993 resultados para Dental composites


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This study evaluated the spin concentration and the crystallinity in different classifications of dental composites as a function of the material condition (new, aged and expired). Specimens were obtained according to the factors: composites: Filtek P60, Filtek Z250, Filtek Z350XT, and Filtek Silorane; and material conditions: new, aged, and expired. The syringe composites underwent an accelerated aging protocol (Arrhenius model). The magnetic properties of the composites were characterized using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and the concentration of spins (number of spins/mass) was calculated. The crystallinity of the composites tested was characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD). Filtek P60 and Filtek Z250 presented similarities in terms of spin concentration and crystallinity, irrespective of the material condition. The aging protocol influenced the composite Filmic Z350XT that exhibited a significant increase in the spin concentration. Besides, lower intensity peaks of the organic matrix and amorphous silica were also observed for both aged and expired Filtek Z350XT. Although a significant lower spin concentration was observed for the silorane composite in comparison to that of the methacrylates, a decrease in the relative intensity of peaks of the amorphous region related to the organic components in the diffractograms was observed. The material conditions tested influence the crystallinity and the magnetic properties of the composites evaluated. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objectives. To verify the hypothesis that crack analysis and a mechanical test would rank a series of composites in a similar order with respect to polymerization stress. Also, both tests would show similar relationships between stress and composite elastic modulus and/or shrinkage. Methods. Soda-lime glass discs (2-mm thick) with a central perforation (3.5-mm diameter) received four Vickers indentations 500 mu m from the cavity margin. The indent cracks were measured (500x) prior and 10 min after the cavity was restored with one of six materials (Kalore/KL, Gradia/GR, Ice/IC, Wave/WV, Majesty Flow/MF, and Majesty Posterior/MP). Stresses at the indent site were calculated based on glass fracture toughness and increase in crack length. Stress at the bonded interface was calculated using the equation for an internally pressurized cylinder. The mechanical test used a universal testing machine and glass rods (5-mm diameter) as substrate. An extensometer monitored specimen height (2 mm). Nominal stress was calculated dividing the maximum shrinkage force by the specimen cross-sectional area. Composite elastic modulus was determined by nanoindentation and post-gel shrinkage was measured using strain gages. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA/Tukey or Kruskal-Wallis/Mann-Whitney tests (alpha: 5%). Results. Both tests grouped the composites in three statistical subsets, with small differences in overlapping between the intermediate subset (MF, WV) and the highest (MP, IC) or the lowest stress materials (KL, GR). Higher stresses were developed by composites with high modulus and/or high shrinkage. Significance. Crack analysis demonstrated to be as effective as the mechanical test to rank composites regarding polymerization stress. (c) 2012 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O clareamento dental é o meio disponível mais simples, comum e conservador para o cirurgião-dentista proporcionar aos pacientes o padrão de cor de seus dentes mais desejado. Em alguns casos, os dentes que vão ser clareados podem apresentar restaurações realizadas com compósitos dentais, que são mais suscetíveis a alterações químicas, quando comparados a outros materiais restauradores. Alguns estudos mostraram que diferentes concentrações de agentes clareadores levaram a um aumento significativo da rugosidade superficial e das porosidades em compósitos dentais. Este estudo avaliou o efeito de dois agentes clareadores (Whiteness HP Blue 20%, Whiteness HP Max) sobre a rugosidade superficial de dois compósitos dentais, um micro-híbrido (Esthet X, Denstply) e outro nanoparticulado (Z 350, 3M ESPE). Um total de oito corpos de prova (9 x 2 mm) foram confeccionados com auxílio de uma matriz de teflon, sendo divididos em 4 grupos (Esthet X + Whiteness HP Blue 20%; Esthet X + Whiteness HP Max; Z 350 + Whiteness HP Blue 20%; Z 350 + Whiteness HP Max), sendo n=2. Os corpos de prova foram armazenados em saliva artificial neutra e, após 24 horas, foram polidos com discos de óxido de Alumínio (Sof-lex, 3M ESPE). Após sete dias de imersão salivar, cada corpo de prova foi levado a um microscópio de força atômica para obtenção do valor inicial de rugosidade superficial (Ra em nm). Em seguida, sem remover o corpo de prova do microscópio, o agente clareador foi aplicado sobre a superfície do corpo de prova, segundo as instruções do fabricante, de modo que permitisse uma posterior observação da mesma área do corpo de prova observada inicialmente, para obtenção do valor final de rugosidade superficial. Imagens em duas e três dimensões foram obtidas de cada corpo de prova para observação de alterações da topografia. Os resultados foram tratados estatisticamente por ANOVA e pelo teste de contraste Student-Newman-Keuls (p < 0,05). Não houve alteração significativa na rugosidade superficial (Ra) dos corpos da prova de compósitos micro-híbrido e nanoparticulado, submetidos aos agentes clareadores Whiteness HP Blue 20% e Whiteness HP Maxx. No entanto, independente do agente clareador utilizado, foram observadas maiores alterações topográficas nas imagens de microscopia de força atômica da superfície do compósito micro-híbrido do que nas imagens do nanoparticulado.


