer nos sistemas analógicos, como digitais. As diversas formas de propagação de micro-organismos, durante a obtenção de imagens radiográficas. As medidas de biossegurança, para prevenção desses riscos em radiologia dentária, através da radioprotecção e do controlo da infeção. A radiação ionizante pela sua elevada energia, é capaz de penetrar na matéria, ionizar os átomos, romper ligações químicas e causar danos nos tecidos biológicos. A exposição a doses elevadas de radiação ionizante pode ainda resultar, na destruição de células ou na indução de cancro. Atualmente a biossegurança em radiologia dentária, tem como principais objetivos, a redução da dose de radiação e evitar a infeção cruzada entre os diferentes agentes envolvidos.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic effects of X-rays on epithelial gingival cells during panoramic dental radiography using a differentiated protocol for the micronucleus test. Methods: 40 healthy individuals who underwent this procedure for diagnostic purposes on request from their dentists agreed to participate in this study. All of them answered a questionnaire before the examination. Epithelial gingival cells were obtained from the keratinized mucosa of the upper dental arcade by gentle scraping with a cervical brush immediately before exposure and 10 days later. Cytological preparations were stained according to the Feulgen-Rossenbeck reaction, counterstained with fast green 1% for 1 min and analysed under a light microscope. Micronuclei, nuclear projections (broken eggs) and degenerative nuclear alterations (pyknosis, karyolysis, karyorrhexis and condensed chromatin) were scored. Results: The frequency of micronuclei was significantly higher after exposure (P < 0.05), as were frequencies of nuclear alterations indicate of apoptosis (P < 0.001). Conclusions: These results indicate that X-ray radiation emitted during panoramic dental radiography induces a genotoxic effect on epithelial gingival cells that increases the frequency of chromosomal damage and nuclear alterations indicative of apoptosis.
Objectives: To survey the current radiographic prescriptions in dental implant assessment amongst dentists in Brazil.Methods: Sixty-nine dentists were interviewed during a dental implant meeting by two calibrated graduate students, using a 19-question questionnaire, considering imaging modality options both for pre-operative implant site assessment and for follow-up, particularly with respect to cost, patient radiation dose, and broad coverage of facial bones and teeth. Epi-Info 6.04 software was used to analyse the database file.Results: Approximately 63.8% of the dentists prescribed only panoramic radiography for dental implant assessment and 28.9% ordered panoramic radiography plus periapical radiography and/or conventional tomography and/or computed tomography (CT). Only 7.2% of the dentists ordered conventional tomography or CT as a single examination, although 10.1% ordered it in combination with other imaging modalities. The main reasons given for prescribing panoramic radiography were broad coverage and cost (86.4%).Conclusions: This study has shown that most of the dentists in this study prescribe panoramic radiographs in dental implant assessment based on broad coverage and cost. They are not following the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology recommendations regarding cross-sectional imaging.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate a simple mnemonic rule (the RB-RB/LB-LB rule) for recording intra-oral radiographs with optimal projection for the control of dental implants.Methods: 30 third-year dental students received a short lesson in the RB-RB/LB-LB mnemonic rule. The rule is as follows: if right blur then raise beam (RB-RB), i.e. if implant threads are blurred at the right side of the implant, the X-ray beam direction must be raised towards the ceiling to obtain sharp threads on both implant sides; if left blur then lower beam (LB-LB), i.e. if implant threads are blurred at the left side of the implant, the X-ray beam direction must be lowered towards the floor to obtain sharp threads on both implant sides. Intra-oral radiographs of four screw-type implants placed with different inclination in a Frasaco upper or lower jaw dental model (Frasaco GmbH, Tettnang, Germany) were recorded. The students were unaware of the inclination of the implants and were instructed to re-expose each implant, implementing the mnemonic rule, until an image of the implant with acceptable quality (subjectively judged by the instructor) was obtained. Subsequently, each radiograph was blindly assessed with respect to sharpness of the implant threads and assigned to one of four quality categories: (1) perfect, (2) not perfect, but clinically acceptable, (3) not acceptable and (4) hopeless.Results: For all implants, from one non-perfect exposure to the following, a higher score was obtained in 64% of the cases, 28% received the same score and 8% obtained a lower score. Only a small variation was observed among exposures of implants with different inclination. on average, two exposures per implant (range: one to eight exposures) were needed to obtain a clinically acceptable image.Conclusion: The RB-RB/LB-LB mnemonic rule for recording intra-oral radiographs of dental implants with a correct projection was easy to implement by inexperienced examiners. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 298-304. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/20861598
The aim of this research was to evaluate dental age in 102 patients with Down Syndrome, using panoramic radiographs. A software program developed by the Discipline of Radiology, School of Dentistry of São José dos Campos, São Paulo State University (UNESP), was used. A table of mineralization chronology of permanent teeth among Brazilians conceived by Nicodemo, Moraes and Medici Filho was used within the software. Statistical analysis of the results showed that 70.91% of the males land 61.21% of the females presented advanced dental age. Only 32.09% of the males and 39.79% of the females presented delayed dental age. Regarding the differences between the dental and chronological ages, two thirds of the males and females presented dental age with differences of up to 12 months, which means that they can be considered to be within normal standards, whereas only 18.87% of the males and 10.21% of the females presented dental age outside normal standards, with differences of over 24 months. In conclusion, the majority of the patients with Down Syndrome were considered to be within the normal standards of mineralization chronology.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of dental anomalies in individuals with Richieri-Costa-Pereira syndrome. Study Design. A total of 13 individuals with Richieri-Costa-Pereira syndrome who were older than 8 years with at least 1 available panoramic radiograph were assessed. Dental anomalies were evaluated clinically and radiographically and classified as hyperplastic, hypoplastic, or heterotopic and as alterations of shape, number, position, and structure. Enamel alterations were classified by the DDE index. Results. All individuals exhibited anomalies, with predominance of hypoplastic disorders, mainly agenesis of mandibular incisors and second premolars and demarcated creamy-white enamel opacities primarily affecting the maxillary premolars. Conclusions. Individuals with Richieri-Costa Pereira syndrome exhibit high prevalence of tooth agenesis, especially mandibular incisors and premolars, as well as high frequency of enamel opacities. These findings are compatible with the mandibular cleft observed in all individuals and also reflect the hypoplastic characteristic of the syndrome. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:99-106)
Prediction of dental implant torque with a fast and automatic finite element analysis: a pilot study
Despite its importance, implant removal torque can be assessed at present only after implantation. This paper presents a new technique to help clinicians preoperatively evaluate implant stability.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of high resolution CT to radiologically define teeth filling material properties in terms of Hounsfield units after high temperature exposure.