992 resultados para Dental Bonding, Light-Cured


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Different light sources and power densities used on the photoactivation process may provide changes in the degree of conversion (DC%) and temperature ( T) of the composite resins. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the DC (%) and T (degrees C) of the microhybrid composite resin (Filtek (TM) Z-250, 3M/ESPE) photoactivated with one argon laser and one LED (light-emitting diode) with different power densities. For the KBr pellet technique, the composite resin was placed into a metallic mould (2-mm thickness, 4-mm diameter) and photoactivated as follows: a continuous argon laser (CW) and LED LCUs with power density values of 100, 400, 700, and 1000 mW/cm(2) for 20 s. The measurements for DC (%) were made in a FTIR spectrometer Bomen ( model MB 102, Quebec, Canada). Spectroscopy ( FTIR) spectra for both uncured and cured samples were analyzed using an accessory of the reflectance diffusion. The measurements were recorded in absorbance operating under the following conditions: 32 scans, 4 cm(-1) resolution, 300 to 4000-cm(-1) wavelength. The percentage of unreacted carbon double bonds (% C=C) was determined from the ratio of absorbance intensities of aliphatic C=C (peak at 1638 cm(-1)) against an internal standard before and after the curing of the specimen: aromatic C-C (peak at 1608 cm(-1)). For T (degrees C), the samples were created in a metallic mould (2-mm thickness, 4-mm diameter) and photoactivated for 20 s. The thermocouple was attached to the multimeter allowing temperature readings. The DC (%) and T (degrees C) were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey`s test (p < 0.05). The degree of conversion values varied from 35.0 to 50.0% ( 100 to 1000 mW/cm(2)) for an argon laser and from 41.0 to 49% (100 to 1000 mW/cm(2)) for an LED. The temperature change values varied from 1.1 to 13.1 degrees C (100 to 1000 mW/cm(2)) for an argon laser and from 1.9 to 15.0 degrees C (100 to 1000 mW/cm(2)) for an LED. The power densities showed a significant effect on the degree of conversion and changes the temperature for both light-curing units.


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The cementation procedure of metal-free fixed partial dentures exhibits special characteristics about the porcelains and cementation agents, which turns the correct association between these materials necessary. Our purpose in this literature review was to point the main groups of cements associated to metal-free restoration and discuss about the advantages, disadvantages, and recommendations of each one. Our search was confined to the electronic databases PubMed and SciELO and to books about this matter. There are essentially 3 types of hard cement: conventional, resin, or a hybrid of the two. The metal-free restorations can be fixed with conventional or resin cements. The right choice of luting material is of vital importance to the longevity of dental restorative materials. Conventional cements are advantageous when good compressive straight, good film thickness, and water dissolution resistance are necessary. However, they need an ideal preparation, and they are not acid dissolution resistant. Conventional cements are indicated to porcelains that cannot be acid etched. Resin cements represent the choice to metal-free restoration cementation because they present better physical properties and aesthetic than conventional agents.


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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the rat alveolar bone response after the implantation of experimental light-cured mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or Angelus MTA (Angelus, Londrina, Parana, Brazil) by histological and fluorescence analysis. Methods: Thirty Wistar Albino rats were divided into three groups. In the control group, empty polyethylene tubes were inserted into the rat alveolar sockets immediately after extraction. In the other groups, the tubes were filled with light-cured MTA or Angelus MTA. Five animals from each group were injected with calcein on day 7, alizarin on day 14, and oxytetracycline on day 21. on day 30, these animals were killed, and the right hemimaxillas were removed and histologically processed. Half of the maxillas were processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The remaining maxillas were processed for fluorescence analysis and stained with Stevenel blue and alizarin red. New bone was histomorphometrically evaluated using a Merz grid. Results: The light-cured MTA presented a similar response when compared with Angelus MTA; it was characterized by a mild inflammatory response and complete bone healing. In the light-cured MTA group, the fluorescence areas were more evident at 21 days, showing an increase in bone formation. However, dystrophic mineralization was observed only with Angelus MTA. Conclusions: It was concluded that both materials present a similar inflammatory response and bone healing, but dystrophic mineralization was observed only with Angelus MTA. (J Endod 2011;37:250-254)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the polymerization effectiveness of a composite resin (Z-250) utilizing microhardness testing. In total, 80 samples with thicknesses of 2 and 4 mm were made, which were photoactivated by a conventional halogen light-curing unit, and light-curing units based on LED. The samples were stored in water distilled for 24 h at 37C. The Vickers microhardness was performed by the MMT-3 microhardness tester. The microhardness means obtained were as follows: G1, 72.88; G2, 69.35; G3, 67.66; G4, 69.71; G5, 70.95; G6, 75.19; G7, 72.96; and G8, 71.62. The data were submitted to an analysis of variance (ANOVA's test), adopting a significance level of 5%. The results showed that, in general, there were no statistical differences between the halogen and LED light-curing units used with the same parameters.