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A odontologia moderna utiliza métodos e técnicas ultraconservadores no intuito de corrigir os diversos tipos de alterações cromáticas observadas clinicamente. Os meios empregados baseiam-se na utilização de substâncias químicas à base de peróxidos presentes em diversas concentrações. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a microestrutura de três resinas compostas fotossensíveis submetidas à aplicação de um agente clareador a base de peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (Whiteness HP Maxx - fabricante: FGM), ativado por uma fonte híbrida de energia luminosa (Aparelho de Laser-Led Whitening Lase, fabricante: DMC). Para isso, foram confeccionados 30 corpos de prova (CDP) 10 para cada grupo, no formato de discos, com 13 mm de diâmetro e 2,0 mm de espessura em uma matriz de teflon e aço inox, fotoativados por um aparelho de luz halógena convencional (Optilux 401 - Demetron/UR) por 40 segundos com densidade de potência média igual a 450 mW/cm2. Os grupos foram dispostos da seguinte forma: Grupo 1 - resina microparticulada (Durafill VS - fabricante: Heraeus Kulzer); Grupo 2 - resina micro-híbrida (Esthet-X - fabricante: Dentsply); e Grupo 3 resina nanoparticulada (Filtek Supreme XT fabricante: 3M ESPE). Todos os materiais restauradores utilizados eram da cor A2. Após serem submetidos à sequência de acabamento e polimento os CDP foram armazenados por sete dias em saliva artificial, limpos em ultra-som, envelhecidos artificialmente de acordo com a norma ASTM G 154. Os CDP dos três grupos foram aleatoriamente divididos em 2 subgrupos (ST sem tratamento e CT com tratamento) e finalmente submetidos aos experimentos. Os CDP dos subgrupos 1-ST, 2- ST e 3-ST foram triturados (SPEX SamplePrep 8000-series, marca: Mixer/Mills) seguido pela verificação dos materiais por meio de um espectrômetro (marca/modelo: Shimadzu EDX 720) para certificação da ausência de elementos pertencentes ao meio de moagem e por fim foram levados a um difrator de raios-X (marca / modelo: Philips -PW 3040 -X'Celerator- 40kV; 30mA; (λ): CuKα; 0,6; 0,2mm; 0,05 (2θ); 2s; 10-90 (2θ). Em seguida os CDP dos subgrupos 1-CT, 2- CT e 3-CT foram tratados com o peróxido de hidrogênio de acordo com o protocolo do fabricante para a fonte híbrida luminosa de energia selecionada, totalizando 9 aplicações de 10 minutos, onde eram respeitados os tempos de 3 minutos de ativação por 20 segundos de descanso, finalizando 10 minutos em cada aplicação. Mediante a este tratamento, os CDP dos subgrupos CT eram verificados e avaliados pelo mesmo método descrito anteriormente. Após interpretação gráfica, análise comparativa por meio do processamento digital das imagens no programa KS400 3.0 (Carl Zeiss Vision) e análise de concordância por cinco avaliadores calibrados utilizando um escore, pôde-se concluir que houve degradação estrutural e que as estruturas cristalinas das resinas estudadas foram afetadas de forma distinta quando tratadas pelo peróxido de hidrogênio; onde observou-se que: Grupo 1 > Grupo 3 > Grupo 2. Foi sugerido a realização de novos estudos, relacionados à interação do peróxido de hidrogênio às resinas compostas.


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本论文分为两部分:1. 综述部分(第一章),介绍了可见光固化复合树脂的组成、分类、性能以及应用;评述了复合树脂的研究进展。2. 实验部分(第二章至第七章),包括以下几个方面的内容:无机填料的制备与硅烷化处理研究;树脂基质固化过程的研究;可见光固化复合树脂的制备及物理机械性能的评价;研究不同浸泡液对复合树脂吸水性、挠曲强度、弯曲弹性模量以及复合树脂单体洗出量的影响,并探讨了这些物理机械性能与复合树脂组成成分的关系。 无机填料能赋予复合树脂良好的物理机械性能。本论文通过烧结法和醇盐水解法分别制备了1 µm和0.75 μm的无机填料,利用醇盐水解法成功制备了纳米级二氧化硅,最终制得强度符合临床要求的复合树脂,为工业化生产提供了依据。 无机填料硅烷化处理效果的好坏对复合树脂的各种性能会产生很大影响,本论文对无机填料进行硅烷化处理,引入了比商品化产品更多的硅烷偶联剂,而且实验中硅烷化处理的8235玻璃粉表面既有化学包覆又有物理包覆的硅烷偶联剂。渗透实验表明3-甲基丙烯酰氧丙基三氯硅烷处理的无机填料表面疏水性比3-甲基丙烯酰氧丙基三甲氧基硅烷强。 膨胀单体可以用来减小甚至消除复合树脂聚合过程的体积收缩,论文第四章尝试用螺双内酯作为复合树脂的单体,提出了一种新型的先阳离子聚合后阴离子聚合的联合引发聚合过程。论文第五、六章用环氧化芳香族超支化聚合物制备了新型可见光固化复合树脂,研究结果表明:①环氧化芳香族超支化聚合物的加入,环氧树脂基复合树脂的挠曲强度和弯曲弹性模量增大;②收缩变小;③吸水量变大;④环氧树脂的转化率降低;⑤玻璃化转变温度降低。环氧化芳香族超支化聚合物能够增强增韧脂肪族环氧树脂,如果对其进行必要的改性,所得复合树脂有可能被应用到牙科修复中。 不同浸泡液对复合树脂的物理机械性能和生物相容性会产生不同的影响,论文第七章系统研究了不同浸泡液对复合树脂各种物理机械性能的影响。结果表明:① 三种浸泡液对复合树脂各种性能的影响随浸泡液种类的不同而不同,其中乙醇/水对复合树脂的影响最严重;②即使在同一浸泡液中,不同组成的复合树脂也有不同的物理机械性能。


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The regular use of mouthrinses, particularly when combined with the use of air-powder polishing, could affect the appearance of tooth-colored restorations. The current study sought to evaluate the effect of NaHCO(3) powder on translucency of a microfilled composite resin immersed in different mouthrinses, at distinct evaluation periods. Eighty disk-shaped specimens of composite resin (Durafill VS, Heraeus Kulzer GmbH & Co. KG, Hanau, Germany) were prepared. The composite specimens were then randomly allocated into two groups according to the surface treatment: exposure to NaHCO(3) powder (10 seconds) or nonexposure, and they were randomly assigned into four subgroups, according to the mouthrinses employed (N = 10): Periogard (Colgate/Palmolive, Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil), Cepacol (Aventis Pharma, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil), Plax (Colgate/Palmolive), and distilled water (control group). The samples were immersed for 2 minutes daily, 5 days per week, over a 4-month test period. Translucency was measured with a transmission densitometer at seven evaluation periods. Statistical analyses (analysis of variance and Tukey`s test) revealed that: distilled water presented higher translucency values (86.72%); Periogard demonstrated the lowest translucency values (72.70%); and Plax (74.05%) and Cepacol (73.32%) showed intermediate translucency values, which were statistically similar between them (p > 0.01). NaHCO(3) air-powder polishing increased the changes in translucency associated with the mouthrinses. Air-powder polishing alone had no effect on material translucency. Translucency percent was gradually decreased from 1 week of immersion up to 4 months. It may be concluded that the NaHCO(3) powder and the tested mouthrinses have affected the translucency of microfilled composite resin, according to the tested time. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE During the last decade, the demand for composite resin restorations has grown considerably, however, controversy persists regarding the effect of surface roughness on color stability.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of different light sources and photo-activation methods on degree of conversion (DC%) and polymerization shrinkage (PS) of a nanocomposite resin (Filtek (TM) Supreme XT, 3M/ESPE). Two light-curing units (LCUs), one halogen-lamp (QTH) and one light-emitting-diode (LED), and two different photo-activation methods (continuous and gradual) were investigated in this study. The specimens were divided in four groups: group 1-power density (PD) of 570 mW/cm(2) for 20 s (QTH); group 2-PD 0 at 570 mW/cm(2) for 10 s + 10 s at 570 mW/cm(2) (QTH); group 3-PD 860 mW/cm(2) for 20 s (LED), and group 4-PD 125 mW/cm(2) for 10 s + 10 s at 860 mW/cm(2) (LED). A testing machine EMIC with