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Our aim was to quantitatively determine the bisphenol-A (BPA) released from a light-cured orthodontic adhesive used to bond lingual fixed retainers.


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Objectives. To evaluate the response of the pulpo-dentin complex following application of a resin-modified glass-ionomer cement or an adhesive system in deep cavities performed in human teeth.Methods. Deep class V cavities were prepared on the buccal surface of 26 premolars. In Group I the cavity walls (dentin) and enamel were conditioned with 32% phosphoric acid and the dentin adhesive system One Step (Bisco, Inc., Itasca, IL, USA) was applied. In Groups 2 and 3, before total etching and application of bonding agent, the cavity floor was lined with the resin-modified glass-ionomer cement-Vitrebond (3M ESPE Dental Products Division, St. Paul, MN, USA) or the calcium hydroxide cement-Dycal (control group, Dentsply, Mildford, DE, USA), respectively. The cavities were restored using light-cured Z-100 composite resin (3M ESPE). The teeth were extracted between 5 and 30 days and prepared for microscopic assessment. Serial sections were stained with H/E, Masson's trichrome, and Brown and Brenn techniques.Results. In Group 1, the inflammatory response was more evident than in Groups 2 and 3. Diffusion of dental material components across dentinal tubules was observed only in Group 1, in which the intensity of the pulp response increased as the remaining dentin thickness decreased. Bacteria were evidenced in the lateral walls of two samples (Group 2) which exhibited no inflammatory response or tissue disorganization.Conclusions. Based on the experimental conditions, it was concluded total acid etching followed by application of One Step bonding agent cannot be recommended as adequate procedures. In this clinical condition the cavity walls should be lined with a biocompatible dental material, such as Vitrebond or Dycal. 2003 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To evaluate the influence of three different adhesives, each used as an intermediary layer, on microleakage of sealants applied under condition of salivary contamination. Materials and Methods: Six different experimental conditions were compared, 3 with adhesives and 3 without. After prophylaxis and acid etching of enamel, salivary contamination was placed for 10 s. In Group SC the sealant was applied after saliva without bonding agent and then light-cured. In Group SCA, after saliva, the surface was air dried, and then the sealant was applied and cured. In Groups ScB, SB and PB, a bonding agent (Scotchbond Dual Cure/3M, Single Bond/3M and Prime & Bond 2.1/Dentsply, respectively) was applied after the saliva and prior to the sealant application and curing. After storage in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hrs, the teeth were submitted to 500 thermal cycles (5°C and 55°C), and silver nitrate was used as a leakage tracer. Leakage data were collected on cross sections as percentage of total enamel-sealant interface length. Representative samples were evaluated under SEM. Results: Sealants placed on contaminated enamel with no bonding agent showed extensive microleakage (94.27% in SC; 42.65% in SCA). The SEM revealed gaps as wide as 20 μm in areas where silver nitrate leakage could be visualized. In contrast, all bonding agent groups showed leakage less than 6.9%. Placement of sealant with a dentin-bonding agent on contaminated enamel significantly reduced microleakage (P< 0.0001). The use of a bonding agent as an intermediary layer between enamel and sealant significantly reduced saliva's effect on sealant microleakage.


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The purpose of our investigation is to compare the intrapulpal temperature changes following blue LED system and halogen lamp irradiation at the enamel surface of permanent teeth. The fixation of brackets using composite resin is more comfortable and faster when using a photo-curable composite. Several light sources can be used: halogens, arc plasma, lasers, and recently blue LED systems. An important aspect to be observed during such a procedures is the temperature change. In this study, we have used nine human extracted permanent teeth: three central incisors, three lateral incisors, and three canines. Teeth were exposed to two light sources: blue LED system (preliminary commercial model LEC 470-II) and halogen lamp (conventional photo-cure equipment). The surface of teeth was exposed for 20, 40, and 60 sec at the buccal and lingual enamel surface with an angle of 45 degrees. Temperature values measured by a thermistor placed at pulpar chamber were read in time intervals of 1 sec. We obtained plots showing the temperature evolution as a function of time for each experiment. There is a correlation between heating quantity and exposition time of light source: with increasing exposition time, heating increases into the pulpal chamber. The halogen lamp showed higher heating than the LED system, which showed a shorter time of cooling than halogen lamp. The blue LED system seems like the indicated light source for photo-cure of composite resin during the bonding of brackets. The fixation of brackets using composite resin is more comfortable and faster when using a photo-curable composite. Blue LED equipment did not heat during its use. This could permit a shorter clinical time of operation and better performance. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the photoactivation effects of QTH (Quartz-Tungsten-Halogen) and LED (Light-Emitting Diode) on the SBS (Shear Bond Strength) of orthodontic brackets at different debond times. Seventy-two bovine lower incisors were randomly divided into two groups according to the photoactivation system used (QTH or LED). The enamel surfaces were conditioned with Transbond self-etching primer, and APC (Adhesive Pre-Coated) brackets were used in all specimens. Group I was cured with QTH for 20 s and Group II with LED for 10 s. Both groups were subdivided according to the different experimental times after bonding (immediately, 24 h and 7 days). The specimens were tested for SBS and the enamel surfaces were analyzed according to the Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI). The statistical analysis included the Tukey's test to evaluate the main effects of photoactivation and debond time on SBS. The Chi-square test was used to compare the ARI values found for each group, and no statistically significant difference was observed. The debond time of 7 days for QTH photoactivation showed statistically greater values of SBS when compared to the immediate and 24 h periods. There was no statistically significant difference between the QTH and LED groups immediately and after the 24 h period. In conclusion, bonding orthodontic brackets with LED photoactivation for 10 s is suggested because it requires a reduced clinical chair time.