rectangular steel bases (6 x 1 x 2 mm) was used to record the polymerization shrinkage forces (MPa) for a period that started with the photo-activation and ended after two minutes of measurement. For each group, ten repetitions (n = 40) were performed. For DC% measurements, five specimens (n = 20) for each group were made in a metallic mold (2 mm thickness and 4 mm diameter, ISO 4049) and them pulverized, pressed with bromide potassium (KBr) and analyzed with FT-IR spectroscopy. The data of PS were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Welch`s correction and Tamhane`s test. The PS means (MPa) were: 0.60 (G1); 0.47 (G2); 0.52 (G3) and 0.45 (G4), showing significant differences between two photo-activation methods, regardless of the light source used. The continuous method provided the highest values for PS. The data of DC% were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and shows significant differences for QTH LCUs, regardless of the photo-activation method used. The QTH provided the lowest values for DC%. The gradual method provides lower polymerization contraction, either with halogen lamp or LED. Degree of conversion (%) for continuous or gradual photo-activation method was influenced by the LCUs. Thus, the presented results suggest that gradual method photo-activation with LED LCU would suffice to ensure adequate degree of conversion and minimum polymerization shrinkage.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the shrinkage of a microhybrid dental composite resin photo-activated by one LED with different power densities by means of speckle technique. The dental composite resin Filtek (TM) Z-250 (3M/ESPE) at color A(2) was used for the samples preparation. Uncured composite was packed in a metallic mold and irradiated during 20 s from 100 to 1000 mW cm(-2). For the photo-activation of the samples, it was used a LED prototype (Light Emission Diode) with wavelength centered at 470 nm and adjustable power density until 1 W cm(-2). The speckle patterns obtained from the bottom composite surfaces were monitored using a CCD camera without lens. The speckle field is recorded in a digital picture and stored by CCD camera as the carrier of information on the displacement of the tested surface. The calculated values were obtained for each pair of adjacent patterns and the changes in speckle contrast as a function of time were obtained from six repeated measurements. The speckle contrasts obtained from the bottom surface with 100 mW cm(-1) were smaller than those than the other power densities. The higher power densities provided the higher shrinkage.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Er:YAG laser on surface treatment to the bond strength of repaired composite resin after aged. Sixty specimens (n = 10) were made with composite resin (Z250, 3M) and thermocycled with 500 cycles, oscillating between 5 to 55A degrees C. The specimens were randomly separated in six groups which suffered the following superficial treatments: no treatment (GI, control), wearing with diamond bur (GII), sandblasted with aluminum oxide with 27.5 A mu m particles (GIII) for 10 s, 200 mJ Er:YAG laser (GIV), 300 mJ Er:YAG laser (GV), and 400 mJ Er:YAG laser (GVI), with the last 3 groups under a 10 Hz frequency for 10 s. Restoration repair was done using the same composite. The shear test was done into the Universal testing machine MTS-810. Analyzing the results through ANOVA and Tukey test, no significant differences were found (p-value is 0.5120). Average values analysis showed that superficial treatment with aluminum oxide presented the highest resistance to shear repair interface (8.91MPa) while 400 mJ Er:YAG laser presented the lowest (6.76 MPa). Fracture types analysis revealed that 90% suffered cohesive fractures to GIII. The Er:YAG laser used as superficial treatment of the aged composite resin before the repair showed similar results when used diamond bur and sandblasting with aluminum oxide particles.