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This study evaluated the exposure time of light-curing of the polymers used for cementation on microhardness test in different storage times. The polymers (specifically called resin cements) were RelyX ARC, RelyX U100, and SET. Five specimens of each group were prepared and photo-polymerized with exposure times of 20 s and 180 s, using a LED polymerization unit with wavelength of 440 ~ 480 nm and light output was consistently 1,500 mW/cm2. The Vickers hardness test was performed in a MMT-3 Microhardness Tester. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). The values of RelyX ARC showed statistically significant difference to groups with light exposure when considering only chemical cure (p < 0.05). The groups with light exposure (20 s and 180 s) showed no significant difference between them (p > 0.05). The RelyX U100 cured only chemically showed statistically significant difference between 48 h and 7 days (p < 0.05). The SET resin cement showed no significant difference to groups without light exposure for all storage times (p > 0.05). The values of hardening of the dual-cured resin cements improved after setting by light and chemical activation demonstrating the importance of light curing. © 2011 by the authors.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different light-curing units and resin cement curing types on the bond durability of a feldspathic ceramic bonded to dentin. The crowns of 40 human molars were sectioned, exposing the dentin. Forty ceramic blocks of VITA VM7 were produced according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The ceramic surface was etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid/60s and silanized. The dentin was treated with37% phosphoric acid/15s, and the adhesive was applied. The ceramic blocks were divided and cemented to dentin according to resin cement/RC curing type(dual-and photocured), light-curing unit (halogen light/QTH and LED), and storage conditions (dry and storage/150 days + 12,000 cycles/thermocycling). All blocks were stored in distilled water (37°C/24h) and sectioned (n = 10): G1-QTH + RC Photo, G2-QTH + RC Dual, G3-LED + RC Photo, G4-LED + RC Dual. Groups G5, G6, G7, and G8 were obtained exactly as G1 through G4, respectively, and then stored and thermocycled. Microtensile bond strength tests were performed (EMIC), and data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). The bond strength values (MPa) were: G1-12.95 (6.40)ab; G2-12.02 (4.59)ab; G3-13.09 (5.62)ab; G4-15.96 (6.32)a; G5-6.22 (5.90)c; G6-9.48 (5.99)bc; G7-12.78 (11.30)ab; and G8-8.34 (5.98)bc. The same superscript letters indicate no significant differences. Different light-curing units affected the bond strength betweenceramic cemented to dentin when the photocured cement was used, and only after aging (LED>QTH). There was no difference between the effects of dual-and photo-cured resin-luting agents on the microtensile bond strength of the cement used in this study.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the in vivo amount of BPA released from a visible light-cured orthodontic adhesive, immediately after bracket bonding. METHODS 20 orthodontic patients were recruited after obtaining informed consent. All patients received 24 orthodontic brackets in both dental arches. In Group A (11 patients), 25 ml of tap water were used for mouth rinsing, whereas in Group B (9 patients) a simulated mouth rinse formulation was used: a mixture of 20 ml de-ionized water plus 5 ml absolute ethanol. Rinsing solutions were collected before, immediately after placing the orthodontic appliances and after washing out the oral cavity and were then stored in glass tubes. Rinsing was performed in a single phase for 60s with the entire volume of each liquid. The BPA analysis was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. RESULTS An increase in BPA concentration immediately after the 1st post-bonding rinse was observed, for both rinsing media, which was reduced after the 2nd post-bonding rinse. Water exhibited higher levels of BPA concentration than water/ethanol after 1st and 2nd post-bonding rinses. Two-way mixed Repeated Measures ANOVA showed that the primary null hypothesis declaring mean BPA concentration to be equal across rinsing medium and rinsing status was rejected (p-value <0.001). The main effects of the rinsing medium and status, as well as their interaction were found to be statistically significant (p-values 0.048, <0.001 and 0.011 respectively). SIGNIFICANCE A significant pattern of increase of BPA concentration, followed by a decrease that reached the initial values was observed. The amount of BPA was relatively low and far below the reference limits of tolerable daily intake.