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the hardness of a dental composite resin submitted to temperature changes before photo-activation with two light-curing unite (LCUs). Five samples (4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness) for each group were made with pre-cure temperatures of 37, 54, and 60°C. The samples were photo-activated with a conventional quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) and blue LED LCUs during 40 s. The hardness Vickers test (VHN) was performed on the top and bottom surfaces of the samples. According to the interaction between light-curing unit and different pre-heating temperatures of composite resin, only the light-curing unit provided influences on the mean values of initial Vickers hardness. The light-curing unit based on blue LED showed hardness mean values more homogeneous between the top and bottom surfaces. The hardness mean values were not statistically significant difference for the pre-cure temperature used. According to these results, the pre-heating of the composite resin provide no influence on Vickers hardness mean values, however the blue LED showed a cure more homogeneous than QTH LCU. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of pre-heating resin composite photo-cured with light-curing units (LCU) by FT-IR. Twenty specimens were made in a metallic mold (4 mm diameter × 2 mm thick) from composite resin-Tetric Ceram® (Ivoclar/Vivadent) at room temperature (25°C) and pre-heated to 37, 54, and 60°C. The specimens were cured with halogen curing light (QTH) and light emitted by diodes (LED) during 40 s. Then, the specimens were pulverized, pressed with KBr and analyzed with FT-IR. The data were submitted to statistical analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis test. Study data showed no statistically significant difference to the degree of conversion for the different light curing units (QTH and LED) (p > 0.05). With the increase of temperature there was significant increase in the degree of conversion (p < 0.05). In this study were not found evidence that the light curing unit and temperature influenced the degree of conversion. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Introduction: Indirect dental composites may have adequate clinical performance. However, the literature is scarce regarding indirect composite resins and these solutions should be considered to maintain their properties. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of beverages, mouthwashes and bleaching agents on the hardness of indirect composite resins. Methods: Five different brands of indirect composite resins were evaluated: Adoro, Resilab, Cristobal, Sinfony and Epricord. Ten specimens of each brand were immersed in eleven different solutions: four mouthwashes (Listerine, Oral-B, Plax, Periogard), four beverages (coke soft drink, red wine, coffee, orange juice), three dental bleaching agents (16% peroxide of carbamide, 7.5% and 38% peroxide of hydrogen) and artificial saliva (control group). The Knoop hardness was measured before (baseline) and after 12, 24, 36 and 60 hours of immersion in mouthwashes; after 7, 14 and 21 days of immersion in beverages and after 7 and 14 days of immersion in dental bleaching agents. The results were analyzed using 3-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p<0.05). Results: All resins presented significant decrease on hardness values after immersion process whereas this reduction was higher for Resilab and Sinfony. The latter exhibited the lowest initial values of hardness while Cristobol resin presented the highest hardness values. The mouthwashes promoted a significant decrease in the hardness of specimens.